Preparing for next steps, talking about the arches and such.

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Preparing for next steps, talking about the arches and such.

Post by Yve » Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:10 pm

Yve is taken aside by Accepted Melosa, who also pulls in Maddy to take part in the discussion. Later they are joined by Cleo.

POV - Yve (Novice)
Starring - Accepteds Melosa and Maddy, Novice Cleo.


Melosa smiles at Yve.

Yve curtseys before her.

Yve grins evilly.

Melosa tuts disapprovingly.

Melosa says 'Not at you'

Melosa says 'Do you have some time, Yve?'

Yve says 'perhaps yes.'

Melosa says 'I would like to get to know you better'

Melosa says 'Let me see if we can get Maddy to join us'

Melosa beckons everyone to follow her.

Yve now follows Melosa.

Melosa says 'exit'

The chamber door swings open.

Melosa leaves east. >>
Yve follows Melosa.

[They move to a store]

Melosa grabs a fine quill pen.

Melosa begins to jot down a note.

Melosa shows a sheet of paper to you.
There is something written upon it:

Message to Maddy Mantear, Journey Accepted

Dear Maddy,

Would you be so kind as to join Yve and I at Sheriam Sedai's study?

In service of the Light,

Melosa Beshar, Accepted and Apprentice to the Green Ajah

Melosa says 'send a message'

A stable hand says 'Very well, let me get a pigeon.'

A stable hand disappears in a stall and returns after a few moments, a pigeon in his hand.

A messenger pigeon coos softly.

A stable hand says 'Just give her a sheet of paper with your message on it.'

Melosa gives you a sheet of paper.

A stable hand says 'For the message make the first line "Message to XXX".'

A stable hand says 'She will return to the coop on her own, no need to wait around.'

Melosa whispers to you, 'give the paper to the pigeon'

Yve gives a sheet of paper to a messenger pigeon.

A messenger pigeon flutters its wings.
A messenger pigeon beats its wings harder.

A messenger pigeon takes off out of reach into the skies!

Melosa says 'There we go'

A messenger pigeon circles high above.

Yve gasps in astonishment.

Melosa waves goodbye to a pigeon.

Melosa opens the sidedoor.

[They return to The Mistress of Novices' Study]

Melosa closes the woodendoor.

Someone knocks on the woodendoor from the other side.

The woodendoor is opened from the other side.

Maddy has arrived from the east.

Melosa beams a smile at Maddy.

Melosa closes the woodendoor.

Maddy smiles happily.

Melosa hugs Maddy.

Melosa greets Maddy with a light kiss on her cheek.

Maddy says 'helo'

Melosa says 'The Light shine on you, Maddy'

Yve smiles at her.

Maddy greets Melosa with a light kiss on her cheek.

Yve says 'Hi.'

Maddy says 'Hello Yve'

Maddy greets Yve with a light kiss on the cheek.

Yve hugs her.

Maddy says 'How are you both today'

Melosa says 'Thank you for joining us. My heart is lighter for your presence.'

Yve says 'I'm feeling good mostly.'

Melosa says 'I saw young Yve here awake and thought we could spend some time knowing her

Maddy says 'and mine always when you are around me.'

Maddy beams a smile at Melosa.

Melosa says 'We should be relatively safe here from any Shadowspawn.'

Maddy says 'Good idea.'

Maddy nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'But if one does show up, please just kill it with weaves while I get the

Melosa coughs loudly.

Melosa smiles at Yve.

Yve grins evilly.

Yve says 'I will try'

Melosa says 'Yve, I have seen you about the Tower but have not had the chance to speak'

Yve says 'Aside from that small matter of the library books, I think you've mostly been
away doing other things'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa sighs, 'Indeed, the Shadow grows a litte stronger each day.'

Melosa says 'Remind me again, where you are from?'

Yve says 'I'm from Illian or Tarabon, depending on if you ask my father or mother.'

[Tower alarms sound, trumpets blare]

Melosa waves off the alarm, 'I am sure the Guardsmen will deal with it'

Yve nods nervously.

Melosa beckons everyone to follow her.

Melosa says 'To be safe though, would you all follow me.'

Maddy now follows Melosa.

Maddy is now a member of Melosa's group.
Yve is now a member of Melosa's group.

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'We will be fine.'

Yve weaves flows of Spirit around herself, and feels protected.

Melosa says 'Ah yes, a Taraboner'

Yve senses Maddy connecting to the True Source.

Melosa says 'So tell me more about yourself?'

Melosa opens the woodendoor.

Yve says 'I'm really more "from" Illian, but I was sent away to learn a few things when I
was quite young.'

Melosa says 'A wilder then?'

Maddy says 'Many vials held by a Fade far west of here.'

Melosa shrugs helplessly.

Yve says 'My namesake and great grandmother, many times removed, studied as a novice, long

Yve says 'Got to accepted even.... and then she ... left'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Yve says 'Since then my family lived far from the Tower.'

Maddy says 'Ohh what was the reason she left?'

Maddy watches Yve with a slight frown

Yve says 'I think it was a different place than the tower of today, her diary talks about
politics and strange cliques a lot.'

Maddy says 'Was she lonley then?'

Yve says 'And possibly frustrated.'

Maddy nods at Yve.

Melosa says 'It is rare for an Accepted to leave.'

Yve says 'It may have partially been an excuse, as she ended up eloping to the far south
with a Tower guard.'

Melosa laughs.

Maddy tsks and nods her head in agreement with Yve.

Melosa says 'If I were to leave, that would probably be the reason.'

Melosa winks suggestively at Yve.

Maddy nods at Melosa.

Yve smiles knowingly.

Melosa says 'So tell me Yve, how are you progressing in your studies?'

Maddy says 'So far, I love it here.'

Yve says 'I think well, if slowly.'

Melosa closes the woodendoor.

Melosa says 'Oh? How so?'

Yve says 'I think I've been focussing on being quietly effective, rather than visibly
progressing. The inward journey or something.'

The woodendoor is opened from the other side.

Cleo has arrived from the east.

Cleo closes the woodendoor.

Melosa beams a smile at Cleo.

Cleo smiles happily.

Melosa says 'Cleo, hello there!'

Yve continues talking, 'I've learned skills and techniques, but I'm still in the safe space of the Tower
and not really using them in a way where any of them are truly tested.'

Maddy nods slowly and gives a soft smile to Yve.

Cleo says 'Hello Accepted Melosa'

Melosa says 'We were just talking about Yve's progress and learning journey.'

Melosa nods at Yve.

Yve says 'Hello, Cleo.'

Melosa returns her attention to Yve.

Yve smiles at Cleo.

Maddy says 'Hello Cleo, How are you after our excitement this morning?'

Yve says 'fix that croaky dress?'

Yve giggles.

Cleo says 'Uhh... the problem... removed itself when I washed my dress'

Cleo coughs loudly.

Yve says 'Oh dear, was there trouble?'

Maddy chuckles politely.

Cleo says 'No creature was harmed in the washing of my dress'

Maddy says 'Not really but a bit of a challenge for us,'

Cleo says 'As to those now loose in the laundry, I cannot say'

Maddy says 'You make me laugh Cleo.'

Melosa says 'Have you managed to do tasks for any Aes Sedai yet, Yve? And of course for
Cleo as well.'

Yve says 'I have completed a few assignments, delivered beer for Tolza, written a possibly
excessive book report for Aelrena Sedai, sparred with Sarinda Sedai, written a treatise on
blind for Penzai Sedai.'

Cleo spreads her hands.

Maddy says 'One of the tasks I did was to study Amrylins and explain which was my favorite
and why.'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Cleo says 'I havent so much as seen an Aes Sedai since my name was put in the book'

Melosa shakes her head at Cleo.

Yve says 'I've helped a few new novices use the library as well... I think the Brown Ajah
had it's eye on me for a minute.'

Melosa says 'Light send that that situation changes soon.'

Melosa smiles at Yve.

Melosa says 'That is quite a list, Yve'

Melosa strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Maddy says 'I have yet to meet with a Yellow Sister myself.'

Maddy says 'I suspect they are busy out in the world *fixing* things.'

Yve says 'It often seems the way.'

Melosa says 'I do have a class coming up next week on the Old Tongue'

Cleo smiles happily.

Maddy says 'I am looking forward to that very much.'

Melosa says 'I hope to see you all there'

Cleo says 'I shall be happy to attend, particularly if you can teach us some swears'

Maddy beams a smile at Melosa.

Yve says 'If I can't be there, I WILL be grabbing the notes off someone.'

Melosa says 'In terms of preparation however, it is going well '

Melosa says 'Perhaps, Maddy could use some help with HER own class'

Melosa coughs and looks at Maddy.

Maddy says 'Yes I have a few in mind.'

Melosa says 'But Yve, tell me this. How are you preparing for the Arches?'

Maddy says 'I also have an interesting task I am studying up on for Alayla Sedai '

Cleo says 'The arches are supposed to be scary'

Cleo brightens.

Maddy says 'When your ready for them you will know.'

Cleo says 'Would you like me to jump out from behind tapestries and scare you>'

Yve says 'At this time I'm practicing patience. I think I am ready, but won't ever know
unless I try, or get the opportunity.'

Melosa shoots Maddy and Cleo a sideway glance, 'Girls, let Yve speak.'

Maddy nods in agreement.

Yve says 'there was a day, not too long ago, when some trolloc was running around the city,
instead of running and hiding, I went looking, with a stout warrior by my side to be

Melosa says 'What do you know about the Arches, Yve?'

Yve says 'I know you enter, and are tested... and then later you leave if you pass...
there's 3 of them...'

Cleo drinks water from a leather water flask.

Yve says 'I heard you see things, mostly people don't go into a lot of detail about what's

Maddy looks quickly at Melosa to see if she will elaborate.

Melosa taps her lip thoughtfully.

Melosa says 'That is what the Arches are.'

Melosa says 'More importantly though, it is the test that every single Accepted and Aes
Sedai has gone through.'

Melosa says 'Including Maddy and myself.'

Melosa looks at Cleo.

Melosa says 'Cleo is somewhat... correct.'

Melosa says 'The Arches is scary but not in the sense of fright'

Cleo beams proudly.

Melosa says 'But in that it forces you to face your fears.'

Yve says 'So they... you've all walked through the same fire, as it were. A thing that you
all share.'

Maddy nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'Your greatest fears about what is happening, what is happening and what might

Yve nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'Every experience is different'

Melosa says 'For you, it may be your family in Illian'

Melosa says 'Your future as an Aes Sedai perhaps?'

Melosa shrugs helplessly.

Yve says 'My curiosity is driving me more than any fear would hold me back here. '

Maddy nods at Yve.

Melosa frowns.

Maddy says 'Of course everyone has a bit of trepidation as they begin.'

Yve says 'I'm curious what my greatest fears might even be... I've been afraid of so many
things in my life.'

Yve falls down laughing.

Cleo says 'Like bats'

Cleo shivers uncomfortably.

Melosa tuts disapprovingly.

Cleo says 'Not flying foxes of course'

Yve says 'Like whitecloaks...'

Cleo says 'I mean actual bats'

Yve says 'trollocs in the dark'

Melosa says 'This is a trial of the greatest propotions, girls.'

Melosa says 'Not just simple paranoias'

Maddy says 'I can say after the first Arch I was not as leery to enter the rest.'

Maddy nods at Melosa.

Melosa says 'The Arches will force you to examine your beliefs.'

Melosa says 'What you are truly made of.'

Yve says 'Just let me kid myself that it'll be fine... then it'll be too late and it'll
probably be fine anyway'

Maddy says 'I believe in you.'

Melosa says 'I could not enter the Arches the first time I was tested.'

Cleo arches an eyebrow.

Cleo says 'Aren't you a fearsome slayer of Trollocs?'

Cleo says 'Unafraid of even bats?'

Cleo peers closely at Melosa, trying to figure her out.

Melosa glares at Cleo.

Cleo lifts her hands defensively.

Maddy says 'oh Melosa is fierce when riled.'

Maddy pokes Melosa in the ribs.

Melosa says 'Again, this is a trial'

Cleo says 'I'm just saying I find it hard to believe that you are afraid'

Melosa says 'Not a exercise in finding out what creature or animal scares you'

Maddy nods at Cleo and whispers, 'Don't rile her.'

Yve says 'I'm trying to lens it as an experience, one in which I will learn things and come
out of the other side better.'

Cleo nods sagely to Maddy.

Melosa says 'Cleo and yve'

Melosa says 'To survive the Arches, you must want to be Aes Sedai more than anything else
in this world.'

Melosa says 'Girls have entered the Arches and not return.'

Cleo frowns.

Melosa says 'There is real danger.'

Maddy nods at Melosa.

Cleo says 'What do you mean? Are they still in there?'

Melosa shrugs helplessly.

Cleo ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Melosa says 'No one knows.'

Cleo says 'Has anyone looked?'

Yve says 'If I thought I would fail, I wouldn't want to go in.'

Cleo brightens.

Cleo says 'Perhaps we could try to rescue them!'

Melosa says 'Perhaps, one day, Cleo, when you study the ter'angreal as a Brown, you can'

Melosa smiles slightly.

Melosa says 'Now, is there any questions for me or Maddy?'

Yve says 'From what I've heard, they're so ancient that exactly how they work is lost to

Maddy says 'I think you need confidence in yourself '

Yve nods in agreement.

Cleo says 'I cut open a firework once, I ...uhhh acquired it from... well that isnt
important right now'

Cleo says 'I cut it open and tried to figure out how it worked'

Melosa glares at Maddy and Cleo.

Cleo says 'No luck I'm afraid, just some smelly dust.'

Maddy slowly turns her head to look at Cleo in shock.

Cleo trails off in reverie.

Maddy says 'Thats dangerous.'

Yve says 'I've definitely lacked that in the past... and didn't notice when I started
having it, just that I was... at some point.'

Cleo says 'I bet I could have figured it out... unfortunately the stable where I was
storing it caught fire the next night'

Melosa says 'Beyond confidence, Yve, the Arches is about strength of will.'

Cleo drags herself back to the present conversation with obvious effort.

Melosa says 'Looking at you, I can sense that is something you have.'

Cleo says 'My point is you can figure everything out if you try hard enough!'

Cleo nods to herself, she must need reassurance.

Maddy nods in agreement.

Melosa frowns.

Yve blinks her eyes innocently.

Maddy says 'I also must add that is growing for you in all the lessons and chores that you
do so grudgingly'

Yve says 'Well, dishes don't wash themselves.. and I quite like the library'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Cleo ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Melosa says 'Well then.'

Melosa says 'It is almost Prime'

Yve says 'So many interesting things, and you learn more than books. Like what other
people are reading, learning, thinking about.'

Melosa says 'And we all have classes to get to.'

Cleo says 'Chores prepare you for the Arches?'

Maddy says 'Yes I didn't mind chores, I think partially as they were and are a novelty to

Melosa says 'Yve, Cleo, any further questions?'

Yve says 'I don't think so, Accepted Melosa.'

Maddy nods at Cleo.

Yve smiles innocently.

Melosa says 'Cleo, go run a lap around the Tower to burn off some of that energy of

Cleo opens her mouth as though to comment but then closes it and shakes her head.

Melosa makes a shooing motion to Cleo.

Maddy beams a smile at Cleo.

Melosa murmurs, 'Wilders...'

Melosa rolls her eyes...sheesh!..

Maddy grins at Melosa.

Yve says 'I was one of those once.'

Maddy says 'As was I.'

Yve says 'I was the shy, hiding kind though.'

Yve says 'Hide who you are, hide what you can do.'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'If nothing more, you are all dismissed.'

Cleo nods her head and sets off at a run.

Cleo opens the woodendoor.

Cleo leaves east. >>

Yve thanks Melosa heartily.

Maddy hugs Melosa.

Maddy hugs Yve.

Yve hugs her.

Maddy leaves east. >>

Posts: 479
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: Preparing for next steps, talking about the arches and such.

Post by Chloro » Sat May 18, 2024 6:45 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : 1
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : x
Length bonus +1-2 qps : x
Summary: +1 qps : x

Yve 1
Melosa 1
Maddy 1
Cleo -

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