Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

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Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by Maddy » Wed May 08, 2024 7:16 pm

Instructor-Lord Roberto al’Farath

Lady Tolza Sedai
Gaidin -Lord Ominas Crowe
Melosa Beshar, Accepted
Yve Olinne, Wearied Novice
Vala Galanis, Accepted
Hadley Silla, Fledgling Novice
Lyla, Fledgling Novice
Aran, Bloodhound
Perspective-Maddy Mantear, Journey Accepted

knock door
The door is opened from the other side.
Tolza closes the door.
Roberto gives a black and tan bloodhound an order.
Maddy walks to the side of the room and lays out the tea and sweets.
Tolza sits down and rests.
Ominas says 'Excellent!'
Tolza gets a cup of blueberry tea.
Roberto whispers something to Ominas.
Tolza sips from the cup.
Tolza says 'Thank you.'
Roberto gets a cup of blueberry tea.
Ominas whispers something to Roberto.
Ominas looks at Maddy.
Roberto sighs loudly.
Ominas nods at Roberto.
Maddy says 'Roberto will this be an interactive class or should I sit at a desk?'
Ominas says 'Roberto said something about wrestling?'
Roberto says 'Sitting should be fine. I don't think Tolza Sedai would appreciate me chasing you all
around the tower with a rusty dagger. '
A black and tan bloodhound sits perfectly still, eyes watching everything.
Maddy nods in agreement.
Roberto says 'For those that are interested I will be offering some interactive time later this week.'
Roberto gives a black and tan bloodhound an order.
Tolza says 'Maddy, would you fetch Yve to clear the black board for us please.'
Maddy nods in agreement.
The chamber door swings open.
In the Well
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: chamberdoor
Melosa Beshar, Accepted & Apprentice to the Green Ajah is standing here.
A Blue Sister is here, planning her next journey.
A young girl in a plain white dress stands here.
Yve Olinne, Wearied Novice is standing here.
Kennira, Caretaker of Novices tends to the boarding of her young charges.
Maddy says 'Time for class ladies.'
Melosa curtseys before Tolza.
Roberto closes the door.
Melosa beams a smile at Roberto.
Roberto winks at Melosa.
Melosa beams a smile at Ominas.
Tolza says 'Close the door behind you please.'
Ominas smiles happily.
Ominas kneels solemnly on the ground.
Roberto says 'Good to see you Melosa. '
The door is opened from the other side.
Hadley has arrived from the west.
Hadley closes the door.
Melosa says 'Master al'Farath'
Tolza nods at Hadley.
Roberto says 'Will the time for your shawling be soon?'
Tolza says 'Well done.'
Hadley beams a smile at Tolza.
Hadley curtseys gracefully.
Melosa murmurs, 'The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.'
Tolza says 'Clear the black board for us please.'
Tolza nods at Hadley.
Maddy grabs the brush and vigorously moves it back and forth until the board is clear.
Roberto says 'The wheel doing as it wants is why I never have a proper gift prepared. '
Maddy puts the brush in the rack and moves to the back of the class, taking a seat.
Hadley sits in the front of the class, because she's not a slacker like some people.
Tolza says 'More of a novice job, but.'
Tolza shrugs helplessly.
Maddy smiles at her.
Ominas waits to be told where to sit, clearly he is the most professional and responsible of the
Melosa grabs a well thumbed notebook and an inkpot from her purse and settles into a chair.
Roberto peers closely at Ominas, trying to figure him out.
Ominas appears demure and smiles slightly, tucking some hair behind his ear.
Melosa says 'The view here is much more comfortable than in front.'
Tolza mutters 'Warders.'
Tolza rolls her eyes...sheesh!..
Ominas gets a choice steak from a backpack.
Ominas gives a choice steak to Roberto.
Roberto eats a choice steak.
Hadley looks at Ominas from askance, wondering why Gaidin never seem to be able to just sit.
Roberto says 'Protein. '
Ominas says 'Oh are we here to talk about protein?'
Ominas says 'Because I'm in.'
Roberto says 'and Strength Training. '
Roberto grins evilly.
Ominas pumps a fist into the air, clearly excited.
Hadley says 'dun.'
Hadley says 'dun dun dun.'
Hadley says 'dun dun dunnnnn.'
Hadley says 'rising up.'
Hadley says 'back on the streets.'
Ominas says 'Lady Tolza, Hadley is picking on me.'
Ominas points at Hadley.
Maddy pulls out her note book and pen, laying them neatly on the desk in front of her. She writes eww…. protein makes gas.
Tolza looks at Hadley.
Tolza looks at Ominas.
Hadley realizes she is singing out loud and promptly clamps her lips together.
Melosa starts writing.
Roberto sighs loudly.
The door is opened from the other side.
Yve has arrived from the west.
Yve closes the door.
Yve curtseys gracefully.
Tolza says 'Yve clear the blackboard please.'
Yve nods at Tolza.
Yve picks up a cloth and starts to clear the board.
Tolza says 'Before we start.'
Tolza says 'Does anyone have anything to share?'
Hadley says 'Like...snacks, Sedai?'
Tolza says 'About their studies and what not?'
Hadley says 'I wasn't told to bring snacks.'
Maddy gives a plate of yellow peppers and pork to Hadley.
Tolza pats Maddy on the head.
Maddy nods in agreement.
Ominas pulls a rock out of his pocket and holds it up.
Roberto drinks hot, bitter tea from a cup of blueberry tea.
Hadley says 'Maddy is quite the...overachiever.'
Ominas says 'I found this earlier.'
Hadley says 'I should model my behavior after hers.'
Roberto says 'It is a very pretty rock Ominas. '
Maddy grins at her.
Ominas says 'Thank you.'
Ominas puts the rock back in his pocket.
Maddy says 'No Hadley, I like you just the way you are.'
Hadley smiles at Maddy.
Yve finishes clearing the board and finds a seat.
Hadley says 'Can I share my curiosity on why men insist on picking up rocks? Same question, but with really straight sticks.'
Tolza says 'I enjoy a diverse group of accepted and novice'
Hadley says 'They even show really straight sticks to the other men, who gush about how straight
said stick is.'
Tolza says 'To throw at things?'
Maddy says 'Where have you seen that?'
Maddy says 'I have not.'
Roberto says 'Rocks can be used to injure your enemy, distract them, and can be just enough to
assist you in escaping with your life. '
Yve says 'Maybe it's a local thing.'
Hadley says 'Wherever there are men.'
Maddy nods at her.
Melosa leans back in her chair, quietly observing the others in the room.
Ominas says 'Straight sticks are majestic.'
Roberto says 'Anything can be a weapon if you know how to use it. '
Ominas says 'I didn't think that needed to be explained.'
Roberto sheathes a throwing spike into a silver-lined black velvet duster.
Maddy jots notes about rocks in her book.
Ominas nods at Maddy.
Hadley whispers to Maddy, 'Is it true Accepted Melosa can channel lightning from her eyes?'
Maddy smiles at him.
Melosa muses, 'I should try killing a Trolloc with a rock.'
Tolza smirks.
Ominas says 'Not my one though.'
Ominas says 'It's mine.'
Ominas pats his pocket.
Melosa says 'A weave of Air...'
Roberto says 'I did it last week. I think it was a rock. I was just throwing things. '
Maddy whispers to Hadley 'Don’t get her mad.'
Melosa bounces around.
Hadley says 'I hear there are trollocs with beaks like birds. I wonder if anyone has ever killed
two, with one rock.'
Yve says 'Oh, good one...'
Tolza snickers softly.
Maddy says 'Ohh have you seen one?'
The door is opened from the other side.
Lyla has arrived from the west.
Lyla closes the door.
Hadley says 'Only in books.'
Lyla curtseys before Tolza.
Ominas says 'You can kill birds with sticks for sure.'
Hadley says 'Unless you meant rocks. I have seen rocks.'
Ominas says 'It's like their nemesis.'
Ominas says 'sticks I mean.'
Ominas mimes throwing something.
Maddy says 'Lord Ominas what is the weakest weapon you have used to kill a Trolloc?'
Ominas says 'My mind.'
Hadley throws back her head and cackles with insane glee!
Tolza nods in agreement.
Lyla snickers softly.
Roberto says 'That is quite a weak weapon for you. '
Yve suppresses a giggle.
Maddy grins at him.
Melosa tuts disapprovingly.
Ominas smiles happily.
Ominas taps his head.
Melosa looks at Lyla.
Yve tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, which quickly escapes.
Hadley says 'Lord Ominas, if you threw Lord Roberto at a trolloc and he landed dagger first into its back, would that be considered a stab kill or a projectile kill?'
Maddy snickers more and looks at her book trying to compose herself.
Ominas strokes his chin, clearly thinking deeply.
Roberto says 'That is clearly a projectile kill. '
Ominas says 'Imagine the trollocs terror.'
Ominas says 'I think we should try it regardless.'
Hadley says 'In that way, Lord Roberto, are you akin to a rock?'
Maddy glances at Lord Roberto to see if he will agree.
Tolza says 'Oh, I need a volunteer that is willing to transcribe and publish this class.'
Roberto says '1 rock is far deadlier than I am. I hope to attain the deadliness of a rock. '
Maddy smiles at her.
Maddy says 'I will be happy toTolza Sedai.'
Tolza says 'Not everyone at once now...'
Roberto whispers to you, 'You are volunteering aren't you?'
Roberto snickers softly.
Roberto says 'I had money on that. '
Tolza says 'Thank you child.'
Tolza stops resting, and clambers on her feet.
Tolza opens the door.
Vala has arrived from the west.
Tolza closes the door.
Tolza sits down and rests.
Vala curtseys before Tolza.
Maddy smiles at her.
Vala says 'Light shine on you all.'
Ominas kneels solemnly before Vala.
Tolza gives you a faint smile as her eyes dart to her book.
Vala smiles at Maddy.
Hadley stops using a bladed feather staff.
Hadley binds a silver etched shield to her arm.
Vala curtseys before Ominas.
Hadley wields a yew staff.
Tolza says 'We will give it one more minute.'
Melosa puts a yew staff in a small purse.
Roberto nods in agreement.
Hadley stops using a yew staff.
Melosa frowns.
Melosa pats someone on his head.
Hadley stops using a stout longbow.
Roberto says 'I am glad I didn't go with the idea of an interactive experience, I would need to find
a way to replicate myself. '
Hadley gives a stout longbow to Ominas.
Melosa says 'Your bloodhound is very well-behaved, Master al'Farath'
Vala snickers softly.
Hadley says 'Can I pet that dog?'
Ominas says 'Lord Roberto, where does your family hail from?'
Roberto says 'He should be out by the front gate. '
Ominas says 'I have heard that surname before.'
Roberto says 'My family was of Malkier. I am the sole survivor. '
Vala says 'Didn't he bite some guards the other day?'
Maddy dips her pen, blots it, poised to take class notes.
Melosa opens the door.
Melosa leaves west.
The door closes quietly.
The door is opened from the other side.
Melosa has arrived from the west.
Roberto closes the door.
Vala gets a fine quill pen from an oilskin bag.
Vala grabs a fine quill pen.
Melosa glances around the room, seeing many still have their weapons drawn.
Roberto says 'Aran would never bite a guard. '
A black and tan bloodhound stands ready on all four paws, completely on guard.
Yve stops using a staff of sungwood.
Roberto pats a black and tan bloodhound on his head.
Maddy says 'Lord Roberto, can I pat him?'
Lyla stops using a quarterstaff.
Roberto says 'Now the real question is, how many of you knew he was here?'
Roberto says 'After class Maddy. '
Maddy nods in agreement.
Melosa says 'Aran is a most interesting name. In the Old Tongue, it means the 'Right' side.'
Tolza clears her throat gracefully, glancing around the gathered group with a firm but friendly
gaze. She nods respectfully towards Roberto, then addresses the crowd.
Tolza says 'Ladies and Warder, Thiefbane Roberto has traveled all the way from Baerlon to share his esteemed knowledge with us tonight a valuable lesson in self-defense that promises to empower each one of us.''
Roberto nods at Tolza.
Tolza says 'say "Please accord him the same respect you would extend to any foreign dignitary.
Remember, no eating or drinking during his session, and please, remain attentive no idling."'
Tolza says '"You may begin your class at your leisure, Roberto."'
Ominas kneels solemnly before Tolza.
Roberto says 'Thank you Tolza Sedai. '
Tolza takes her seat among the Accepted, her movements graceful and composed as she finds a place in the circle. She arranges her skirts neatly and fixes her gaze attentively forward, ready to absorb the forthcoming lesson.
Maddy transcribes the beginning time and date in the notebook.
Melosa taps her lip in thought.
Roberto says 'As most of you know, I am a thiefbane that often works closely with the Tower. Our organization is a group of people who hunt those who seek to escape justice across borders. We are not affiliated with any nation or group. '
Yve looks impressed.
Roberto says 'As Tolza Sedai is here, I am able to discuss several things which would generally be
closed to normal classes, specifically regarding organizations and my personal past if it comes up.
Roberto says 'The most important thing we are here to discuss today is how to survive when there are those lurking in the shadows. Feel free to stop and ask me questions at any time. '
Roberto looks around at the assembled group in front of him.
Yve shivers uncomfortably.
Roberto says 'I see that we have varying levels of combat experience here. I would assume the
novices have next to none correct?'
As you watch Ominas seems to melt into the background, vanishing.
Maddy dips her pen, blots it and continues to take notes.
Lyla says 'Almost none. Except for the one time I was stabbed.'
Yve says 'Correct, though I was near fatally wounded in an attack like the ones I think we're here to talk about.'
Lyla says 'Needless to say, I'm very interested in today's topic.'
Lyla nods at Yve.
Roberto says 'And that is what we are here to prevent Lyla. '
Yve says to Lyla "It was a grayman!"
Hadley says 'I once won a fight against an intruder in the Novice Quarters that turned out to be a misplaced broom in the dark.'
Lyla shivers uncomfortably.
Ominas mutters, 'I bet you didn't even fight fair.'
Melosa chuckles at Hadley's story but quickly recovers.
Maddy puts her pen down to look at Hadley and roll her eyes.
Melosa smoothens her skirts and composes herself.
Hadley says 'I only suffered minor injuries.'
Vala snickers softly.
Roberto says 'Wielding the one power in combat is a very difficult task even for the most
experienced. You are juggling a lot of different things, most of which I don't even begin to
understand. '
Yve tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, which quickly escapes.
Hadley frowns.
Roberto says 'That is why when out in the field, the first to be targeting by opposing knives are
those who can wield it. '
Hadley says 'Was juggling a prerequisite? I didn't even know that class was offered!'
Melosa tuts disapprovingly.
Melosa glances at Hadley.
Hadley hangs her head, realizing the juggling was figurative.
Roberto says 'Maybe if you could juggle a bit with weaves of air it would keep you less distracted
Roberto says 'Personally, If I am out with Ominas and we are in the blight, and a dreadlord shows
up, he knows without me even having to speak that I am going to attempt to take the dreadlord out as soon as possible. Enemies of the tower and the dark will think the same way. '
Melosa clears her throat.
Roberto says 'Now, Hadley, what do you think are the most important steps to not being knifed during combat?'
Ominas nods in agreement.
Melosa says 'The best way, Master al'Farath, to deal with a dreadlord is a channeler of the Light.'
Melosa says 'If one is available.'
Melosa smiles slightly.
Hadley says 'I was on an errand regarding the pantry restocking when I overheard some dock workers discussing the best way to avoid a knife in the back.'
Maddy picks the pen up and furiously tries to catch up on her notes.
Roberto says 'When Malkier fell to the blight there were no channelers to assist against the
impending invasion, Melosa. '
Hadley says 'I cannot say I understand what they meant but it was something about having ethics.'
Maddy nods at her.
Hadley says 'I have no idea what that means.'
Melosa murmurs, 'Malkier...'
Roberto says 'I don't think you need to be worried about someone accusing you of cheating when
gambling novice, do you?'
Hadley says 'Oh, I would never gamble. I have anxiety issues.'
Roberto says 'We can tell.'
Tolza has a small vexed frown that creases her forehead.
Roberto says 'Awareness, that is the first and most important thing when it comes to avoid being
Roberto says 'Such as it was only Melosa who realized Aran was hiding away before the class began.'
Maddy smiles at her.
Vala nods at Roberto.
Tolza nods at Roberto in agreement, her expression earnest, indicating her full support for his points.
Roberto says 'Just because you believe somewhere to be safe, does not mean you should begin to waver on being aware of your surroundings. '
Yve sighs, 'At least I remembered to close the door, this time.
Roberto grins evilly.
Ominas nods at Yve.
Ominas silently cheers for Yve.
Roberto says 'Small steps combine to big movements. It is a good start. '
Melosa says 'I would add that there is nowhere truly safe.'
Yve blushes a little with all the attention.
Roberto nods at Melosa.
Maddy lifts her head from notetaking to flash Yve a warm smile.
Hadley says 'Nowhere?!'
Hadley cringes in terror!
Vala quickly makes some notes, then underlines something.
Ominas glances towards Vala's notes.
Roberto says 'In times of combat, just noticing your surroundings has a substantial impact on
someone's stab attempt on your life failing. '

Maddy takes a peek at Vala's notes, noticing she has very neat handwriting.
Roberto says 'Now, why would I be so concerned about being aware when here in the tower? I can think of at least four groups or organizations what will try to sneak into the the tower to take your
life. '
Roberto says 'Anyone know any of them?'
Maddy nods at him.
Lyla raises a hand.
Vala nods at Roberto.
Tolza glances about.
Maddy says 'Pitter and Patter have been here.'
Lyla says 'Children of the Light?'
Maddy nods in agreement.
Yve says 'Well, a grayman already tried to kill me before I even joined., in the Inn here.'
Roberto says 'That is one. '
Roberto nods at Yve.
Roberto says 'That is a second one. '
Vala says 'Dragonsworn'
Yve says 'I suppose darkfriends can be anywhere too.'
Maddy says 'I have seen Trolls in Tower Square trying to stab Alayla Sedai.'
Roberto says 'I believe most of those that fight the tower are channelers, but yes, that is a group
you must be aware of Vala. '
Tolza nods in agreement.
Yve says 'The... Black Talon?'
Hadley says 'Inquisitors. I've heard nobody expects them.'
Roberto says 'Of the Seanchan, there is a group that specialize in operating in the shadows for
murder or the capture of channelers known as Mandarb a'Shar. '
Vala pokes Hadley in the ribs.
Melosa frowns at the mention of the notorious assassins of Lugard.
Hadley says 'Ow!'
Vala grins at Hadley.
Roberto says 'Yes Yve, the Black Talon is also a group that has been known to attempt to infiltrate
the tower. '
Maddy says 'Suern was in Tower Square the other day too. I believe he paid the price later.'
As you watch Ominas seems to melt into the background, vanishing.
Maddy smiles at her.
Roberto says 'They operate with the protection of the government of Murandy. '
Tolza says 'I did not lay a finger on him.'
Roberto snickers softly.
Maddy grins at her.
Roberto says 'It was masterfully done Tolza. '
Vala snickers softly.
Yve giggles.
Roberto says 'That is a lot of groups to always have to be aware of, and it can be stressful at
times, but that is the life of someone in the tower. '
Roberto says 'Historically there was a group known as Ironfist as well, a group of bandits who took up residence not far from Tar Valon. '
Maddy says 'Have they been dispersed?'
Roberto says 'It seems that they have reformed into a group of mercenaries and operate with
permission of the government of Andor. '
Hadley marvels at how efficient the Warder's cloak is.
Maddy nods in agreement.
Roberto mutters under his breath "One should always be wary when dealing with a Viera."
Roberto lightly coughs and continues.
Maddy whispers to Hadley, 'The cloak makes me a bit dizzy.'
Roberto says 'So, any questions so far?'
Lyla says 'I have one.'
Ominas smiles happily.
Roberto says 'Yes Lyla. '
Hadley whispers to Maddy, 'It made him disappear entirely for a moment. So impressive.'
Lyla says 'If the worst happens, and the first sign of your attacker is the knife in your back, what should you do next?'
Maddy nods at her.
Lyla says 'Run? Fight? Channel?'
Hadley says 'Oh I know!'
Lyla says 'I panicked completely when it happened to me.'
Hadley says 'Don't remove the knife.'
Hadley smiles proudly.
Yve says 'I went with, run, very fast.'
Vala nods at Hadley.
Ominas preens silently, he appears to be enjoying the attention.
Maddy looks embarrassed at her own rude whispering and gets back to taking class notes.
Roberto says 'If you survive the initial attempt of your life, the best move is to move yourself to
a defensible position and communicate, it is hard to give you an answer for every situation. '
A black and tan bloodhound sits perfectly still, eyes watching everything.
Roberto says 'That is why I started with the most important thing, be aware so you do not get
stabbed in the first place! '
Tolza nods in agreement.
Roberto says 'Though Melosa makes a very valid point that often channelers are the best counter to
channelers, it is a backstab that is most likely to kill you before you can even react. '
Ominas says 'What should we communicate if we are stabbed by an opponent?'
Ominas raises his hand
Maddy nods at Lord Roberto quickly before turning back to her notes.
Tolza mutter, 'Very good question'
Roberto says 'The most important aspects to any battlefield communication, location, enemies, and
your personal status. '
Ominas nods in agreement.
Ominas looks at Vala.
Hadley says 'Oh, Novices are not allowed to date.'
Ominas says 'Yve write that down please.'
Maddy chuckles politely.
Lyla snickers softly.
Yve chuckles politely.
Tolza peers closely at Hadley, trying to figure her out.
Vala chuckles politely.
Roberto says 'Let your allies be aware of what your situation is and where you are going. If this
happens to be someone who can read narrates, it may be best to send tells to close by allies, though they would likely be able to track you anyways. '
A black and tan bloodhound sits perfectly still, eyes watching everything.
Lyla says 'I've found a few rooms in the Tower and the nearby areas where it would be impossible for
an attacker to hide.'
Lyla says 'Is it possible to be stabbed in these rooms?'
Roberto says 'If possible, a defensive position that is a no hide is best, like the warders practice
yard. '
A black and tan bloodhound sits perfectly still, eyes watching everything.
Yve seems to have stopped writing and is now drawing what seems to be a doglike shape.
Tolza nods at Lyla.
Tolza says 'Yes it happened to me last night.'
Melosa glances at Roberto, waiting for his response to Lyla's question.
Roberto says 'It is still possible to be stabbed in those rooms Lyla, though with the combination of
notice and the inability to hide the chance is very very low. '
Melosa clears her throat.
Melosa says 'I would argue that the chance is much higher than acceptable.'
Roberto says 'Yes Melosa?'
Vala nods at Melosa.
Roberto says 'Well, true, which brings us to the second point of how not to get stabbed. '
Roberto says 'Engage your enemy. '
Yve starts writing notes again.
Roberto says 'Interesting enough, even in a moment of doubt, you can even engage your ally if the need arises. '
Roberto says 'I have used this tactic personally when low on moves and not able to properly target a hidden enemy. '
Hadley says 'That could lead to unintended consequences inside the city, could it not?'
Vala adds to her notes.
Roberto nods at Hadley.
Roberto says 'I wouldn't suggest using it as a normal means of dealing with it, as it will reduce
your combat effectiveness as a group anyways. '
Lyla says 'What if you sense there's someone hidden in the room, but you don't know whether it's a trolloc, a human attacker, or a... dog?'
Roberto says 'But you spoke of dragonsword earlier, if there happened to be a male channeler who was practiced in sleep stab, one of the ways to save a comrade is to attack them. '
Melosa turns to Lyla to respond.
Melosa says 'Perhaps, let me ask you a question Lyla.'
Melosa says 'How does one get stabbed?'
Maddy stretches her arm and shakes her hand to get the kink out before getting back to the notes.
Roberto waits as Melosa speaks.
Hadley raises her hand.
Roberto says 'It is a good question, you should answer Lyla. '
Melosa says 'Would it be possible to be stabbed from across a forest or a field?'
Lyla says 'By standing still long enough for it to happen...'
Melosa nods at Lyla.
Roberto nods at Lyla.
Roberto says 'When in doubt, move. '
Maddy smiles at her.
Melosa says 'I believe you've answered your own question.'
Roberto says 'If you think it may be an ally, move, then ask. '
Roberto says 'If you see a hidden, you can also diagnose hidden targets, but I would not worry about that until you learn the timing of everything much more. '
Ominas raises his hand.
Roberto says 'Yes Ominas?'
Ominas says 'If they are hidden, how do we see them?'
Yve writes down, attack/advance, keep moving.
Roberto says 'Back to the most important role, always have notice on. '
Roberto grins evilly.
Maddy looks up from her notes and raises her hand.
Yve says 'Always? It's draining to always be paying that much attention.'
Roberto says 'It can be difficult in combat once again to worry about so many things at once. '
Roberto says 'Yes Maddy?'
Roberto says 'I'll get to you in a second Yve. '
Maddy says 'I was just going to comment that it tires me when I have my notice on.'
Roberto nods in agreement.
Roberto says 'It does. You know what tires you out more though?'
Roberto says 'Being stabbed to death. '
Yve winks at Maddy, "Sorry!"
Roberto says 'As you practice you will learn the times when to turn notice on and off. '
Maddy taps her pen on her nose, creating a small smudge as she waits for Lord Roberto to respond.
Maddy nods in agreement.
Yve nods and writes another line.
Roberto says 'For example, if you are in a combat that is only moving about 5-10 rooms and you are
mounted, notice should not put you in a situation where you will find yourself becoming haggard. '
A black and tan bloodhound sits perfectly still, eyes watching everything.
Roberto says 'This in fact perfectly goes into the last point I wanted to speak with you all tonight
before opening up to questions, how to handle those who would stab you in group pk. '
Hadley says 'More awareness?'
Tolza looks at Roberto.
Roberto says 'Those of use who specialize in this business tend to learn people's habits pretty well,
and I would say the same goes for those on the other side. '
Roberto says 'For example, Jestin is a very scary dreadlord who is very good at what he does, but he also has a knack for not engaging, and fleeing in and out of the room without notice quite often,
this leaves him open to being stabbed in large group encounters. '
As you watch Ominas seems to melt into the background, vanishing.
Roberto says 'Work with those with experience, learn the right times to engage, when you should be free weaving, and don't become hyper focused on getting a kill to the point you forget to watch your own back. '
Tolza raises her hand.
Roberto says 'Yes Tolza Sedai. '
Ominas says 'Mikhan runs and chases in ls, like a knight in chess. Jaster chases in straight lines
and runs past chokes, Scrat chases in straight lines and runs 3 rooms, Jestin flee weaves or
immediately reengages, he doesn't count, when he flees he counts on you chasing while he spams, Rig over chases and spams his keys while engaged if he thinks someone is running'
Vala looks at Tolza.
Maddy taps Vala on the shoulder and whispers, 'Do you have a clean blotter I can borrow?'
Tolza says 'Have you noticed any patterns from any one in this group?'
Roberto points at Ominas.
Hadley says 'How do Byrg run?'
Vala nods at Maddy and passes her a blotter.
Ominas says 'Fast and far'
Hadley says 'Close'
Roberto says 'Bryg just runs far. '
Roberto grins evilly.
Hadley says 'The real answer is: immediately'
Ominas says 'In the past anyway, he gave good pk not long ago'
Ominas says 'Roberto panics when low and dlines right but overspams them so he gets caught. He
chases in straight lines'
Hadley snickers softly.
Roberto says 'Melosa had a tendency to trust her original take on a situation and role with it,
which left her open to stab attempts as long as it wasnt in a normal location, she has gotten much
better at that. '
A black and tan bloodhound sits perfectly still, eyes watching everything.
Maddy mouths 'Thank you' to Vala.
Roberto says 'I chase in straight lines because that's where 98% of people go. '
Roberto grins evilly.
Ominas says 'I didn't say it was wrong'
Roberto says 'Ominas will push if he doesn't have a channeler with him and can be caught in a counter if not careful. '
Ominas says 'Ominas always pushes'
Ominas says 'Then he dies'
Ominas says 'or kills'
Roberto says 'Usually the best way to get out of that with Ominas is to just go all in. '
Roberto nods at Ominas.
Maddy grins at him.
Roberto says 'You do tend to be more careful when you are with accepted though. '
Ominas says 'Yeah I feel responsible'
Ominas says 'I actually don't like pking with most channelers if I'm being completely honest.'
Roberto says 'Tolza you often stay back and can be open to a stab on the backlines. '
Ominas says 'It's the only time I get nervous and makes me second guess what I'm doing'
Hadley says 'Ah, is that why all these cups are here? Because Lord Roberto is bringing so much tea?'
Lyla boggles at the thought.
Tolza nods in agreement.
Yve says 'What IS with all the cups?'
Roberto says 'As Ominas said, I have a tendency to rely overly much on bad dlines when low, and can get caught in them. '
Roberto says 'Also, the easiest way to kill me is to get me bored. '
Roberto says 'I am bound to do something stupid and leave myself open to something painful just to
keep pk going. '
Maddy dips and blots her pen before jotting more notes in her book.
Lyla glances at Maddy's notes.
Lyla says 'Don't... write down how to kill Lord Roberto.'
Maddy smiles at her..
As you watch Ominas seems to melt into the background, vanishing.
Maddy says 'No need, Lord Ominas has it down pat.'
Lyla grins evilly.
Yve peers over to see what Maddy wrote.
Roberto says 'As far as the Accepted and Maddy, I don't believe we have enough information yet, the best way is to make it so people don't learn these things about you, or mitigate it as much as
possible once you learn your faults. '
Lyla says 'I have another question.'
Roberto says 'Excuse me, the novices and Maddy. '
Roberto says 'Yes Lyla?'
Lyla says 'Let's say everything goes well, and you manage to fend off several stabs and injure your
Roberto nods at Lyla.
Lyla says 'Is it worth chasing them? Or is it a high risk, low reward situation to chase after someone who can hide and potentially stab you?'
Hadley opens the door.
Hadley closes the door.
Hadley blushes.
Roberto says 'I firmly believe that once you know a stabber is there, it should be basically
impossible for them to get a stab off. '
Hadley sits down and rests.
Hadley says 'I got caught up in all the fighting talk...'
Maddy smiles at her.
Roberto says 'Once again, this will all depend on your personal situation. Are you low on moves?
Will it be hard to spam with notice on?'
A black and tan bloodhound sits perfectly still, eyes watching everything.
Maddy says 'Lord Roberto, would you recommend any of us learning how to stab?'
Roberto says 'When you should chase comes down to individual situations, and you'll learn more the more you practice. '
A black and tan bloodhound sits perfectly still, eyes watching everything.
Tolza pats a black and tan bloodhound on his head.
Roberto says 'There is no better way to learn the timing of everything Maddy than to try everything.
Hadley looks at Ominas.
Maddy nods in agreement.
Yve says 'I did wonder about learning to be a bit sneaky, maybe get a moment to start weaving.'
Roberto says 'I say that even though I have no clue about channeling. '
Roberto snickers softly.
Roberto says 'The problem with that Yve is that you would be leaving yourself open to charges and stabs, as you would not be engaged while weaving. '
Roberto says 'I would speak to those who have experience on such matters on when is the right time to pull off a move like that. '
Yve nods in agreement.
As you watch Ominas seems to melt into the background, vanishing.
Maddy nods slowly as she writes the last point down.
Roberto says 'Time for the lesson is almost up, do we have any questions for me?'
Hadley finally picks up her quill and begins writing.
Hadley writes 'If no move, spam. If no move and no spam, die.
Lyla says 'Have you ever stabbed anyone right before they stabbed you?'
Ominas says 'Where are you, who is with you, is it just the one, what are they wearing. Stab setup
chars are the easiest chars to play in the game, as far as survivability. I personally do not chase
rogues unless I have nothing else to do. And in group pk I ignore them to engage the group. They'll mess up and die or continue to be mostly ineffective. Generally speaking.'
Vala grins at Lyla.
Roberto says 'Yes Lyla, many many times. The timing of stab wars is... sometimes just a matter of
dice rolls. '
Hadley says 'And the efficiency of your link to the...Pattern.'
Roberto nods at Hadley.
Roberto says 'Wisest thing she has said all day. '
Maddy says 'Lord Roberto, or Lord Ominas, if you have any case studies we could read (forum posts of fights) could you send them to me to include in the class log for further study.'
Roberto ponders life, the universe, and everything.
Maddy says quickly, 'It's ok if you don't, the class has been quite informative as is.'
Yve tucks the same strand of hair back behind her ear, which again quickly escapes.
Roberto says 'I will have to get back to you in regards to that Maddy. '
Maddy nods at him.
Roberto says 'Most of the time, defense against stabbers does not tend to make it into historical
documents. '
Maddy nods in agreement.
Roberto says 'I would likely ask for the personal records of some channelers that are fighting in
group pk where stabbers are involved and look at what they do. '
Roberto says 'Melosa may have some readily available, she has been out in front lately. '
Maddy jots a side note to search the library at a later date.
Roberto looks at Lyla.
Maddy nods at him.
Roberto looks at Maddy.
Yve raises a hand.
Roberto says 'Yes Yve?'
Maddy looks up from her notetaking to smile at Lord Roberto.
Yve says 'If we're done, can we pet the dog now?'
Ominas raises his hand.
Yve says 'He won't bite, right?'
Roberto says 'Yes, you can pet Aran'
Roberto grins evilly.
Yve giggles.
Tolza chuckles politely.
Roberto says 'sit'
A black and tan bloodhound sits perfectly still, eyes watching everything.
Roberto nods in agreement.
Tolza stands up and stretches.
Roberto says 'pat away'
Yve runs over and starts scratching behind Aran's ear.
Roberto says 'Yes Ominas?'
Roberto snickers softly.
Melosa smiles slightly.
Ominas says 'This question is for Lady Tolza.'
Roberto gives a black and tan bloodhound an order.
A black and tan bloodhound licks Yve.
Tolza nods in agreement.
Roberto says 'I think we know the real reason they came to the class. '
Roberto sheathes a silver-winged basilard into a silver-lined black hood.
Maddy glances from Lord Ominas to Tolza Sedai.
Vala pats a black and tan bloodhound on his head.
Hadley hugs a black and tan bloodhound.
Roberto gives a black and tan bloodhound an order.
A black and tan bloodhound licks Vala.
Vala says 'Good boy!'
Lyla tickles a black and tan bloodhound.
Roberto gives a black and tan bloodhound an order.
A black and tan bloodhound licks Hadley.
Tolza says 'Yes Ominas?'
Ominas says 'Lady Tolza I noticed that Vala underlined "movement of the tongue can trigger
euphoria," what does that mean?'
Roberto says 'Aran is going to be begging to come back here with all this attention. '
Ominas points to Vala's notes.
Yve starts tussling the hounds neck and ears. "You're just a silly, big old doggo aren't you?"
Hadley coughs loudly.
Roberto seductively blinks his eyes at Ominas.
Vala falls down laughing.
Maddy's cheeks are burning.
Lyla peers closely at Vala, trying to figure her out.
Tolza says 'Sounds like a good question for your Aes Sedai.'
Ominas says 'I think this is a good time to also say, I don't know how to read.'
Roberto says 'I think that is a discussion better suited for the Domani Wench Ominas. '
Vala grins at Tolza.
Ominas says 'But I am fairly certain that's what it says.'
Ominas nods at Tolza.
Roberto looks over at the notes.
Roberto ponders life, the universe, and everything.
Ominas says 'As you say Lady Tolza.'
Maddy scratches out that last comment in her notebook.
Tolza says 'I personally would like to thank Roberto for teaching this class and for his steadfast support of the Light. '
Tolza says 'The Thiefbane has been an invaluable ally to Tar Valon and the forces of the Light. For
that,I am personally grateful. With that, class is dismissed.'
Roberto nods at Tolza.
A haughty Accepted says ''Thank you, Aes Sedai. I will forward these class notes to Sheriam Sedai.''

Posts: 466
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:07 am

Re: Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by Ominas » Wed May 08, 2024 7:45 pm

Good class Rob. Thanks for letting me join Lady Tolza. You run a good class too

Posts: 235
Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:02 pm

Re: Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by Roberto » Wed May 15, 2024 5:58 pm

Ominas wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 7:45 pm
Good class Rob. Thanks for letting me join Lady Tolza. You run a good class too
Thanks to the Tower for having me and all the girls for being so attentive, even the bratty ones.

Posts: 117
Joined: Mon May 09, 2016 9:12 pm

Re: Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by suern » Thu May 16, 2024 12:13 pm

Roberto wrote:
Wed May 15, 2024 5:58 pm
Ominas wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 7:45 pm
Good class Rob. Thanks for letting me join Lady Tolza. You run a good class too
Thanks to the Tower for having me and all the girls for being so attentive, even the bratty ones.
A fine service offered by a lapdog to corrupt governments.

I look forward to continuing everyone’s education. The Lady Tolza did not study hard enough.
You flee head over heels.
Tavern Alley
This is a small alley sneaking off from Southharbor Boulevard. This area
appears to be the seedier part of Tar Valon, for there are no streetlights
along the way. The only light keeping the way passable comes from the
taverns lining this alley. A sign hangs over the doorway to a tavern, to
the south.
[ obvious exits: E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
Door south: Woodendoor
East: South: A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
Southharbor Boulevard
The difference between the Ogier craftmanship and the human workmanship
becomes apparent heading south towards the harbor. The human builders tried
to duplicate the Ogier work. The buildings are extravagent, but to the point
of being gaudy, however. A small alley leads off to the west.
[ obvious exits: N S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
North: A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
South: A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
West: A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
Kanae the Tower Guard is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
Lady Tolza the Honored Sister is standing here.
A gleeman is here, wearing a cloak of different colored patches.
A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.
A Tower Guard watches for signs of trouble.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded >
[hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Hurt MV:Winded >
You silently approach your victim...

Tolza concentrates before faltering, exhausted.

Kanae tries to hack you, but you parry successfully.


Kanae tries to hack you, but you deflect the blow.
A Tower Guard joins Kanae's fight!
A Tower Guard joins a Tower Guard's fight!

Tolza makes a strange sound as you place the glazed katars of Mondoran in her
Tolza is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear Tolza's death cry.

Posts: 1097
Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:53 pm

Re: Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by Kitiara » Thu May 23, 2024 3:48 pm

How exactly is Suern able to post on White Tower Forums?

Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2022 1:29 am

Re: Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by Pen » Fri May 24, 2024 3:56 am

Seems like everyone has read AND write access :D

Posts: 7965
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:29 pm

Re: Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by Elysia » Fri May 24, 2024 7:10 am

Because otherwise we have to add however many Novices and Accepted. Pretty sure we made that decision on previous forums when Tower was bigger and there was the potential of having to grand access to 100+ accounts and yeah, no.

Posts: 79
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:37 am

Re: Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by Loret » Fri May 24, 2024 9:22 am

I suppose as a former resident expert in more than one way, I'd recommend not picking up garbage off the floor. Greed is a nasty little thing that will often lead to bigger problems down the line. If you're a witch, and you don't want to end up in a ditch, quit picking up garbage in odd places.
Players in your Zone
Loret - Continuing Down the Hallway
Cera - Conservatory of the Blue Ajah
Kitiara - Conservatory of the Blue Ajah

You drop a bubbling draught.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >
[hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >

Madrun narrates 'ghast amador'

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >
Tic in 7 seconds!
[hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >
Tic in 7 seconds!
[hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >

A novice leaves west. <<

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >
Tic in 7 seconds!
[hide ]
You attempt to hide yourself.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >

The carveddoor is opened from the other side.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >
Cera has arrived from the east.
[backstab wanted]
You silently approach your victim...
Cera leaves west. <<
**+=- -=
Cera has arrived from the west.
Cera makes a strange sound as you place a sharp, red stone dagger in her back!
Cera is dead! R.I.P.
You feel the Weave of the Wheel tighten around you.
Your first time! Was it good for you too?
Your blood freezes as you hear Cera's death cry.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >

The carveddoor closes quietly.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >
get all corpse
You get a bridle made of leather from the corpse of Cera.
You get a pair of wicker panniers from the corpse of Cera.
You get a war saddle with stirrups from the corpse of Cera.
You get a set of soft velvet slippers from the corpse of Cera.
You get a divided riding skirt from the corpse of Cera.
You get a belt with a buckle of cuendillar from the corpse of Cera.
You get a staff of sungwood from the corpse of Cera.
You get a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Cera.
You get a silver Kandori wristcuff from the corpse of Cera.
You get a pair of slim riding gloves from the corpse of Cera.
You get a set of cloth sleeves from the corpse of Cera.
an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag: You can't carry that much weight.
You get a dress with colored bands at the hem from the corpse of Cera.
You get a satin blouse from the corpse of Cera.
You get a Kandori snowflake necklace from the corpse of Cera.
You get a Kandori snowflake necklace from the corpse of Cera.
You get a fine linen riding hood from the corpse of Cera.
You get an emerald ring from the corpse of Cera.
You get a great serpent ring from the corpse of Cera.

scalp corpse
* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >
You lean over and sever the bloody head from the corpse of Cera.

* S HP:Healthy MV:Full >

Kitiara has suddenly arrived.

Posts: 1097
Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:53 pm

Re: Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by Kitiara » Fri May 24, 2024 11:31 am

Elysia wrote:
Fri May 24, 2024 7:10 am
Because otherwise we have to add however many Novices and Accepted. Pretty sure we made that decision on previous forums when Tower was bigger and there was the potential of having to grand access to 100+ accounts and yeah, no.
Ahhh forgot about that.

Also Loret I remember that one, rude. Another good tip is if the door to the stable is closed, dont sit there confused, move around a bit just in case.

Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:42 am
Location: Oregon Zoot#2101

Re: Lord Roberto al’ Farath’s class on Surviving Daggers in the Shadow

Post by Tolza » Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:49 am

Ah, Suren, we all glean wisdom from our missteps, don't we? For instance, avoiding unscheduled naps while trespassing could significantly reduce unexpected backstab incidents. And as for swimming—let’s just say it’s a skill that might keep you from going under in more ways than one. Lesson learned?"

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