Class Log: Novice Class on Evasion

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Class Log: Novice Class on Evasion

Post by melosa » Fri Jan 26, 2024 4:00 am

In light of the recent Dragonsworn incidents, Melosa reminds Skyra of the rules of engagement set by the Hall and runs a surprising exercise across Tar Valon to help her learn. Novice Maddy and Accepted Amarea joins in later on.

POV: Melosa
Class attendee: Skyra
Other participants: Maddy, Amarea


The Mistress of Novices' Study
This is a compact, dark-paneled room full of plain sturdy furnishings that
have been used by generations of women who have held this office. The desk
near the center of the room is plainly made and heavily worn through years
of use. A large mirror with flaking gilt hangs from one of the walls. Used
for switching disobedient initiates, as well as Aes Sedai who do penance, a
bench-like contraption that has a padded leather cushion to kneel on, as
well as a padded leather area to lean on. A selection of switches, ranging
from a slender willow switch to a slipper lie on a table nearby.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: woodendoor
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
Skyra the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
A young girl in a plain white dress stands here.
Sheriam the Mistress of Novices studies you with a stern expression.

Melosa smiles at Skyra.

Skyra smiles at Melosa.

Melosa says 'Well then, Novice'

Melosa says 'Ah it seems that there are Shadowspawn in the city'

Melosa frowns.

Melosa says 'Let us first start with some theoretical study'

Skyra shivers uncomfortably.

Melosa says 'Before we move to practice'

Skyra says 'Perfect. This is a weak spot and i look forward to learning.'

Melosa says 'Now, I will simply start with a basic introduction to self-defense and escape. If time permits, we will move on to practice.'

Skyra nods at Melosa.

Melosa says 'Now'

Melosa says 'I am sure you have read the Handbook and are following the rules closely'

Skyra says 'yes Accepted.'

Skyra says 'i have read the handbook front to back.'

Skyra says 'been through the tour and the Novicd orientation also.'

Melosa says 'But I want to focus on the part regarding Shadowspawn and wanted persons of Tar Valon.'

Skyra gets her quill and paper ready and begins writing notes.

Melosa says 'Tell me, what is your understanding of those particular rules?'

Skyra says 'i am only to protect myself and not engage.'

Skyra says 'if engaged I may fight back but try everything to move back to the safety of the tower.'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'Indeed'

Melosa says 'So let's say there is a wanted person just standing in the Tar Valon square'

Melosa says 'What would you do?'

Skyra says 'i would go into the tower and notify that they are here. i would not try to enforce the warrant'

Melosa says 'What if it was a male channeler which had previously had encounters with the Tower?'

Skyra says 'same result. just might run faster.'

Skyra coughs loudly.

Skyra blinks her eyes innocently.

Skyra says 'as a novice it is not my place to actively enforce warrants of any kind. I am to defend myself only '

Skyra says 'so if they are at the square and attack i simply retreat to the tower and let my peers know of what is going on.'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'Excellent.'

Skyra blushes.

Melosa says 'I will add that in the event that it is a hidden assassin of sorts, you would be well within your right to engage preemptively in defense and escape when possible'

Skyra nods at Melosa.

Skyra writes emphatically in her note pad.

Melosa says 'Remember, as initiates of the White Tower, we are bounded by the Three Oaths. Even if we have not yet sworn them upon the Oath Rod itself.'

Skyra says 'yes of course.'

Melosa says 'Tell me, what are the Three Oaths?'

Skyra says 'The first Oath: to speak no word that is not true.'

Skyra says 'The second Oath: to make no weapon which one man (or woman) may kill another.'

Melosa nods as Skyra recites the Three Oaths.

Skyra says 'The third Oath: not to use the one power as a weapon. expect against shadowspawn or in defense
of my life or that of one of my sisters.'

Melosa frowns slightly and adds, "and in defense of your Warder"

Skyra says 'oh yes. sorry Accepted Melosa i get nervous sometimes.'

Melosa smiles encouragingly.

Melosa says 'So now knowing what you should do and why you should do, we now move on to the second part of this lesson.'

Skyra smiles happily.

Melosa says 'The example I had given earlier of a wanted person standing in Tar Valon square who had previously fought with Aes Sedai is not simply out born of imagination.'

Melosa says 'Several days ago, there were reports of several wanted persons lurking around Tar Valon.'

One long blast from a trumpet resonates through the Tower!

Melosa says 'We will touch on appropriate weaves in a separate class and how they might be used in battle against such threats in self-defense'

One long blast from a trumpet resonates through the Tower!

Skyra says 'Accepted Melosa'

Melosa says 'A shield of Earth also helps greatly in protecting yourself.... what?'

Skyra says 'What was the trumpet blast?'

Melosa frowns.

Melosa says 'That was the bridge guards engaged in battle'

Melosa says 'We are safe here with Sheriam Sedai'

Melosa says 'Now where was I?'

Melosa says 'Oh yes'

Skyra says 'sorry to interupt I wont let it happen again.'

Melosa says 'Now, we will not cover the use of weaves today.'

Melosa says 'Equally important, I wish to share with you the importance of movement in battle.'

Melosa says 'Knowing where you are at any point in time'

Melosa says 'And knowing where safety is'

Melosa says 'And where it is not'

Skyra listens carefully.

Melosa says 'That, to me, is the foundation of battle. Whether you use the One Power or wield blades in defense of the Light.'

Melosa says 'Which brings us to our practical.'

Melosa smiles happily.

Melosa wonders if it is safe to leave the Tower.

Melosa says 'Tell me Novice, have you played tag before?'

Melosa chuckles politely.

Skyra ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Skyra says 'i havent.'

Melosa says 'Not even as a young girl?'

Melosa bonks Skyra on the head satisfyingly at her stupidity.

Melosa says 'Tag, you are it'

Melosa chuckles politely.

Skyra chuckles politely.

Skyra says 'i thought.. well i guess i wasnt thinking.'

Skyra says 'yes i have played tag when i was a little girl.'

Melosa says 'Now, I find that a game of tag very much mimics how one would move in battle'

Skyra nods at Melosa.

Melosa says 'And so, if the situation permits, we shall play a game of tag in Tar Valon'

Melosa smiles happily.

Skyra perks up at that

Melosa says 'The rules of the game is simple'

Melosa says 'This is a tag'

Melosa bonks Skyra on the head satisfyingly at her stupidity.

Melosa chuckles politely.

Skyra bonks Melosa on the head because of her stupidity.

Melosa says 'Well done'

Melosa chuckles politely.

Melosa says 'There is a chaser and a runner'

Melosa says 'Or more than one chaser'

Melosa mutters, "If we could find more novices these days..."

Skyra grins evilly.

Melosa says 'Now, the game will take place across Tar Valon'

Melosa says 'In the city itself'

Melosa says 'And only that'

Skyra nods in agreement.

Melosa strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Skyra says 'not in the tower.'

Skyra says 'or out the gates.'

Melosa says 'I do not think the Aes Sedai would welcome us running through the halls'

Melosa chuckles politely.

Melosa says 'Now, let us venture out and see if it is safe enough for us to do so'


Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
Door north: TarlomensGate
A gory tuft of flesh lies abandoned on the ground.
A dark and wicked looking knife has been left here.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently.
Skyra the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
A sailor is here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
Jeremy the {Shienaran Lancer Applicant} is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

Kitiara has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.
A young Tower Guard has arrived from the east.
Amarea has arrived from the east, riding a warhorse.

Melosa says 'Yes, you need a horse'

Melosa curtseys before her.

Skyra curtseys before Kitiara.

Melosa says 'Kitiara Sedai, would it be safe for me to continue conducting my class in Tar Valon?'

Melosa says 'With young Skyra here'

Kitiara says 'More than likely yes'

Kitiara leaves west riding a warhorse.
A young Tower Guard leaves west.

Melosa says 'Well there you have it'

Melosa chuckles politely.

Melosa says 'It is a busy day indeed'

Melosa says 'Skyra, I will start as the chaser'

Melosa says 'Five tags'

Melosa says 'And please, if you see Shadowspawn, return to Sheriam Sedai'

---------------A mad chase ensues across Tar Valon. After the first chase, Novice Maddy and a perplexed Accepted Amarea joins the next.------------------

The Warders' Practice Yard
A large expanse of bare ground at least fifty paces across and nearly twice
as long stretches forth, its earth beaten hard. At intervals around it
under the trees stand wooden stands holding quarterstaffs and practice
swords made of strips of wood bound loosely together, and a few real swords
and axes and spears. A large gray stone building lies to the east, home to
the warder students and those warders who are not sharing quarters with
their Aes Sedai in the main Tower structure itself.

A sign hangs on the wall.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: White Tower Ground Floor
Door east: officedoor
Melosa feels an odd disturbance in the Pattern here.
A glowing portal hovers here forming a gateway to another place.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
Maddy the Wearied Novice is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
Amarea Helsen the Journey Accepted is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Skyra the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Lys of the Blue is resting here, riding a gray palfrey.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A grim storyteller reads from a journal.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
Coulin the Master of Arms is here teaching his students.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

Melosa bonks Skyra on the head satisfyingly at her stupidity.

Melosa chuckles politely.

Melosa says 'Maddy'

Melosa says 'Ah you joined us a little late.'

Maddy says 'Hello Melosa'

Amarea says 'What class was going on inside?'

Melosa says 'Skyra and I were in a class'

Melosa says 'Tag, Amarea, tag'

Melosa bonks Skyra on the head satisfyingly at her stupidity.

Melosa chuckles politely.

Amarea looks around slowly, as if something is hidden in the room.

Maddy says 'Oh no I am sorry to have missed it'

Melosa says 'What better way to teach novices how to escape?'

Melosa says 'Maddy, would you like to join us'

Maddy says 'I would love too'

Amarea says 'Melosa, what are you up to?'

Amarea says 'Tag?'

Maddy beams a smile at Skyra.

Melosa bonks Amarea on the head satisfyingly at her stupidity.

Amarea chuckles politely.

Melosa says 'Tagged'

Melosa says 'Skyra was rather hard to catch'

Skyra says 'Accepted calls it tag. then bonks me on my head'

Skyra rubs her head.

Melosa winks suggestively at Skyra.

Melosa says 'Alright, let us do this again'

Melosa says '1 runner, 3 chasers'

Melosa says 'Tar Valon only'

Melosa says 'A bonk is a tag'

Amarea's eyes light up with curiosity.

Maddy says 'ohh ok'

Melosa says '5 tags'

Melosa says 'I think you will find this harder than you think'

Skyra says 'its a big city'

Melosa says 'Shall we chase Accepted Amarea around Tar Valon?'

Melosa winks suggestively at Amarea.

Amarea blinks her eyes innocently.

Amarea says 'Uh'

Amarea says 'Clearly you should be first, Melosa'

Maddy bonks Skyra on the head in frustration.

Maddy bonks Amarea on the head in frustration.

Skyra bonks Amarea on the head in frustration.

Amarea giggles.

Melosa chuckles politely.

Melosa says 'Then I will be happy to run'

Melosa says 'Tower is off limits'

Maddy nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'I do not think the Aes Sedai would enjoy us running wild in the halls.'

Amarea bounces around.

Amarea bonks Melosa on the head because of her stupidity.

Amarea nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'We begin at 8 am'

--------------- Another mad chase ensues and this time, the chasers do a much better job even when Melosa steals the warhorse Muffin away from Amarea -------------------

Melosa smiles happily.

Melosa pats a warhorse on his head.

Amarea hugs a warhorse.

Melosa says 'What a wonderful horse'

Amarea sneaks a sugar cube to Muffin and pats him gently on the head.

Melosa pants a bit after running around Tar Valon.

Melosa says 'Well done all of you'

Melosa says 'Now I do believe that we have run out of time'

Melosa says 'But I am happy to conduct this class again'

Melosa says 'Along with a greater focus on the use of weaves'

Melosa says 'Know that the foundation of battle is knowledge of the grounds you are fighting on'

Melosa says 'And speed and agility is of the essence.'

Amarea chuckles politely.

Melosa says 'Now this concludes my first class on self-defense and evasion.'

Melosa says 'Before we break for lunch, any last questions?'

Skyra says 'thank you for the class Accepted Melosa'

Amarea grins evilly.

Maddy says 'Yes Thank you very much'

Melosa says 'Amarea, thank you for joining us as well.'

Melosa smiles at her.

Melosa says 'Now I hope that this helps when you are running or escaping from Shadowspawn or wanted persons'

Melosa says 'Not simply in Tar Valon but anywhere your studies and journeys take you'

Melosa says 'And for today, I believe the final score was Amarea 3 and Skyra 2'

Melosa says 'Class dismissed."