A briefing with two Accepted on which Ajah they wish to choose

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A briefing with two Accepted on which Ajah they wish to choose

Post by vianca » Fri Dec 01, 2023 1:17 am

Summary: Vianca Sedai sits down briefly with Accepteds Nori and Isela to discuss their futures regarding the Green and Red Ajah

Main: Vianca Sedai

Other: Accepted Nori and Accepted Isela

Location: Strategy Room of the Green Ajah

Strategy Room of the Green Ajah

Isela has arrived from the west.

Isela curtseys gracefully.

Vianca says 'Have a seat.'

Isela selects a chair.

Isela sits down.

Nori has arrived from the west.

Isela beams a smile at Nori.

Vianca says 'Grab a chair Accepted'

Nori curtsey's a sweeping well practiced curtsy to her audience.

Nori folds into an open chair of fine oak with emerald embroidery.

Nori says 'thank you, Vianca Sedai for having me today on such short notice.'

Nori appears quite pleasant and excited with the opportunity.

Vianca sets her staff against the wall and turns back to the Accepteds.

Isela says 'Indeed, thank you for meeting with us Vianca Sedai'

Nori nods curtly at Isela before turning her focus back to Vianca Sedai intently.

Vianca says 'You both have asked me similar questions and as you know there are many dark creatures around so I figured we would kill two ravens with one stone.'

Nori says 'yes, I'm afraid that has seemed to be a sharp uptick as of late of trouble so it seems.'

Vianca says 'Accepted Isela, you reached out to me first, please refresh my memory of your question.'

Isela nods.

Isela says 'I have been tasked with learning from other Sisters why they chose their given Ajahs. I am most excited to hear from you, Vianca Sedai, as the Green is my second choice at the moment.'

A Green Sister has arrived from the west.

Vianca nods slowly in consideration.

Vianca says 'Very well, Nori and your request please.'

Nori says 'I too have listed the Battle Ajah, the Green's as a possible path in life, Vianca Sedai. We share the same question, I believe on behalf of Sarinda Sedai and the Red Ajah.'

Nori pauses quietly, basking in the silence of the room.

Isela interjects 'well, at first it was from Sarinda Sedai. Now I truly want to know for myself.'

Vianca says 'I see, is this true Accepted Isela, are you considering the Red Ajah as your primary?'

Isela says 'I am, Aes Sedai'

Vianca says 'Understood, while both share the same goal, the focus is equally different.'

Vianca says 'Accepted Isela, what peaks your interest the most about the Red Ajah, and what aspect of the Greens draw you in?'

Isela says 'I have personal experience with the harm the One Power can do, and once I came to the Tower I learned that the Reds aim to prevent the misuse of the One Power, so it was a natural fit.'

Isela takes a breath and continues.

Isela says 'During my studies here I learned I have an above-average skill in combat weaves, so the Green was of great interest too. Both Ajahs have purposes I align with.'

Isela says 'The reason I have currently placed Red above Green is that I feel with my independent nature and personal experience with reckless use of the One Power, I would be a better fit there.'

Vianca says 'I see, ones past can prove to serve as a guiding path to their future indeed.'

Isela leans back slightly, nodding.

Vianca says 'That being said'

Nori shifts in her seat slightly.

Vianca says 'Your adept skills in battle weaves will serve you well in either Ajah.'

Isela says 'That is certainly a consideration I haven't taken lightly.'

Isela furrows her brow.

Vianca says 'But why Green's for a second choice, why not say...Yellow?'

Isela stifles a laugh before admitting 'I am rubbish at healing weaves.'

Vianca says 'The Yellows do much more on the battlefield than healing I'm sure you know.'

Isela says 'Indeed, but I've been told that you at least need some talent in healing to stand a
chance there.'

Vianca says 'You let Eldrenia Sedai take you along and see what she is capable of.'

Vianca grins evilly.

Isela says 'I don't doubt it. I was merely suggesting Green should be placed over Yellow for that reason.'

Isela says 'For me, at least.'

Vianca says 'Understood, is there anything other that being proficient in battle weaves that draws you to Green then?'

Isela ponders a moment before answering.

Isela says 'Strategic use of the One Power has always interested me.'

Isela says 'We must find ways to use it to fight and win the Last Battle, and the Greens are the best Ajah for that.'

Vianca says 'While I won't deny the Greens will be pivotal on the front line when the Last Battle occurs, each Ajah will hold a equally important roll in that fight.'

Isela says 'One thing I wanted to learn from you Vianca Sedai is whether you consider bonding a warder to be integral to the Green. '

Vianca says 'Ok Accepted Nori, tell me your story.'

Nori places a lithe finger to her lips, clearly searching for the perfect place to begin verbalizing her thoughts aloud.

Nori says 'well. '

Nori says 'I for one find solace when I am alone in the world, whether it be the ability to focus more on my studies, or devoting my entire consciousness to the task at hand like practicing flame strike and other weaves in the silence of the neighboring woods.'

Isela folds her hands in her lap, listening.

Nori tilts her head to the side, contemplating something more.

Vianca says 'Interesting'

Vianca says 'If you have no interest in a bond then you may want to consider sticking with the Red Ajah, however I do recommend putting some more time and thought into it. '

Nori says 'I am fascinated with what the Green's do, and have always been in admiration of the ability to think clearly in the heat of battle. I feel I descent from the Green's where a prolific Green might have several warders across a lifetime, but I can not find the slightest pull to pursue
even a squire much less a warder for one reason or another.'

Isela shifts a bit, then settles back.

Vianca says 'As I mentioned before, tis not only the Green sisters that have to be clear minded and adept to battle.'

Nori says 'it is peculiar to be fair, I showed much attention to boys growing up but, over time something has changed in me. I see boys and men differently now that I have spent many nights deep into studies of the Red Ajah.'

Nori nods at Vianca.

Nori says 'I believe there are many overlapping traits that not only make for a powerful Green, but a capable Red indeed.'

Nori folds her arms lightly across her chest, guarding her next answer.

Nori cast her gaze on Isela momentarily, a sliver of a smile creeping across her lithe frame.

Nori says 'don't be unsettled dear, just because I don't trust them doesn't mean I've decided to pay attention to girls either.'

Isela glances toward Nori. 'Thank the Light for that.'

Isela winks at Nori.

Nori chuckles beneath her breath, trying to stay focused.

Vianca says 'Well, Accepted Nori, it seems like to me with your feelings towards men and your affinity for being to yourself and in no need or want for a warder the Reds maybe be something you should peruse'

Nori says 'I do think gaining perspective is critical, Vianca Sedai. What is a life with warders like as a Green?'

Vianca says 'I would however ask you to take some time to walk in the footprints on some of the other Ajah for a bit longer.'

Vianca says 'The bond between Aes Sedai and her Warder is unwavering, when the two are together their force becomes a great one that is hard to be matched.'

Isela tilts her head in thought.

Isela says 'Have you ever lost a warder, Vianca Sedai?'

Nori shifts in her seat some as the conversation deepens.

Vianca says 'I have only bonded one Warder and he has not fallen while under our bond, I have not felt
that agony yet.'

Nori seems to breathe somewhat easier at the response.

Vianca says 'I however have fallen while bonded while my warder was not around.'

Isela strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Vianca says 'I might have found myself a little to comfortable with out him, and it cost me dearly I will say.'

Isela says 'Do you find it is difficult to act independently when you hold a bond?'

Nori says 'do they argue or are they much bull headed? I've not spent much time with one, to be fair. '

Vianca says 'I would say that without the protection of my warder the energy that it costs to maintain a bond can prove to be quite taxing. When a bond is formed you loose a small amount of mana to keep the bond. (-20sp)'

Vianca says 'Other than that I still feel comfortable on the battlefield with out him, but sometimes adjusting to the mama capacity can be difficult for me, maybe not for others.'

Nori nods quietly, still considering the concept at large.

Isela says 'I see. Thank you for your insight Vianca Sedai. Do many Greens go long before bonding a warder?'

Vianca says 'However with him around and with the my support I really need to drop the ball to die.'

Nori says 'a team of horses is only as good as the other horse. If one shall falter, they will derail the entire wagon and drag all of the other horses down in their harness, or so they say.'

Vianca says 'I would say that most Greens do put some time into considering who to bond indeed, fortunately the Greens are able to bond two Warder at once.'

Vianca nods at Nori.

Isela shudders thinking about wagons and horses, but regains her composure immediately.

Vianca says 'I always liked "if you not the lead dog, the view never changes" and that is why I like to be on the front lines at all times.'

Vianca chuckles politely.

Isela cracks a grin.

Nori allows a nuance of a smile to creep across her face as well.

Nori says 'a life worth living indeed.'

Vianca says 'Isela, do you see yourself wanting to be on the front lines of battle day after day?'

Isela says 'I do. But as for a warder...'

Isela looks off into nowhere a moment.

Isela says 'I have always been fiercely independent.'

Vianca says 'Understandable, well I can tell you both that the influx of abusers of the One Power is real.'

Isela says 'I don't harbor the same thoughts toward men as Nori has mentioned, but neither have I ever really gotten on with them, or them with me.'

Vianca says 'And if you girls are wildly independent, I would consider sticking with Sarinda Sedai and learning everything you can from her.'

Isela says 'She has been a force during my time here, to be sure.'

Vianca says 'And while doing that don't hesitate to ask me for some pointers on the battlefield as

Nori says 'well. I never said I was a hit with them to begin with either, I just fancied them before I came here. However, fiercely independent is a great superlative and I think it does paint the two of us quite accurately.'

Isela nods at Vianca.

Nori nods at Isela.

Nori says 'I am fascinated by battle and strategy though, for what it's worth.'

Isela nods at Nori.

Isela says 'Agreed.'

Isela says 'Thank you for taking the time to meet with us, Vianca Sedai'

Vianca says 'Your minds seem to be in the right place, just make sure its something you want to commit to for a few hundred years.'

Nori says 'the utilitarian side of me sees it as but, another tool in a larger toolbox to accomplish a job at hand. I for one have paid particular attention to the battle weaves and strategies taught in classes and book work because there will come a time where I will rely on those tools heavily to succeed whether as a Green or be it a Red Ajah member.'

Vianca nods at her.

Nori folds her hands neatly.

Nori says 'I for one am grateful of your perspective and wisdom this evening Vianca Sedai.'

Vianca says 'But if your hyper focused on not wanting to bond, your time may be well spent with the Reds.'
Vianca says 'And you will be an asset on the battlefield just as well Im sure'

Nori says 'I think there is something to garner from the Greens, but my heart is still set on the Reds I believe. I can only hope so.'

Vianca says 'Just as Sarinda Sedai is.'

Nori nods at Vianca.

Vianca says 'Ok Accepteds, I have things to attend too.'

Isela nods in agreement.

Vianca gestures towards the door.

Isela curtseys before Vianca.

Nori stands up from her oaken seat.

Nori curtseys before Vianca.

Nori says 'thank you again, Vianca Sedai.'