Class log - Impromptu lesson on self-defense and combat basics

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Class log - Impromptu lesson on self-defense and combat basics

Post by Sarinda » Thu Oct 26, 2023 8:38 am

Seeing several young novices and Accepted awake, Sarinda decides to lead an impromptu class on basic considerations for self-defense, preparing for combat, and staying alive. The class covers topics such as defending the classroom against a Shadowspawn attack, the principle of "constant vigilance", provisions to carry into battle, and the myriad ways that Tower-trained channelers can turn the tide in the ongoing war against the Shadow.

POV: Sarinda
Class attendees: Trajega, Aleera, Yve, Vistra, Eldrenia, Evee
Special guest: Finan

Processed using the RP-lizer, and edited to remove spam unrelated to the class (e.g., eating/drinking, re-weaving Armor and most other channeling, lanterns burning out).


In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door west: door
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
Vistra the Wearied Novice is standing here.
Aleera the Journey Accepted is standing here.
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.

Sarinda says 'Good evening, novices, Accepted.'

Vistra says 'Good morning Sarinda Sedai.'

Trajega says 'good evening Sarinda Sedai.'

Aleera says, "Thank you, Sarinda Sedai."

Sarinda says 'I do not have a prepared outline per se or anything so formal, but if it pleases the Light, I hope that tonight I will be able to answer some of your questions and help you grow in your knowledge and competency at defending yourself. Your survival, after all, is critical to ensuring you reach your full potential. '

Vistra looks on with excitement in her eyes.

The door is opened from the other side.

Eldrenia has arrived from the west.

Eldrenia closes the door.

Sarinda smiles happily.

Sarinda greets Eldrenia with a light kiss on her cheek.

Eldrenia greets Sarinda with a light kiss on the cheek.

Vistra curtseys before Eldrenia.

Trajega curtseys before Eldrenia.

Vistra says 'Good day Eldrenia Sedai.'

Aleera rises up from her chair and curtseys to Eldrenia.

Aleera curtseys, too.

Eldrenia says 'Good day. Have we grouped up?'

Sarinda says 'Thank you for joining us, sister. Your skill in this topic will certainly help to offer an important perspective.'

Sarinda says 'Not yet.'

Eldrenia starts following Sarinda.

Sarinda beckons everyone to follow her.

Vistra starts following Sarinda.

Aleera starts following Sarinda.

Trajega starts following Sarinda.

group all
Trajega is now a member of your group.
Aleera is now a member of your group.
Vistra is now a member of your group.
Eldrenia is now a member of your group.

Sarinda says 'I am aiming to keep this under an hour, for any of you that need to retire early.'

Eldrenia says 'I'm sure your expertise exceeds my own in this area, but I am happy to contribute I can.'

Sarinda flashes a wolfish grin.

Vistra nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'You flatter me, Eldrenia.'

Sarinda says 'A few important housekeeping items, and also instruction at the same time.'

Sarinda says 'Can someone tell me why Eldrenia Sedai suggested that we form a group?'

Trajega says 'refreshing?'

Aleera's lips purse. She looks to Trajega and Vistra.

Vistra says 'In case we are attacked we can fight back in a more coordinated fashion?'

Sarinda says 'And in the interest of expediency, no need to raise your hand, just share your thoughts out loud.'

Sarinda says 'A good guess, Trajega, but Vistra has the answer I was seeking.'

Trajega nods at Sarinda.

Vistra beams a smile.

Sarinda explains, perhaps dramatically, 'This room can frankly become a death trap quite quickly.'

Vistra looks around the room with wide eyes.

Sarinda says 'In a room with only one exit, and a door blocking it, exiting this room from the throes of combat if a fist of Trollocs attacked would be very difficult.'

Sarinda says 'Attempting to flee, or tactically retreat as I like to think of it, is exponentially harder in rooms with fewer exits.'

Eldrenia says 'Also, when we are in a battle group, our ability to engage the enemy is enhanced. If we are attacked by say a fade and two Trollocs and they walk in the room and attack the first target, ungrouped they will engage on the first person they attack. If we are coordinated, the attack will be spread amongst our group.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Eldrenia has the nuances to it, indeed.'

Aleera nods, taking note of what both Sarinda Sedai and Eldrenia Sedai share.

Eldrenia says 'Shale we assign roles, sister?'

The class is interrupted by Gawyn narrating that the throne room of Caemlyn is under attack.

Eldrenia frowns.

Sarinda senses Eldrenia connecting to the True Source.

Sarinda senses Eldrenia is channeling saidar.

Sarinda says 'Throughout tonight, I will attempt to use formal (in character) language whenever reasonable, but there will be times that we will utilize more jargon (OOC language).'

The door is opened from the other side.

Yve has arrived from the west.

Yve curtseys gracefully.

Trajega looks at Yve.

Eldrenia closes the door.

Sarinda nods at Yve.

Sarinda beckons Yve to follow her.

Yve says 'Apologies, I was stuck under dishes.'

Yve starts following Sarinda.

Sarinda emote: Sarinda smiles warmly.

Vistra beams a smile at Yve.

Yve is now a member of your group.

Sarinda says 'The concept that Eldrenia refers to is known as face-off. When we group ourselves as we have, if we are attacked by a group of assailants, we will naturally split their attacks amongst us fairly equally. This ensures a greater chance that no one person is overwhelmed in combat by multiple foes.'

Sarinda says 'Secondly, can anyone else share why you think Eldrenia and I have immediately closed the door upon each person entering the classroom?'

Trajega says 'would that make us instinctively fight back (auto fight back?)'

Sarinda nods at Trajega.

Aleera offers, "The door opening, gives all of us a warning and chance to prepare a reaction, depending on who, or what comes through it."

Sarinda says 'If someone attacks you, whether deer or dreadlord, you will find yourself in combat for your life, whether you wish to be or not.'

Trajega says 'weaves like sonic boom which would hit someone who we weren’t expecting?'

Sarinda says 'Trajega, can you elaborate? If it pleases the Light, I wish to see if I understand what you are saying.'

Trajega says 'It was my understanding we would be practicing weaves, and those which would be dangerous to others in the room'

Trajega says 'the door opening would warn us not to use weaves which indiscriminately hit everything that isn’t grouped'

Trajega says '(cancel aoe if we see the door open)'

Sarinda says 'Ah, I see.'

Sarinda says 'Today, we will mostly be talking about weaves rather than practicing them on each other, but we will be discussing nuances of weave selection both during practice sessions as well as in combat.'

Sarinda says 'I do appreciate your desire to not weave a deadly attack on a passerby, but in this case, I think Aleera's answer is closer to what I was suggesting.'

Trajega nods at Sarinda.

Sarinda says 'If the door is open, anyone can sneak into this room and attempt to weave or backstab one of us without warning.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'The time it takes to neatly place a dagger in someone's back, typically snuffing out the life of a channeler, is approximately three seconds.'

Yve shivers uncomfortably.

Vistra franticly scribbles down always be on guard.

Trajega has eyes widen in horror to Sarinda.

Sarinda says 'Now, there are six channelers in this room, two of them fully trained Aes Sedai who are quite practiced at defending against such mundane threats.'

Sarinda says 'The likelihood of a single rogue surviving that attack is minimal, by my assessment.'

Sarinda says 'All the same, best to keep the door closed so that none of us miss them entering.'

Vistra looks a little bit relieved but is still scanning the room.

Sarinda says 'Finally, on this point of preparing for possible combat, Eldrenia has suggested assigning roles.'

Sarinda says 'Can anyone guess what the greatest possible threat might be that we could face in this room that might truly jeopardize all of our lives?'

Yve raises a hand.

Sarinda says 'No need to raise hands for this class, child. Speak.'

Yve says 'A male channeler, such as Dougan.'

Sarinda says 'You are close. Dougan would certainly be an annoyance.'

Yve says 'He could use weaves to scatter us to the literal winds.'

Sarinda smiles knowingly.

Sarinda says 'Fortunately, if it pleases the Light, the Hurricane weave cannot be successfully formed inside, only if you are outdoors.'

Vistra says 'Something that would cause the walls to fall down upon us?'

Sarinda shakes her head.

Aleera suggests, "I was thinking of a dreadlord weaving earthquake."

Sarinda nods decisively.

Sarinda says 'Precisely.'

Yve nods in understanding and makes a note.

Sarinda says 'By my assessment, the greatest true threat that has the potential of killing all of us would be a dreadlord with use of the Earthquake weave, with excellent timing and likely a powerful angreal.'

Sarinda says 'Aleera, tell me how you arrived to that guess.'

Aleera nods and elaborates, "The weave has a very tight timing on it that is difficult to interrupt, but it would hit us in those fast waves, disrupting our own attempts to weave."

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'Is there a way to counteract it Serinda Sedai?'

Sarinda nods at Vistra. 'There are only two reasonable counters, and one of them would be too dangerous as to be effective in this situation.'

Vistra looks on in anticipation.

Sarinda says 'One is the Earthquake weave itself, woven by one of us. The risk, of course, is that it would strike everyone in this room, friend or foe, and likely kill our allies just as neatly as the dreadlord doing it.'

Someone knocks on the door from the other side.

The door is opened from the other side.

Finan has arrived from the west.

Finan coughs loudly.

Sarinda frowns.

l finan
Finan has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

Finan says 'Sorry to interrupt'

Sarinda says 'Will you accept Healing, Finan?'

Finan says 'I was wondering If I might get some heals'

Eldrenia channels repeatedly to Heal the gaidin of his wounds sustained in combat.

Finan says 'so I can continue fighting'

Finan bows deeply.

Yve says 'A swordmaster I knew once said the best defense was not to be there when the hit arrives where you were.'

Finan says 'Thank you kindly'

Finan opens the door.

Eldrenia nods in agreement.

Finan bows deeply.

Finan leaves west. <<

The door closes quietly.

Sarinda grins at Yve.

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, that is good advice, but that is not the second counter that I was going to suggest.'

Trajega says 'pummel its face in to interrupt?'

Eldrenia says 'You could always just leave the room.'

Sarinda says 'Accepted, if it pleases the Light, I would like you to weave Cure Serious Wounds on me, if you have training in it.'

Sarinda feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Eldrenia says 'I can Sarinda.'

Sarinda senses Eldrenia connecting to the True Source.

Aleera says, "I am currently not focused on that weave, I'm afraid."

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Sarinda senses Eldrenia is channeling saidar.

channel 'slice weaves' h.eldrenia
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...

Sarinda lashes out with razor-fine ribbons of Fire and Spirit, severing Eldrenia's flows.

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Did you all watch closely and see what I did?'

Vistra says 'It looked like you cut her weave.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Aleera nods at Vistra's answer.

Sarinda says 'How many of you are familiar with this weave?'

Vistra shakes her head.

Yve shakes her head.

Aleera answers, "I've never practiced it, I admit."

Sarinda says 'Can anyone name the threads required to form the flows?'

Vistra says 'Is it flame and spirt. I believe that is what I saw.'

Yve says 'I saw fire and spirit.'

Trajega nods at Vistra.

Yve beams a smile at Vistra.

Eldrenia says 'Those are the main ones, but it also requires earth and air to shape the flows.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Four threads of Fire, two of Spirit, and one each of Earth and Air.'

Sarinda says 'The weave requires 7 points of energy in saidar (SPs) and approximately 7 'pulses' of time to complete the flows.'

Trajega says 'how many pulses is earthquake?'

Eldrenia says 'A tad bit slower at 8.'

Sarinda says 'Earthquake is 8. Most of the 'fast' weaves that you may be familiar with - Flame Strike, Hammer of Air, and Hailstorm - are 9 pulses long. Call Lightning requires 10.'

Sarinda says 'If you complete the Slice Weaves flow at exactly the same time as your opponent, the weave will fail, and their flows will strike you. As such, countering Earthquake is still tricky, but doable.'

Sarinda says 'That being said, all it takes is countering them once or twice, and as long as the rest of you are weaving quickly and at slightly different intervals, their chance of completing another Earthquake weave will be minimal.'

Aleera nods in agreement.

Someone knocks on the door from the other side.

Evee has arrived from the west.

Evee curtseys gracefully.

Sarinda nods at Evee.

Vistra curtseys before Evee.

Sarinda says 'As such, if a dreadlord enters the room, I will immediately begin to attempt to slice their weaves, and I would like the rest of you to weave at him as fast as you can.'

Yve nods in agreement.

Vistra nods in agreement.

Aleera nods.

Sarinda says 'Eldrenia, if able, can please keep the door closed so he cannot escape.'

Eldrenia nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Any questions about what we have covered so far?'

Eldrenia says 'Pardon, sister.'

Vistra shakes her head, "No Sarinda Sedai."

Yve says 'I don't think so.'

Eldrenia says 'But me blocking the door is less effective.'

Yve writes down. 'Timing is everything'

Aleera starts to shake her head, but stills, turning towards Eldrenia Sedai.

Sarinda says 'I mostly suggested you because you are experienced at combat and understand the importance of keeping the door closed, and have the quick reaction time needed to do so. However, if you have another suggestion, I would hear it.'

Eldrenia stops following Sarinda.

Eldrenia starts following Sarinda.

group Eldrenia
Eldrenia is now a member of your group.

Eldrenia says 'Regroup me and now it will work.'

Eldrenia says 'I was in the "buff" spot.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Eldrenia says 'So I would most likely be engaged.'

Eldrenia says 'Now I can not engage and spam the door.'

Sarinda says 'Does anyone not understand what Eldrenia is talking about? The concept of the 'buff' role in a group?'

Sarinda says 'Or put differently, is there anyone who is not familiar with this concept?'

Trajega raises her hand

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vistra shakes her head, 'I do not.'

Eldrenia found a vial of dusty powder.

Eldrenia drops a vial of dusty powder.

Sarinda grins at Eldrenia.

Eldrenia winks suggestively.

Trajega gives a sigh of relief to not be the only one

Sarinda says 'Evee, you are not currently in our arranged combat group. You can try to follow me, but I expect you will not be able to, as the others here are.'

Evee starts following Sarinda.

group evee
Evee is now a member of your group.

Sarinda says 'Ah'

Sarinda says 'Excellent'

Aleera says, "Would it be fair to say if we were attacked Novice Vistra would very quickly learn exactly what you're talking about?"

Sarinda flashes a wolfish grin.

Sarinda nods at Aleera.

Sarinda says 'If everyone will please review our 'group' composition (OOC: type 'group' command).'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'You will see that we are arranged based on the order in which you all followed me.'

Eldrenia says 'Maybe, but there is more to it than just the first attacked.'

Eldrenia says 'Bonus points if anyone can tell me why Vistra would not be the first attacked.'

Trajega says 'does it start with the head?'

Yve says 'Is it because Evee was last to enter (and ooc is at the top of the list?)'

Eldrenia nods in agreement.

Eldrenia says 'Very good Yve.'

Aleera ahs and nods.

Vistra beams a smile at Yve.

Yve blushes.

Eldrenia seems to notice that its Sarinda's class and clamps her mouth shut.

Sarinda winks suggestively at Eldrenia.

Sarinda says 'As I said, your expertise and knowledge are very much appreciated, sister.'

Sarinda says 'As I hope you are seeing already, class, there are quite a few nuances to something even as simple as deciding who will close a door, and how to defend ourselves in this room if we were attacked.'

Eldrenia says 'Yes, yes, but I can get carried away as most know. I'll try to keep it to commentary
and less taking over.'

Trajega says 'are those in combat too distracted to close a door?'

Sarinda says 'You are able to close and open doors just fine, but if Trollocs or Fades enter with a dreadlord, they will likely attempt to bash you to the ground.'

Eldrenia says 'It is harder to close a boor when you are flat on your backside.'

Yve giggles.

Sarinda says 'And if they are successful, you will be too stunned to act.'

Sarinda nods grimly.

Aleera lifts a hand to cover her own chuckle.

Trajega says 'Ah!'

Vistra writes try to always stay on her feet.

Eldrenia looks at Vistra.

Sarinda says 'In the interest of not overwhelming those of you with less practical experience, and to move on to other topics, if it pleases the Light, I suggest we transition to considerations for preparing for the eventuality of finding yourself in combat.'

Eldrenia gives a staff of sungwood to Vistra.

Vistra wilts under the attention from Eldrenia Sedai.

Vistra brightens with a smile, 'Thank you Eldrenia Sedai.

Vistra stops using a quarterstaff.

Vistra wields a staff of sungwood in a two-handed grip.

Eldrenia says 'Are we going to touch on gear?'

Sarinda says 'We can briefly, in a moment.'

Eldrenia nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'When I was a novice, there was a saying that was one of the most helpful mantras I memorized and meditated upon to help me to survive in my daily travels.'

Sarinda pauses and clears her throat for dramatic effect.

Sarinda bellows 'CONSTANT VIGILANCE!'

Vistra slumps back in shock.

Sarinda's ageless face is stoic.

Yve nods in agreement.

Eldrenia brushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

Sarinda flashes a wolfish grin.

Sarinda says 'Now, let us consider what this means.'

Evee nods knowingly.

Yve says 'I remember in my orientation, I was advised to always be paying extra attention, even washing dishes.'

Vistra nods at Yve.

Eldrenia says 'I have a great example of what that could mean, if I may Sister.'

Sarinda says 'There have been times when I have let my guard down, loitered in rooms while hunting and taking a few extra moments between clearing sets of ancient trees or evergreen pines, and despite believing I was entirely by myself and at a time of day when no one else seemed to be around, I found myself left on the floor for dead with a dagger between by shoulder blades.'

Yve gasps in astonishment.

Sarinda says 'It takes only *three seconds* for this to happen.'

Vistra covers her opened mouth with her hand with a sharp intake of breath.

Sarinda says 'And the possibility of being backstabbed in a room in which it is impossible to hide, such as the Tower Square, is very small but not zero.'

Aleera closes her eyes and nods, clear understanding and experience of such.

Sarinda nods at Eldrenia.

Sarinda says 'Yes, sister?'

Eldrenia says 'How many of you noticed that vial of powder in this room before I found it?'

Vistra shakes her head.

Aleera shakes her head as well.

Eldrenia says 'We are currently sitting in a no hide where multiple people have opened the door and walked in on us.'

Trajega raises her hand

Yve says 'not I but I was... hurried. I suppose I would be dead now if that were a darkfriend or trolloc.'

Sarinda attempts to hide herself.

Eldrenia says 'Notice should be on for the entire class and checking the room when the door opens.'

Trajega says 'it was dropped, then snickering between the two sisters'

Sarinda says 'A hideable room, you mean?'

Eldrenia says 'Oh, you are correct. Pardon. A Hide-able room.'

Sarinda says 'The door, as we discussed earlier, means you will never be surprised about someone entering if you had it closed. But it means you could be trapped here by a group, or even a smart solo Shadowspawn.'

Eldrenia says 'So, we have numbers and we feel safe in that fact, but the truth is one of us could be picked off if we were not paying attention.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Eldrenia says 'You do not have this benefit yet, but I have been constantly checking "Where" for any
Shadowspawn entering the area.'

Sarinda says 'Novices, Accepteds, I implore all of you to make sure that you know this city like the back of your hand, including which rooms are non-hideable and thus relatively safe.'

Sarinda nods at Eldrenia.

Sarinda says 'Note that I say relatively safe, not entirely safe.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Eldrenia says 'So, who still has not turned on their notice?'

Evee blushes.

Vistra shakes her head.

Yve checks the corners again.

Trajega raises her hand and frowns at the ground.

Vistra peers around vigilantly.

Sarinda says 'If you one day reach the shawl and swear on the Oath Rod, you will learn the trick to sense Shadowspawn in your immediate vicinity (zone). However, there are even some such as gray men who elude this detection, as do Seanchan invaders, so even a lack of that sense does not mean you are safe.'

Eldrenia pulls out a note pad and starts taking a few notes, glancing at Aleera she says "Take over door duties please."

Eldrenia says '(afk a few)'

Yve says 'Gray men frighten me almost more than trollocs.'

Sarinda says 'They are extremely dangerous.'

Sarinda says 'They should.'

Vistra nods at Yve.

Aleera nods, seeming prepared to do so quickly (OOC: alias was set a bit ago).

Yve says 'One attempted to stab me in the Inn some time ago. He just looked like anyone else, no sign of his evil until he came at me with a dagger.'

Sarinda says 'The idea of 'constant vigilance' is not to say that you should never truly relax, or assume you are always in immediate danger. But as you begin moving beyond these halls, make sure to do your best to always consider the possibility of something or someone threatening you, and where and how you would try to escape if needed.'

Sarinda says 'Other than a door opening or closing in our room, or the ability to sense Shadowspawn (zone sense), what are some other tools or sources of information we can use to determine whether there might be threats lurking nearby?'

Vistra says 'Earlier when Accepted Aleera was telling me there was Shadowspawn around we were
practicing the locate object weave to see if we could get a direction in where they were.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Excellent.'

Sarinda says 'What are some items that you could Locate that might suggest enemies nearby?'

Aleera nods encouragingly to Vistra.

Yve says 'I have read rings and daggers were some of the best.'

Vistra says 'Accepted Aleera was telling me about a conversation that she had with you Sarinda Sedai
about daggers and rings.'

Sarinda says 'Those are excellent choices, and what I personally pick.'

Yve says 'I may have peeked at Accepted Aleera's notes.'

Eldrenia gets a thin vial of yellow fluid from a backpack.

Eldrenia examines the vial.

Eldrenia puts a thin vial of yellow fluid in a backpack.

Sarinda says 'Now, there are certain items of the Power, ter'angreal, that can mask you from detection. Others, such as gray men, can also elude detection. However, there are some ways you could potentially still infer their presence using a Locate Object weave. Can anyone think of any creative workarounds?'

Evee says 'I sometimes locate corpses'

Sarinda nods decisively.

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Evee says 'trollocs have a habit of leaving those around.'

Sarinda says 'Yes, excellent! How could you use this target to help you?'

Vistra writes down locate corpses.

channel 'locate object' corpse
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...
-=+**+=- -=+*

the corpse of a stout young sapling - [mvuardknenalpid] - somewhere very far south of here.
the corpse of the ancient tree - [qulcedngumvukae] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of the ancient tree - [cedoaenalmvuvxz] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of a stout young sapling - [meyhrtknejovnya] - somewhere very far south of here.
the corpse of a beggar - [meyopavxzrtirsa] - somewhere far south of here.
the corpse of the ancient tree - [oaeoaejovilekae] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of the ancient tree - [cedilenguileqry] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of a stout young sapling - [meyrxenalnalpid] - somewhere very far south of here.
the corpse of a stout young sapling - [bokdsajovngupid] - somewhere very far south of here.
the corpse of the ancient tree - [ileileknenalfmu] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of a refugee - [meyopavxzrtipid] - somewhere far south of here.
the corpse of the ancient tree - [qulquljovjovuli] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of a stout young sapling - [mvuardknenguopa] - somewhere very far south of here.
the corpse of a raven - [qulsdenulvxzopa] - somewhere southeast of here.
the corpse of a stout young sapling - [mvuhrtnaljovnya] - somewhere very far south of here.
the corpse of the ancient tree - [cedoaenalmvuwuj] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of a stout young sapling - [liqrxenalknepid] - somewhere very far south of here.
the corpse of the ancient tree - [cedcedknebokuav] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of a stout young sapling - [bokardnalknenya] - somewhere very far south of here.
the corpse of a vernarsh - [ilecednalzfewuj] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of a sailor - [liqolpqryceduli] - somewhere far south of here.
the corpse of the ancient tree - [ilequlnalileuli] - somewhere very far southwest of here.
the corpse of a stout young sapling - [bokardknengupid] - somewhere very far south of here.
the corpse of a villager woman - [meyopasdeoaerxe] - somewhere far south of here.
a bloated corpse - [meyzfeileulinse] - somewhere far southwest of here.

Vistra says 'If there are more than one corpse you can kind of see a path.'

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, for everyone who has that, try and Locate 'corpse' now.'

Sarinda senses Aleera connecting to the True Source.

Sarinda senses Yve connecting to the True Source.

Sarinda senses Vistra connecting to the True Source.

Sarinda senses Aleera is channeling saidar.

Evee says 'if it's the corpse of an innocent, assume danger is near.'

Sarinda senses Yve is channeling saidar.

Sarinda senses Evee connecting to the True Source.

Yve fails to pull together whatever flows she was trying to weave.

Sarinda senses Vistra is channeling saidar.

Sarinda senses Evee is channeling saidar.

Sarinda senses Yve is channeling saidar.

Yve fails to pull together whatever flows she was trying to weave.

Sarinda senses Yve is channeling saidar.

Sarinda senses Trajega connecting to the True Source.

Sarinda senses Trajega is channeling saidar.

Yve fails to pull together whatever flows she was trying to weave.

Yve sighs loudly.

Yve says 'I'm not very good at this one yet.'

Sarinda says 'For those who are channeling it, tell me if you see anything on your search that might suggest that something dangerous could have been nearby recently.'

Vistra says 'There are a lot of bloated corpses.'

Sarinda senses Yve is channeling saidar.

Evee says 'there's a dead refugee'

Sarinda says 'Bloated corpses unfortunately can be found in the wilderness sometimes. Accidents happen.'

Sarinda nods at Evee.

Evee says 'and a beggar, both in the Caemlyn area'

Sarinda says 'I am sensing the corpses of a beggar, a refugee, a sailor, and a villager woman all far south of here.'

Sarinda says 'And indeed, that would place them squarely within the city limits of Caemlyn, in Andor.'

Yve says 'The trouble in Caemlyn?'

Sarinda nods at Yve.

Vistra says 'Would that be a trolloc feeding? I read they liked to eat human flesh.'

Sarinda says 'Think for a moment, what other information did we have tonight, besides Finan Gaidin entering the room and telling us, that indicated combat was occurring in Caemlyn?'

Vistra says 'Narrates?'

Evee says 'the city alarm bells'

Sarinda nods at Vistra.

Sarinda says 'And yes, the alarms.'

Yve says 'We could hear the alarms from here? '

Sarinda says 'Although you may not hear the alarms indoors.'

Trajega says 'Eldrenia asked if there was anything happening in Caemlyn'

Sarinda says 'Due to the nature of the Pattern, narrating is a form of communication that can be heard on the wind across the world.'

Eldrenia looks at Trajega archly.

Trajega says '*Eldrenia Sedai* asked'

Sarinda senses Eldrenia connecting to the True Source.

Sarinda senses Eldrenia is channeling saidar.

Sarinda says 'If you hear of combat occurring in Shienar, there is a very good chance that any able-bodied Shadowspawn are somewhere in the vicinity there rather than solo raiding into the Illian countryside, for example, or near Maradon.'

Sarinda says 'Again, it is not a guarantee, but they tend to swarm and congregate in the same areas.'

Sarinda says 'So, if it pleases the Light, I encourage all of you to be particularly attentive as you travel the world, and to listen to narrates and periodically use Locate weaves to search for danger when possible.'

Vistra says 'Yes, Sarinda Sedai.'

Aleera nods in affirmation.

Sarinda says '(OOC: and try not to fall asleep at the computer and have an anti-AFK trigger that keeps you in a random hideable room for an hour like I did yesterday :P)'

Trajega says 'Thank you Sarinda Sedai.'

Sarinda's ageless face is stoic.

Yve writes down 'Locate locate locate'.

Evee says 'embrace your paranoia!'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Yve says 'or at very least make good use of it.'

Sarinda says 'I may have to start practicing Sneak again and see how many of you I can surprise, and how long I can linger in your room without you noticing.'

Yve says 'Don't let the shadow into your mind.'

Sarinda smirks.

Vistra snickers softly.

Sarinda says 'Now, other than awareness and mental preparation, including knowledge of your surroundings, what provisions should you consider carrying when you leave the safety of a city?'

Vistra says 'Food and water. Light sources.'

Aleera adds, "A friend, if possible."

Trajega says 'don’t exhaust yourself'

Vistra nods at Aleera.

Vistra says 'a horse.'

Yve says 'I used to rely on weaves for food and water, but was told sometimes that's not appropriate, like if I were to travel to Tear.'

Yve says 'Or far madding where it just doesn't work.'

Evee says 'perhaps a motion vial or a draught. You never know when you may need one.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'These are good suggestions, all of them.'

Vistra smiles happily.

Sarinda says 'For the purpose of this class, Aleera, I think it wisest to ensure you know how to defend yourself and stay alive when no one else is around to help you.'

Sarinda says 'But yes, there is strength in numbers.'

Aleera nods, "Yes, of course, Sarinda Sedai. We need to be prepared in poor circumstance."

Sarinda says 'I once practiced the weaves to Create Food and Create Water, but have since fallen out of using them. Instead, I have invested in studying Survival skills.'

Yve says 'I learned them from the Wisdoms, but was never 100% good at them.'

Evee says 'and we are not pack mules. Mind the extra weight of your provisions. They can hamper your defense.'

Sarinda nods at Evee.

Eldrenia says 'I find that creating food and water to be a waste of practices when good preparation
covers that area.'

Yve says 'Another thing is maybe always have weaves like Armor tied to yourself.'

Sarinda says 'Lighter containers will make it easier for you to dodge bashes or attacks, but they also will not keep you as sated as long. As such, it is important to make sure that you know where the nearest food and water supplies are, and take advantage of them whenever possible.'

Sarinda nods at Eldrenia.

Sarinda says 'I think of them as luxury weaves, myself.'

Sarinda says 'Nice to have, but if it pleases the Light, I try to avoid relying on them.'

Sarinda says 'I do think they are useful in certain places or situations, such as the test for the shawl, for example.'

Yve says 'I think I will need to refocus my studies as I move towards being Accepted.'

Vistra nods at Yve.

Vistra says 'Me too.'

Sarinda says 'Some channelers who specialize in support weaves may also be more inclined to study them, although that is not a rule.'

Sarinda says 'It is also worth noting that hot weather will rapidly accelerate the rate at which you become thirsty by a factor as high as six times.'

Vistra writes always try to stay hydrated in hotter climates.

Trajega gasps at Sarinda. '6 Times?'

Sarinda says 'From my own weather research, for example, I found some trials in 95 degree weather in which I went from freshly hydrated to thirsty in as few as 6 hours (ticks), versus 22 to 24 hours in 55 degree weather or cooler.'

Sarinda says 'For those with Survival levels 0 through 4.'

Sarinda senses Yve is channeling saidar.

Yve weaves her hands, creating a flow of water that fills a water skin.

Yve drinks water from a water skin.

Sarinda says 'Having higher Survival means you can afford skimping on spare water and reduce your carrying weight.'

Trajega says 'does training in survival slow the amount of water you need to consume?'

Sarinda says 'Yve, how heavy is your full water skin?'

Trajega nods at Sarinda.

Yve says 'nearly 5 lbs'

Yve says 'the heaviest thing I have.'

Sarinda gets a mug of ale from a belt pack.

Sarinda gives a mug of ale to Yve.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, fill that, and then tell me how heavy it is.'

Sarinda senses Yve connecting to the True Source.

Sarinda says 'Or give it back and I can tell you.'

Sarinda senses Yve is channeling saidar.

Yve weaves her hands, creating a flow of water that fills a mug of ale.

Yve puts a water skin on her belt.

Yve says '2 lbs'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Yve gives Sarinda a mug of ale.

Sarinda says 'That 3 pounds may not feel like much, but it absolutely adds up.'

Sarinda puts a mug of ale in a belt pack.

Vistra says 'How high of survival should we practice Sarinda Sedai?'

Yve says 'I aim to carry as little as possible, currently less than 25 lbs, even with the skin.'

Vistra says 'If you could let's say level it like 1-7.'

Sarinda says 'My personal preference is level 6.'

Evee nods in agreement.

Vistra nods in agreement.

Trajega nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'However, I frequently travel in the Blight, and higher training in Survival skills will drastically reduce my exhaustion moving through that area.'

Sarinda says '( ... and_Thirst)'

Aleera nods and shares, "That is the amount of training I have spent learning about survival as well."

Evee says 'once you try lvl 6, it's very difficult to give it up.'

Evee nods to herself, she must need reassurance.

Yve says 'I think you would say I'm at "level 5" of 7'

Yve smiles happily.

Eldrenia says 'I am going to go assist'

Vistra curtseys before Eldrenia.

Eldrenia stops following Sarinda.

Eldrenia opens the door.

Eldrenia leaves west. <<

The door closes quietly.

Aleera curtseys to Eldrenia.

Sarinda says 'With this level of training, you can last approximately two and a half days before you grow hungry or thirsty.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'There is something I do not believe anyone else suggested that would be extremely helpful for combat provisions, and that is horse equipment.'

Evee says 'and a quality horse helps as well.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vistra writes down get saddle and bridle, and get my horse shod.

Sarinda says '('

Yve says 'I've had little use for a horse of late *giggle*'

Trajega nods at Yve.

Sarinda says 'Adding horse equipment increases the maximum potential of rooms that you can ride a horse before it grows too haggard from travel.'

Sarinda says 'It is worth noting that this intersects with the functionality of the Refresh weave, which restores a *portion* of a target's energy.'

Sarinda says 'By raising the horse's maximum energy potential, they will benefit more from the Refresh weave.'

Aleera asks, "With some of that equipment being so heavy, what do you do with it when you do not
have your horse from the stable? Do you leave (deposit) it in your quarters?"

Yve says 'Oh I wanted to ask, to what extent does training in horsemanship enhance your defensive
capabilities on horseback?'

Sarinda says 'A good question, Aleera.'

Sarinda says 'My practice is to carry it on my person, but to always equip it on my horse when I know that I will potentially be leaving the Tower again.'

Aleera nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'If we were assaulted, I would likely pull it out of my pack and drop it all here on the floor.'

get all.horseeq pack
Sarinda gets a hitching harness from a belt pack.
Sarinda gets a bridle made of leather from a belt pack.
Sarinda gets a war saddle with stirrups from a belt pack.

drop all
Sarinda drops a war saddle with stirrups.
Sarinda drops a bridle made of leather.
Sarinda drops a hitching harness.

get all.horseeq
Sarinda gets a hitching harness.
Sarinda gets a bridle made of leather.
Sarinda gets a war saddle with stirrups.

Vistra says 'That was fast.'

Sarinda says 'A few mental mnemonics (aliases) can allow you to do this very quickly.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

put all pack
Sarinda puts a war saddle with stirrups in a belt pack.
Sarinda puts a bridle made of leather in a belt pack.
Sarinda puts a hitching harness in a belt pack.

Evee says 'the saddle is by far the heaviest. The shoes and bridle are about 3 lbs total.'

Yve says 'all.horseeq'

Sarinda says 'With one plate of food, and a full mug of water, my current dodge bonus (DB) is 144 while carrying the equipment.'

get all.horseeq pack
Sarinda gets a hitching harness from a belt pack.
Sarinda gets a bridle made of leather from a belt pack.
Sarinda gets a war saddle with stirrups from a belt pack.

drop all
Sarinda drops a war saddle with stirrups.
Sarinda drops a bridle made of leather.
Sarinda drops a hitching harness.

Sarinda says 'And 151 without it.'

get all.horseeq
Sarinda gets a hitching harness.
Sarinda gets a bridle made of leather.
Sarinda gets a war saddle with stirrups.

Yve nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'That is a 7 point difference'

Evee recalls once sparring with a canoe.

Evee giggles.

Sarinda smirks.

Sarinda says 'Assuming an attacker with an offensive bonus (OB) of 180 and a weapon weighing 18 pounds, that makes a difference of likelihood of being bashed at 25% versus 35%.'

Sarinda says '('

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I would suggest we move on to perhaps one more topic, as I realize we have gone longer than I originally planned and I want to be respectful of your time.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Aleera nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'We did not touch on the use of herbal mixtures, such as yellow vials to refresh your energy, but suffice to say these are very valuable and helpful, and it is good to carry one or two in emergencies.'

Sarinda says 'The final topic I had planned to discuss is to consider the role of a channeler in combat, and the influence we can carry on the tempo of the battle.'

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, consideration of broader tactics will help you gain appreciation for the strength you truly possess, and the ways you can change the tide.'

Sarinda says 'What are some ways that channelers can contribute to wartime efforts against the Shadow or Seanchan?'

Trajega says 'buffs / healing'

Yve says 'frying them'

Vistra says 'We can direct our weaves at specific targets.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Vistra's comment is extremely important to touch on here.'

Yve says 'Like blinding a dreadlord or strong basher to help the warriors fighting in melee?'

Yve says 'hitting specific weakened enemies.... I see it'

Trajega says 'wasn’t it said that attack damage is spread across a group?'

Sarinda says 'You may not fully appreciate this, but the ability to selectively target any foe you desire, regardless of whether you are directly engaged in combat with them or not, leads channelers to be the undisputed leaders at sniping enemies.'

Trajega says 'weaves wouldn’t follow this rule.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Aleera nods.

Trajega nods at Sarinda.

Sarinda says 'Now, if multiple channelers put all of their firepower into a single target, a certain percentage of those weaves will be ineffective.'

Yve says 'I have done this before joining the tower (smobbing)'

Sarinda says 'But reduced percentages of a high number, is potentially still a high number.'

Sarinda nods at Yve.

Evee says 'selectively targeting a specific opponent, even if you don't do much damage, can alter
their preferred tactics.'

Sarinda says 'Indeed.'

Yve says 'Or keep interrupting a channeler.'

Sarinda says 'Can anyone name another skill that can be used to target a selected opponent even if you are not engaged on them in the throes of battle?'

Vistra says 'Thrown items.'

Yve says 'throwing weapons?'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Indeed, projectile weapons.'

Sarinda says 'Projectile weapons, unlike most weaves, also have the possibility of interrupting an opponent's attempt to bash you.'

Aleera asks, "And aren't they ridiculously fast to use?"

Yve says 'is throwing nigh instant? or have an amount of time to do? could we use both weaves and

Sarinda says 'I am admittedly not very practiced in them.'

Sarinda says 'So far as I remember, throwing them does not require a timer up front, but there is a delay between throwing it and watching it strike the opponent.'

Yve says 'It is hard to get all the things I want to learn to stay in my head at once, I admit.'

Aleera shares, "I was reading some records in our library (forums), that suggested they take but moments (2 pulses)."

Vistra nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Yes, that part of it is fast, but they do have to arc through the room and then hit the target.'

Aleera nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'And they can weigh you down if you carry a large number of them.'

Sarinda says 'I have seen fists of Trollocs flee the Borderlands simply because they were already somewhat injured and an Aes Sedai had entered the area.'

Sarinda says 'A competent channeler can turn the tide of battle, indeed. It is best that you all remember this.'

Sarinda says 'Now, we only have a few more minutes before the daily ripple in the Pattern (reboot). If it pleases the Light, what questions do you have?'

Vistra says 'Yes Sarinda Sedai.'

Vistra shakes her head.

Trajega says 'thank you Sarinda Sedai'

Yve says 'I think I need to absorb the information before I'm likely to have good questions.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Vistra says 'Yes, thank you Sarinda Sedai.'

Evee says 'The class was very informative. Thank you for the invite, Sarinda Sedai.'

Yve says 'Yes, thank you, Sarinda Sedai.'

Sarinda says 'I am pleased to hear so many of you interested in this topic, and interested in learning more about it.'

Vistra smiles happily.

Aleera says, "Thank you for your lessons tonight, Sarinda Sedai. I wanted to add for those practicing conjuring food and water, that if you continue to do so, you might consider just carrying a cup and keeping it full to drink from and one piece of fruit. Enough, at a moment, to stave off hunger and thirst since you can replenish it quickly, later. It will keep your encumbrance as low as possible."

Sarinda says 'Although not everyone is destined for the Red or Green Ajahs, all Aes Sedai must demonstrate at least minimal competencies in combat to reach the shawl.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Trajega nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'I encourage you to reflect on this lesson, and seek me out for more, including private lessons, if you wish to grow in this area.'

Aleera nods.

Vistra curtseys gracefully.

Sarinda says 'Class dismissed.'

Evee curtseys gracefully.

Vistra leaves west. <<

Trajega leaves west. <<

Evee leaves west. <<

Yve curtseys gracefully.

Aleera curtseys to Sarinda Sedai.

Posts: 337
Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:05 pm

Re: Class log - Impromptu lesson on self-defense and combat basics

Post by Ashlynn » Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:09 am

Base: 2
Special length bonus: +0
Rplizer: +1
Extra meticulous edit: +1
Summary: +1

Sarinda: 5 RPQPs
Eldrenia: 3 RPQPs
Trajega: 3 RPQPs
Aleera: 3 RPQPs
Yve: 3 RPQPs
Vistra: 3 RPQPs
Evee: 3 RPQPs

Excellent class log. I will be sure to direct new initiates to read through this to learn information about self-defense.

You may say receive at a silver-haired Aes Sedai to receive your merits.

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