From Tarabon to Tar Valon

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From Tarabon to Tar Valon

Post by Chloro » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:20 pm

After receiving a request to be tested via pigeon, Chloro Sedai meets young Tisese and proceeds to test her for the spark. After which Tisese makes the choice and puts on whites to pursue her future.

Point Of: Chloro
Participants: Chloro, Tisese

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
Door north: TarlomensGate
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A man is here.
Tisese of Tarabon is standing here.

Chloro glides into the square, her suede boot heels clicking on the paving stones. Exotic gray eyes scan the area for a girl. Finding her target Chloro gives but one look and crooks a finger motioning for the girl to follow. "Come with me child, I have received your request for testing."

Tisese curtseys gracefully.

Tisese says 'Hello Chloro Sedai'

Chloro beckon Tisese to follow her.

Chloro says 'We will move to a more peaceful area to complete your testing.'

Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.
Tisese has arrived from the east.

Tisese curtseys gracefully.

Chloro gestures at the doors with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Chloro bustles past Annoura giving a respectful nod to the senior sitter. Turning to the left she heads to the Illian rug set between to couches and glides down to her knees, back straight as her bottom sits on the heels of her feet. "Come and join me here child, perhaps you could let me know your name?"

Tisese looks around nervously before she says, "My name is Tisese Ruiaen, Chloro Sedai."

Chloro watches the girl and pats the space in front of her for the girl to sit, "A pleasure to meet you Tisese, come and sit, there is no need to be nervous.

Tisese moves to the space in front of Chloro Sedai and takes a seat on the floor, legs crossed and back straight.

Tisese says 'A pleasure to meet you as well, Chloro Sedai.'

Chloro nods pulling a smoke quartz the size and shape of an egg from her pouch. "Tell me Tisese, why do you come to be tested?"

Tisese sits up straighter as she says, "An Aes Sedai saw me channeling the One Power. She told me how dangerous it was and that I must go to the White Tower for training. With a heart full of dreams and fears, I set out on my journey to learn at the White Tower."

Chloro nods and continues without any visible signs of emotion besides a serene calm face. "That must have been over whelming, what did you do with the one power?"

Tisese swallows loudly and a bead of sweat forms on her brow. She takes a deep breath and says, "I was healing someone, Aes Sedai. My village wisdom taught me about herbs, but I always had a way to make people get better faster than the herbs should. She said I was special, but I did not know what that meant until the Aes Sedai told me I had a 'spark.'"

Chloro raises her left eyebrow ever so slightly at the mention of a spark, then continues on. "I see, and what effects did you experience after this?"

Tisese blushes and says, "While I'm healing, I feel what I can only describe as euphoria. One of the greatest feelings in the world. Aftewards, I feel exhausted, dizzy, sick to my stomach. Sometimes it goes away after a few seconds and sometimes it lingers for hours. Once, it went for days."

Chloro reaches out and puts a hand on the girl’s shoulder, "So it happens to us all that way, it will continue to happen until the sickness and the one power come as one, then you will be free of it. Scholars have said our bodies must get used to channeling the one power. However, let’s test you for this ability fully and see your strength."

Tisese says 'Yes, Aes Sedai.'

Chloro withdraws her hand and brings both hands together cupping the smokey quartz egg loosely. "I want to you follow my voice and do as instructed. For now, breathe in deeply and out we will continue until it becomes a steady rhythm."

Tisese brings her hands together and takes a deep breath before saying, "I will follow your instructions, Aes Sedai."

Chloro begins breathing deeply to a count of three and then exhaling allowing the girl to use her breathing to stabilize the pace. "Thats in breath in 1, 2, 3, and out 1, 2, 3."

Tisese takes a deep breath as she her lips move silently mouthing one, two, three as she inhales slowly and then exhales mouthing one, two, three. Tension can be seen escaping her as her muscles relax.

Chloro says 'Good child, continue your breathing.'

Tisese continues slow, deep breaths in and out.

Chloro runs a thumb over the egg before saying "Now, look to the smoky quarts. Note how it is both clear and opaque like a river."

Tisese moves her eyes to the egg, staring at it and taking it in. Noticing the clear and opaqueness of it, continuing to breathe slowly and deeply at a one, two, three pace.

Chloro opens herself to saidar as a thread thin flow of spirit begins to swirl around the egg, "Good, keep looking at the egg, let emotion flood way from you, let fear and pain leave you, focus on the egg."

Tisese stares at the egg, takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, making relaxing even more on the exhale. Staying totally focused on the egg.

Chloro allows the thread of spirit to touch the egg as a dull light pulses within it once. "Look to the egg and let your mind float and drift as if you are on a river."

Tisese eyes open wide as the egg starts to pulse. She stares at the egg and lets her mind float down a river. Gasps as she starts to feel the euphoria fill her.

You sense Tisese connecting to the True Source.

Chloro watches the girl intently eyes focused on her, notating pulse, body language, and posture. A small smile breaks her calm mask as the egg pulses a second time as the girl embraces. "Good, my sister was correct, you do have the spark."

Chloro says 'Now we come to the hard part.'

Tisese gulps as she barely gets out, "The hard part, Aes Sedai?"

Chloro lowers the egg to the carpet looking Tisese directly in the eyes. "You must let it flow away from you, allow the one power to fade away and release it."

Tisese stares into Chloro Sedai's eyes and tries to relax and let it flow away. "Chloro Sedai, I don't know how. It starts to slip away and then it comes rushing back with euphoria."

Chloro raises a hand for silence. "You must let it go child; every girl must learn this when she comes to us. The one power is dangerous, draw too much, or for two long and it can kill you. Now allow saidar to flow away from you and fade."

Tisese focuses intently. Takes a deep breath and clears her mind. She shivers as she exhales.

Tisese frowns and says, "It feels...empty?"

Chloro nods and sighs as she allows saidar to fade from her releasing it. "I have worn this shawl for 68 years; the feeling of emptiness will always be there."

Tisese smiles slightly and says, "thank you for guiding me, Chloro Sedai."

Chloro pulls on foot forward and stands in one seamless motion, motioning for Tisese to do the same. "Now we will see about enrolling you as a Novice, which nation do we owe for sending you to us?"

Tisese stands, a little unsteady from sitting cross-legged. "I come from a Tarabon, Aes Sedai. My father was a farmer, and I am the eldest of 8."

Chloro pauses a moment, her exotic Grays weighing and measuring the girl. "A channeler from Tarabon that has not been collard?"

Tisese anger flashes in her eyes. "The seanchan scum. They never got to my village, but they reined havoc on the countryside around us."

Chloro raises her eyebrow at the outburst."You will find we have no love for them either, however child you are about to become a novice, you will need more control over your emotions. Follow me. "Briskly Chloro heads towards the door and Tisese's new life.

Tisese blushes and says, "My apologies, Aes Sedai. Many of my family and friends were killed or captured by them."

Tisese follows Chloro Sedai towards the door.