What Does the Gray Ajah do? (Class Log)

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What Does the Gray Ajah do? (Class Log)

Post by Chloro » Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:26 pm

Mobol used, Log for archiving purposes only.

In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door west: door
Tisese the Wearied Novice is standing here.
A young girl in a plain white dress stands here.
A young girl in a plain white dress stands here.
Aleera the Tower Accepted is standing here.
A woman with an ageless face stands here.
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.

Someone knocks on the door from the other side.

Tisese smiles happily.

Aleera opens the door.

Maddy has arrived from the west.

Aleera closes the door.

Maddy curtseys before Chloro Sedai.

Maddy says 'Good Evening Chloro Sedai.'

Maddy slides gracefully into a seat at the back of the room.

Maddy beams a smile at Tisese.

Aleera settles into a seat towards the front, setting a pen and inkwell down beside some sheets of

Maddy opens her bag pulling out her notebook and pen laying then neatly on the desk in front of her.

Chloro sighs and looks towards the door. "It seems as if it will be a small class today."

Maddy smiles at Chloro Sedai.

Chloro says 'Well the wheel doesn't stop turning, so neither will we. Aleera man the door please.'

Tisese smiles, "We appreciate you taking the time to teach us, Chloro Sedai."

Maddy nods at Tisese.

Aleera nods, and shifts her seat to the back, beside the door.

Chloro gracefully glides to the front of the classroom holding a piece of chalk. With a deft hand she writes 'What Does the Gray Ajah do?' on the blackboard.

Chloro says 'A few simple rules during this class. One, daydreaming will not be tolerated, if you are unable to focus on the class then you may ask to be excused. If you are caught daydreaming, you will be removed. Two please save any questions to the end, I want to ensure you get the most amount of knowledge without interruption. Third, you may take refreshments during class to keep you awake and focused.'

Tisese starts to make some notes on her paper pad, paying close attention to what Chloro Sedai is saying.

Aleera nods as Chloro Sedai lays out the classroom basics. Quill and ink are at the ready.

Chloro says '(OOC for this class I will be teaching the Mud world storyline, these facts may differ from the book facts in areas.) '

Chloro turns to the board and writes 'History’.

Chloro says 'The White Tower has stood for 3000 years, and during that time the Gray Ajah has devoted itself to meditation, and negotiation. My Gray sisters have been at the forefront of the political landscape for the Tower, since its beginning. '

Maddy sits up straight in her seat paying close attention to Chloro Sedai.

Chloro says 'Since the War of one hundred years, nine Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah have sat on the Amyrlin seat. The last being Sierin Vayu, she was raised to the role of Amyrlin after the death of Tamara Ospenya, Sierin served as Amyrlin till her death, when Cadsuane Melaidhrin was raised to the stole.'

Chloro says 'The Gray Ajah has had the second highest number of Amyrlin seats surpassed only the Blue Ajah. I view this as a good omen, the Gray and Blue Ajahs share many similar traits that when put to the test of leadership, provide miraculous results.'

Aleera begins jotting down some notes. Not the fastest of writers, she hits highlights.

Chloro says 'Many Gray sisters have served as Judges, lawyers, mediators, negotiators, royal advisors, and even governors during the reign of Artur Hawkwing before he turned against the White Tower. It was Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah that represented the White Tower at the coalition of nations and helped to guide it.'

Tisese pen flows across the paper pad in her as she scribbles names down and information trying to keep up with the highlights of what is being said.

Maddy dips her pen in the inkwell and begins taking quick brief notes.

Chloro says 'Though the Gray Ajah has been at the forefront of the political battlefield, it is the smallest of the seven Ajahs, numbering only sixteen at current. (Mud wise) Though, if the tensions between nations continue, I could see that number growing in the coming years.'

Tisese writes a large 16 on her pad with an exclamation point and then circles it.

Chloro returns to the front of the room and writes ‘Damage Control’ on the blackboard.

Aleera's lips purse as Chloro Sedai notes current tensions.

Someone knocks on the door from the other side.

The door is opened from the other side.

Melosa has arrived from the west.

Aleera closes the door.

Maddy furrows her brow in concern at the word "tensions."

Melosa curtseys before Chloro Sedai.

Maddy beams a smile at Melosa.

Chloro silently looks to Melosa and motions for her to take a seat.

Chloro says '(for Melosa's sake I will repeat the topic.)'

Melosa quickly moves to the back of the room and takes a seat at the back row.

Chloro returns to the front of the room and writes ‘Damage Control’ on the blackboard.

Melosa says 'Forgiveness, Chloro Sedai, for the lateness.'

Maddy rips some paper out of he notebook and passes that and a pen to Melosa.

Chloro says 'The Gray Ajah steps directly into chaos and brings order. As such we maintain the image of the Tower, to the nations, the general public, and even within the Tower itself. A Gray sister seeks to limit the exposure of unwanted publicity and contain any threat that may come. If two nations regardless of our negotiations progress to war, we would seek to contain the conflict within those two nations. '

Aleera jots down a few more notes, grateful for the extra moment with Melosa's arrival.

Tisese eyes open wide at the mention of war before she continues to take notes.

Chloro says 'This would be achieved by Gray sisters riding out to the bordering nations to ensure peace and support for the Monarchs staying out of the war. When it comes to the Tower, Gray sisters have often been called upon to settle disputes between Aes Sedai and even Ajahs when the occasion arises. We of the Gray must put our own thoughts and ambitions aside to be impartial third parties in order to bring resolution for all involved. This is a quality that is rare, leading to the smaller number of our Ajah.'

Chloro says 'While we use emotion in negotiation, we cannot be ruled by it.'

Maddy taps the end of her pen thoughtfully on her chin before taking more notes

Chloro turns to the board again writing 'Seeding the Political Landscape'.

Aleera adds a quick marginalia to her notes.

Tisese turns the page in her pad, dips her pen in the inkwell before continuing to scribble on her

Chloro says 'The White is often the center of the political world, through the work of the Gray Ajah. It is our goal that when the last battle comes, we are able to ride with the armies of the lands at our backs to support the Green, Red, and Yellow Ajahs that will rush in on the front lines. To that end we seek to keep the peace and tie the nations together as tightly as possible. However, while we are not ruled by emotion, many are, which leads to hours of frustration.'

Tisese writes down control emotions and underlines it twice.

Chloro says 'The Gray Ajah also tends to lead within the hall of the Tower, not by default, but by our impartiality when it comes to matters of debate. '

Chloro sets down the chalk and crosses her arms resting against the desk as she looks out to the initiates. A predatory smile and gleam in her exotic gray eyes to rival Aloisa Sedai's.’ Now we come to the fun part.’

Aleera's hand moves, slowly and steadily adding ink to her page, picking and choosing carefully what to memorialize.

Maddy nods at Chloro Sedai as she absorbs her words.
Tisese looks a little confused at the mention of the fun part as she was clearly already having fun.

Chloro says 'Here is what history may have not put into the books you will likely read. Gray sisters can be found in all walks of life and are masters of manipulation. Aes Sedai learned to master words due to the three oaths, and Grays took it one step further. Our battlefield is politics where words, their meaning, and the words unsaid have consequences. Though it is not confirmed, the term 'Meddling Aes Sedai' is often believed to have come from observing the Gray Ajah.'

Melosa chews her lower lip pensively as she contemplates the lesson so far.

Tisese blinks and then slowly nods to her in clear deep contemplation.

Aleera is quite politic, even in her personal notes, on what she preserves from that last.

Maddy smiles slightly at the commonly heard words Meddling Aes Sedai

Chloro says 'The weapons used against us are not the common sword, or Trolloc. Often assassins, poisons, arrows in the back, and political coos are the downfall of Gray sisters. Traditionally we take only one warder, not because we could not handle more, but because we are normally confined to narrow hallways, and inside of doors most of the time. This would make for a difficult situation if there were more than two people.'

Maddy gets a plate of vegetables in tangy sauce from an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag.

Chloro says 'Five minute break, get your questions ready because i will give a unique opportunity at the end.'

Maddy stands up and stretches her back before sitting back down with less grace than before.

Melosa nods but remains seated.

Tisese stands up, grabs some tea and cake, stretching her legs before sitting back down with her snacks.

Maddy reaches for a honey cake and takes a small taste before setting it in front of her on the desk.

Chloro embraces saidar as two thread thin flows of air swirl around each hand. With a soft swinging motion, she claps her hands together the sound resounding in the room as she releases saidar, calling the class back to order.

Tisese snaps to attention, eyes squarely on Chloro Sedai.

Aleera stretches out to snag a nearby honey cake, herself and nearly drops it at the sharp clap. She settles firmly into her seat.

Maddy jumps spilling cake crumbs on her notebook.

Chloro says 'Now, as I mention when I this class on the roster, this is not for those with weak stomachs. I am going to cover not the heaviest price a Gray Sister has paid for her devotion to the tower.'

Chloro says 'The Gray Ajah also has within its history the only Armylin that was used by the White Cloaks as a political stunt. Serenia Latar was the only Amylin seat claimed to be hanged by the Children of the light. Serenia of course had died previous to this while traveling, the cause of her death is sealed to the shawl. However, the Children obtained her body and raised her on a scaffold claiming to have hanged her while drugged. '

Tisese gasps in astonishment.

Aleera's expression darkens, not even trying to maintain a practiced air of calm.

Chloro watches as it sinks into the girls’ heads the price that could one day pay as Aes Sedai.

Maddy shivers uncomfortably.

Maddy slowly begins to write this information, but reconsider remembering its sealed to the shawl.

Chloro says 'You may not like these facts, but each and every one of you has taken a step towards the shawl. Remember well, that not all Aes Sedai lives end while sleeping.'

Tisese nods slowly but is clearly a bit surprised by the realization she is coming to with this information.

Aleera gives a grim nod as she adds a few notes to her page.

Chloro waits a moment and continues on with the lecture.

Melosa disappears into the void.

Chloro says 'Currently the Gray Ajah is handling situations in Tabaron, and Mayene. The first Ambassador was pointed within the last 30 days (mud wise). Mariah Sedai is now Ambassodor to Mayene, previously Annoura Sedai served as advisor to the First of Mayene before returning to the Tower as Senior Ajah sitter. The other two Sitters Are Everesta Sedai and myself. '

Tisese pays even more attention at the mention of her homeland, Tarabon.

Chloro says 'Our Ajah head is called the First Clerk, and while you can spend the day debating who that is. I promise very few outside of Gray Ajah are able to work that out. '

Maddy nods as she remembers the notice she saw from Lord Santino.

Melosa has returned.

Chloro looks to Melosa, "Child seek penance from Sheriam Sedai after this class.

Melosa nods apologetically.

Melosa says 'Yes Chloro Sedai'

Maddy turns to a new page in her book, dipping her pen in the ink in anticipation of more notes to take.

Chloro says 'Now, before I open the floor for questions. I will make this perfectly clear, questions on the current conflict between the Dragonsworn and the south may not be answered here. Much of the work the Gray Ajah does is sealed to the shawl, if not to the Hall of the Tower itself.

Chloro says 'If we bestowed some of the knowledge to you, and it was found out through someone’s in ability to hold their tongue, it would put each and every one one of you in great danger of being kidnapped and tortured for information from a new enemy. '

Aleera nods solemnly.

Chloro looks to each of the initiates in the room then takes a deep breath before speaking.

Chloro says 'You may speak freely and ask your questions now. Please raise your hand to be acknowledged.'

Maddy raises her hand.

Chloro nods to Maddy.

Tisese slowly raises her hand.

Maddy says 'Chloro Sedai are there any exercises or tricks we can use to train ourselves to not act on our emotions?'

Aleera nods as she silently considers Maddy's question.

Aleera closes the door.

Chloro thinks carefully before speaking. "I find that practicing thinking of how others would view a subject and not yours would be good practice. Learn to think of and anticipate other’s reactions, your own tend to fade as you focus on others."

Tisese considers what Chloro Sedai says before slowly nodding to herself.

Maddy nods at Chloro Sedai.

Chloro says 'Tisese?'

Aleera doesn't raise her hand yet, having noticed Tisese's earlier raising.

Tisese clears her throat slightly before saying, "Thank you for the opportunity to ask a question. Given the Gray Ajah's role in negotiations, what strategies do they employ to defuse tensions before they escalate into larger conflicts?"

Maddy takes some notes slowly digesting Tisese's question as she does.

Chloro nods at the question and smiles warmly. "Many conflicts began because someone thinks they have not been heard. That no one is listening to their side of things, you would be surprised by what that can diffuse."

The door is opened from the other side.

Amarea has arrived from the west.

Amarea closes the door.

Amarea curtseys before Chloro Sedai.

Maddy beams a smile at Amarea.

Tisese contemplates deeply what Chloro Sedai says.

Chloro says 'Does this answer your question Tisese?'

Tisese says 'I believe it does. Thank you, Aes Sedai.'

Aleera raises her hand.

Chloro says 'Aleera?'

Amarea winces as the door squeaks loudly for a moment, disrupting her efforts to enter the room quietly so as not to interrupt.

Maddy glances up at Aleera as she poses her question.

Aleera says, "Thank you, Chloro Sedai." She then asks, "Earlier you mentioned about emotion, using but not being controlled by it. I wondered if you might elaborate. It made me think about an expression of passion to help emphasize a point, as an example, but I am not sure if that was the sort of thing you were implying?"

Tisese smiles at the new entrant, Amarea warmly before turning her attention to Aleera.

Chloro looks to Aleera weighing and measuring her with exotic gray eyes, perhaps a slight acknowledgement of respect showing in her mask of serene calm." Very well."

Amarea quietly studies the exchange with a thoughtful expression.

Tisese sits back slightly, waiting in anticipation.

Chloro says 'White Sisters remove emotion completely from their thinking in order to find the most logical solution. Negotiations and traditions are far from logical. In order to negotiate you must understand the emotion behind both sides of the conversation. We must be able to convey emotion with our words and body language often to put the other side as ease. Emotions are easier to understand person to person than most other things.'

Aleera nods as she takes in Chloro Sedai's response.

Chloro says “However we cannot be ruled by it, to be ruled by emotion is to be swayed to one side or the other. We must remain impartial while understanding where each side is coming from.'

Maddy nods at Chloro Sedai as she turns to her notes.

Tisese writes notes down on her pad, particularly noting the removal of emotion from the Whites.

Chloro chuckles a moment and adds "If Grays allowed emotion to rule them, they might start more political fires than they put out."

Maddy grins at Chloro Sedai.

Amarea smirks.

Aleera's lips twitch up at the corners.

Tisese smirks slightly at the mention before a brief, almost silent chuckle comes out of her.

Chloro looks to the new arrival. "Amarea, you have studied under me for quite some time, and still managed to choose to apprentice with my Brown sisters. As a student of history, from the outside looking in. What is your view of the Gray Ajah with its history accounted for. You should have no trouble answering this as you did not see the need to arrive on time."

Tisese looks around nervously, clearly glad she arrived on time.

Maddy eyes widen. watching to see how Amarea will respond.

Amarea purses her lips, faintly blushing but nodding slowly. She murmurs quietly, 'My apologies, Chloro Sedai, Danelle Sedai did not release me in time to attend most of the lesson. Allow me a moment to contemplate your question.'

Aleera compresses her lips as she turns towards Amarea as well.

Chloro straightens her back standing regally with her hands clasped at her waist waiting for the child's response.

Maddy glances at Amarea with a look of sympathy

Amarea begins, 'When I consider the historical significance of the Gray Ajah, I cannot help but consider how our past is littered with many dangerous and deadly conflicts among the nations of the Westlands even as much, if not more, than against the Shadow. And I wonder how different our world would look, how much worse off it would be, if not for the Gray Ajah's expertise.'

Chloro motions for Amarea to continue.

Amarea says 'The most significant historical moments that come to mind from my review of texts in the First Depository, of course, include those of the Compact of the Ten Nations, or the Second Covenant, forged by Queen Mabriam en Shereed of Aramaelle, which now makes up part of Fal Dara.'

Amarea says 'The histories indicate that she was not only a sister of the Gray Ajah, but also a considerable ta'veren.'

Amarea smiles as she notes, 'That compact held for well over eight hundred years, and society was able to flourish as a result. If not for that compact, I worry how much the world would have suffered, how much famine, and war, we might have in our past.'

Chloro says 'Good, though you do not pursue the Gray path, you have at least researched it. Now a personal question.'

Maddy quickly scribbles down notes in order to remember to check out the books Amarea mentioned.

Amarea nods at Chloro Sedai.

Tisese looks at Chloro in anticipation of the person question.

Chloro looks to both Aleera and Amarea. "You have both been with us long and each had an equal amount of training under myself. Tell me, what skills did you developed from your learning in the ways of the Gray Ajah that have helped you pursue your apprenticeships, and aid you in seeking the shawl?"

Chloro says 'Aleera you may go first.'

Maddy puts her elbows on the desk and holds her chin in her hands as she waits for Aleera and Amarea to respond.

Tisese writes a new section on her notepad with 'ALEERA' and looks over to Aleera to hear the answer.

Aleera nods at the question, composes herself for a moment, then shares, "A consideration of perspectives. In any discussion, negotiation, mediation, any conversation, each person brings their unique perspective. It is informed by their culture, their associates, their needs, their personal histories." She gestures towards the library, "Every book and every piece of writing in there is not some piece of objective writing, as much as an author might intend, but a product of their perspective as well."

Maddy straightens in her chair as she grabs her pen once more and jots down Aleera's response.

Chloro says 'Amarea?'

Amarea nods at Chloro Sedai.

Maddy flips a page and looks at Amarea waiting for her answer.

Tisese adds another section to her notepad with 'AMAREA', looking to Amarea with her pen in hand ready to take notes.

Amarea says 'Chloro Sedai, you gave me a task early on in my time as an Accepted to complete some actions that would directly benefit members of three different justice organizations. Between that task, and the time we have spoken about ongoin' events in the world, the skills specifically that I think I have most honed would include my ability to empathize with others from outside our organization and to better determine what they might desire that I can assist with.'

Amarea says, 'In turn, that has enhanced my ability to negotiate and to weigh how my actions might also benefit the White Tower.'

Tisese starts scribbling down notes as Amarea speaks.

Aleera nods as Amarea expresses some of her application of training.

Maddy looks thoughtful as she writes Amarea's response in her notebook.

Chloro says 'I will leave you with a final lesson out of this class.'

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Tisese returns her focus to Chloro Sedai, ready for the final lesson.

Chloro allows her shawl to slip from her shoulders into the crooks of her arms hanging slow at her waist. "Each woman here, whether in the banded dress or with a shawl on her shoulders, has spent a decade or more honing their skills. Each woman their own ambitions and goals. Remember that the politics here in the tower would make Cairhien nobles blush and be aware of them going forward. If you fail to notice them, those same tower politics may eat you alive.

Chloro says 'Most have to wait for their first infraction to learn that.'

Amarea frowns, shifting in her seat with a concerned look, but nods.

Tisese nods in agreement, a look of relief that she has learned such a valuable lesson without an infraction.

Aleera nods, taking the admonition to heart.

Chloro says 'To examine this as a Gray, the person most at risk of Tower politics would be Accepted Aleera. Remember, the higher you climb, the more noticeable you are. Having allies can counter that, but it cannot counter all.'

Maddy lets a soft smile rest on her lips at the mention of her hometown as she continues to scribble her notes.

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Chloro says 'Are there any other questions?'

Amarea shakes her head.

Maddy shakes her head.

Tisese says 'You have been most gracious with the time, thank you, Chloro Sedai.'

Maddy says 'Yes thank you very much Chloro Sedai.'

Chloro says 'Aleera?'

Aleera nods once more, expression quite sober. "Thank you, Chloro Sedai."

Chloro says 'Then that concludes the lesson ladies.'

The Accepted says 'Before you are dismissed, I will take roll for Chloro Sedai.'