A Different Kind of Testing

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A Different Kind of Testing

Post by Amarea » Tue Jan 14, 2025 6:41 pm

Amarea is called to the Brown Ajah's study by one of their Sitters, Aelrena, expecting a collegial meeting to discuss Aelrena Sedai's constructive criticism of a theoretical research paper that Amarea submitted as part of her apprenticeship to the Ajah. Instead, Aelrena presses the Accepted to test her mettle and gives a valuable, if at times acerbic, lesson on what it means to be an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.

POV: Amarea
Main characters: Amarea, Aelrena


Study of the Brown Ajah
Tall, arched windows in the northern wall open to a balcony, providing a
choice view of the Erinin as it flows south from the Borderlands. Half the
seating in the room is drawn up around the windows, showing that the
occupants appreciate the panorama. The remaining seats are drawn up in
circles of six to eight, allowing Brown Sisters to discuss the furtherance
of knowledge, or new theories in an informal atmosphere. Colorful wall
hangings depicting still lifes decorate the pale white walls.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door south: door
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
Aelrena Solyan is sitting here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Brown Sister is here, frowning pensively.
Danelle Sedai, sitter for the Brown Ajah stands here deep in thought.

Aelrena sits upon the windowsill within the study, her gaze focused outward as she slowly moves a brush through the waves of her hair. The glow of Saidar fades from around her even as you enter, though she doesn't turn to face you.

Amarea curtseys before Aelrena.

The carveddoor closes quietly.

Amarea moves at a brisk pace into the study, offering a practiced curtsey. She pulls behind her a tray with food, still steaming, and sets it on the desk.

Amarea puts a loaf of crusty fresh bread in a desk.
Amarea puts a loaf of sugar bread in a desk.
Amarea puts a bread filled with raisins and nuts in a desk.
Amarea puts a loaf of crusty fresh bread in a desk.
Amarea puts a goblet of Cairhien wine in a desk.
Amarea puts a cup of strong black tea in a desk.
Amarea puts a cup of blueberry tea in a desk.
Amarea puts a plate of pickled quail eggs in a desk.
Amarea puts a plate of kippered eel in a desk.
Amarea puts a plate with bread and green veined cheese in a desk.
Amarea puts a plate of hot stew with some bread in a desk.

Aelrena sniffs sadly.

Amarea wipes her brow. 'I am here, Aelrena Sedai. I apologize for the delay. It seems the messenger pigeon you sent got confused in the trip.'

Aelrena's lips twitch briefly.

Amarea senses Aelrena connecting to the True Source.

Aelrena gestures at the door with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Aelrena glances to Amarea, her eyebrows raising slightly at the cart of food.

Aelrena says 'I see that you haven't forgotten your lessons as a novice.'

Amarea chuckles politely.

Aelrena says 'That at least I can be sure of.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Would you like a seat, Accepted?'

Amarea replies as she moves to prepare a plate of food for the Sitter, 'Well, thankfully I was raised well by my family as well. I was always told as the daughter of a baker that it's rude to go to meeting I'm invited to without bringin' some bread, when I can.'

Aelrena gestures to two chairs by the window. One is a large and cushioned armchair, while the other is a cushionless wooden stool.

Aelrena turns her gaze back to the window, her hand moving in long smooth motions through her hair before swapping to the other side of her head.

Amarea offers a quiet word of thanks and moves automatically to the stool, saving the softer chair for the Aes Sedai.

Aelrena nods to herself, her lips twitching once again before she turns on her perch to face the Accepted, placing the brush down beside her.

Aelrena says 'I hope that you have been well, Amarea. You showed such promise as a novice.'

Amarea blinks at the comment, a faint blush on her face, but she smiles and nods. 'I have been doin' as well as I can be, all things considered. I am workin' as hard as I can, and puttin' my knowledge to use for the good of the Tower.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'Now.'

Aelrena leans down, reaching into a small bag placed beneath her feet where she retrieves a neatly bundled set of papers, bound together with string.

Aelrena says 'Would you care to explain to me exactly what THIS is, Accepted?'

Amarea's eyebrows pull down into a frown.

Amarea says 'I can't say for certain without actually readin' the paper, Aes Sedai. May I see it?'

Aelrena frowns.

Aelrena hands the bundle of papers to the Accepted.

Amarea's eyes quickly scan the paper, and her finger trails along as she skims the first page. She smiles and flips through the rest of the paper, then nods and returns it to the Brown Sitter. 'Ah, it's a copy of my report that I submitted recently to the Brown Ajah. It's my theory on ley lines and the Pattern, and how they intersect. Have you had a chance to read it, Aelrena Sedai?'

Aelrena's lips twitch downward briefly, and her gaze remains even as she responds, "I have indeed, child. And I'll ask again, what, EXACTLY is this?"

Amarea's smile fades to a confused, then concerned, expression. Still, she manages to keep her posture from shifting into a defensive one. 'It is my capstone theoretical research paper, Aes Sedai. It summarizes my ideas on a variety of topics regarding a cohesive theory I have been postulatin' as I have explored the world and learned more about ley lines, the Pattern, and the way the prior is influenced by the latter.'

Amarea continues, 'In it, you'll find a summary of some of the key phenomena I've found that I believe support a framework for allowin' me to use my Talent with the Locate and Travel weaves to detect changes in the Pattern of the Age.'

Aelrena's tone shifts to one of wry humor as she responds, "Oh? Is that all, Accepted? A capstone theoretical research paper?"

Amarea replies dryly with a small smirk of her own, 'And some string.'

Aelrena's tone remains dry, "Have you considered now might not be the best time for levity?"

Aelrena says 'Child, there are very high expectations for those who sign their name in the book of novices. Those expectations only grow for those who face their fears, let alone have been accepted into an apprenticeship with one of the Ajahs.'

Amarea blushes faintly.

Aelrena's umber gaze remains upon the Accepted, "Well? Speak up then. What do you have to say?"

Amarea's gaze falls as she bends her head deferentially. 'Yes, Aelrena Sedai,' she replies demurely. 'I humbly apologize.'

Aelrena says 'That is all you have to say, Child? That you apologize? The eyes of the Tower are upon you. You have just given me what you title your "Capstone research paper", and all you have to say is that you *apologize*?'

Amarea takes a breath and lifts her gaze once more, composing herself with her best attempt at a picture of Aes Sedai calm, although her tension shows at her cheeks. 'I respect you greatly, and you have been a great mentor to me. I have worked my hardest to meet your expectations, and dare to exceed them. I stand by the work I have presented. I apologize for the levity, but not for the work. If you have criticisms of my theory, I would like to hear them.'

Aelrena says 'Child, I will tell you of my expectations, not the other way around.'

Aelrena's gaze moves from the Accepted and to the window, her eyes searching for something.

Aelrena says 'You are an apprentice to the Brown Ajah, Amarea.'

Amarea nods curtly. 'Yes, Aes Sedai.'

Aelrena says 'There are few Aes Sedai outside of these quarters who understand truly what that means, and fewer Accepted.'

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Aelrena says 'When you bring *any* research before the Ajah, when you sign your name to it, you are inviting great scrutiny, great pressure. And this paper is what you put before us.'

Aelrena turns from the window, umber gaze unblinking as she looks Amarea in the eye.

Amarea replies in a quote, '"Through fire we are shaped, strength in struggle, bonds that grow - sharper with each strike." A Borderlander poem I heard, once.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena looks at Amarea.

Aelrena says 'It might be said that this is a horrible research paper. What would you do if I told you such, Amarea?'

Amarea sighs quietly and pauses for a moment in thought before she replies. '-If- you said that, Aelrena Sedai, I would know your words for truth, and I would endeavor to improve my paper, my theory, or both. I would strive to learn why you viewed my paper that way, and use that to grow as a scholar.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena stands from her perch, eyes moving about the study before moving about the mostly empty room.

Amarea senses Aelrena connecting to the True Source.

Aelrena weaves a ward against sound around the corner of the study the pair are in, holding the weaves deftly as she looks at the Accepted.

Amarea's eyebrows pull down into a frown.

Aelrena says 'Say it again, child. What would you do? There are no witnesses but you and I to hear your words.'

Aelrena looks at Amarea.

Amarea replies, speaking with more confidence as she asserts herself. 'I know that my theory has limitations, Aes Sedai, and although I worked hard to write it well, I know I am not perfect. If you said it was horrible, I would feel...' She searches for the right word. 'Disappointed. But I would endeavor to grow, to expand my view and my skills, because that is a primary purpose of research.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Good.'

Aelrena releases the source, and with it allows the wards to drop.

Aelrena says 'Your research paper is good, there *are* flaws that I found. Which I will pass on to you in the form of annotations you will find on
your desk. However.'

Amarea looks at Aelrena expectantly.

Aelrena leans in close to the girl, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper, "It is good to remember your place as an Accepted, Amarea. But to be Aes Sedai you must also be prepared to stand against the breaking of the world itself."

Aelrena says 'It would not do for you to be easily cowed or turned aside. From now on when you and I meet, your assignment is to show me that you have a backbone.'

Amarea allows herself a deep breath, nodding slowly.

Aelrena says 'What that means to you remains to be seen.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'Do you have any questions for me before I dismiss you?'

Amarea sits up a little straighter. 'I do not at this time. But I do thank you for your candor, Aes Sedai, and the lesson you've given me tonight. I
respect your opinion.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'Always listen, child.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena clambers to her feet.

Amarea senses Aelrena connecting to the True Source.

Aelrena gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Amarea curtseys before Aelrena.

Aelrena says 'You're dismissed, leave the cart if you please.'

Amarea says 'The Light favor you, Aelrena Sedai, and keep you safe.'

Aelrena says 'And you, Amarea.'