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An Excursion with Tolza Sedai

Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 7:55 pm
by Aelrena
A log in which Wearied Novices Cera and Aelrena go on a field trip with Tolza Sedai, and have a discussion about the White Tower, other clans, and defining their relative importance.

Main Characters: Tolza,Cera, Aelrena, later joined by Verne

Tower Square
(wotmudmapper): (debug): Room name (Tower Square) captured.
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.

Also here is: Cera

Tolza says 'Would you like to take a trip out of the tower?'

Cera says 'I will reach out at once.'

Cera says 'Yes please.'

Tolza says 'One sec brb'

Cera says 'Beautiful as the Shining Walls are, one can only look at them for so long.'

Aelrena arrives from the Northern Gate

Tolza says 'Have a horse aelrena?'

Aelrena says 'I do not, but I can go grab one from Sheriam Sedai?'

Aelrena says 'be right back'

Aelrena leaves and comes back with a horse but finds a gray Palfrey upon returning.

Tolza says 'Gray is better'

Tolza opens up a gateway to Caemlyn, and the group heads to the grocer for supplies.

A butcher tells Tolza 'Excellent choice!'

A grocer tells Tolza 'If you have any complaints, don't bring them to me.'

Cera says 'Ah Caemlyn'

Cera says 'Public fountains'

The trio leaves from the western gate of Caemlyn, traveling toward Whitebridge as they discuss history.

Tolza says 'Tell me something about Andor.'

Cera says 'Andor has always been ruled by queens.'

Tolza says 'Always?'

Aelrena says 'Andor has always been ruled by a Queen, and has always had close ties with Tar Valon, after the treaty that was created at its founding.'

Tolza says 'What else?'

Cera says 'I believe that a full Sister is assigned as an advisor'

Tolza says 'Kill that raven pls'

Aelrena says 'Andor still plays the game of houses, but most of the ravages of the game stay away from Andor.'

Cera says 'I believe that the Tower has assigned a full Sister as an advisor to the Queen since time immemorial.'

Cera says 'Permission to embrace the Source, Tolza Sedai.'

Cera says 'I sense no shadowspawn around'

Tolza says 'Who ruled these lands before andor?'

Aelrena says 'The first queen of Andor was Ishara Casalain, one of the advisors of Artur Hawkwing.'

Tolza says 'Very good'

Aelrena says 'Endara Casalain Aes Sedai.'

Cera says 'May we stop for food, Tolza Sedai?'

Aelrena says 'Ruled as the governor over Andor under Artur Hawkwing, Tolza Sedai.'

Tolza Sedai pauses the group at the apex of the Whitebridge, looking out over the surrounding environs.

Tolza says 'Take a moment to examine this bridge.'

Tolza says 'Any conclusions?'

Aelrena says 'Well, I believe we can say confidently it was crafted with the power, though I think most anyone knows that.'

Tolza says 'Perhaps it dates back to the Age of Legends?'

Cera says 'It seems to serve a strategic purpose, as you show, Tolza Sedai.'

Tolza says 'Ride up.'

Cera says 'To watch the areas surrounding.'

Aelrena says 'That was my next thought, I was briefly going to mention that it seems similar to Cuendillar in hardness.'

Cera says 'For danger.'

Tolza leads the two novices out into the wilderness to hunt some creatures.

Tolza says 'Do not engage unless I instruct you to.'

Tolza says 'Im going to try to blind and buff'

Aelrena says 'Yes Aes Sedai.'

Tolza says 'NO need to waste your spell points on it'

Tolza says 'Assist Aelrena'

Aelrena says 'Apologies, I wasn't certain you wished me to engage.'

Tolza says 'YOu did well'

Tolza says 'You two rest'

Tolza Sedai has the two novices rest in a grove off the banks of a river in Caemlyn, before continuing onward to hunt more creatures.

Tolza says 'Blind is a level dependent weave, we do not get a bonus.'

Tolza says 'Ask questions as we go please'

Aelrena says 'What status weave have you found most useful in your time as Aes Sedai?'

You say 'Armor and Blind'

Aelrena says 'Why blind rather than something like contagion?'

Cera says 'Have you been blinded before, Aelrena?'

Aelrena says 'I have.'

Aelrena says 'by Tolza Sedai, as it were.'

Tolza says 'BLind it more useful in pve'

Tolza says 'I tend to pve more.'

Aelrena says 'Makes sense'

Tolza says 'contagion is not a....popular weave'

Aelrena says 'I'd heard it wasn't. Sarinda Sedai I think only mentioned one person she knew'

Cera says 'Likely due to the fact that it requires extensive study.'

Tolza says 'More of a taboo weave'

Cera says 'Oh.'

Cera says 'I had not known that it was restricted'

Aelrena says 'May I ask why? Is it for the purpose that it's effects can be so vile?'

Tolza says 'It is not.'

Tolza says 'It is counter productive in pk.'

Tolza says 'If I weave it on my opponent in Pk all it accomplishes is removing them from the fight.'

Tolza says 'Giving them time to regenerate. '

Aelrena says 'Huh, I didn't know that.'

Tolza says 'Unless they are really dumb.'

Tolza says 'It really pisses people off.'

Tolza says 'So I do not use it, as do most people'

Tolza says 'Keep your canoe'

Aelrena says 'That's good to know'

Tolza says 'Do one of you locate life?'

Aelrena says 'I do not.'

Cera shakes her head.

Tolza says 'Do you understand what an agro pulses is, Aelrena?

Aelrena says 'It's not a term I've heard before'

Tolza says 'Can you explain it Cera?'

Cera says 'Mobs only perform actions in... waves'

Cera says 'or turns if you prefer'

Cera says 'They dont act every single second / pulse'

Cera says 'And that, as I understand Tolza Sedai, is termed as an aggro pulse'

Cera says 'If you move, as a player, within that 10 second window'

Cera says 'Mobs typically do not action on you'

Aelrena says 'Okay, yeah, that's something I've seen and noticed. I just didn't realize there was a term for it specifically.'

Cera says '(with many exceptions)'

Cera says 'also known as off pulse aggro'

Cera says 'I believe the aes sedai and warders patrolling our halls aggro off pulse'

Tolza says 'Rest as you talk'

Tolza Sedai leads the two novices back into Whitebridge Proper to rest.
Cera says 'More common with guard mobs'

Cera says 'Especially one as sensitive as Tar Valon'

Aelrena says 'Makes sense, I just wasn't certain if that was something that happens with every clan, or just one like the Tower.'

Cera says 'Well, there are clans and there are clans.'

Aelrena says 'I believe I understand the distinction, but I would love for you to try to explain it.'

Aelrena says 'Just to make sure I'm understanding properly.'

Cera says 'Some nations aren't as important as others'

Cera says 'By virtue of geography'

Cera says 'Or politics'

Aelrena says 'Tar Valon is large, whereas a place or clan such as Ebou Dar...?'

Cera says 'Somewhere like Tanchico, currently occupied by the Seanchan invaders, would most certainly not have the most well-trained guards.'

Cera says '*half occupied.'

Aelrena says 'makes sense.'

Whitebridge Docks
The Whitebridge docks begin at the river's edge, and the pier extends into
the main city to the east. The raging waters of the River Arinelle flow
from the north and disappear from view around a bend to the south. The
majority of the docks lie in the shadow cast by the gargantuan bulk of the
White Bridge, which spans the river and sets down in the heart of the city
to the east. The docks provide a magnificent view of this relic of the Age
of Legends, unobstructed by any buildings. A faded sign stands at an angle.
Also here is Tolza, Cera, Verne, Aelrena

Verne says 'hello! how's everyone doing?'

Tolza says 'Join our conversation. '

Cera says 'Very well, Accepted Verne.'

Aelrena says 'I would agree, quite well. It's been a nice chance to leave the Tower.'

Aelrena says 'and yourself?'

Tolza says 'We are discussing what defines the tower as opposed to other clans.'

Verne says 'very good, glad to hear it'

Tolza says 'Correct?'

Verne says 'ah good topic'

Tolza says 'Thoughts on the subject Verne?'

Cera says 'Relative importance of nations and clans, leading to differences in quality of its military/civil forces.'

Zone: Outer Caemlyn
The corpse of a mercenary is lying here.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by Cera.
Cera the Wearied Novice is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
A draft horse is here, being ridden by Verne.
Verne the Tower Accepted is standing here, riding a draft horse.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by Tolza.
Tolza of Murandy is standing here, riding a warhorse.

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena senses Tolza is channeling saidar.

A bright slash of light dilates into a gateway to another place.

Verne says 'i would say that it is '

Verne says 'many different clans are strong and try to do whats right, but the main difference between us and '

Verne says 'other justice clans that are trying to do what's right'

Verne says 'is that 1) we are looking out for what is best for the whole world and not just our nation'

Verne says 'and 2) that '

Verne says 'we have a much higher degree of both strength and the limits of our strength, that we impose on ourselves with the oaths and our ideals in order to limit the potential for the abuse of power'

Verne says 'so it is both the degree of power and the responsibility we take to use it for the good of all'

Aelrena says 'I think for me that raises the question, would you consider the tower to be more important or better than other nations?'

Tolza rides a warhorse through the gateway.
Verne follows Tolza through the gateway.
A chicken follows Verne through the gateway.
Aelrena follows Tolza through the gateway.

A Sandy Basin
The basin floor changes from hard rock to loose, black sand here. By day, the
hot sun makes the sand painfully hot, keeping the area warm during the cold
nights. To the east is an almost completely smooth mountain wall, seemingly
carved and sanded for some reason.

Verne says 'better looking for sure'

Aelrena chuckles and smirks at Verne.

Atop a Small Hill
The sand dunes here are much higher than in the surrounding areas. The added
height gives you even more visibility than in the rest of the desert. The only
other feature of interest is a small clump of shrubbery at the top of one of
the hills. It doesn't look like the kind of brush that could survive the dry
and arid lands of the Waste.

Verne says 'who would u like to block the door if we encounter anyone, Tolza Sedai?'

Tolza nods at Verne and says 'You block'

Verne says 'would you like me to blind the maidens?'

Aelrena says 'I think I'm just wondering at the distinction. The tower is important and as many have said.'

Tolza says 'Let me catch up on the conversation.
Aelrena says 'That Tar Valon is the pin around which the wheel of the nations turn, but could it be considered more important than other nations?
Cera says 'Is the pin more important or is the wheel?'

Aelrena says 'Or are they both integral to the function, and thus both equally important.'

Tolza says 'That is a broad quest.'

Cera says 'Or both act towards moving the world forward and thus are no more important than each other?'

Tolza says 'The true test is, what functions does the Tower server and would humanity survive with out it?'

Verne says 'also is not an importance a measure of how well it fulfills a function? which would make the question of which is more important entirely dependant on what perspective we are looking from'

Verne says 'for instance an andoran farmer might find the queens guard more important (for him and his crops) than the Tower, but a Illianer farmer likely wouldn't'

Verne says 'so scope is a large part of it'

Aelrena says 'That's a fair distinction.'

Aelrena says 'From a point then of complete detachment. Though, I think Tolza Sedai might have the right of it.'

Verne says 'exactly'

Verne says 'though it could be questioned'

Aelrena says 'Without more properly defining the purpose and goals of the different parts, importance is not easy to determine.'

Verne says 'if that was the sole criteria what separates us from the legion of unity?'

Aelrena senses Tolza is channeling saidar.

A bright slash of light dilates into a gateway to another place.
The corpse of a Shaido warrior is destroyed by the light.

Tolza steps through the gateway.
A warhorse follows Tolza through the gateway.
Verne follows Tolza through the gateway.
A draft horse follows Verne through the gateway.
A chicken follows Verne through the gateway.
Aelrena follows Tolza through the gateway.

In The Park
(wotmudmapper): (debug): Room name (In The Park) captured.
To the south lies the busy road that leads around the city. The open gate
of the fence allows some of the din of the city into the peaceful park. A
small shed stands off to the west, the open door showing off the multitude
of garden utensils that are used for the upkeep of the grounds. To the
north the rest of the park opens up, a haven of tranquility inside the
crowded, busy city.

The group of women returns to the Center of Cairhein, where Tolza opens up another gateway back to Tar Valon.

Aelrena says 'Thank you.'

Aelrena says 'Thank you Tolza Sedai'

Cera says 'Ah Deimon Gaidin is awake'