A walk through time

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A walk through time

Post by Divina » Thu May 18, 2023 7:59 am

Found this log within Gesin Sedai's archives. Very long time ago when I used to take Accepteds and Novices on interactive field trips. This was is quite fun down to Illian and Back and ends up with a nasty little twist. I enjoyed the trip down memory lane plus we get to see some future Blue and Brown Aes Sedai in action.

A Small Classroom
Slate boards, currently wiped clean, have been installed on each wall of
the small classroom. A large rectangular table occupies the center of the
of the room, around which are spread a number of chairs. This setup
apparently favors collaboration, as a scroll placed in the center of the
table is easily viewed from any of the seats around the table. Through the
windowed door to the north lies the main reading room of the library.
[ obvious exits: N ]
Myrie al'Celt, Tower Accepted is standing here.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
Lady Divina Souvraya the Educator is standing here.
Katherine Renshar, Tower Accepted is standing here.
A young woman is here thinking to herself.

Katherine performs a curtsey.

Katherine stops using a pale steel longsword.

Katherine stops using a dull black shield.

Myrie curtseys before Divina.

rem staff
Khahliana stops using a bladed feather staff.

Divina stops using a yew staff.

Divina says 'Ok I take it you all have the material?'

Khahliana says 'Yes, Aes Sedai.'

Myrie says 'Yes Aes Sedai.'

Katherine nods in agreement.

Divina says 'I was really hoping to see some novices here today'

Divina says 'Since it is moreso designed for them.'

Divina says 'None the less.'

Divina says 'So as always the general class rules apply within this domain. That means no eating and drinks, please disable any triggers you have to this effect.'

Divina says 'There is to be no channeling either whatsoever, unless I tell you otherwise.'

Divina says 'My classes are very much interactive and two between me the teacher and you the student and your participation helps ensure the learning process.'

Divina says 'Normally I ask for raised hands but today we will relax that rule, so please speak freely however only on topic. No idle chit chat.'

Divina says 'Today we are going to take a journey through imagination. The place we are visiting is real however since Novices may not leave Tar Valon I have decided to bring the world to you.'

Divina says 'I encourage you all participate to the fullest today, and please approach this with an open mind.'

Divina says 'I hope you have all brought your reference material that I have provided. I will be asking you to refer to it throughout the day so keep it handy.'

Divina says 'I want to hear from you all about your thoughts on what you see and observe, what you feel and finally your thoughts on who, what, when, where and why.'

Divina says 'This is not a traditional class in the sense. It is something different altogether so please enjoy and participate.'

Katherine nods and listens placing a sheet of written notes on the table in front of her.

Divina says 'Let us make good use of the day while it is still light.'

Divina says 'Please stand back while I prepare for our departure.'

Divina concentrates sharply on her intended destination.

Divina weaves earth, fire and spirit as a bright slash of light dilates into a gateway to another place.

Divina peers through the shimmering liquid to see a river valley surrounded on both sides by massive opaque cliff faces.

Divina says 'Quickly now, everyone through the gateway. Watch you step.'

Divina waits for everyone to step through the gateway before bringing up the rear.

Katherine steps through the gateway.

Katherine smiles.

Divina wipes a sudden bead of sweat from her brow, whilst looking up at the high sun beaming down.

Khahliana steps through the gateway.

Divina says 'We are in the surrounding hills to the north of Illian. It is here that we begin our journey.'

Divina takes out the reference material and pays close attention to "Carved River Cliff". You get the sense you should do the same.

Myrie steps through the gateway.

Myrie shuffles her stack of papers.

Katherine beams a smile at Myrie.

Divina makes a quickly scrawled sketch of the cliff face, a slight smile appears to twitch in her face while she works.

Divina says 'I do not think nature is supposed behave in such a fashion.'

Divina says 'Surely it is not a natural occurance?'

Katherine furrows her brow in thought.

Myrie studies her papers.

Katherine looks around at the pictures in thought.

Divina ponders the intricate massonary.

Divina says 'Our next destination is about a mile to the southeast. Watch your steps through this valley the rocks are quite hazardous.'

Divina comes to a sudden halt as she peers around curiously. You sense a hint of doubt in her mind as to her surroundings.

Divina bends down to investigate an odd looking branch that seemingly appears covered in the sap from the tall pines above.

Katherine leans around to catch a better view.

Divina says 'Yes, yes... this do be the place indeed.'

Divina takes out the reference material and pays close attention to "Scruffy Pines". You get the sense you should do the same.

Divina nods to herself, she definately needs reassurance or the eyes of a good Warder right now.

Divina says 'Anyone wish to make claim as to whether or not these stairs are natural occurances in the rock?'

Divina bends down to investigate the broken steps more closely....

Katherine says 'I would say not, Aes Sedai. they appeared to have been carved. since the stairs have collapsed, it suggests they were not solid with the rock face.'

Khahliana says 'I would say not, Aes Sedai. One stone may perhaps be formed by nature in the shape of a scale, but it would be difficult to find so many shaped in the same way.'

Katherine watches Divina and then circle around one side of the heap to inspect.

Katherine nods at Khahliana.

Divina says 'Indeed, it would seem quite strange to find more than one in the same fashion.'

Divina moves back towards the odd pine branches, she fiddles around until suddenly they part revealing a way upwards towards the sky.

Divina opens the sappybranches.

Divina says 'Again safety is important ladies, note your footing as we proceed upwards.'

Myrie disappears into the void.

Myrie has returned.

Divina takes the lead slowly step by step. The route winds up and around until eventually you notice her stop ahead of you. Something large appears to block any further progress.

Katherine pulls the hem of her dress up as she follows Divina.

Khahliana takes Myrie's arm, carefully guiding her up the steps behind Katherine.

Divina makes a quickly scrawled sketch of the intricate door, a slight smile appears to twitch in her face while she works.

Divina says 'Is anyone disturbed by this image?'

Divina takes out the reference material and pays close attention to "Among the Pine Branches". You get the sense you should do the same.

Katherine gasps left foot slips, sending a stone casting down the heap. She then recovers herself and stares at the sky while mumbling a curse to herself.

Katherine looks at the door carefully.

Myrie studies her notes and the doorway.

Khahliana examines the door carefully, her fingers tracing the form of the lizard, collar and Aes Sedai symbol.

Myrie turns to watch Khahliana.

Divina moves her hands slowly over the doorface feeling for anything out of the ordinary.

Khahliana says 'Fascinating. Did the ancient Aes Sedai ride lizards as mounts?'

Divina doubles back to the collar of the beast paying specific attention to the symbol of the Aes Sedai.

Katherine says 'I find it curious. I've never heard of men riding lizards excpet maybe the seanchan and they cannot surely respect this symbol '

Khahliana says 'Or keep them as pets?'

Divina says 'It is unknown dear.'

Myrie says 'If they were kept as pets, surely they wouldn't use a symbol that marked all Aes Sedai?'

Katherine says 'I think the image in the cliffs suggest they actually used the beasts as mounts, Khahliana.'

Katherine says 'This image does not disturb me nearly as much as the cliffs.'

Katherine purses her lips.

Khahliana says 'At least someone used one as a mount.'

Divina says 'There is must lost from past ages. Perhaps what lies inside will lay further claim to what we have already seen.'

Katherine says 'How old is this place, Aes Sedai?'

Divina says 'A fact unknown dear.'

Katherine nods.

Divina says 'Perhaps you will be the one to discover it.'

Divina returns to the ancient Aes Sedai symbol, her hands in curious movement.

Divina says 'It appears to be some kind of locking mechanism... no if only I can... WAIT!'

Katherine watches carefully.

Divina hears a little click as the symbol turns 180 degrees.

Divina jumps back a pace as the doors rumble and begin to open apart.

Divina opens the marblelizards.

Divina says 'Now that was quite unexpected.'

Myrie glances around.

Divina says 'A rather handy piece of craftmanship that is.'

Divina rubs her eyes as the pale glow from within beings somewhat more apparant than before.

Katherine climbs a little forward to peer into the entrance careful to stay cler of the doors.

Divina weaves a small ball of light which floats in approximation with her head.

Myrie says 'Aes Sedai, may I channel as well?'

Divina says 'Please do'

Divina says 'It would not be wise to venture unprepared.'

Myrie weaves a small ball of light which floats over her shoulder.

Khahliana senses Myrie connecting to the True Source.

Divina says 'For good measure so extra light cannot go astray.'

Divina says 'Careful now, be on your guard ladies for who knows what lies within.'

Divina takes slow but steady steps inside the doorway to reveal something beyond belief.

Katherine takes a lnatern from her pack and grimaces as she adjusts its light.

Divina says 'We have now made landfall to our final destination today. This apparant cave like structure is what we have come to investigate.'

Divina says 'Keep your notepads handy ladies as this may very well be the first time this cave has seen any human presence in a very long time.'

Divina takes out the reference material and pays close attention to "Pearlized Entrance". You get the sense you should do the same.

Katherine takes a notebook from her pack.

Divina wonders at all the eligance and beauty abound... where did all this come from she thinks.

Myrie takes out her notepad.

Katherine frowns at the imagery.

Myrie makes some notes in her notepad.

Katherine says 'say its beautitful. I've never seen anything like this before. But I wonder, Aes Sedai, why celebrate the capture of this woman'

Divina says 'Such odd beauty around'

Khahliana stoops down briefly, trailing her fingers across the floor in wonder.

Katherine points at an image of a woman surrounded by a circle of men.

Katherine looks back at the group and returns, realizing she was wandering a little ahead.

grin katherine

Khahliana grins at her.

Divina says 'Head in the clouds err Katherine?'

Divina says 'Anyhow since appears we have a curious mind with us, let us help feed her brain. Onwards south.'

Myrie falls in line with Divina.

Katherine blushes and then trails behind the group

Divina takes out the reference material and pays close attention to "Jade Corridor". You get the sense you should do the same.

Divina shivers at the depiction of the images...

Katherine coughs and then returns to her examination of the image

Myrie says 'Aes Sedai...that picture...'

Divina says 'It is very alarming isnt it.'

Myrie nods in agreement.

Divina makes a quickly scrawled sketch of the tiled image, a hind of anger narrows on her face.

Myrie says 'Do you think...can those men....'

Katherine says 'it is. it appears that they are trying to still that woman in the circle.'

Myrie squeaks out 'channel?'

Katherine leans a little closer counting the number of men and looking for other clues.

Divina says 'What do you think on that Khahliana and Myrie'

Divina says 'What Katherine has just said.'

Myrie thinks for a moment.

Katherine looks at Myrie.

Myrie says 'Well, I was wondering if you thought the men could channel'

Divina says 'If the men really are Aes Sedai and if they do hold the woman captive. Then what is the need of the cage?'

Khahliana says 'The image is strongly suggestive of a group of channelers linked together. Being circled around the cage strongly suggests they are guarding her, at the very least.'

Myrie says 'Keep her from escaping'

Myrie says 'I am guessing she is shielded'

Katherine says 'she must be very powerful if they need so many.'

Myrie says 'Not stilled.'

Myrie says 'They keep her captive'

Divina says 'Surely they could have easily wrapped her up in air to prevent her from escaping. I think the cage is purely symbolic'

Katherine frowns.

Katherine says 'perhaps a way of humiliating?'

Divina says 'Perhaps or even so a way of breaking down ones willpower.'

Katherine nods.

Myrie nods in agreement.

Katherine looks over at another image of a man under a tree, not noticing it at first and then moving over to look more closely.

Myrie says 'The question is, is the sybolism aimed at the woman in the cage, or observers?'

Katherine looks over at myrie and smiles.

Katherine says 'Good point.'

Divina says 'Knowning who the artist was may lead to that answer.'

Divina says 'One must wonder where all this wealth came from and why it was used in such a lavish display.'

Katherine says 'interesting fellow this one. '

Katherine points at the man under the tree.

Myrie says 'The leader of the men I would guess'

Katherine nods and steps back a few paces.

Divina says 'He is indeed Katherine, perhaps more will be revealed further in.'

Divina says 'Anyhow time is of the essence and we will be expected back in Tar Valon before nightfall. Lets keep moving south.'

Katherine follows.

Divina takes the lead towards the warm honey glow in the distant south.

Divina takes out the reference material and pays close attention to "Amber Panels". You get the sense you should do the same.

Khahliana trails behind, carefully taking in the scene.

Katherine says, while walking a pace behind, 'Avendesora I think, I wonder what that could symbolize?'

Katherine looks at her notes.

Myrie glances at her notebook.

Divina says 'Lizards... Shocklances... Oh my what have we stumbled into here... so fascinating.'

Khahliana breathes, 'An entire army armed with shocklances.'

Katherine studies the carvings, running her hand over them slowly.

Katherine nods at Khahliana.

Divina says 'What I wouldnt give to find an actual shocklance to study. A prized treasure from the age of legends or so Tower records make note.'

Myrie nods in agreement.

Divina peers around in wonder, her eyes awide with amazement as she drinks in all of her surroundings.

Divina pulls out her mottled brown leather journal and makes a few scratched notes before it disappears back into her cloak.

Myrie says 'Maybe you'll uncover one hidden in a stasis box in your journeys!'

Khahliana says 'That does give a clue as to the age of the event depicted at the very least.'

Katherine steps back to take in more of the scene.

Katherine says 'this scene represent some sort of triumpant moment, but the man's expression is unnerving.'

Divina says 'Triumph of what. His capture or his release?'

Katherine says 'i'm not sure. breaking of the bonds on his arms would represent release. or it could be celebraton of some victorious ruse of his enemies. I would suggest the simplest explanation with the least amount of assumptions.'

Myrie nods in agreement.

Myrie says 'The simplest answer is often the correct one.'

Divina says 'You are correct in that line of thought Myrie.'

Divina says 'However art can be at times abstract. And it is not always that the picture shown relates to any implicite meaning.'

Divina says 'Yet I do think you are right in this case.'

Khahliana says 'I would say his release. The silver highlighting of the shackles appears the artist intended to draw attention to them falling away from his wrists. No one would be snapping such bonds on a man in that manner and I strongly suspect if it were to signify his capture, the bonds would be highlighted as being firmly closed around his wrists.'

Katherine nods at Khahliana.

Divina says 'Well noted Khahliana, let us work to that assumption.'

Katherine says 'the expression on his face would indicate vindication or elation to the point of madness. It mkes me wonder who had this image commissioned.'

Divina begins to wander off to the east as something appears to have caught her eye from afar. You sense she means for you to follow her.

Katherine follows Divina.

Myrie glances around and falls in line behind Divina.

Khahliana brings up the rear.

Divina takes out the reference material and pays close attention to "Obsidian Court". You get the sense you should do the same.

Divina inspects the throne carefully...

Divina says 'I get a shiver down my spine just thinking about who may have sat in that throne.'

Divina says 'Everything about this chamber just feels wrong to me. So much anger and hatred in such a visual display of power and dominance.'

Katherine nods apprehensively.

Divina says 'And again an overture abundance of wealth so lavishly displayed.'

Divina says 'One begins to wonder how this place has avoided treasure hunters for so long.'

Katherine nods her gaze shifting around slowly.

Divina says 'Thoughts ladies?'

Khahliana frowns between the image of the Dragon's Fang above and the Flame below the thrown. 'Such arrogance.'

Khahliana says 'throne*'

Katherine nods.

Divina says 'Does this scene unnerve you at all Myrie?'

Divina peers closely at Myrie, trying to figure her out.

Divina says 'I think myrie may be in shcok'

Katherine smiles happily.

Divina says 'Very much tongue tied.'

Divina says 'What of the scratch marks on the floor ladies?'

Myrie clears her head

Myrie shivers.

Katherine walks across the room looking around warily and then investigates the markings.

Myrie says 'Darkfriends gloating?'

Myrie says 'The throne...perhaps men and women who can channel, and gave themselves over to the Dark?'

Divina says 'Now that is quite a theory.'

Myrie says 'The symbolism'

Divina says 'Anyone think perhaps the throne itself was dragged across the floor? Perhaps it once sat upon the Aes Sedai symbol.'

Katherine leans over for a closer look.

Katherine nods in agreement.

Katherine says 'its the most reasonable explanation I can think of, Aes Sedai.'

Myrie says 'What purpose would the symbol serve if it was covered?'

Divina says 'The thought is why would someone want to hide the symbol.'

Myrie nods in agreement.

Divina says 'It is merely a thought. We can see that that it has since been defaced now.'

Divina says 'I have always said there are no right or wrong answers...'

Divina says 'Please finish up your sketches and notes, we need to keep moving ladies.'

Divina says 'Further chambers to the north await thy curious eye.'

Divina beckons for all to make their way north.

Myrie folds her notepad up.

Divina takes out the reference material and pays close attention to "Lapis Lazul Alcove". You get the sense you should do the same.

Khahliana moves north to the next chamber.

Katherine follows Divina looking back toward the throne briefly.

Divina says 'This room appears strangly odd to me, only small notions of wealth here. Much appears to have suffered poorly over the years.'

Katherine makes some notes.

Khahliana says 'Peaceful appearing as well. A stark contrast in both ways to the previous chambers.'

Divina bends down to inspect the carvings on the fireplace...

Divina makes another small sketch in her notes.

Katherine leans closer to the desk and sketches something.

Divina moves over towards the bedframe as a glitter of gold catches her eyes.

Divina kneels to inspect the bed much more carefully...

Katherine runs her fingers along the desk and walls in curiosity.

Divina says 'Anyone suspect this was the bed chamber of the person to occupy the throne? Perhaps the picture may hint as such.'

Katherine takes her pen and gently looks behind the picture on the wall.

Myrie says 'I can't be sure'

Katherine says 'if this was the residentual space for whoever occupied that throne, then I'd say this cave's former resident was a complex man.'

Katherine says 'or atleast, became one'

Myrie says 'We should be careful. We are coming up with many theories, and at some point it could be complete conjecture.'

Khahliana 's eyes are drawn to the flying machine in the background of the picture, 'One who lived in complex times, as well, by all appearances.'

Khahliana senses Myrie connecting to the True Source.

Divina says 'Good thoughts indeed.'

Katherine says 'again, I would suggest the simplist explanation, Myrie. Its living quarters attached directly to a throne room. That would suggest that this was somebody's lair and they held some sort of court in the other room while living here in this room. The occupant might be somebody who fancied himself a simple person at heart but a man of some authority by necessity. '

Khahliana says 'The picture is faded so I cannot be certain if they are the same, but the tall man appears to have features similar to the others of the man depicted in the previous works of art.''

Katherine says 'the throne room has the trappnigs of someone projecting an image'

Myrie nods in agreement.

Divina weaves a small weave of spirit and water... you are unsure of what she has just done yet she looks to the sky as if she can sense the sun is quickly setting.

Divina says 'Quickly now, there is time for one last room.'

Divina hurries you along to the final room.

Khahliana quickly follow.s

Katherine nods and follwos.

Divina takes out the reference material and pays close attention to "Gigantic Stalls". You get the sense you should do the same.

Myrie follows Divina.

Divina says 'What is that aweful stench...'

Khahliana wrinkles her nose slightly.

Divina moves to inspect the stalls at the back of the room... your eyes catch a glimse of movement yet feel betrayed in the shadows.

Myrie holds a cloth over her mouth and nose.

Katherine holds a hankerchief to her nose.

Divina dives suddenly to the left as an enormous Lizard as Black as tar jumps out of the shadows taking a swipe at her with razor sharp claws.

Divina regains her bearing and embraces saidar. You sense her inner strength to be greater than you thought for one so old.

Divina releases a gigantic fireball that reduces the creature to a smouldering pile of ash and bone.

Khahliana leaps to Divina Sedai's aid.

Myrie embraces Saidar.

Divina says 'That was very close indeed. I think we should take our leave before more of those creatures return.'

Myrie hurredly nods.

Divina weaves earth, fire and spirit as a bright slash of light dilates into a gateway to another place.

Katherine nods.

Divina herds everyone back through the gateway to the safety of the Tower Classroom.

The black lizard hits Myrie's right arm.
Myrie panics, and attempts to flee!
A warder's student joins Myrie's fight!

Divina says 'EEK!'

A warder's student slices the black lizard's head extremely hard.
Myrie draws a dagger from a set of cloth sleeves with a flash of steel.
Myrie tries to pierce the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
The black lizard barely tickles Myrie's body with his hit.

The black lizard swiftly dodges Divina's attempt to hit him.

Khahliana quickly steps through safely.

Divina tries to hit the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
A warder's student slices the black lizard's right foreleg extremely hard.
Myrie tries to pierce the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
The black lizard hits Myrie's body.

Katherine tries to hit the black lizard, but he deflects the blow.

Katherine hits the black lizard's body.
Divina tries to hit the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
A warder's student tries to slice the black lizard, but he parries successfully.
Myrie tries to pierce the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
The black lizard hits Myrie's body hard.
Khahliana senses Katherine connecting to the True Source.

kill lizard
Khahliana tries to quietly draw a shiny copper dagger from a set of cloth sleeves.
The black lizard swiftly dodges your attempt to pierce him.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh - Myrie: Scratched - the black lizard: Scratched >
Khahliana senses Myrie connecting to the True Source.

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh - Myrie: Scratched - the black lizard: Scratched >
The black lizard swiftly dodges your attempt to pierce him.
Katherine tries to hit the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
Divina tries to hit the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
A warder's student slices the black lizard's right leg extremely hard.
Myrie tickles the black lizard's body with her pierce.
The black lizard hits Myrie's left arm hard.
Myrie panics, and attempts to flee!

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh - Myrie: Hurt - the black lizard: Hurt > channel 'ice spikes' h.1.lizard
Khahliana feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Khahliana begins to weave the appropriate flows...Hurt - the black lizard: Hurt >

The black lizard swiftly dodges Katherine's attempt to hit him.
The black lizard swiftly dodges Divina's attempt to hit him.
A warder's student slices the black lizard's body into bloody fragments!
Myrie tries to pierce the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
The black lizard hits Myrie's body hard.


Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at the black lizard.

* HP:Healthy SP:Full MV:Fresh - Myrie: Hurt - the black lizard: Wounded > channel 'ice spikes' h.1.lizard
Khahliana tries to pierce the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
Katherine tries to hit the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
The black lizard swiftly dodges Divina's attempt to hit him.
A warder's student slices the black lizard's body into bloody fragments!
Myrie tries to pierce the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
The black lizard barely hits Myrie's body.
Khahliana begins to weave the appropriate flows...

Myrie binds a silver etched shield to her arm.

The black lizard swiftly dodges Katherine's attempt to hit him.
Divina tries to hit the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
A warder's student slices the black lizard's body extremely hard.
Myrie tries to pierce the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
The black lizard tries to hit Myrie, but she deflects the blow.
Khahliana senses Katherine is channeling saidar.


Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at the black lizard.

* HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Myrie: Hurt - the black lizard: Battered >
Khahliana senses Myrie is channeling saidar.

* HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Fresh - Myrie: Hurt - the black lizard: Battered > channel 'ice spikes' h.1.lizard
Khahliana begins to weave the appropriate flows...

Divina tries to hit the black lizard, but he dodges the attack.
A warder's student slices the black lizard's left foreleg very hard.
The black lizard tries to hit Myrie, but she deflects the blow.

Katherine unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at the black lizard, who is stabbed repeatedly.

Myrie releases streaks of Fire at the black lizard, who screams in pain.

Khahliana senses Myrie is channeling saidar.
Khahliana senses Katherine is channeling saidar.


Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at the black lizard.
The black lizard is stunned, but will probably regain consciousness...

* HP:Healthy SP:Strong MV:Fresh - the black lizard: Critical >
Khahliana pierce the black lizard's left leg.
The black lizard is dead! R.I.P.
Not tired of this yet?
Khahliana's blood freezes as you hear the black lizard's death cry.

Myrie nods in agreement.

Katherine blinks.

Khahliana says 'Oh, my! One followed us back through!'

Divina says 'Bloody ashes... It must have followed us...'

Myrie gets a water skin from a small purse.

Myrie drinks water from a water skin.

Myrie drinks water from a water skin.

Myrie gets a plate of yellow peppers and pork from a small purse.

Myrie eats a plate of yellow peppers and pork.

Myrie shivers

Divina comforts Myrie.

Divina says 'Are you ok dear'

Myrie says 'Of course.'

Myrie says 'It was just unexpected.'

Myrie nods in agreement.

Divina says 'Rather so'

Katherine notices her sword and shield aginst the backwall and sighs.

Divina says 'I suspect those creatures have a liking towards the darkness, since the sun was about to set.'

Divina says 'Though I am rather perplexed why it would attempt to follow us towards light.'

The Wheel of Time turns...

Katherine leans over and collects her notebook lying on the floor nearby.

Divina says 'Anyhow, we are alive and safely home.'

Myrie smiles happily.

Divina says 'So let us wrap up with our final thoughts today.'

Divina says 'Anyone care to be as bold as to make a suggestion upon Who, What, When, Where or Why?'

Katherine opens her notebook and reviews her notes.

Divina says 'Yon don't need to answer all, any will do'

Myrie says 'It sounds crazy'

Myrie says 'Perhaps one of the mounts?'

Katherine looks at Myrie.

Myrie says 'I don't know how it could have survived for so long...'

Katherine smiles.

Divina says 'Sorry for the confusion Myrie'

Divina says 'I meant the entire trip in general.'

Katherine says 'myrie, we never left the room. the lizard must've been a prank.'

Katherine smiles.

Divina gives a warder's student an order.

Divina gives a warder's student an order.
A warder's student scolds Katherine for her actions.

Khahliana glances at Katherine curiously, didn't we?

Katherine stares at the ceiling.

Katherine says 'I'd suggest it was a false dragon. I'm not sure which one, Aes Sedai.'

Divina gives a warder's student an order.
A warder's student says 'I've been sitting here all day waiting on your return Lady Divina... what does the child mean we never left the room. Im so confused my head hurts...'

Katherine covers a soft giggle with her hand.

Khahliana gives the warder's student a comforting glance.

Divina says 'A wild thought that Katherine, though I am always willing to entertain such theories.'

Divina says 'So what of the chambers in general. Some kind of palace or such?'

Myrie says 'A place where council/court was held.'

Myrie says 'But not necessarily a palace.'

Katherine says 'maybe a lair. '

Katherine says 'a hideout of sorts.'

Katherine nods at Myrie.

Divina says 'My personnal thoughts are that it was some kind of fortification. '

Katherine furrows her brow.

Khahliana says 'The when certainly appears to be the Age of Legends, though the area must have once been warded strongly to have survived the breaking if it is indeed from that time.'

Divina says 'It was high in the mountains, easily defensible. It had room for a large amount of people like an army, it had a place for mounts to be kept plus it even had its own water source.'

Katherine furrows her brow at Khahliana.

Divina says 'Factors which hold alot of weight in my eyes.'

Myrie nods in agreement.

Katherine says 'but it had only a couple entrances and could easily be closed off.'

Katherine says 'additionally, I didnt see any room for supplies to hold out against seige. '

Katherine frowns.

Divina says 'The entrance itself is well hidden and that only leads up to a door that is mysteriously locked as well.'

Katherine nods and listens.

Myrie says 'If they used the power, couldn't they have simply opened a gate for supplies?'

Divina says 'All plausable thoughts myrie'

Katherine says 'it could not have been the age of legends though.'

Divina says 'The where is modern day Illian'

Divina says 'At the time of creation, it is unknown what kindgom those lands resided in...'

Divina says 'The Why is very curious to me'

Divina says 'What is built as a place to hide? A place to pay homage? A place to live? A place to rule?'

Divina says 'I think the Why is very much linked as to the What?'

Divina says 'All thoughts to take away with you today.'

Katherine nods.

Divina says 'Any last final observations or questions of me today?'

Katherine shakes her head.

Divina says 'Well if there is nothing else to be said ladies. Then I thank you for taking this journey with me'

Myrie shakes her head.

Katherine smiles happily.

Divina says 'I hope you have find it somewhat different to our normal classes, and perhaps it was also enjoyable.'

Khahliana says 'It was very interesting, Aes Sedai.'

Myrie says 'Thank you for taking us there Divina Sedai.'

Katherine nods Khahliana

Divina says 'That concludes the lesson'

The Accepted says 'Before you are dismissed, I will take roll for Divina Sedai.'

Katherine says 'very convincing and immersive, Thank you, Aes Sedai.'

The Accepted says 'To receive credit for the course, SAY MAY I BE DISMISSED Divina SEDAI?'

The Accepted says 'If I nod at you, that means you are dismissed and may leave.'

Myrie says 'may I be dismissed Divina Sedai'

An Accepted nods at Myrie.

Katherine says 'May I be dismissed Divina Sedai?'

Khahliana says 'May I be dismissed, Divina Sedai?'

An Accepted nods at Khahliana.

Myrie curtseys before Divina.

Myrie says 'Thank you Aes Sedai'

Myrie opens the door.
Katherine says 'May I be dismissed, Divina Sedai?'

Myrie leaves north.

An Accepted nods at Katherine.

Katherine smiles happily.
Katherine performs a curtsey.

Katherine leaves north.

Khahliana 's banded hem encircles a milky pool as she curtseys gracefully.

Posts: 451
Joined: Mon May 18, 2015 9:10 pm

Re: A walk through time

Post by Katherine » Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:06 am

This was one of my favorite classroom exercises even to this day.

Reading "very long time ago" and I cringe looking at the time in my own journal where I wrote down when this took place. Though the events that took place in the months before and after were some of the most fun I ever had with some of the most wonderful people.

From that "future Blue", Thank you for sharing this!

Posts: 328
Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2015 2:27 am

Re: A walk through time

Post by Divina » Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:43 am

You are most welcome Sister.

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