A Practical Lesson on Astronomy

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A Practical Lesson on Astronomy

Post by Amarea » Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:12 am

While passing through the White Tower, Amarea encounters the woman Tisese, one of the newest novices and one who has already in such a short time earned an advancement within the halls of the Tower. Drawing inspiration from the White Ajah, Amarea invites the novice to the Tower library for a lesson on astronomy and tries to share a sense of caution through a practical lesson for Tisese.

POV: Amarea
Main characters: Amarea, Tisese


A Large Round Entry Hall
Two intricately carved doors, wide enough for fifteen men abreast lie to
the south, allowing entry into this large, round entry hall. Archways in
the walls of stonework the color of bleached bone allow for passage deeper
into the White Tower. This hall is used to receive petitioners who seek
council from an Aes Sedai. The marble floor has been inlaid with a mosaic
of a spiral of blue, brown, gray, green, red, white and yellow, which
converges in the center of the large, domed hall.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Tisese the Wearied Novice is standing here.
A young girl in a plain white dress stands here.
A quiet servant awaits instructions from his master.

Tisese curtseys gracefully.

Amarea smiles at Tisese.

Amarea says 'Hello!'

Tisese says 'Hello Accepted'

Amarea says 'My name is Amarea Helsen, from Lugard. I'm an Accepted here. I don't think we have had the chance to meet yet.'

Amarea beams a broad smile from ear to ear.

look tisese
The woman from Tarabon has almond-shaped brown eyes, surrounded by fine lines that hint at her life's experiences. Her curly black hair, peppered with strands of silver, is elegantly styled, complemented by traditional gold jewelry.

Tisese says 'Hello Accepted Amarea'

Amarea says 'Is there anything I can do to help make your transition into the White Tower more comfortable?'

Amarea says 'Or anything you need help with that I could assist you with?'

Tisese says 'I am Tisese of Tarabon. I am new to the Tower, but have been enjoying my time here so far. Lot of studying and chores, but I am making good progress!'

Amarea nods eagerly. 'Yes, I see that you have already advanced in the eyes of the Aes Sedai. Congratulations!'

Tisese says 'Thank you, Accepted.'

Tisese says 'I have completed all the tasks Sheriam Sedai had given me. And I assisted a novice that had ink all over her dress. I have finished up my chores, just filed all the books in the library.'

Tisese says 'Is there anything that I could assist you with?'

Amarea thinks really hard.

Amarea says 'I was actually going to ask you thatmyself. If you like, I could give you a lesson on somethin' that you find interesting or would like to learn.'

Amarea says 'I also could issue some evergreen pines for you to hunt, if you were bored and trying to advance in worldly experience.'

Tisese says 'That would be wonderful. I would be open to anything you feel particularly well versed in. I imagine that is a lot of things given your status in the tower.'

Amarea says 'Why don't we find a more suitable room and we can talk a little bit?'

Amarea beckons Tisese to follow her.

Tisese starts following Amarea.

-=+**+=- -=+**+=-

A Large Reading Room
The large, ovular reading room of the library extends to the south, dotted
with scroll-covered and book-covered desks. The desks are a dark wood,
which matches the furnishings of the walls and shelves. Rows of pictures
hang in dusty frames along the walls. The entirity of the northern wall is
a large, heavily-leaded arched window that overlooks the Tower grounds, one
of the few windows in the building, as light degrades the quality of ink.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Tisese has arrived from the south.

Tisese smiles happily.

Amarea sighs happily as she leads the pair into the library's reading room. 'This is one of my favorite places in the whole Tower.'

Tisese gestures towards a chair, 'Do you mind if I take a seat, Accepted? I have been on my feet almost all day.'

Amarea stops paying increased attention to her surroundings.

Amarea grins, waving dismissively. 'Oh, please, call me Amarea. I believe in the structure of the Tower, as I've appreciated the chance to receive mentorship from those more experienced than I. But no need to be so formal with me.'

Tisese smiles, "Yes, Amarea. I appreciate any guidance that you can give me. I am very eager to learn."

Tisese takes a seat on the chair on the right side of the room. Takes a deep breath as she sinks into the chair and relaxes, ever so slightly.

Amarea takes a seat opposite of you in a worn desk, tapping her finger on her lips in thought. 'What subjects have you found the most interesting so far?'

Tisese face twists a bit as she ponders the question, "Probably the logic lessons of the Whites. I like solving puzzles and figuring things out."

Amarea grins playfully.

Amarea says 'Ah, the White Ajah's puzzles excite you?'

Amarea says 'It just so happens that before I officially decided to pursue an apprenticeship with the Brown Ajah, the Whites were one of my other primary contenders for my interest.'

Tisese nods enthusiastically. "I very much enjoy puzzles. I did a lot of work with the wisdom of my village and the puzzles of figuring out what was causing the crops not to grow, what was causing people to fall ill, what was causing conflict amongst the village, etc, were very fun to solve"

Amarea's eyes light up with curiosity.

Tisese says 'Unlike most of the novices I have met, I have some age to me. '

Tisese flips her hair and gestures to the grey streaks.

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Tisese says 'The Brown, you must know these libraries well.'

Tisese smiles and nods to herself.

Amarea says 'I did notice, but beggin' your pardon, I saw no reason to think differently of you. If anything, having more years before you came here might give you better perspective than some on why to even study at the White Tower in the first place.'

Amarea says 'The pure arithmetic puzzles that the Whites sometimes ask others to work on are not what interest me the most, because they are
so...abstract, maybe? But what did fascinate me about the White Ajah is its ability to tackle real problems in thoughtful ways.'

Tisese says 'I believe it has. I am no stranger to hard work. I advanced to Wearied novice very quickly - so quickly is concerned some.'

Tisese says 'I want to learn and I want to do whatever I need to so I keep getting the lessons I need to learn more.'

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Amarea explains, 'The speed concerns some only because it is atypical. But there can be a number of reasons for advancing quickly. A logical argument would be that you were promoted because you earned it. The Aes Sedai value merit, and seem to have created an advancement structure that rewards it, among other things.'

Amarea comments with a grimace, 'I myself spent nearly a month in novice whites. Not because of any lack of knowledge or skill, per se, but because of my block. I was a wilder, by history, before I started training here.'

Tisese slowly nods in agreement, "Ashlynn Sedai went so far as to say she might recommend me for the Arches, but felt I should meet more of her sisters first. That kind of positive reinforcement just makes me want to learn more!"

Tisese says 'I was a wilder myself, but did not experience the block that I have learned about. I just experienced severe sickness after I touched the power. It has been getting better with practice and guidance, but still is there to some degree.'

Tisese says 'Sometimes I was in bed for days. Sometimes I just felt nauseated for a few hours. Now the worst I'm getting is a headache or a knotted
stomach for a few hours.'

Amarea nods with a sympathetic smile. 'The channeling sickness. It happened to me, too, only I didn't realize it for what it was. It was years later before I came here. By that time, the block was quite set in.'

Tisese says 'I didn't realize what it was until I came here too. It is most unpleasant, but I'm glad it is getting better.'

Amarea says 'If you can learn how to channel the One Power intentionally soon enough, you can avoid the block altogether. The theories I studied for Aelrena Sedai taught me that they are a type of defense mechanism, if you a will. An armor to keep you safe from the dangers of touching the Source subconsciously.'

Amarea's lips dip into a frown. 'There is something I can teach you, perhaps, that might be important. But it is a lesson that ultimately you can't learn from someone else beyond the beginning.'

Tisese smiles and says, "I would love to learn anything you are willing to teach, Amarea."

Amarea says 'What do you know about astronomy, Tisese?'

Tisese says 'I know of the sun, stars, and moon, but that is about it.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Let me show you something.'

-=+**+=- -=+**+=-

The Fifth Depository
Labyrinthine rows of books extend in several directions from the entrance
to this oval room. Passages between the walls of books are open to the
north. The books on the shelves near the entrance of the depository have
titles relating to the study of the physical world and the night's sky.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
Tisese the Wearied Novice is standing here.
A Brown Sister is here, frowning pensively.

Tisese curtseys before a Brown Sister.

A Brown Sister leaves north. ^^

Amarea leads you slowly through the library towards the Fifth Depository, where she explains, 'This area houses the books on topics related to the physical world, such as properties of light and sound, and the substances that make up everything we know.'

Tisese nods in agreement. "I have shelved a handful of books here." Gestures to the shelf 2 rows over and the shelf right to our side."

Amarea smiles fondly as she continues, 'When I was a little girl, growing up in Lugard, I often had to get up very early. My ma and da own and run the Lugard Bakery, you see, so I had to help prepare food in the early morning to sell for the day.'

Amarea nods at Tisese.

Tisese smiles happily.

Amarea says 'The early morning always felt so...peaceful to me, and I would take breaks to stare up at the sky, admiring the constellations.'

Amarea pauses by a particular shelf, biting her lip without realizing it as she searches for a particular text.

Tisese says 'I might have to ask you for a recipe! My family loves fresh baked bread, I would be so excited to bring a new recipe back to them the next time I am able to visit them.'

Amarea grins playfully.

Amarea says 'Oh, I would love that very much.'

Amarea grins as she continues to scan, 'I have a bit of a sweet tooth. It's a relaxing hobby for me, one that I engage in to not only help others, but to steady my mind when I am working on another problem.'

Amarea says 'Ah, here it is.'

Tisese says 'As I understand it, I cannot visit Tarabon for an extremely long time, but perhaps they will be able to meet me in Emonds Field in the nearish future.'

Amarea nods at Tisese.

Amarea pulls a thin tome off the shelf, with an image of the night sky and stars on its cover.

Amarea takes a seat at a desk, opening up the tome to reveal a large chart with a surprising number of different types of stars. 'I found this subject fascinating, and more so that it was something a few White sisters have taken up as their primary interest.'

Tisese leans forward and looks at the chart. Then looks up towards the sky before turning bright red with the realization that she is inside.

Amarea winks suggestively at Tisese.

Tisese says 'There are so many..'

Amarea points to a chart with small, tidy handwriting. 'The White sisters have created a collaboration with some Browns, and they have studied the various stars in the night sky. Although stars are extraordinarily far away, they think, they have devised some tools that allow them to magnify them and study them. From that, they have made calculations that are dizzyingly complex, sorting the stars by color, estimated size, age, and temperature.'

Amarea says 'The secret, they argue, is in the color.'

Amarea beams a broad smile from ear to ear.

Tisese says 'What do the stars mean? Do we know?'

Amarea pauses, brushing a lock of blond hair out of her eyes as she turns to study you. 'What do you mean?'

Tisese says 'I know the sun makes the crops grow. The moon appears to influence the wild animals. But what do the stars do?'

Amarea replies softly as she admits, 'I do not know.'

Tisese nods slowly in agreement and then starts to smile, "A puzzle..."

Amarea says 'There are some who believe the stars form complex patterns in the sky, and from their positions they can gleam some sort of hidden information, like a prophecy. Like a Foretelling.'

Amarea offers a skeptical smile.

Amarea says 'But me? Frankly, I think they do not "do" anything except...exist. The White sisters believe they are balls of fire, giving off the heat and the light that we perceive on a spectrum of color, like the rainbows we see when light passes through water. But why, and to what purpose, only the Creator truly knows.'

Tisese says 'I will have to read more on this topic, thank you for bring it to my attention!'

Amarea says 'There is a reason I bring this up.'

Amarea points to the table. 'As I said, there is a complex calculation that the sisters have made using special tools to study the precise color of the light these stars give off. From that, they believe they can calculate how old these stars are, similar to how you can watch the color of a campfire change as you add logs and kindling to it.'

Amarea says 'Now, I have to admit, there are a number of assumptions going into these calculations, and no real way to verify how precise they are. That is something the White sisters continue to debate, and may debate until the Last Battle for all I know.'

Amarea says 'But, if we assume for a moment that their methodology is sound, and their calculations are correct...'

Tisese says 'This is all very fanscinating. I would like to learn more about these methods and calculations.'

Amarea finishes quietly, pointing to a notation in the table, 'The stars that burn the brightest, and give off the most heat, live drastically shorter lives than other stars we can see in the night sky.'

Amarea says 'Some by a factor of a thousand or more.'

Tisese says 'Thank you so much for teaching more about this subject, Amarea. I am going to have to learn so much more'

Tisese says 'If I may ask, what made you decide to pursue the Brown Ajah?'

Amarea says 'Tisese, maybe I'm being too indirect. Maybe the Browns are rubbing off on me. But the reason I am sharing this is to share a caution for you.'

Amarea pauses, considering the question. 'I wanted to pursue the Brown Ajah because I discovered that I loved scholarly pursuits, especially field research, more than anything else I have ever experienced or learned. I enjoy not just solving puzzles, but discovering things, new things.'

Tisese pauses and blinkes, 'Caution me? Perhaps I am too tired from my chores and studies, Amarea. I am usually not so dense..."

Amarea grimaces.

Amarea says 'Light, I've been out of the Tower long enough on my research project that I probably have grown rusty on my teaching methods anyway.'

Amarea giggles at her own silliness.

Amarea sighs and tries to explain. 'You clearly have extraordinary potential. To advance so fast, to take on complex weaves, and for the Aes Sedai to even - mention- the idea of going through the Arches soon. You must have incredible potential with the One Power.'

Amarea says 'When I was a wearied novice, I made the mistake of growing cross at Chloro Sedai when she stated that I would never go through the arches until she knew my block had been fully broken. I didn't step out of line in any way, no, and I tried not to complain. But the thought of being held back, of spending more time in the novice whites, it...grated at me.'

Amarea asks, 'What do you think the purpose of novicehood is for, really, Tisese?'

Tisese ponders the question. Starts to say something and then pauses, slipping back in contemplation before starting

Tisese says 'I think the purpose of novicehood is to learn hard work, ethics, and how to be safe with the power. Learning how to follow direction is
important. I want to move quickly, but the risks of channeling too much of the power or doing things that should not be done with the power make me want to be safe so I do not hurt myself or others.'

Amarea nods eagerly, smiling warmly.

Amarea says 'It's like...creating the foundation of a house. When you construct a new building, you need to make sure the foundation is strong, that the stone is placed precisely where it is intended, and that it is placed upon the land so that no amount of weather or stress will make it topple.'

Tisese smiles and says, "That is a great analogy Amarea."

Amarea says 'I'm not saying you should hold yourself back. I trust the Aes Sedai will allow you to prove yourself and gain Acceptance when they feel you are ready.'

Amarea says 'But all I want to caution you is to consider that your time spent as a novice is critical for many reasons, and as...honestly boring and
dreadful as parts of it was, it is also necessary to help you grow into the woman that you need to be to one day earn the shawl of an Aes Sedai.'

Tisese says 'What the Aes Sedai do is not for me to understand. I know they have their reasons and if they say I am not ready, that's all I need to

Amarea grins and giggles as she replies, 'Sounds like a lecture I got from Sheriam Sedai once, that does.'

Tisese says 'Sheriam has given me a few lectures.'

Amarea winks suggestively.

Tisese says 'You have been most helpful, Amarea. This has been a delightful conversation, thank you for the taking the time to teach me'

Tisese says 'Unfortunately, *yawns*, I think my chores and studies have worn me out more than I thought. I should probably retire so I can get my work done tomorrow.'

Amarea says 'I hope it makes sense. As I said, I can share the ideas, but the lesson needs to be learned for oneself.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea hands you the tome with the star chart.

Tisese takes the tome and puts her in it bag. "Thank you, Amarea. I really appreciate the guidance."

Tisese curtseys gracefully.

Amarea says 'There is a task that you will need to complete some day for the White Ajah, to study stars and the position of planets to prove yourself to the Ajah.'

Amarea says 'You might find that helpful some day.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'The Light favor you, and keep you safe.'

Tisese smiles happily.

Tisese says 'The Light shine on you, Amarea of Lugard.'

Tisese curtseys gracefully.

Amarea says 'And welcome to the White Tower, Tisese. Rest well.'

Tisese stops following Amarea.

Tisese leaves south. vv

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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: A Practical Lesson on Astronomy

Post by Chloro » Sat May 18, 2024 6:35 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : 1
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : x
Length bonus +1-2 qps : 1
Summary: +1 qps : 1

Amarea 3
Tisese 2

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