A Very Thorough Orienttion

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A Very Thorough Orienttion

Post by Perenelle » Wed Jan 01, 2025 8:04 pm

I had meant to post this a while ago, but since the principal person that was showing me about was absent for a while, I held off. This occurred right after being inducted into the Tower, being given a long tour, tips and general help by Accepted Amarea.

Main Participant: Accepted Amarea Helsen
Main Particiapnt: Novice Perenelle Flamel

Isela says 'Thank you for attending me, Lyla and Amarea. Would one of you please help Perenelle with her Orientation class?'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Lyla says 'I have to turn in, unfortunately.'

Amarea says 'Perenelle, I can show you.'

Lyla glances at Amarea

Isela nods in agreement.

Lyla nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'I apologize for my lapse in focus earlier.'

Amarea blushes faintly.

Lyla says 'By your leave, Isela Sedai.'

Perenelle takes a few minutes to strip out of the fine silk dress and gets into the white one.

Lyla curtseys before Isela.

Trinket the ferret gets bored with the bauble he's been playing with.
Trinket the ferret looks around for something new and shiny to 'borrow'...
Isela nods at Lyla.

rem silk
Perenelle stops using a blue silk dress sewn with pearls.

Perenelle wears a plain white dress around her body.

Lyla leaves north. ^^

Perenelle stops following Isela.
Perenelle now follows Amarea.

Isela says 'Welcome, Perenelle. You are in good hands with Amarea.'

Amarea stops following Isela.

Perenelle is now a member of Amarea's group.

Trinket the ferret leaves north. ^^

Isela leaves north. ^^

Perenelle nods and curtsies.

Amarea hugs Perenelle.

Perenelle puts a blue silk dress sewn with pearls in a backpack.

Amarea says 'Congratulations!'

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Above the Stairwell

Amarea Helsen, Tower Accepted is standing here.

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Plain Hallway

Perenelle blows out a slow breath of air.

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Intersection on the Ramp

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Spiralling Corridor

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Hallway Outside the Classrooms

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Classroom

Amarea closes the door.

Amarea says 'First, before we get started, I wished to say that I am excited for you and hope that
you are doing alright.'

Perenelle says 'A little bewildered, a bit concerned, somewhat overwhelmed, and now a little itchy.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Aye, I know that feeling.'

Perenelle twitches the white dress some.

Amarea smiles fondly, reminiscing quietly for a moment.

Perenelle says 'I have a feeling I'm going to have a lot of adjusting to do.'

Amarea says 'Before we get too distrated, let's start with your orientation class.'

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea whispers to you, 'Say 'I am here for Accepted Maighan.''

Perenelle says 'I am here for Accepted Maighan.'

An Accepted enters, carrying the White Tower Handbook.

Amarea nods in agreement.

An Accepted places the Handbook on the table.

Perenelle senses Amarea connecting to the True Source.

An Accepted looks around the room and smiles.

Perenelle senses Amarea is channeling saidar.

An Accepted says 'I am Accepted Maighan.'

Accepted Maighan says 'If you are here to attend Novice Orientation, SAY you will LISTEN to my

Amarea nods at Perenelle.

Perenelle says 'I will listen to your class...um Accepted?'

Accepted Maighan smiles at Perenelle.

Accepted Maighan says 'Welcome to Novice Orientation, where some of the rules of the White Tower will be explained.'

Accepted Maighan says 'This class does not attempt to cover everything written in the Handbook.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Accepted Maighan says 'This class seeks to clarify the gray areas.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You are responsible for reading and knowing the rules listed in the

Amarea sits down.

Accepted Maighan says 'Be sure to read announcements regularly to make sure you haven't missed an update.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Remember, there are no stupid questions.'

Accepted Maighan says 'If you do not know something, do not be ashamed. You are here to learn.'

Accepted Maighan says 'If I'm not clear in my class, be sure to ask one of the Wearied Novices,
Accepted or Aes Sedai.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Very well, on to part two of this class: the Three Oaths.'

Accepted Maighan points towards the blackboard and beckons you to READ the BLACKBOARD.

Accepted Maighan says 'Please tell me what the First Oath is.'

Perenelle read the blackboard:

The First Oath:
To speak no word that is not true.

The Second Oath:
To make no weapon with which one man may kill another.

The Third Oath:
Not to use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last defense of my life, the life of my Warder, or that of another Sister.

Perenelle says 'To speak no word that is not true.'

Accepted Maighan nods at Perenelle.

Accepted Maighan says 'To speak no word that is not true is the First Oath.'

Accepted Maighan says 'This Oath means that anyone can ask an Aes Sedai to speak plainly, and they will know she cannot lie.'

Accepted Maighan says 'This Oath, also forces us to hold ourselves to a higher standard in stark
contrast to the Father of Lies and his minions.'

Accepted Maighan says 'All of us, from the newest Novice to the most experienced Aes Sedai has to
live by the Oaths.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Aes Sedai swear them on the Oath Rod, making it impossible for them to tell an outright lie.'

Accepted Maighan says 'However, Novices and Accepted will have to thoroughly consider all their
words and actions,'
Accepted Maighan says 'and judge whether they are in line with the Oaths.'

Accepted Maighan moves around the table.

Accepted Maighan says 'This Oath does leave some wiggle room, however.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Depending on the Aes Sedai, there is still room for sarcasm, for example.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Also, when prompted to tell one's name, saying "You may call me Alys" would not be a lie,'
Accepted Maighan says 'it would merely be an instruction on how someone may call you.'

Accepted Maighan says 'However, saying "My name is Alys" would be a lie for those of us who who were named differently.'

Accepted Maighan moves back to the blackboard.

Accepted Maighan says 'And what is the Second Oath?'

Perenelle says 'To make no weapon with which one man may kill another.'

Accepted Maighan smiles at Perenelle.

Accepted Maighan says 'This is the only Oath that was added later, after the War of Power.'

Accepted Maighan says 'During this war many weapons were used or made with the One Power.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Some of these caused massive destruction and an unacceptable cost of lives.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Of course, if you win the fight against the Shadow at the cost of too many
human lives,'
Accepted Maighan says 'does that make us any better than the Shadow?'

Amarea frowns.

Accepted Maighan looks at Perenelle.

Accepted Maighan says 'Before this Oath was added, Aes Sedai altered some heron mark blades by the One Power, so they never go dull.'

Accepted Maighan says 'The White Tower isn't about conquering nations, but instead about encouraging justice and peace.'

Accepted Maighan says 'We do not take sides in any conflict between nations.'

Accepted Maighan says 'We are Aes Sedai, which means Servants of All in the Old Tongue.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Onwards to the Third Oath. What is it?'

Perenelle peers at the blackboard again.

Perenelle says 'Not to use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last defense of my life, the life of my Warder, or that of another Sister.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Well done, Perenelle, that is correct.'

Accepted Maighan says 'This is possibly the most important of the Three Oaths.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Once again, this is to instill trust.'

Accepted Maighan says 'With this Oath, the people can be sure that we will not assault them with the One Power.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You can consider your life in danger should Shadowspawn, Seanchan, a Tower Wanted,'
Accepted Maighan says 'a Male Channeler, or hidden person be in your room.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You do not need to wait for them to attack you first before you can defend

Accepted Maighan pins you down with a stern look.

Accepted Maighan says 'Now as a note, any weaves can be considered a weapon to some people.'

Accepted Maighan says 'As such you need to ask before you heal someone unless you have a working relationship with them'
Accepted Maighan says 'and know they accept you weaving Heal, refresh, etc. on them.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You can imagine a Child of Light would consider you even Healing them to be an attack.'

Accepted Maighan says 'We will continue with the RULES FOR NOVICES, if you say so.'

Perenelle considers the information, then nods.

Perenelle says 'Rules for Novices, Accepted Maighan.'

Accepted Maighan says 'As a Novice, you may not leave the island of Tar Valon.'

Accepted Maighan says 'However, you may hunt on the eastern edges of the island, outside the eastern gates of the city.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Be careful though, you may not cross any of the bridges.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You must rent in the White Tower.'

Accepted Maighan says 'When someone attacks you, you may defend yourself, but you can only weave on them to beat them back.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You may not pursue your attacker, even if they are near death, but you must instead stand your ground or move to a safer place.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You must judge the situation to see what is safest.'

Accepted Maighan looks at the White Tower Handbook.

Accepted Maighan says 'During your time in the White Tower, until the moment you shawl, you must
always be cognito,'
Accepted Maighan says 'showing you are a member of a White Tower.'

Accepted Maighan says 'As a Novice, you must always wear your Novice dress.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Sometimes Accepted Dian has a few spares, otherwise you can issue one at Sheriam Sedai.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You may not wear any items of the Shadow.'

Accepted Maighan looks at Perenelle.

Accepted Maighan says 'You are not allowed to associate with known male channelers or fraternize
with criminals of Tar Valon.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Any romantic relationship with men is also strictly forbidden. You are not
here to find a husband.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Please note that some of these regulations also apply to Accepted.'

Accepted Maighan says 'When you find an angreal, you must turn it in to an Aes Sedai.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Do NOT channel into any objects, because that may cause you to be Stilled,'
Accepted Maighan says 'unable to touch the One Power ever again.'

Accepted Maighan says 'The same goes for channeling at portal stones, holding the Source for too
Accepted Maighan says 'or overchanneling (the 'o' and 'ov' etc. command).'

Accepted Maighan says 'I also have some information on TASKS and PUNISHMENT.'

Perenelle says 'Tasks then, Accepted.'

Accepted Maighan nods at Perenelle.

Accepted Maighan says 'As a Novice, you can ask Sheriam Sedai for tasks for Novices.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You may only complete a task once, unless specified otherwise.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Not following this rule may result in docking 3 times what you gained.'

Accepted Maighan takes on a grim look.

Accepted Maighan says 'Punishment can take the form of a docking of merits,'
Accepted Maighan says 'a chore, a revocation of rights, or being put on the Farm.'

Accepted Maighan says 'When you are put on the Farm, that is your last chance.'

Accepted Maighan says 'You either shape up, or are put out of the Tower.'

Accepted Maighan says 'There are several ways one can be put out of the Tower:'

Accepted Maighan says 'Failure to pass the Arches test, failure to pass the shawling test,
Accepted Maighan says 'Committing a crime against Tower Law, consistent breaking of Tower Rules.'

Accepted Maighan says 'And finally on personal request, although you will then be considered a
Accepted Maighan gives you an attendance sheet.

Accepted Maighan says 'If you haven't attended this class yet, give this sheet to Sheriam Sedai.'

Accepted Maighan says 'Remember, if you have any questions, the Accepted or Aes Sedai will be glad to clarify.'

Accepted Maighan picks up her book.

Accepted Maighan nods at Perenelle.

Accepted Maighan says 'Welcome to the White Tower, Perenelle.'

Accepted Maighan leaves the classroom.

Perenelle is carrying:
an attendance sheet

rem flask
Perenelle stops using a leather water flask.

drink flask
drink flask
It's empty.

It's empty.

Amarea smiles happily.

wear flask
Perenelle puts a leather water flask on your belt.

Amarea says 'I know that's a lot of information in a short amount of time.'

Perenelle says 'And even more to read it seems.'

Amarea says 'What questions do you have about what the Accepted shared?'

Perenelle says 'Well, how many deliberately ask to be removed or try to get sent to the farm to get out of the Tower? I'm not trying to but it seems that would be an easy out for those that want to leave?'

Amarea chuckles politely.

Amarea says 'Yes and no. Most of the women who choose to leave the Tower do so as runaways, but the Tower has a long memory as an institution, and the Aes Sedai will seek them out.'

Perenelle says 'And I take it the farm is unpleasant to be at, at best?'

Amarea says 'The Aes Sedai will largely decide when a woman is through with the White Tower. If a
girl clearly lacks the strength in the Power, or the willpower, to reach the shawl, then they will
be gently removed from the Tower once they have learned all they can and proven that they are not a danger to others around them.'

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Queen Morgase of Andor studied here, you know, at least for a very short while.'

Perenelle says 'I had not realized, no.'

Amarea says 'And the daughter-heir, Elayne, is a novice here. She tends to spend her time in the

Perenelle gnaws her lower lip, thinking

Amarea says 'The Farm is, as I understand it...not a pleasant place, no.'

Amarea frowns.

Perenelle says 'Well, I'm committed to at least not be dangerous at this point.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Good, good.'

Perenelle says 'Anything else, well, I suppose time will tell.'

Amarea says 'Isela Sedai asked me to give you a brief tour, so I can go through that with you if you have a little bit of time still?'

Perenelle says 'Oh yes, not at all tired yet. Head spinning, but not tired.'

Amarea says 'Alright!'

Amarea clambers to her feet.

Perenelle senses Amarea connecting to the True Source.

Perenelle senses Amarea is channeling saidar.

Amarea fails to pull together whatever flows she was trying to weave.

Perenelle senses Amarea is channeling saidar.

Amarea says 'Before I forget, let me give you a handout about a resource you might find helpful.'

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea tells you 'We have an "unofficial official" Discord server that is for Tower only. It's anextremely helpful group if you're interested and not in it already.'

Amarea says 'Let me give you a quick tour of all the key places you might need to know.'

change title Flamel, Fledgling Novice

Amarea says 'This is the classroom, where we frequently held various topics led by Aes Sedai or

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Attending these can earn you merits (QPs), and also shows the Aes Sedai that you are
invested in your education.'

Amarea opens the door.

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.

Amarea closes the door.

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Spiralling Corridor

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Junction Between Corridors

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Plain Corridor

Perenelle says 'And so the opposite is true too.'

Amarea says 'How do you mean?'

Perenelle says 'Not showing up gives a perception you are not invested in learning.'

Amarea chuckles politely.

Amarea says 'Well, if you are awake and a class is being taught, I would expect a novice to be there
for sure.'

Perenelle nods in understanding.

Amarea says 'Accepted are allowed some more freedom in how they spend their time, but also greater responsibilities and expectations.'

Perenelle says 'Such as teaching, like you said, some Accepted do that.'

Amarea says 'This is the entrance to the sleeping quarters and quartermistress, Accepted Dian.'

Amarea nods at Perenelle.

Amarea says 'Please knock on the door to the east, and we can enter.'

knock chamberdoor

The chamber door swings open.

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.

In a Small Room
Dian the red haired Accepted is standing here, taking care of the quarters.

The chamberdoor closes quietly.
Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea beams a smile at Dian the overworked Accepted.

Amarea says 'You can use Dian here to withdraw or deposit equipment, and it can be accessed by any novice or Accepted.'

Amarea says 'Use 'list' to see what is here, and you can 'deposit' and 'withdraw' various items.'

*Used list to see, not putting it all in

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Well
Kennira, Caretaker of Novices tends to the boarding of her young charges.

Perenelle says 'That is a lot of things.'

Amarea says 'Mistress Kennira helps with our sleeping arrangements. She allows up to 10 items of personal storage here as well.'

Kennira, Caretaker of Novices tells you, 'I don't have any items for you here.'

Amarea says 'Like any rent, mind you.'

Perenelle nods in agreement.

get dress pack
Perenelle gets a blue silk dress sewn with pearls from a backpack.

dep dress
Kennira, Caretaker of Novices tells you, ' 2 copper for a blue silk dress sewn with pearls.'
Kennira, Caretaker of Novices tells you, 'Initial deposit is 1 copper payable now. It will cost you
1 copper per day, due at withdraw.'
Kennira, Caretaker of Novices tells you, 'I will take the deposit out of your credit.'
Kennira, Caretaker of Novices puts a blue silk dress sewn with pearls away for you.

Perenelle sighs.

Amarea comforts Perenelle.

Amarea beams a broad smile from ear to ear.

Amarea says 'You can also store items in the inn just south of the White Tower, in the city, so youbcan have up to 20 personal items stored within your boundaries.'

Perenelle says 'I do have some things in the Inn, so that's good I can go there.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

1. 1 item stored for 0 days, no rent due.
a blue silk dress sewn with pearls

Amarea says 'All novices and even Accepted are required to sleep in this room, and the Aes Sedai have eyes-and-ears networks around the world, so don't risk it to go somewhere else.'

Perenelle senses Amarea connecting to the True Source.

Perenelle senses Amarea is channeling saidar.

Amarea gestures briefly at Amarea, who now appears more impressive somehow.

Perenelle says 'So I can go there to retrieve my things but not stay there.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Perenelle says 'Hmm, I suppose I better see about getting back some of my deposit for this week then.'

Amarea says 'While we are here, I will note that it is respectful to use honorifics such as Isela
Sedai, Accepted Amarea, and Rylea Gaidin. You are required to show deference to Aes Sedai by
curtseying when you see them, like so.'

Amarea curtseys before Perenelle.

Amarea says 'However, you are not required to curtsey to every Accepted or Warder you see.'

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In a Small Room

Amarea says 'You can leave this room by saying 'exit'.'

Perenelle says 'Oh trust me, my father does a lot of business with minor nobility, I learned to curtsy

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea smiles at Perenelle.

Perenelle says 'Exit'

The chamber door swings open.

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.

In the Plain Corridor

Amarea nods in agreement.

The chamberdoor closes quietly.

Amarea says 'If one day you reach the position of Accepted, you'll use the door all the way west of
here instead.'

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Junction Between Corridors

Perenelle says 'Oh, I see.'

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Spiralling Corridor

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Intersection on the Ramp

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Plain Hallway

The chamberdoor is closed.(wotmudmapper): (debug): No commands left to remove from queue.

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Above the Stairwell

Amarea leaves down. dd
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Broad Hallway

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Intersection of Halls

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Broad Hallway

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.

Vaulted Corridor
(wotmudmapper): (debug): Room name (Vaulted Corridor) captured.

Amarea leaves down. dd
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Lower Corridor

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Kitchens
A giant sink sits here, filled with many dirty dishes.
Amarea Helsen, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Laras the Mistress of the Kitchens is here directing the kitchen workers.

Amarea says 'There are a few basic chores you are required to focus on between lessons and when you have idle time.'

Amarea says 'The two most important, washing dishes and reshelving books in the library, will earn
you merits for hard work periodically.'

Perenelle looks at the giant sink, then at her soft, well-manicured hands, then the sink again.

Perenelle says 'Right.'

Amarea says 'All novices can earn them for washing the dishes, and all novices and Accepted can earn them for shelving books.'

Perenelle nods in understanding.

Amarea says 'You can try to WASH THE DISHES yourself to see how it feels.'

Laras the Mistress of the Kitchens says 'You must WASH THE DISHES.'

Laras the Mistress of the Kitchens says 'I wouldn't advise picking them up, they're very slippery.'

Laras the Mistress of the Kitchens says 'When they're clean I'll put them away.'

Amarea says 'You may need to wash stacks several times before Mistress Laras will put them away.'

Amarea scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.

Amarea scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.

Amarea scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.

Amarea scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.

Laras the Mistress of the Kitchens takes clean dishes from the drainboard and puts them in a
Amarea scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea scrubs the dirty dishes in the sink.

Amarea says 'Understand?'

wash the dishes

Perenelle scrub the dishes.

wash the dishes

Perenelle scrub the dishes.

wash the dishes

Perenelle move really fast but get nothing done.

Laras the Mistress of the Kitchens takes clean dishes from the drainboard and puts them in a

Amarea nods in agreement.

Perenelle looks at her somewhat red hands now. 'Yes, I think I understand.'

Amarea says 'While we're in the kitchens, it is good etiquette for novices to keep food stocked in the pantry and in the barrels outside the Tower for guests to eat.'

Amarea comforts Perenelle.

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows someone.

It is pitch black...
(wotmudmapper): (error): Multiple matches found.

Someone holds something above her head.

get light pack
Perenelle gets a mirrored lantern from a backpack.

hold light
Perenelle holds a mirrored lantern above her head.

The Pantry
A sign hangs next to the oven.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
An oven stands here, radiating a dry heat.
Amarea Helsen, Tower Accepted is standing here.

Amarea says 'Ah, it looks like the pantry is empty. So we need to RESTOCK the PANTRY.'

Amarea notifies a servant, who retrieves a variety of goods from the dry larder and restocks the

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea opens the pantry and prepares the ingredients for a dinner.

Amarea begins preparing the dish.

Perenelle says 'Oh, is that why there's food in the barrel and rack in the practice yard?'

The smell of cookery fills the area.

Amarea finishes making the dish.

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea gives you a plate of yellow peppers and pork.

eat food
Perenelle eats the food.
Perenelle is full.

Perenelle says 'Restock the pantry.'

Amarea says 'If you try to restock the pantry and receive word that the larder is empty, you need to
speak with Eliyana Sedai of the White Ajah, 2w 1s of here.'

Amarea says 'I just restocked it. (OOC: type 'restock pantry' without saying it out loud)'

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Kitchens

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Lower Corridor

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Kitchens

Amarea says 'A word of caution.'

Amarea says 'This room here is not possible to hide in, but the one east of us is.'

Perenelle says 'So how do you cook, if its already restocked?'

Amarea says 'Watch out for dangerous men who sometimes sneak into the Tower for nefarious reasons.'

Amarea says 'Oh'

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Pantry

Amarea nods at the SIGN.

read sign
To prepare a meal: bake cake, bake pie, bake bread, make dinner.

To fetch a drink: prepare oosquai, prepare punch, prepare brandy, prepare
wine, prepare tea, prepare cider.

If the pantry is empty: restock pantry.

If the dry larder is empty: inform Eliyana Sedai that the larder is empty.

Amarea says 'Look at the sign here.'

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Perenelle says 'Oh, I see.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Kitchens

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Lower Corridor

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Mistress of Logistics' Office

Eliyana Sedai of the White Ajah manages the Tower's logistics with unwavering focus.

Amarea curtseys before Eliyana Sedai.

Perenelle curtseys before her.

Amarea says 'This room is where you can speak with Eliyana Sedai about issues regarding the pantry and logistics for keeping it well supplied.'

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Lower Corridor

Amarea says 'If you need to refill the larder, she will give you various tasks to complete in the city. It takes a few minutes usually, and can award you 1 merit.'

Amarea leaves up. uu
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Vaulted Corridor

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Broad Hallway

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Intersection of Halls

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Broad Hallway

Amarea says 'Next, let's visit with Sheriam Sedai, the Mistress of Novices.'

Amarea leaves up. uu
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Above the Stairwell

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Hallway
A roster hangs here.

Amarea opens the woodendoor.

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Mistress of Novices' Study
Sheriam the Mistress of Novices studies you with a stern expression.

Amarea closes the woodendoor.

Amarea curtseys before Sheriam the Mistress of Novices.

Perenelle curtseys before her.

Amarea says 'Here, you can practice with Sheriam Sedai to learn a variety of weaves.'

Amarea says 'You will find that the more you advance your station, the easier it will be to learn
various weaves (OOC: rank practice bonus).'

Perenelle says 'Oh, and the attendance sheet.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

give sheet sheriam
Perenelle gives an attendance sheet to Sheriam the Mistress of Novices.

Amarea says 'Did you give that to her?'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'Well done, Novice Perenelle.'

Amarea smiles happily.

Amarea tells you 'https://wotcode.azurewebsites.net/weaves'

Amarea tells you 'That is a super helpful website another Tower member made'

Amarea says 'That helps you get the most out of your practice sessions.'

Amarea says 'Let me know if I'm spending too much time or moving too slowly.'

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

Amarea tells you 'OOCly, if you know a lot of this or don't need this level of detail, I can go over it faster. Just giving the tour Isela Sedai asked for.'

Perenelle says 'No, its a lot to take in, the pace is fine.'

Amarea smiles happily.

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'When you have maximized your potential (level 51), you will have a maximum of 267 study sessions you can spend with Sheriam Sedai, and you have quite a few ways you can choose to specialize in the Power, depending on what Talents and elemental Affinities you have.'

Amarea says 'For example, I am unusually strong in Earth, but horribly weak in Fire. I have Talents
in weaves that allow me to Locate people and objects with the One Power, and to Travel.'

Perenelle says 'Like the cold things I can do? Feeling the weather shifting, that sort of thing?'

Amarea says 'Probably!'

Perenelle nods thoughtfully.

Amarea says 'Many channelers can handle basic weaves of Ice Spikes, or Chill. But there is a Talent known as Cloud Dancing that involves being able to change the weather of a region. It's one of the more common Talents, but still not as common as you might think.'

Perenelle says 'I haven't tried to do anything with the weather, but I think I can feel it shifting when it

Amarea says 'Those with a stronger version of the Talent will find that they can learn and use a wide variety of weaves that change weather patterns, create fog, or even summon small hurricanes in the area.'

Amarea says 'Just like Dougan did, in fact.'

Amarea frowns.

Perenelle frowns.

Perenelle says 'My poor horse.'

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'A horse, child?'

Perenelle sighs.

Sheriam the Mistress of Novices gives you a slip of folded paper.
Sheriam the Mistress of Novices says 'Give this to the stablehand, then, and be off with you.'

Amarea says 'Oh! That reminds me'

Amarea giggles.

Perenelle looks from Sheriam to the slip of paper.

Amarea says 'Sheriam Sedai can give you a limitless supply of basic steeds'

Amarea chuckles politely.

Amarea says 'By asking for them like you did'

Amarea winks suggestively.

Amarea says 'Just give that to the stablehand in the stables outside the Tower'

Amarea opens the woodendoor.

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Hallway
A roster hangs here.

Amarea closes the woodendoor.

Amarea says 'If you LOOK at the ROSTER here, you will also see a great deal of topics you can learn from various Aes Sedai (mobs) around the Tower.'

Amarea says 'There is also a tour you can start here.'

Perenelle says 'Well, I doubt its the charger I had, but given the limited territory I am allowed on, that's probably for the best.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

White Tower roster:

Outside Sheriam's Study: White Tower tour. Use command: read tour.
Library classroom: Novice Orientation class. Ask for Accepted Maighan.
Blue Ajah wing: Lesson on how to rank. Tower Accepted, ask for guidance.

Lessons on history and the Ajahs. Say "list subjects" to start:
-Blue wing: On Artur Hawkwing, justice and the Blue Ajah. Ask Rafela Sedai.
-Brown wing: On the Age of Legends and the Brown Ajah. Ask Saerin Sedai.
-Gray wing: On the Compact of the Ten Nations and the Gray Ajah. Ask Yukiri Sedai.
-Green wing: On Shadowspawn and the Green Ajah. Ask Kiruna Sedai.
-Red wing: On the Breaking and the Red Ajah. Ask Pevara Sedai.
-Yellow wing: On Ogier and the Yellow Ajah. Ask Romanda Sedai.
-White wing: On the Wheel, the Pattern and the White Ajah. Ask Seaine Sedai.

Tasks for Accepted issued by the Ajahs. Say "issue accepted quest" to start:
-Blue wing: Ask Rafela Sedai.
-Brown wing: Ask Verin Sedai.
-Gray wing: Ask Yukiri Sedai.
-Green wing: Ask Kiruna Sedai.
-Red wing: Ask Pevara Sedai.
-Yellow wing: Ask Romanda Sedai.
-White wing: Ask Seaine Sedai.

With the same Sisters as above, once a Tower Accepted has over 140 merits, she may "prove myself to the * Ajah", where * stands for:
Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Red, White, Yellow.

Amarea says 'I recommend that you seek out the sisters listed here and attend classes with all of them at your leisure. Take notes, the Aes Sedai sometimes quiz you on them as you try and advance your station (rank).'

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Branching Off the Ramp

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Wide Hallway

Perenelle says 'I see. Alright.'

Amarea says 'South of here is the Hall of the Tower.'

Amarea says 'Novices should avoid that place unless you are summoned.'

Perenelle nods slowly, looking south.

Amarea says 'The Ajahs each have three Sitters, who are like political leaders who help govern the White Tower, in conjunction with the Amyrlin Seat, Siuan Sanche, who is the leader of the White Tower and arguably the most powerful woman in the Westlands.'

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Wide Hallway off the Stairwell

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Wide Corridor

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Anteroom of the Keeper
Lelaine Akashi, the Keeper of the Chronicles, sits here gingerly.

Amarea curtseys before Lelaine Akashi.

Perenelle curtseys before her.

Amarea says 'Lelaine Akashi is the Keeper of the Chronicles, who serves as the primary attendant of the Amyrlin and helps with various administrative tasks.'

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Wide Corridor

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Crossing on the Ramp

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Wide Hallway

Amarea says 'East of here is a small office, with some tasks inside.'

Amarea knocks on the officedoor.

The officedoor swings open from the force of your knock.

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Cluttered Office

Amarea Helsen, Tower Accepted is standing here.
Staring down her nose a scribe performs her duties here.
A ballot box records votes here.
A tactician's clerk tallies fallen enemies here.
A treasurer stands here, managing the clan coffers.
A short, plump woman stands here, ready to record accomplishments.
An ink-stained Novice grinds oak galls, sniffing miserably.

An ink-stained Novice looks up, puffy red eyes hopeful.

The officedoor closes quietly.

Amarea says 'This poor girl has a few tasks you can complete to help her out.'

A tactician's clerk says 'I will be offering a bounty for Seanchan, Trollocs, Myrddraal, Gray Men and Dreadlords slain anywhere.'
A tactician's clerk says 'I will not award for any torn bits.'
A treasurer says 'I will take deposits of 100 or 1000 gold crowns and store them for the clan.'
An ink-stained Novice stops rubbing her ink-stained fingers and looks up excitedly.

A treasurer says 'Councillors can SAY AUTHORIZE NAME WITHDRAWAL to authorize the withdrawl of 250 gold crowns by NAME.'

A treasurer says 'Those who believe they have been authorized for withdrawal can SAY WITHDRAW COFFER.'
A treasurer says 'I will then verify you have received authorization and give you the 250 gold
crowns if so.'
An ink-stained Novice says 'Yes! I desperately need help if I am ever to finish this awful batch of
ink. There is just so much to do...'

A treasurer says 'As a word of warning, the clan can go into debt.'

A treasurer says 'SAY LIST TALLY to get the most recent total tally.'
An ink-stained Novice sighs loudly.

An ink-stained Novice says 'Truly, Amarea, you wish to help? I just can't do everything they expect
me to!'

Amarea chuckles politely.

An ink-stained Novice sighs loudly while pitifully staring at her ink-soaked dress.

Amarea says 'Exit'

An ink-stained Novice says 'Lots of the other girls have teased me about helping but if you will
really retrieve ingredients for me then just say so and we can begin.'
The office door opens with a slow creak.

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Wide Hallway

The officedoor closes quietly.

Amarea says 'You can complete her tasks once for a few merits.'

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Corridor Near the Stairwell

Amarea says 'Any questions so far?'

Amarea leaves up. uu
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In the Corridor

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Entrance to the Blue Wing

Amarea puts a mirrored lantern in a backpack.

Perenelle says 'Not really, its quite straight forward so far I'm guessing the classes is where I'll have more questions.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'You will need to read through the White Tower handbook at length here: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=11425'

Amarea says 'On the forums, you can also see when classes are announced.'

Perenelle says 'I will at my first opportunity.'

Amarea says 'For example, there was recently a conflict between the nation of Mayene and the White Tower. Chloro Sedai of the Gray Ajah is leading a class on Thursday, 7/25 at 9 pm EST (server time) to summarize the situation and what we learned from it.'

Amarea says 'The Gray Ajah is known for its strength and expertise in mediation and international diplomacy.'

Perenelle says 'I had heard about that at least, the conflict, not the class.'

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Perenelle senses Amarea connecting to the True Source.

Perenelle senses Amarea is channeling saidar.

Amarea says 'The upper floor of the White Tower is like a seven-spoked wheel.'

Amarea says 'Each spoke houses the apartments and offices of the various Ajahs.'

Amarea gets a mug from a backpack.

Amarea drinks water from a mug.

Amarea puts a mug in a backpack.

Perenelle says 'And where I must go for the smaller classes?'

Amarea says 'Within each hallway.'

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'So, Rafela Sedai of the Blue Ajah has a lesson on Artur Hawkwing and justice.'

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Long, Portrait-Lined Hallway

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Continuing Down the Hallway

Amarea opens the woodendoor.

Amarea says 'If you see an Aes Sedai around (OOC: on 'where' command), it is best to knock on any closed doors before entering out of respect of their privacy.'

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Comfortable Solar
Rafela Cindal, Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah stands here.

Amarea says 'Otherwise, it is alright to move around as needed for your jobs.'

Amarea says 'List subjects'

Perenelle says 'List subjects?'

*gets the list of subjects from the Blue Ajah*

Amarea nods in agreement.

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Each automated class probably takes a total of about five or ten minutes.'

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Continuing Down the Hallway

Amarea closes the woodendoor.

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Long, Portrait-Lined Hallway

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Entrance to the Blue Wing

Amarea says 'I want to point you in particular here to this Accepted, who can offer you GUIDANCE on how to navigate the ranks of the White Tower.'

A Tower Accepted beams a smile at Amarea.

A Tower Accepted says 'I can offer you some guidance on how to rank up in the White Tower.'

A Tower Accepted says 'As I'm not Aes Sedai, I can't tell you what to do to shawl,'
A Tower Accepted says 'but I can pass on what I have learned over the years.'

A Tower Accepted looks absent-minded, her eyes staring into space.

A Tower Accepted clears her throat.

A Tower Accepted says 'Well, I can tell you about GENERAL BEHAVIOR, RANKS, INTERVIEWS and PROTOCOL.'

A Tower Accepted attends her duties here.

A Tower Accepted says 'Note there are different protocols for different ranks,'
A Tower Accepted says 'So be sure to ask me about ACCEPTED PROTOCOL once you are an Accepted!'

A Tower Accepted says 'And finally, when you feel you are close to being summoned, ask me about the SHAWLING TEST.'

Amarea says 'She offers a great deal of advice to help you acclimate to your new station, and advance within the Tower.'

Amarea thanks a Tower Accepted heartily.

Perenelle says 'I see.'

Amarea says 'Let's head to the library for a bit.'

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Branching off Corridors

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
On the Curving Ramp

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Joining of Corridors

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
On the Spiralling Ramp

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Before Closed Brown Doors

Amarea leaves down. dd
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Hallway Outside the Classrooms

Amarea leaves down. dd
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Junction in the Hallway

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Round Entry Hall

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Path Passing the Spring Garden

Amarea says 'The Great Library can be reached by going all the way north on the main floor.'

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
On Wide Marble Stairs

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Entrance Hall

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Underneath the Central Dome

Amarea says 'The shelves with books that need to be re-shelved are west and south.'

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
West Wing of the Library

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Sorting Racks
A bookshelf made from imported wood stands against the wall here.

Amarea says 'You can 'look in shelf' to see how many books need to be reshelved.'

in shelf
bookshelf (here) :
[4] a well read book

Amarea says 'You can 'take book shelf' to get one, and you can only take one at a time.'
Perenelle says 'I see four.'

Perenelle senses Amarea connecting to the True Source.

Perenelle senses Amarea is channeling saidar.

Amarea gestures briefly at Amarea, who now appears more impressive somehow.

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Try taking one from the shelf.'

take book shelf
Perenelle pick up a title from the shelf.
The Tower librarian says 'Oh bother, that book is badly damaged. Please bring it to the bookbinders office, Perenelle.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Damaged books go north, east, east, and south'

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
West Wing of the Library

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Underneath the Central Dome

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
East Wing of the Library

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Bookbinder's Office

Perenelle is carrying:
a tea-stained book
a slip of folded paper

Amarea says 'Once you find the target room, you can 'shelve book''

shelve book
Perenelle drops a tea-stained book.
Perenelle place the book in the cart.

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
East Wing of the Library

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Underneath the Central Dome

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
West Wing of the Library

Perenelle smiles happily.

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Sorting Racks

Amarea says 'Let's try one more'

take book shelf

Perenelle pick up a title from the shelf.
The Tower librarian says 'Wait a moment Perenelle, that belongs in the Restricted section.'

The Tower librarian says 'Here, I'll write you a note. Give it to whomever is on duty at the gate.'

The Tower librarian gives you a slim roll of paper.

Perenelle is carrying:
a permission slip for the Restricted Section
"The Seals of the Dark One's Prison"
a slip of folded paper

Amarea says 'Aha. Some of these books must be returned to the restricted section.'

Amarea says 'Did she give you a slip?'
Perenelle gasps in astonishment.

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
West Wing of the Library

Amarea says 'What is the book?'

Amarea says 'The restricted section is all east of here.'

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Underneath the Central Dome

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
East Wing of the Library

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Eastern Hallway

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In a Hallway

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Center of the Eighth Depository
Door north: irongrate
Door south: irongrate
A frail woman tends the library, dusting shelves as she goes.

Perenelle says 'I think I can see why this book is to be there. The Seals of the Dark One's Prison.'

Amarea's eyes light up with curiosity.

Amarea says 'Fascinating indeed.'

Perenelle says 'So give her the permission slip?'

Amarea says 'If you find the wrong room, you won't be able to shelve it.'

Amarea says 'Well, the room to the north can be opened by Tower members by knocking'

The irongrate is opened from the other side.

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Eighth Depository
A golden-haired novice walks by quietly.

A golden-haired novice tells Perenelle 'Perenelle! I've been looking for you - do you want to play a prank on the Aes Sedai?'

Amarea winks at a golden-haired novice.

The irongrate door closes quietly.

Amarea whispers to you, 'This is Elayne Trakand! The daughter-heir of Andor herself.'

Amarea says 'Try shelving in here?'

shelve book

This is not the correct location for that book!

Perenelle says 'Not the correct place.'

Amarea says 'Very wel'

Amarea says 'exit'

Amarea thinks hard.

The irongrate is opened from the other side.

Amarea says 'There we go'

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Center of the Eighth Depository

The irongrate closes quietly.

Amarea says 'So the door to the south won't open with knocking'

Amarea says 'So you have to give the slip to the librarian.'

Amarea says 'It should respond to 'paper''

Amarea looks at the Tower librarian.

give paper frail
Perenelle gives a permission slip for the Restricted Section to the Tower librarian.

The Tower librarian says 'Very well, Perenelle, you may pass. Just knock to get out. And don't
A librarian opens the irongrates.

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Eighth Depository

Amarea nods in agreement.

The irongrate door closes quietly.

shelve book

Perenelle drops "The Seals of the Dark One's Prison".
Perenelle re-shelve the book in its proper place.

Amarea says 'This room only opens for a short period. But if you lose your slip or miss your window, any Aes Sedai can get in by knocking or trying to open the door, without any slip needed.'

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Because you always get a slip even if it's for the room to the north, if you can shelve the book without needing the slip, it's common practice to drop or hide the extra slip in the room 1n of us, to help out novices who make a mistake.'

The irongrate is opened from the other side.

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Center of the Eighth Depository

The irongrate closes quietly.

Perenelle says 'Oh, clever.'

Amarea says 'Any questions about the library?'

Perenelle starts paying increased attention to her surroundings.

Perenelle stops paying increased attention to her surroundings.

Perenelle says 'No, but I feel I'll have to spend time here to get to know it better.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Indeed.'

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
In a Hallway

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Eastern Hallway

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
East Wing of the Library

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Underneath the Central Dome

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Entrance Hall

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
On Wide Marble Stairs

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows someone.
Path Passing the Spring Garden

Amarea gets a mirrored lantern from a backpack.

Amarea holds a mirrored lantern above her head.

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Warders' Practice Yard

l in rack
rack (here) :

Amarea says 'This room has Coulin Gaidin, who can teach you warrior skills'

rem flask
Perenelle stops using a leather water flask.

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Perenelle says 'I've worked out here a little.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Path Through the East Garden

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Passing the Water Garden

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Before the White Tower

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tarlomen's Gate

Amarea calls for the TarlomensGate to be opened.
A Tower gateguard nods.
A Tower gateguard opens the TarlomensGate.

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tower Square

fill flask fountain

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tower Square

Amarea leaves south. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Air Avenue

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Air Avenue

Amarea leaves north. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Merchant Street

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Equine Emporium

Amarea starts riding a gray palfrey.

give paper stablehand
Perenelle gives a slip of folded paper to a stable hand.

Amarea says 'Let's ride for a short while, so I can show you the boundaries of where you are permitted to travel.'

A stable hand unfolds the slip and scans the contents briefly.

A stable hand crumbles the paper and lets it fall as he fetches a mare from a stall.

A shaggy brown mare starts following Perenelle.
A stable hand says 'Bring her back safe, Perenelle, you hear?'

Amarea smiles happily.

ride mare
A shaggy brown mare stops following Perenelle.
Perenelle starts riding her.

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Merchant Street

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Air Avenue

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Air Avenue

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Gate to Alindaer

Amarea says 'You are not permitted to go out the gate to the west, so this is the closest you can get to Alindaer.'

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Air Avenue

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Air Avenue

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Air Avenue

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tower Square

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tower Square

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tower Square

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tower Square

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Eastside Avenue

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Eastside Avenue

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Eastside Intersection

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Gate to Daghain

Amarea calls for the DaighanGate to be opened.
A Tar Valon Gatekeeper unlocks the DaighanGate.
A Tar Valon Gatekeeper opens the DaighanGate.

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Bridge Across the Erinin

The DaighanGate closes quietly.

Perenelle looks about.

Amarea says 'Don't go any farther east than this. You can go to the north or south though.'

Amarea says 'They form a bit of a loop around the island.'

Amarea calls for the DaighanGate to be opened.
The DaighanGate is opened from the other side.
Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Osendrelle Way

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Osendrelle Way

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Gate to Luagde

Amarea says 'To the northeast, you can go through this gate to Luagde'

Amarea calls for the LuagdeGate to be opened.
A Tar Valon Gatekeeper opens the LuagdeGate.

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Forested Glade

The LuagdeGate closes quietly.

Amarea says 'This leads to a small little section that is generally safe.'

Amarea says 'There are water rooms you can move around on using a raft or canoe'

Perenelle says 'Small is right, I've explored here a bit.'

Perenelle says 'My whole world just became a lot smaller and a lot bigger at the same time.'

Amarea says 'If you enjoy exploring, there is a fascinating tunnel that leads down under the water to an area with a few interesting items to discover.'

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Amarea calls for the LuagdeGate to be opened.
The LuagdeGate is opened from the other side.

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Gate to Luagde

A Tar Valon Gatekeeper closes the LuagdeGate.
The Fal Dara alarm horn sounds loudly.

Amarea says 'Most people spend their time to the southeast portion of the island'

Perenelle senses Amarea connecting to the True Source.

Perenelle senses Amarea is channeling saidar.

Perenelle senses Amarea is channeling saidar.

Perenelle feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

channel 'armor' Perenelle
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...
Perenelle weave flows of Spirit around yourself, and you feel protected.

Amarea narrates 'I am not Locating any Shadowspawn around Fal Dara, so I suspect they have an item that prevents Locating them if someone is around.'

The Fal Dara alarm horn sounds loudly.

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Osendrelle Way

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Osendrelle Way

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Gate to Daghain

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Osendrelle Way

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Osendrelle Way

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Gate to Osenrein

Amarea calls for the OsenreinGate to be opened.
A Tar Valon Gatekeeper unlocks the OsenreinGate.
A Tar Valon Gatekeeper opens the OsenreinGate.

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Outside the Osenrein Gate

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Coach Stop Along a Stony Path

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Path Through the Circle of Stones

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Path on Sloping Ground

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Road Between the Copses

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Road Through Growing Woods

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Road at the River Erinin

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A View of the Tower

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Before the Bridge

Amarea says 'You cannot go east of this room.'

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A View of the Tower

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Road at the River Erinin

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Along the Stony Shore

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Road at the River Erinin

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Road Through Growing Woods

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
The Road Between the Copses

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Path on Sloping Ground

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Before an Old Forest

Perenelle says 'So, as I was told the bridges.'

Amarea says 'However, this area to the east and north is wonderful for hunting'

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Among Thick Trunks

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Great White Oak

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
At the Fallen Trees
A brawny lumberjack rests his hands on his axe here.

Amarea says 'The lumberjack here will help you spend some merits to set up some evergreen pine for you to hunt.'

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Dwindling Woods

Perenelle says 'Ahhhh.'

Amarea says 'You just say 'gather wood' and he'll convert 1 QP to issue 10 pines.'

Perenelle says 'I was wondering about him, not a lot of useful trees here most of the time.'

Amarea says 'They are not as fast as the XP scalps, but they are a great way to spend your time when XP multipliers are on.'

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'I would recommend not using the merits unless it's at least 3x, preferably 5x, XP'

Perenelle says 'I have a feeling I'm going to be here a while in any case.'

Amarea says 'But some Accepted like me might be capped at how many they can spend, and can help you out.'

Amarea says 'Capped at how many they can earn I mean'

Perenelle says 'So there is a cap on merits?'

Amarea says 'You can only keep a maximum of 175 QPs upon reaching the shawl (rank 5).'

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
At the Fallen Trees

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Great White Oak

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Among Thick Trunks

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Before an Old Forest

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Path on Sloping Ground

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
A Path Through the Circle of Stones

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Coach Stop Along a Stony Path

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Outside the Osenrein Gate

Amarea calls for the OsenreinGate to be opened.
The OsenreinGate is opened from the other side.

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Gate to Osenrein

Amarea puts a mirrored lantern in a backpack.

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Fire Avenue

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Fire Avenue

The sun casts a golden glow over the city.

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Fire Avenue

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tower Square

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tower Square

rem light
Amarea puts a plate of yellow peppers and pork in a wooden barrel.
Amarea puts a plate of yellow peppers and pork in a wooden barrel.
Amarea puts a plate of yellow peppers and pork in a wooden barrel.
Amarea puts a plate of yellow peppers and pork in a wooden barrel.
Amarea puts a plate of yellow peppers and pork in a wooden barrel.
Amarea puts a plate of yellow peppers and pork in a wooden barrel.
Amarea puts the death scalp of an ailing ogier slain in the Caralain Grass in a wooden barrel.
Perenelle stops using a mirrored lantern.

put all pack
Perenelle puts a mirrored lantern in a backpack.
Perenelle puts a leather water flask in a backpack.

get flask pack
Perenelle gets a leather water flask from a backpack.

wear flask
Perenelle puts a leather water flask on your belt.

Amarea says 'One thing I will say is that per White Tower law, novices -are- allowed to leave the island, but only under the direct escort of an Aes Sedai, and only for educational purposes.'

The day has begun.

Amarea says 'And there are certain limits on where they can be taken.'

rem flask
Perenelle stops using a leather water flask.

fill flask fountain
Perenelle gently fills a leather water flask from an elaborately sculpted fountain.

The TarlomensGate is opened from the other side.

drink flask
Perenelle drinks the water.

drink flask
Perenelle drinks the water.
Perenelle doesn't feel thirsty any more.

fill flask fountain
Perenelle gently fills a leather water flask from an elaborately sculpted fountain.

wear flask
Perenelle puts a leather water flask on your belt.

Amarea says 'So if you're particularly antsy and need a chance to leave the island, ask an Aes Sedai for a lesson that allows you to leave.'

Amarea says 'There is one last thing I'll show you that I find helpful'

Amarea gets a mug from a backpack.

Amarea gently fills a mug from an elaborately sculpted fountain.

Amarea puts a mug in a backpack.

get food barrel
Perenelle gets a plate of yellow peppers and pork from a wooden barrel.

eat food
Perenelle eats the food.
Perenelle is full.

Perenelle says 'Yes?'

Amarea says 'There is a sempstress who assists with changing your equipment a bit to make it more...effeminate? Proper?'

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Southharbor Boulevard

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Merchant Square

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Southharbor Boulevard

Amarea leaves south riding a gray palfrey. vv
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Southharbor Boulevard

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tavern Alley

Amarea leaves west riding a gray palfrey. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tavern Alley

Amarea stops riding a gray palfrey.
Perenelle stops riding her.

Amarea leaves west. <<
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Shining Walls Linens

Amarea says 'Make sure to only do one thing at a time.'

Perenelle chuckles politely.

Amarea says 'You can LOOK at the SIGN here to see what she offers.'

Amarea stops using a black pair of silver-tooled boots.

Amarea gives a black pair of silver-tooled boots to a sempstress.

A sempstress stores the boots in a drawer.
A sempstress gives a set of soft velvet slippers to Amarea.

l sign
*** Women's wear ***:

I will give you:

A white linen shift -if you give me- a vest of bright purple silk.
A black leather corset -if you give me- a thick leather vest.
A sheer, satin slip -if you give me- a bearskin tunic.
A cream-colored camisole -if you give me- a shadowy vest.
A red bra of lace and silk -if you give me- a sheer, satin slip.
A satin blouse -if you give me- a red bra of lace and silk.
A golden diadem with a hanging sapphire -if you give me- a shoufa with a black viel.
A fine linen riding hood -if you give me- a camouflaged hood.
A sapphire collar -if you give me- a thin, black chain.
A pair of slim riding gloves -if you give me- a pair of dark gloves.
A garnet adorned ring -if you give me- an emerald ring.
A snowy-white scarf -if you give me- a startling amethyst necklace.
A set of soft velvet slippers -if you give me- a black pair of silver-tooled boots.
Woolen hose -if you give me- a black pair of pants.
A divided riding skirt -if you give me- earthen colored breeches.
A a white-gold diamond tiara -if you give me- a braided leather and silver headband.
A set of cloth sleeves -if you give me- a color fringed shawl.

Amarea wears a set of soft velvet slippers on her feet.

I will have a high quality dress made for a black, silver-embroidered cape.
I will have a customary fringed shawl made for a set of cloth sleeves.

Amarea stops using a pair of earthen colored breeches.

Amarea gives a pair of earthen colored breeches to a sempstress.

A sempstress stores the breeches in a drawer.
A sempstress gives a divided riding skirt to Amarea.

Amarea puts a divided riding skirt on her legs.

Amarea stops using a pair of dark gloves.

Amarea gives a pair of dark gloves to a sempstress.

A sempstress stores the gloves in a drawer.
A sempstress gives a pair of slim riding gloves to Amarea.

Amarea puts a pair of slim riding gloves on her hands.

Amarea stops using a bearskin tunic.

Amarea gives a bearskin tunic to a sempstress.

A sempstress stores the tunic in a drawer.
A sempstress gives a sheer, satin slip to Amarea.

Amarea gives a sheer, satin slip to a sempstress.

A sempstress stores the slip in a drawer.
A sempstress gives a red bra of lace and silk to Amarea.

Amarea gives a red bra of lace and silk to a sempstress.

A sempstress stores the bra in a drawer.
A sempstress gives a satin blouse to Amarea.

Amarea wears a satin blouse on her body.

Amarea stops using a camouflaged hood.

Amarea gives a camouflaged hood to a sempstress.

A sempstress stores the hood in a drawer.
A sempstress gives a fine linen riding hood to Amarea.

Amarea wears a fine linen riding hood on her head.

Amarea nods in agreement.

Perenelle says 'Oh yes, I commissioned her when I first arrived in Tar Valon. But thank you for showing me anyway.'

Perenelle smiles happily.

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea leaves east. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tavern Alley

Amarea starts riding a gray palfrey.
Perenelle starts riding her.

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tavern Alley

Amarea leaves east riding a gray palfrey. >>
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Southharbor Boulevard

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Southharbor Boulevard

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Merchant Square

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Southharbor Boulevard

Amarea leaves north riding a gray palfrey. ^^
Perenelle follows Amarea.
Tower Square

Amarea says 'That is all I have time for right now. Beggin' your pardon, but I should retire for the

Perenelle nods in agreement.

Perenelle says 'It is getting late, yes.'

Amarea has disbanded the group.
Perenelle stops following Amarea.

Amarea says 'Anything else I can offer for you or answer now?'

Perenelle says 'And I definitely have a lot to look over.'

Perenelle shakes her head.

Amarea smiles happily.

Amarea says 'Did you join the Discord?'

Perenelle says 'I think if I stuff my head with more, it'll explode.'

The fountain splashes merrily, light sparkling beautifully on the surface of the water.

Amarea says 'If you want to, we can ask the admin to add you'

Amarea says 'It's optional, of course'

Perenelle says 'I'll worry about that later.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Date - Time: 2024.07.23 - 00:14:32
Log session ending at 00:14:32 on Tuesday, 23 July 2024.

Log parsed in 0.857 seconds.
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