Class Log - Impromptu lesson on channeler versus channeler combat

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Class Log - Impromptu lesson on channeler versus channeler combat

Post by Sarinda » Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:00 am

Continuing a series of recent impromptu classes, Sarinda leads a more practical course on considerations for combat against other channelers. After some brief distraction from a Dha'vol Trolloc, and some basic instruction on factors to consider when preparing for battle, Sarinda breaks the class into two groups of four, including two contestants and two spectators for each group. The contestants spar while the spectators take notes for feedback, and the groups meet in the warders' practice yard to debrief and share their reactions.

POV: Sarinda
Class attendees: Trajega, Tissaya, Vianca, Aleera, Evee, Annabelle, Chloro, Vistra
Honorable mention: Kevin the warhorse

Processed using the RP-lizer, and heavily edited to remove spam unrelated to the class (e.g., eating/drinking, re-weaving Armor and most other channeling, lanterns burning out).


The Warders' Practice Yard
A large expanse of bare ground at least fifty paces across and nearly twice
as long stretches forth, its earth beaten hard. At intervals around it
under the trees stand wooden stands holding quarterstaffs and practice
swords made of strips of wood bound loosely together, and a few real swords
and axes and spears. A large gray stone building lies to the east, home to
the warder students and those warders who are not sharing quarters with
their Aes Sedai in the main Tower structure itself.

A sign hangs on the wall.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: White Tower Ground Floor
Door east: officedoor
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
Vianca the Tower Accepted, Apprentice of the Green Ajah is standing here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Tissaya the Wearied Novice is standing here.
Coulin the Master of Arms is here teaching his students.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A grim storyteller reads from a journal.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

Sarinda says 'Well met, Vianca.'

Sarinda says 'How goes your evening?'

Vianca says 'Fair, uneventful until now.'

Vianca smiles happily.

Vianca says 'And yours?'

Chloro has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.

Sarinda says 'Well enough for now, if it pleases the Light. I saw that several novices and Accepted were about, and thought to provide some additional aid in training our young girls here.'

Vianca curtseys before Chloro.

Chloro nods in agreement.

Vianca says 'Hello again, Chloro Sedai, nice to see you.'

Tissaya says 'I'd be happy to learn as well if possible :)'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Tissaya says 'I need to do some training real quick if thats okay...i had just visited the blacksmith'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'We can wait for you, child.'

Tissaya says 'ill try to be quick!'

Tissaya leaves south. vv

Vistra has arrived from the south, riding an Illianer steed.
Trajega has arrived from the south, riding a shaggy brown mare.

Vistra curtseys gracefully.

Sarinda smiles happily.

Chloro says 'Also you Accepted, I suspect this class will be right up your alley.'

Trajega curtseys gracefully.

Vistra says 'Thank you for the class Aes Sedai!'

Sarinda says 'There is one other who will be joining in 5 minutes, I think'

Chloro says 'My red sister will be leading this one Novice.'

Vistra says 'Do you want us to group up Sarinda Sedai?'

Trajega nods at Chloro.

Vianca says 'I'm sure there are still come things to learn from Sarinda Sedai as far as self
defense, I am hoping we touch a bit on slice as I am unclear on it totally'

Sarinda senses Trajega is channeling saidar.

Sarinda says 'No need yet. However, I would encourage all of you to equip yourselves with a horse if you
do not have one already.'

Trajega starts riding a shaggy brown mare.

Sarinda isn't in touch with saidar to release anything.

Vistra pats the neck of her Illianer Steed.

Vianca says 'I'll be right back, let me got fetch Kevin from the stables'

Vianca leaves south. vv

Sarinda says 'Kevin?'

Sarinda flashes a wolfish grin.

Vistra snickers softly.

Vianca has arrived from the south, riding a warhorse.

l kevin
White as driven snow, eighteen hands tall at the shoulders, and clad in steel
armour, this is a horse of war. Trained for battle since birth, it is
invaluable for any warrior in the field. This stallion looks strong enough
to fight all day and ride all night for a week without pause.
A small sign on a chain around its neck says 'My name is kevin'.

A warhorse is in excellent condition.

Sarinda says 'He really is named Kevin.'

Sarinda laughs heartily, shaking with mirth.

Vianca smiles happily.

Trajega looks at a warhorse.

Vianca claps a warhorse on the back.

Vianca says 'Big Kev as he is known around the stables'

Sarinda grins evilly.

Evee has arrived from the south.

Evee curtseys gracefully.

Vistra covers her mouth as her face turns red trying to hold back the laughter.

Sarinda says 'I usually nickname my own steed Lightning. A bit tongue in cheek.'

Tissaya has arrived from the south.

Evee says 'will we need horses?'

Vistra beams a smile at Tissaya.

Vianca nods at Evee.

Sarinda says 'I would recommend it, Accepted.'

Tissaya curtseys gracefully.

Evee leaves west. <<

Sarinda says 'Not strictly necessary. We will not be leaving the island.'

The master of scouts narrates 'Tumtum was spotted On the Rutted Fal DaraRoad'

whois tumtum
Tumtum the Darkling is a level 51 Dha'vol trolloc.

A fat, disgusting, beady eyed ugly son of a bitch but graceful as a mountain lion.

Evee has arrived from the west, riding a Domani razor.

Vianca grips her staff at the call of the scouts.

Sarinda mutters in disgust.

Vistra whispers to her horse, "What would you like your name to be?"

Sarinda says 'If Shadowspawn interrupt this class, I will be quite annoyed.'

Vianca says 'He had better find his way back to the north.'

Trajega pats her horse, "you're Pancake!"

Tissaya holds a mirrored lantern above her head.

Sarinda says 'Alright. I believe that is likely everyone who is going to be joining, and if not, they can join us soon after.'

Vistra beams a smile at Trajega.

Vistra brings out her notebook and pencil turning to a blank page.

Sarinda says 'Well met, everyone. If it pleases the Light, as a Sitter for the Red Ajah, I take it as one of my prime duties to ensure that all of our Tower members are trained in proper self-defense skills, especially against other channelers.'

Sarinda says 'As I am sure some of you can attest to, there have been a number of active dreadlords seen crossing the Blight border recently.'

Sarinda 's face darkens.

Vianca scowls darkly.

Annabelle has arrived from the south.

Tissaya nods in agreement.

Annabelle curtseys gracefully.

Chloro shakes her head and sighs.

Sarinda smiles at Annabelle.

Vianca fixes her grimace and focuses of Sarinda Sedai.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, can anyone tell me what a dreadlord is? No need to raise hands,
just speak out as you wish.'

Trajega says 'channeler of the dark?'

Tissaya says 'From my understanding a dreadlord is an agent of the dark who can channel.'

Tissaya says 'They often use fears and poisons.'

Tissaya says 'I think they also have the ability to compel others?'

Sarinda says 'Channelers who have joined the forces of the Father of Storms, the Dark One, is true.'

Trajega turns her head diagonally quizically at Tissaya.

Sarinda says 'Tissaya, some of your answers might be better attributed to the Eyeless, or myrddraal.'

Tissaya nods in agreement.

Vistra shivers uncomfortably.

Sarinda says 'Those Shadowspawn can instill fear with their eyeless gaze, often carry poisoned blades forged in Thakan'dar, and can compel Trollocs and other lesser Shadowspawn to follow them even if exhausted, similar to the Refresh weave.'

Trajega says 'compel?'

Vianca nods at Trajega.

Sarinda says 'Vianca, can you explain, if it pleases the Light?'

Vistra turns her attention to Accepted Vianca.

Vianca says 'Compel, similar to the refresh weave forces the minions of the castor with pain to find it deep within to push forward, resting their movement points.'

Vianca says 'Our weave does not cause harm however.'

Sarinda nods grimly.

Trajega cringes.

Vistra says 'So is it kind of like a mind control Sarinda Sedai?'

Sarinda says 'A cross between compulsion and instilling a different kind of fear, perhaps.'

Vianca says 'Think of it when you whip your mount to keep it moving, then darken that thought.'

Evee says 'more like a mule and a whip i suppose.'

A warhorse swishes the flies off its back with its tail.

Sarinda nods at Vianca.

Trajega nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Can anyone name a dreadlord of renown that they have heard reports of being seen in the
Borderlands recently?'

Vistra says 'The dreadlord Jestin?'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vianca says 'Lisennet or Jestin more rescently'

Annabelle says 'Jestin is always around.'

Evee says 'and Axxye, but less frequent'

Chloro recoils at the name lisennet.

Sarinda's ageless face is stoic.

Sarinda says 'These are correct. Any others?'

Vianca says 'Kilgore, Sarinda Sedai as well'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Annabelle says 'mangler but have seen him in ages'

Sarinda says 'Yes, I saw him briefly last week.'

Vianca says 'and Sarras but he has been in hiding '

Sarinda says 'Kilgore, that is.'

Vianca nods at Sarinda.

Vianca says 'As did I'

Sarinda says 'The other I have seen more often in the past week has been the woman known as Nevaeh.'

Annabelle nods in agreement.

Chloro says 'The fact that they can name so many is troublesome enough.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Indeed.'

Sarinda draws down her thin eyebrows into a frown.

Vianca says 'I could not agree more, Chloro Sedai'

Sarinda says 'What the Father of Storms wants you to believe is that these channelers are unstoppable generals of chaos and destruction.'

Vianca shivers in discomfort.

Sarinda spits over her shoulder.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, they are not.'

Sarinda says 'Certainly, they are dangerous, and never to be underestimated.'

Sarinda says 'But they are human, just the same as you and I. And defeating them requires practice, skill, and sometimes a bit of luck.'

Etain narrates 'Tumtum was just in Caemlyn wanting to play, apparently.'

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, how might the fight against Lisennet, or Nevaeh, be different than fighting Jestin or Axxye?'

Evee says 'you can see their weaves as they are female.'

Aloe narrates 'he is tower square now'

Annabelle says 'We can see when the females are weaving.'

Tissaya says 'Wouldnt a male channeler possess more physical strength?'

Vistra says 'The ability to see their weaves Sarinda Sedai.'

Vianca says 'They are drawing from two different sources.'

The Tar Valon guardsmen ring the city alarm in the distance.

Sarinda says 'Indeed. This can be a great strength, but also a risk.'

Aleera has arrived from the west.

Sarinda says 'Because if you can see their weaves, then they can see yours as well.'

Annabelle nods at Sarinda.

Aleera curtseys on arrival, but remains quiet so as not to disrupt.

Trajega says 'oh wow, then they can also see when you are struggling with a specific weave.'

Vistra says 'I am sensing a trolloc near by dagger.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Yes, there is a Trolloc nearby. Stay near me, and I do not expect they will trouble us.'

Annabelle says 'They cant hide here anyway we should be good.'

Sarinda says 'I imagine that any one Trolloc would be quite afraid of this group, even the younger ones.'

Sarinda smiles knowingly.

Vistra looks around hesitantly.

Annabelle nods in agreement.

Chloro shares a knowing look with Sarinda and silently glides towards the nearest gate.

Chloro leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv

Vianca peers around, head on a swivel.

Sarinda says 'Other than the gender of the target, what are some other factors that you should consider before weaving in combat?'

Vianca says 'the Weather, Sarinda Sedai'

Annabelle says 'The weather and what weaves they are using.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Trajega says 'if you need to be interrupting their casts?'

Evee says 'they are not bound by the three oaths... or the usual rules of group combat for that

Sarinda says 'Trajega, that is a good point, and one that you may have to consider across each exchange over the course of a battle, as your opponent may change their tactics frequently.'

Trajega says 'my apologies, I believe we are still assuming dreadlord. '

Sarinda nods at Evee.

Sarinda says 'Also a good point.'

Tissaya says 'also using faster weaves to try to stop them from being successful?'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'It seems this Trolloc does not want to leave us quickly, so let us see if we can quickly
dispatch of him or send him chasing. My goal at the moment is to get it to run away or die, so we
can continue with the smallest disruption.'

Vianca says 'Also before going into any battle, especially with a Dreadlord where retreat might be
imminent, it’s important to have to foresight of an escape route as well'

Sarinda smiles at Vianca.

Vistra nods at Vianca.

Sarinda says 'That is another excellent point, Vianca.'

Chloro has arrived from the south, riding a gray palfrey.

Sarinda says 'Always be mindful of which route you would take to safety, if needed.'

Tissaya says 'weaving silence so they are nullified from their strongest abilities?'

Annabelle nods at Vianca.

Sarinda says 'Hmm, Silence is a fascinating weave indeed.'

Vianca says 'Shall I take a look, Aes Sedai?’

Sarinda says 'Chloro, Vianca, can you investigate and see if he is still here?'

Vianca stops using a yew staff.

Sarinda senses Vianca is channeling saidar.

An iridescent blue staff forms in Vianca's hands.

Vianca nods at Sarinda.

Chloro leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv

Vianca leaves north riding a warhorse. ^^

Annabelle says 'she left too fast I was going to strength her.'

Sarinda flashes a wolfish grin.

Vianca narrates 'Tumtum is infact in the city.'

Chloro narrates 'on'

Sarinda says 'Novices, group up and stay here'

Sarinda says 'Accepteds, group on me'

Sarinda says 'We will resume soon, I hope.'

(The class pauses temporarily to chase Shadowspawn just enough to lead them out of Tar Valon and the nearby countryside.)

Sarinda narrates 'It seems the excitement has passed for now. Return to Coulin Gaidin when able for those want to continue the class.'

Sarinda says 'That was more eventful than I intended for this class, but the Father of Storms never does try to make my life convenient.'

Vianca says 'I was able to refresh him not only to chase down the trolloc, but also in my retreat.'

Sarinda smirks.

Vianca says 'Without harming Kev once.'

Vianca beams a smile at a warhorse.

Sarinda says 'So, we were discussing whether you can see your opponent's weaves, the weather, and then some initial considerations for which weaves to use in combat against a channeler.'

Tissaya says 'is it generally worth it to change the weather in your favor or play weaves to the weather?'

Sarinda nods at Tissaya. 'An excellent question.' She turns to the rest of the group. 'What do the rest of
you think?'

Vianca says '100 percent'

Vianca says 'The smallest drizzle can weaken a fireball to a mere flamestrike.'

Annabelle says 'I would only think to change weather to lightning if you was gonna play with

Trajega says 'especially if you can set the weather to be what they fail to channel'

Vianca says 'The turn of one cloud turns that weak fireball into and call of lightning from above.'

Chloro nods listening to the girls.

Vianca says 'Often more than anything else change weather in pk is used to stop rain.'

Sarinda nods at Vianca.

Tissaya says 'well I didnt think about the defensive part as much...they would likely carry more
fire weaves so cooling could help too not just make our ice spikes stronger?'

Vianca says 'You will find drawing electricity from the sky can be taxing on your spell points.'

Vianca says 'However you may stop the rain with a flick of the wrist.'

Evee says 'i would consider the numbers...'

Tissaya says 'I've tried cloud dancing before as it is called'

Sarinda says 'How many of you have the Talent to Weave the Winds? You might know it as Cloud Dancing, or the ability to control the local weather.'

Vianca says 'I do Sarinda Sedai.'

Evee says 'i would try to deny favorable weather if there were more dreadlords than we have

Annabelle says 'I also can Sarinda Sedai.'

Sarinda smiles brightly. 'Excellent. Many of you seem to have the Talent, then. Perhaps it is not as
uncommon here as I once thought.'

Aleera adds, "There are limits on how far you might shift the temperature, based on research by our
instructor, Sarinda Sedai." She then nods as to her own ability.

Sarinda says 'Indeed. I have studied the weather extensively to make sure I can leverage my own Talent to Weave the Winds to its greatest ability. I would generally echo what you all have shared regarding whether or not to change the weather when given the option. However, I would add the caveat that your own weave training should determine your choice in the end.'

Vianca says 'Agree, and circumstances will always dictated a different strategy.'

Tissaya says 'I've heard of people using fog to escape as well?'

Sarinda says 'If there are several channelers in the immediate area or current combat that have no training in Fire weaves such as Fireball, then leaving it raining or keeping it cold might help to overcome a dreadlord's advantage should they be trying to use Fireball.'

Sarinda says 'Create Fog is mostly an annoyance trick, but very effective when deployed defensively.'

Vianca shivers as the thought of fighting a Dreadlord without the use of fire crosses her mind.

Sarinda says 'If woven quickly enough, it can make an entire zone impossible to see in, keeping your
entire group safe from most harms.'

Vianca says 'One thing that is good about fog, you can still target someone with a weave than cannot
attack you.'

Vianca says 'So a stealthy fireball against a blind target might leave them trying to escape.'

Sarinda says 'Yes, two channelers can target each other in the fog by sensing the ability in the other, or by reacting to the weaves as they form.'

Sarinda says 'A fun research project for those with the Talent to Weave the Winds would be to create maximum fog, and then come up with a list of as many things that you can do and cannot do in full fog cover.'

Sarinda says 'But that is a bit too tangential for tonight.'

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I would like to transition from general instruction to applied practice.'

Sarinda says 'We have 8 here?'

Annabelle says 'Yes 8 Sarinda Sedai.'

Vianca grimaces.

Sarinda says 'Two groups of four would be a good start.'

Sarinda says 'If I call out your name, follow me.'

Sarinda says 'Trajega, Tissaya, and Vianca.'

Sarinda says 'The other four, please form a group on Chloro Sedai.'

Sarinda says 'How many of you have never sparred before?'

Tissaya has not sparred either.

Sarinda says 'Vianca with me and the novices, if it pleases the Light'

Sarinda says 'Today, I would like some of our youngest to lead the spar, with more experienced channelers watching for safety and to provide feedback after.'

Vianca says 'Understood, Sarinda Sedai.'

Sarinda says 'Tissaya, Trajega, you two will be sparring today under my careful watch and Vianca's.'

Sarinda says 'At the same time, would Aleera and Evee be open to a friendly spar as well?'

Aleera nods in agreement.

Evee nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Here are the terms. Heed them closely.'

Chloro looks to Aleera then Evee weighing and measuring each girl.

Sarinda says 'The first to bring your opponent to Beaten is the victor. You may use any weave you like except for Earthquake, and do not use a long weave such as Ice Spikes or Fireball if your opponent is Battered.'

Vianca fetches mental notes on each sparring participant and she sizes all four of them up.

Sarinda says 'For those watching, we will likely need to move around a bit to try and find the people we are watching.'

Tissaya nods in agreement.

Trajega says 'I assume earthquake would include sonic boom?'

Sarinda says 'Oh, yes, excellent point.'

Sarinda says 'Avoid area of effect damage weaves today.'

Sarinda smiles at Trajega.

Vianca says 'Sarinda Sedai, Maybe I tail one and you the other?'

Aleera asks, "What are the physical bounds?"

Sarinda nods at Vianca.

Sarinda says 'I would like each spectator to pick one of the sparring contestants and focus on observing them, and be prepared to try and offer constructive feedback after.'

Vianca says 'Sounds good to me'

Sarinda says 'Chloro Sedai can take Aleera, and Annabelle can focus on Evee.'

Chloro says 'I will reverse that sister, I have had little time with Evee of late. '

Sarinda nods at Chloro.

Sarinda says 'My group will head out the northeast gate to the small pathway there, towards the ancient

Sarinda says 'The other group, you can use the southeast gate towards the lumberjack. Stay on the

Vianca says 'Sarinda Sedai, can novice Tissaya go see Sheriam Sedai really quickly'

Sarinda says 'To begin the spar, the contestants should enter different rooms, and then we will need to ungroup so we do not interrupt each other with our movement.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Tissaya leaves south. vv

Chloro says 'Steel yourself girls, Sparring can be difficult.'

Sarinda says 'Yes, I need a few quick minutes (bathroom break) anyway.'

Sarinda says 'Take a few minutes to prepare yourself mentally and think on strategies.'

Annabelle says 'This used to be a thing back in the day.'

Vianca says 'Aleera, you remember the task I gave you a few weeks ago?'

Aleera nods to Vianca, "Yes, Accepted Vianca, I do recall and have practiced that."

Annabelle says 'I like pointers.'

Sarinda smiles happily.

Vianca says 'Much of this battle will be about timing Annabelle, as you know. I set Aleera up with some task to help her with such timing. It should prove to be helpful here.'

Annabelle nods at Vianca.

Sarinda says 'Trajega, if you do not have a horse, there is a spare shaggy mare here.'

Vianca stops riding a warhorse.

Vianca starts riding a shaggy brown mare.

Sarinda says 'You may not need it in the area to the northeast.'

Vianca says 'take Kevin.'

Sarinda says 'But you might want it, in case your opponent is very mobile.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Trajega starts riding a warhorse.

Trajega leaves south riding a warhorse. vv

Vianca claps Big Kev on the shoulders.

Chloro says 'We ready children?'

Annabelle says 'take mine'

Sarinda says 'The goal here is to finish our spars, return, and jointly debrief before the daily ripple in the Pattern (reboot).'

Annabelle says 'I will get mine'

Trajega says 'what % is beaten?'

Trajega says 'for wimpy purposes'

Chloro says 'I am not sure you would want to lower it. Though i suppose to each their own. '

Sarinda says 'Beaten is between 15 and 30% of your maximum health.'

Sarinda says 'I normally recommend steeling yourself for all combat (turning off autowimpy by setting it to 0) when fighting another channeler, especially to the death.'

Sarinda says 'But when other Shadowspawn are around, too, that becomes trickier.'

Chloro catches a snow flake and watches it melt on her palm hoping the initiates got the hint.

Sarinda says 'So, again, to start the spar, head to your designated areas, break into groups of two with the spectators and contestants, and then communicate to each other via yelling or tells that you are ready.'

Evee nods in agreement.

Tissaya nods in agreement.

Annabelle nods in agreement.

Trajega nods in agreement.

Aleera nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'At that point, you can begin, and weave until the other is Beaten, avoiding use of area of effect weaves or any stronger weave such as Ice Spikes, Fireball, or Call Lightning if the opponent is Battered.'

Sarinda says 'As soon as someone in the group is Beaten, end the spar, and return here.'

Sarinda says 'All understood?'

Tissaya nods in agreement.

Vianca says 'Yes, Sarinda Sedai'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Evee says 'understood, Sarinda Sedai'

Aleera says 'Yes, Sarinda Sedai.'

Trajega says 'yes Sarinda Sedai'

Chloro says 'I offer one piece of advice from a very old Red sister. "Timing is everything."'

Annabelle says 'If trollocs happen to show up we stop sparring.'

Sarinda smiles happily.

Tissaya says 'yes sarinda sedai'

Sarinda says 'Yes, if Chloro or I sense a Shadowspawn in our vicinity, we will narrate and return here.'

Sarinda says 'Hence the reason I split us up.'

Sarinda says 'The northeastern zone is relatively safter due to its location, which is why I am taking the novices there.'

Sarinda says 'And easier to follow them around, given its layout.'

Sarinda says 'Very well. Let us be off.'

(Sarinda leads Vianca, Trajega, and Tissaya away for the novices’ spar.)

New Growth Among the Stumps
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A young leatherleaf begins to thicken with age.

Vianca has arrived from the west, riding a shaggy brown mare.

Tissaya has arrived from the west, riding a gray palfrey.

Sarinda says 'And then try to avoid going west of this room'

Tissaya nods in agreement.

Trajega nods in agreement.

Vianca looks at Tissaya.

Sarinda says 'Now, as novices, I know you both are new to this type of combat.'

Tissaya nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'The goal here is to learn through application. Just try your best.'

Sarinda says 'Do either of you have questions before we split up?'

Tissaya says 'Just dont go west of here and stop at beat is the main idea?'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Trajega says 'if I am defeated, go back to the training room?'

Sarinda says 'Precisely, yes.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Yes, Coulin Gaidin's room.'

Sarinda says 'You have the thrust of it.'

Trajega nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Tissaya, please head a few rooms away to the east and north'

Tissaya leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Vianca leaves south riding a shaggy brown mare. vv

Sarinda bellows 'Are you both ready?'

Vianca bellows 'We are in position, Sarinda Sedai, ready'

Tissaya bellows 'yes!'

Sarinda bellows 'Then go!'

(Note: The following section is unedited to show the actual spar as it occurred.)

Trajega leaves south riding a warhorse. vv
Sarinda follows Trajega.

The Peak of the Ridge
[ obvious exits: N E ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.

Trajega leaves east riding a warhorse. >>
Sarinda follows Trajega.

The Wooded Ridge
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A green woodpecker is high up a tree, tapping away.

Trajega leaves east riding a warhorse. >>
Sarinda follows Trajega.

Along the Ridge
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
The wolf pup is here, mewling for attention.

Trajega leaves east riding a warhorse. >>
Sarinda follows Trajega.

A Ridge in the Forest
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A wild boar runs through the forest.

Trajega leaves west riding a warhorse. <<
Sarinda follows Trajega.

Along the Ridge
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
The wolf pup is here, mewling for attention.

Tissaya has arrived from the north, riding a gray palfrey.
Vianca has arrived from the north, riding a shaggy brown mare.

Sarinda senses Tissaya is channeling saidar.

Vianca says 'get after her'

Trajega leaves west riding a warhorse. <<
Sarinda follows Trajega.

The Wooded Ridge
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A green woodpecker is high up a tree, tapping away.

Trajega leaves east riding a warhorse. >>
Sarinda follows Trajega.

Along the Ridge
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Vianca the Tower Accepted, Apprentice of the Green Ajah is standing here, riding a shaggy brown
Tissaya the Wearied Novice is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
Tissaya is surrounded by a shimmering white aura!
The wolf pup is here, mewling for attention.

Trajega tries to slash Tissaya, but she parries successfully.

Sarinda senses Tissaya is channeling saidar.

Trajega tries to slash Tissaya, but she parries successfully.

Tissaya releases streaks of Fire at Trajega, who screams in pain.

Sarinda senses Tissaya is channeling saidar.

Sarinda senses Trajega connecting to the True Source.

Trajega tries to slash Tissaya, but she parries successfully.

Sarinda senses Trajega is channeling saidar.
Tissaya releases streaks of Fire at Trajega, who screams in pain.

Trajega swiftly dodges Tissaya's attempt to slash her.
Trajega tries to slash Tissaya, but she deflects the blow.
Sarinda senses Tissaya is channeling saidar.

Tissaya releases streaks of Fire at Trajega, who screams in pain.

Tissaya tries to slash Trajega, but she parries successfully.
Trajega tries to slash Tissaya, but she deflects the blow.

Sarinda senses Tissaya is channeling saidar.

Tissaya releases streaks of Fire at Trajega, who screams in pain.

Tissaya tries to slash Trajega, but she deflects the blow.
Tissaya swiftly dodges Trajega's attempt to slash her.

Sarinda senses Tissaya is channeling saidar.

Tissaya tries to slash Trajega, but she parries successfully.
Trajega tries to slash Tissaya, but she parries successfully.
Tissaya releases streaks of Fire at Trajega, who screams in pain.

Sarinda senses Trajega is channeling saidar.

Sarinda senses Tissaya is channeling saidar.

Trajega releases streaks of Fire at Tissaya, who screams in pain.

Tissaya tries to slash Trajega, but she deflects the blow.
Trajega tries to slash Tissaya, but she parries successfully.

Sarinda senses Tissaya is channeling saidar.

Trajega tries to slash Tissaya, but she parries successfully.

Tissaya releases streaks of Fire at Trajega, who screams in pain.

Sarinda senses Tissaya is channeling saidar.

Trajega tries to slash Tissaya, but she parries successfully.

Trajega panics, and attempts to flee!
Tissaya releases streaks of Fire at Trajega, who screams in pain.

Trajega leaves east riding a warhorse. >>

Vianca nods at Tissaya.

diagnose h.tissaya
Tissaya has a few scratches.

Vianca says 'Perfect'

Along the Ridge
The ground is stony and hard, sparse soil mixed with crushed and shattered
sandstone providing nothing for life to cling to. Lurching leatherleaf
trees line more fertile slopes to the south, dense forest swallowing the
ground and hiding it from the gaze of the sky. Loose pebbles skitter away
underfoot, tumbling haphazardly down into the lush valley lying below.
[ obvious exits: N E W ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Vianca the Tower Accepted, Apprentice of the Green Ajah is standing here, riding a shaggy brown
Tissaya the Wearied Novice is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
Tissaya is surrounded by a shimmering white aura!
The wolf pup is here, mewling for attention.

A Ridge in the Forest
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A wild boar runs through the forest.

diagnose h.Trajega
Trajega looks pretty hurt.

(The spar having ended, the group moves back to Coulin Gaidin for Healing and to debrief. The class is soon after interrupted with news of Jestin and some other Shadowspawn about.)

The Warders' Practice Yard
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: White Tower Ground Floor
Door east: officedoor
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
Coulin the Master of Arms is here teaching his students.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A grim storyteller reads from a journal.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

Sarinda says 'There is food in the rack, child.'

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, while we wait for the other group, review the log from the spar if you are able.'

Vianca says 'Seems the dark one is stirring, glad you made it back in safely, Chloro Sedai.'

Annabelle says 'Aleera are you using aliases'

Sarinda says 'Girls, Heal Aleera if you can. My Talent for Healing is weak.'

Aleera nods, "I had aliases set for kill, flame strike, and ice spikes specifically for Evee."

Annabelle says 'I would just like to start off you were sitting in combat without weaving to long.'

Chloro says 'Lets wait for the critic part of the session Accepteds.'

Annabelle nods at Chloro.

Aleera nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, first I would like to hear from the novices. Each of you please
tell me one thing you think you did well, and one thing you think you could improve upon.

Sarinda says 'Then, Vianca and I can share our thoughts, before we switch to the other group.'

Sarinda says 'You can share more than one thing you thought you did well or not so well, but try to list
at least one of each.'

Tissaya says 'I think I did well protecting myself before battle with armor/wvd. I think I could
improve on timing recasting my weaves when im interrupted.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Trajega says 'using w**kk where * is a semi colon worked well. I got off two rounds of swings to
start things off'

Trajega says 'the downside: each line of text jumps the text 4 times, and no color coating in pvp
makes it very hard to follow. I couldnt tell what was going on'

Vianca taps her chin with her pointer finger.

Sarinda says 'Yes, you mean moving and then engaging in combat quickly so Tissaya could not walk out of the room?'

Trajega says 'move and engagement were together in the same action, yes'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'A smart strategy that I recommend in many cases. You can take it a step further and move, engage in combat, and then begin weaving, which I strongly recommend for those able to string those together.'

Trajega says 'unfortunately, I dont know how to put flowers in the explanation on not being able to
follow what was going on. Going to take a lot more practice.'

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Sarinda claps Trajega on the back.

Trajega thanks Sarinda heartily.

Vianca says 'You in the right place for the novice, don't you worry.'

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, you did your best, child. And you did make some good choices. I saw you beat Tissaya to the weave at least once, and you used Flame Strike well.'

Sarinda says 'It was smart to try a faster weave, since your opponent was as well.'

Sarinda says 'Vianca, do you have any additional feedback from your observations?'

Vianca nods in agreement.

Vianca says 'I think for Novice Trajega she got caught is a loosing battle and should have tried to flee off and reset to regain control. This will all come with years of practice, but if you are being out weaved, it’s best to try and reset that.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Trajega nods at Vianca.

Vianca says 'You could have turned the tides if you fled and used the tactic you described earlier
with the fast engage and weave to regain control.'

Sarinda says 'A wise choice. Tissaya, you did a good job at forming your next set of flows very quickly after you finished them. The Reds commonly refer to this as 're-weaving', or forming your next flow just as you finish the first one without interrupting yourself.'

Vianca says 'From there is consistency and timing with the use of the One Power.'

Tissaya says 'That is a great compliment Sarinda, Sedai. Thank you!'

Sarinda says 'Vianca is right in that one of the best strategies to regain the tempo and throw your opponent off guard is to flee off, move a few rooms away, then move back towards your opponent and try to chain that into attacking and weaving.'

Sarinda says '(OOCly, this is much easier if you have very simple aliases, usually 1-character aliases that you can string together, and usually a single semi-colon instead of the double that is the default separator option in Mudlet.)'

Vianca nods in agreement.

Vianca says 'For instance, i use "a" and "as" as attack and weave'

Vianca says 'very fast'

Sarinda says '(For excample, I use "direction, semi-colon, 1, semi-colon, j" to move, attack my first target, and then weave Flame Strike on that first target.'

Chloro says 'Quickly, Aleera, and Evee. Your findings please'

Sarinda nods at Chloro.

Sarinda says 'Either of you, please speak up whenever you are ready, I know that the daily ripple in the Pattern is approaching.'

Aleera shares, "I was slow to react on entering a room or being entered on. I walked back into an ice spike. I managed to weave a flame strike between swings of my staff, but only once. There was more jousting, and I lost on every occasion of doing that."

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Evee says 'I felt I had success with stacking commands and just mentioned, but was slow to find
Aleera (forgot that she would show up on where!)'

Sarinda flashes a wolfish grin.

Evee says 'i got greedy with a double ice spike, and she interrupted me with a flame strike'

Sarinda says 'I have nearly died to Jestin by walking back into his room, and I believe I have fallen to at least one male channeler making that same mistake, Aleera.'

Vianca nods in agreement with Sarinda Sedai.

Sarinda says 'Annabelle, you shared some of your thoughts already, but feel free to offer more if you
have others.'

Sarinda says 'And Chloro Sedai as well, if it pleases the Light.'

Chloro says 'For Aleera, I would actually suggest a lesson from my Reds sisters. Aloisa Sedai has a weave time Assignment that would benefit you. For Evee, if you had been against a dreadlord, your long weaves would not have worked so well.'

Evee nods in agreement.

Aleera nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'I will also be available after the ripple to discuss the lesson individually with anyone wishes, or to continue for a little longer if the majority still want to be here.'

Annabelle says 'I think Aleera was trying to hard to time the weaves between rounds now that she mentioned what she said.'

Sarinda tells Annabelle 'Will you be back after reboot?'

Annabelle tells Sarinda 'I will be back after boot'

Chloro says 'I will also be around.'

Evee says 'as will I'

A warhorse lays its ears flat against its neck.

Vianca says 'As will I'

Aleera says 'I will, unfortunately, need to retire with the ripple.'

Sarinda says 'Timing between rounds is a valuable skill that helps to improve your control over timing. It is the counterpoint to the skill of weaving as fast as you can without interupting.'

(The class is briefly interrupted again for the daily reboot.)

Vianca says 'Kevin wandered off, found him tho.'

Vianca starts riding a warhorse.

Annabelle has arrived from the south.

Annabelle leaves north. ^^

Sarinda laughs heartily, shaking with mirth.

Annabelle has arrived from the north.

Annabelle puts a plate of roast beef and jacket potatoes in a weapon rack.
Annabelle puts a plate of roast pheasant with green beans in a weapon rack.
Annabelle puts a plate with bread and green veined cheese in a weapon rack.
Annabelle puts a plate of hot stew with some bread in a weapon rack.
Annabelle puts a plate of pickled quail eggs in a weapon rack.
Annabelle puts a plate of sausages and vegetables in a weapon rack.
Annabelle puts a plate with bread and green veined cheese in a weapon rack.

Vianca says 'He always ends up at the General store, loves the red candy.'

Sarinda chuckles politely.

Annabelle says 'Evee I liked how you engaged there at the last.'

Chloro says 'I did as well.'

Annabelle nods in agreement.

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Chloro says 'Held no quarter.'

Evee says 'I did once she started leaving when I got the weave off first'

Sarinda says 'Tissaya, you fought well for being your first time, as well.'

Annabelle nods at Evee.

Tissaya says 'Thank you! I had some great coaching along the way :)'

Sarinda says 'Yes, I saw Vianca urging you on for the offensive.'

Sarinda grins at Vianca.

Annabelle says 'Timing was a big deal with your guys battle'

Vianca says 'Tissaya, yes I was very happy with your performance, you listen to the strategy and even when you were out weaved, you managed to regain control without fleeing.'

Chloro says 'Calm in battle is one of the hardest lessons we teach.'

Chloro says 'Though it pales in comparison to the tests we will put you through.'

Sarinda says 'Tissaya, I am especially curious to hear whether being in combat like this brought along any other insights for you. Specifically, what it might be like if someone were to attack you.'

Sarinda says 'I know Trajega commented on as much, that it felt chaotic and she had a hard time following what was happening.'

Tissaya says 'I think I knew what I was coming across definitely makes it easier to plan. In real life, I assume, a random person attacking you from an unknown approach makes it hard to know. I think the good advice to flee and reset is something I will keep.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Then you have learned something valuable.'

Vianca nods at Tissaya.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, did anyone else have any questions for the group at large before we end the formal class?'

Sarinda says 'I was trying to be respectful of each other's time.'

Evee shakes her head.

Vianca says 'I think I gathered all I need from this to make a plan for them.'

Sarinda says 'If there are no questions, I would offer to spar someone here, if they would like, and the rest of you can observe us if you want.'

Vianca raises here staff, "I'll give it a try."

Sarinda flashes a wolfish grin.

Sarinda says 'Would anyone else care to observe?'

Evee says 'I unfortunately will need to retire for the evening.'

Sarinda nods at Evee.

Annabelle now follows Vianca.

Sarinda says 'Thank you for joining us, Accepted.'

Tissaya says 'I will happily observe'

Vianca beams a smile at Evee.

Evee says 'I"m sure I'll miss a good spar though'

Sarinda says 'Vianca keeps me on my toes.'

Vianca blushes.

Chloro says 'I will leave you to it sister.'

Evee says 'g'night all.'

Sarinda says 'May the Light illumine you, and see you safe to your journey's end.'

Posts: 478
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: Class Log - Impromptu lesson on channeler versus channeler combat

Post by Chloro » Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:50 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : 1 qps
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : 1 qps
Length bonus +1-2 qps : 2 qps
Summary: +1 qps : 1 qps

Sarinda 6 qps

Vianca 2 qps
Annabelle 2 qps

Aleera 3qps
Yve 3qps
Vistra 2 qps
Evee 3 qps
Trajega 3 qps

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