Point of view: Hadley
Participant: Perenelle
Summary: Hadley and Perenelle discuss the benefits of being raised to Accepted, the freedoms it offers, and their areas of interest.
Hadley scrubs the dishes.
A servant has arrived from the west.
Hadley scrub the dishes.
Hadley scrub the dishes.
Laras the Mistress of the Kitchens takes clean dishes from the drainboard and puts them in a cupboard.
A servant leaves west.
Perenelle has arrived from the west.
Perenelle smiles at Hadley.
Perenelle scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.
Perenelle says 'Hello there.'
Perenelle scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.
Perenelle scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.
Laras the Mistress of the Kitchens takes clean dishes from the drainboard and puts them in a cupboard.
Perenelle scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.
Perenelle scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.
Hadley says 'Hi there!'
Hadley says 'Can two people do this at the same time? I've never tried it before.'
Perenelle says 'Hi, I think so? But I haven't tried either.'
Perenelle scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.
A calm woman has arrived from the west.
Hadley scrubs the dishes.
Perenelle says 'Mostly came in to help and see if you needed anything.'
Perenelle scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.
A Tower Guard has arrived from the west.
Perenelle gives a smile to Hadley.
Perenelle scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.
Hadley moves really fast but gets nothing done.
A servant has arrived from the west.
Hadley says 'Oh, well I appreciate that.'
Hadley says 'I'm just slowly chugging along'
Hadley says 'But it looks like no, we apparently walk on each other.'
A novice comes in carrying a stack of dirty dishes, places them in the sink, and runs out for more.
Perenelle says 'I haven't seen another....um, a Novice in a while. So wanted to get to know others around.'
Perenelle nods in agreement.
A servant leaves west.
Hadley says 'Another novice? Did you forget that you got raised?'
Perenelle blushes.
Perenelle says 'It was really recently.'
Hadley chuckles politely.
Perenelle says 'And I was a Fledgling Novice for a very long time.'
Hadley says 'I was told I should be pursuing advancement.'
Hadley says 'But all I wanna do is eat.'
Perenelle says 'Eat? Really? Huh.'
Perenelle ponders life, the universe, and everything.
Hadley says 'Well, it is a necessary function.'
Hadley says 'But I don't see why it can't also be enjoyable.'
A servant has arrived from the west.
Perenelle says 'It is and it can be, though not like I've been to any lavish feasts.'
Hadley says 'In fact, it might be one of the most pleasurable things in life.'
Hadley says 'Oh even a simple cake with tea can be the highlight of my day.'
Perenelle says 'And as I've found I rather bad at cooking. Well, was, Mistress Laras brute forced me to be "not dangerous" when I cook.'
Perenelle says 'I don't see why you can do both though? Advancing and taking some time to eat pleasant things?'
A Tower Guard leaves west.
Hadley says 'But what if I end up with more responsibilities that take me away from all the food?'
Hadley says 'Have you created a lesson plan?'
Perenelle says 'Probably be able to enjoy more time for that if you weren't a Novice anymore. Yes things are harder but you aren't expected to do quite so many chores.'
Hadley says 'It sounds awful. I would much rather learn to make a risotto.'
Perenelle says 'I haven't yet, still trying to think of a good topic to cover.'
Hadley says 'Have you considered risotto?'
Hadley says 'Or the possibility of using fire-based weaves to bring food to temperature?'
Perenelle says 'I don't think I'm a good candidate for teaching cooking and fire isn't exactly super responsive to me.'
Perenelle says 'Cold though, I can do.'
Hadley says 'There are chilled delicacies, too!'
Hadley says 'Did you know you can shave ice and cover it wth the juices of fruits?'
Perenelle says 'Sounds more like a lesson plan you could teach.'
Perenelle giggles.
A Tower Guard leaves west.
Perenelle says 'But yes, I had heard of that in my travels before coming to the Tower.'
Hadley says 'Despite my excitement, I don't think the Sedai would see it as especially useful.'
A Tower Guard has arrived from the west.
Perenelle says 'Hmmm, proper decorum at a feast? I mean they do consort with nobles and the like. And not a lot of us are from that class of society.'
Hadley says 'I most certainly am not.'
Hadley says 'I don't know much about decorum.'
Hadley says 'I did once taste an art deco rum.'
Hadley says 'It came in an oddly shaped bottle and tasted of spicy peppers.'
Hadley says 'I did not enjoy it.'
Perenelle says 'Perhaps you can read about it or learn and teach it? Peppers?'
Perenelle makes a face.
Perenelle says 'I doubt I would either.'
Hadley says 'That was the face I made!'
Perenelle says 'Sounds horrid.'
Hadley says 'My face is horrid?'
Hadley frowns.
Hadley says 'I'm not exactly bringing the Younglings to the yard, but I hope I'm not scaring them away.'
Hadley says 'That reminds me, there is a treat I heard of where you take the cream of milk and slowly freeze it somehow until it becomes like thick snow or something.'
Perenelle says 'No, you aren't and well, some men do seem to like fuller figured women. So I've heard and seen.'
Hadley says 'Then you can mix that all up with more milk and drink it!'
Hadley says 'I bet the boys would come to the yard for that.'
Hadley says 'Not that I am interested in the boys.'
Perenelle says 'Oh that sounds...interesting. Never heard of that though.'
Hadley says 'Unless they're bringing a shipment of produce.'
Perenelle chuckles politely.
A servant leaves west.
A Tower Guard leaves west.
Perenelle says 'Well, not sure what to tell you beyond I do seem to have a bit more free time or at least not stuck only doing dishes and the book shelving.'
Hadley says 'I feel like I haven't helped you come up with a lesson at all. I think it must be close to lunchtime. I am so distracted.'
Perenelle says 'I do fill it doing things I want to try and learn about, but that's me.'
Hadley says 'What things are you trying?'
Perenelle says 'Exploring, seeing what's out there, been stuck here and now that I'm allowed off the island, going places again is amazing.'
Perenelle says 'Also seeing what weaves do what where. Weather seems to be my area of ability.'
Perenelle says 'Mostly trying stuff to see what I can do and if it sounds like it would be interesting to teach.'
A Tower Guard has arrived from the west.
Perenelle says 'I do know Amarea is teaching about the history of Far Madding this Friday.'
Perenelle says 'But she's going to be a Brown so that's not too surprising.'
Hadley says 'Oooh. I wonder what historical dishes Far Madding has.'
Perenelle says 'I don't know but if you see her you could ask.'
Hadley says 'I wonder if her interests lean toward the epicurean.'
Perenelle says 'I found Far Madding to feel pretty oppressive but that's mostly the effect from the Guardian.'
Hadley says 'Have you been anywhere interesting that you might want to lead a class on?'
Perenelle says 'Her interests seem to range far and wide.'
Perenelle ponders the question.
Perenelle says 'That might be something, though I may want to go a few more places to make sure.'
Perenelle gives a grin.
Perenelle says 'And include a bit about the local food and what its like.'
Hadley chuckles politely.
Hadley says 'Now you're pandering to the audience!'
Perenelle says 'Too bad I can't go to Arad Doman yet, heard a fair bit about their cuisine but haven't tried it.'
A servant has arrived from the west.
Hadley says 'I think I heard their outfits are bit...revealing.'
Hadley says 'My outfits are only revealing by accident.'
Hadley picks at her dress.
Hadley says 'Well not this one. This covers up everything quite nicely.'
Perenelle says 'No, not really pandering, it would be an interesting aspect to at least touch on with everything else. I mean wouldn't want people surprised by spicy or other things.'
Perenelle nods in agreement.
Perenelle says 'So does this one. '
A Tower Guard leaves west.
Perenelle plucks at her banded dress.
Perenelle shrugs helplessly.
Hadley says 'I've seen some wear it in a way that it molds to their bodies.'
Hadley says 'I think they get them tailored that way.'
Hadley says 'Mine all fit like a curtain, but that might just be my shoulders' fault.'
Perenelle says 'Perhaps, I haven't had time to see about that. Maybe but well, various places can do wonders for tailoring, hair and makeup. At least I believe, not sure how the nobles go about it. I'm a merchant's daughter and not a very prosperous one at that.'
Hadley says 'Are other daughters of his more prosperous than you?'
Hadley says 'Oh my, I just assumed you meant your father. Your mother could be a merchant.'
Perenelle says 'He does well enough but not like he caters to courts of the very rich. Oh I mean he isn't rich, some think he might be and I'm used to all sorts of money.'
Perenelle says 'She was, we traveled as a family.'
Perenelle looks a little sad but shakes it off.
Hadley says 'You must miss them a lot.'
Hadley says 'It sounds like you got to see the world even before you came here.'
Perenelle says 'She died a long time ago though. And I do, father a bit less missed, we still write letters, though its growing more infrequent.'
Perenelle says 'A fair bit of it. Mostly the southlands though one year we did head up to Saldaea.'
Hadley says 'I see. I often overhear girls talking about their letters from home. I can't tell if they're saying they leave the letters unread or on read. Whatever that means. Either way, it doesn't sound like they are writing back.'
Perenelle says 'I do read though, at first it was mostly trying to convince me to leave. Now its...distant. Just how things are and less the man I remember.'
Hadley says 'Saldaea sounds interesting. I hear they like their food spicy.'
Hadley says 'Convince you to leave? I don't think it really works that way.'
Perenelle says 'It doesn't and I didn't even consider running away but you hear things.'
A calm woman leaves west.
Hadley says 'I don't understand anyone that would run away.'
Hadley says 'Three meals a day and safe room to sleep in? What more could you want?'
Perenelle says 'Me either but some do or try to at least. Not sure they truly get away.'
Perenelle chuckles politely.
Hadley says 'Although a few girls have been punished by having to skip meals. What a nightmare.'
Perenelle says 'Well, the only thing I can think of is you could go to some of those other places and try new meals. If you were raised to Accepted that is.'
Hadley says 'Oh I'm not completely blind. I've seen girls whispering about running away but they usually are too scared. They say that you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.'
Hadley says 'Which is blatant exaggeration. You clearly leave at some point.'
Hadley says 'But some of those girls have already checked out. Light in the head, they are.'
Hadley says 'Oh, speaking of meals.'
Hadley says 'I was supposed to start them.'
Hadley says 'If you will excuse me.'
Hadley curtseys before her.
Perenelle nods in agreement.
Perenelle says 'Have a good day.'
Hadley says 'You too. It was very nice to meet you.'