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A chance meeting with Ashlynn Sedai

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:43 am
by Katene
Ashlynn says 'Hello novice'

Ashlynn says 'Katene, do you recall who advanced you? I cannot find any record of it.'

Melosa says 'Chloro and I did'

Ashlynn says 'I thought I might have, but I usually make a note about as much.'

You say 'Chloro Sedai and Melosa Sedai'

Melosa says 'Think Chloro hasn't posted'

Ashlynn says 'Was it last night then?'

Melosa says 'a day ago'

Ashlynn says 'Have you had a chance to incorporate the items we discussed into your repertoire, Katene?'

You say 'Yes, for the most part I have Ashlynn Sedai'

Ashlynn says 'Tell me a little about what you have been up to with those support weaves.'

You say 'for the most part I have been wielding on my self and on my horse.'

You say 'I have offered to several to aid, but have been declined.'

You say 'Some just do not want the help it appears'

Ashlynn says 'Sometimes it's like that. People don't always need help, especially traveling through here.'

Ashlynn says 'Now if you were up in Fal Dara, it might be easier to find willing people.'

Ashlynn says 'What about using locates?'

Ashlynn says 'Have you practiced that at all?'

You say 'I have a few times. Those items "appeared" to be off the island though, so I could not pursue.'

You say 'I have yet to learn locate Person and cure serious wounds. The latter is on my list to learn today.'

Ashlynn says 'What items did you see off the island?'

You say 'I was with Accepted Vala....'

You say 'I do not recall the item.'

You say 'I have thought about putting an object in a room and then going elsewhere to locate it'

You say 'If I am afforded the opportunity to become Accepted, I'm certain it will become more advantageous.'

Ashlynn says 'That is a good idea for practice. I would encourage you do so. Maybe use the scalps of some of the fauna outside the city and place them around.'

Ashlynn says 'See how it works as far as what it says in comparison to where you are, get a feel for the distances.'

Ashlynn says 'Don't think you cannot do much with it now.'

You say 'I will practice that Ashlynn Sedai'

Ashlynn says 'Depending on how well you understand the weave, you can reach quite far. I do not have mastery of it, and I can sense objects as far as Shienar.'

Ashlynn says 'Try looking for rings, packs, skins, potions...'

Ashlynn says 'I often sense trollocs as far as Whitebridge or the Winding Road to Tarwin's Gap.'

Ashlynn says 'Have you had the opportunity to work on learning to defend yourself?'

You say 'Only with foes East of the Tower.'

You say 'On suggestion from Accepted Isela I have been trying to weave flame strike between hits with my staff.'

You say 'I have not been able to practice fleeing after a bash.

Ashlynn says 'One thing Sarinda Sedai has asked in the past, and I actually took from her to have Accepted Lorrah do...'

Ashlynn says 'If you take notes of these encounters and post them on the bulletin board along with comments of what you might have done better, I will award you up to three merits for this.'

Ashlynn says 'It sounds like you are making good progress. Work on learning how to locate effectively, and continue to spar.'

Ashlynn says 'Practice your flame strikes in between rounds. Katene can use the trees outside the city.'

Ashlynn says 'I have to go now. I'll see you around. Keep up the good work.'

You say 'Yes Ashlynn Sedai.'

You say 'thank you.'