Never Forget Where You Came From.

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Never Forget Where You Came From.

Post by Chloro » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:17 pm

Chloro Sedai, feeling nostalgic, has a discussion with Melsoa and Skyra on the importance of reflecting on where they came from and how far they have gone since putting on while. The topic then turns to the dragonsworn for the remainder of the lesson.

View of: Chloro
Participants: Chloro, Skyra, Melosa

Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.

Chloro says 'Annoura summon Melosa please.'

Annoura Larisen says 'I will send a pigeon to her at once, Chloro.'

Chloro says 'Annoura, you may as well summon Skyra while you are at it sister.'

Annoura Larisen says 'I will send a pigeon to her at once, Chloro.'

Chloro says 'Thank you Annoura, we should do tea in the city soon, once these political fires are put out.'

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Skyra has arrived from the east.

Melosa has arrived from the east.

Melosa curtseys before Chloro Sedai.

Skyra curtseys before Chloro Sedai.

Melosa says 'Pardon the delay, Chloro Sedai. We were off in the woods east of Tar Valon.'

Chloro looks to the girls from her spot in the window, wearing a faded, almost threadbare baby blue riding dress with plunging neckline beneath her fringed shawl. "That is good Accepted, I trust we will have wood to warm our hearths?"

Melosa nods in assent.

Melosa says 'Indeed Chloro Sedai'

Chloro says 'Please girls, have a seat at the table.'

Skyra picks a piece of bark off of her dress.

Melosa says 'The weather is dreadful these days, hot and humid.'

Skyra pulls out a chair and slowly sits down.

Melosa moves over to the table and sits down at the end.

Chloro glides gracefully over to her seat on the southwestern bend of the table. "You have not felt heat till you have been in blight during the height of summer. However, for now I wish the novice to speak. Skrya, I do not believe I have heard much of you but that my sister Keshara is fond of your progress. Tell me child, which country do we thank for your addition to the novice book?

Skyra says 'Before coming to the Tower I was from Altara.'

You sense Melosa is channeling saidar.

Chloro nods and looks to Melosa, "from where do you hail?"

Melosa draws a thread of Fire from a cup of tea and hands it to Chloro.

Melosa tugs on her headscarf, "Inishlinn, Chloro Sedai"

Melosa says 'It is near the nation of Altara'

Skyra nods at Melosa.

Chloro takes the tea in her bare hands, smooth cast iron if there was such a thing, and nods in thanks. "I see."

Melosa says 'We like to think ourselves apart from what others called Murandy.'

Melosa smiles lightly.

Melosa says 'I have often thought that Murandy could play a more significant role in influencing the world.'

Melosa says 'Lugard, for one, being the crossroads of trade between nations.'

Melosa says 'A true pity that darkness in the hearts of men inflicts Lugard.'

Melosa's frown deepens.

Melosa says 'I've seen the King's men assisting men in deep black openly in the streets.'

Melosa tuts disapprovingly.

Chloro says '88 years ago, I wore this baby blue dress, when I arrived in Tar Valon to write my name in the novice book. I was mature for a novice, however over the years fashions have changed. I was from Kandor.'

Skyra says 'I have heard Kandor is a beautiful land, but have never seen it for myself.'

Melosa sighs disappointed and returns to the discussion.

Chloro waives her hand dismissing the luggard comments. "Today I will give you a lesson in grounding. You each came to us at different times. Yes, Skyra it is, when Trollocs are not attempting to raze it to the ground."

Melosa says 'A hard place.'

Skyra shivers uncomfortably.

Chloro says 'When you came here, your clothing was taken and placed away, in case you should need it if you failed to progress or given to the poor.'

Skyra reaches into her pack grabbing some quill and ink.

Chloro says 'However I find it good to reflect on the outfit you wore the first time you met Sheriam Sedai. It will remind you how far you have come. It will also remind you that should you return home, you will always have the longing for something bigger, greater.'

Chloro says 'Skyra before coming here, what did you do?'

Skyra ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Skyra says 'I wore a simple tunic and skirt made from linen. It was well made but not elaborate I suppose. It was loose and made the journey from Ebou Dar easy. ‘

Skyra says 'My boots were worn but well serviced and I owned no jewelery'

Chloro says 'What was your occupation before coming here child?'

Skyra says 'I worked with my mother who worked as a maid in the Tarsin Palace.'

Chloro says 'Melosa?'

Melosa nods slowly.

Melosa says 'Inishlinn produces grain and wool most of all'

Melosa says 'And like most Inishlinni, I was born to a family of farmers.'

Melosa says 'Before the Tower, I worked on the grain fields and herded sheep'

Chloro nods

Melosa remembers wistfully, "It was a simple life"

Melosa says 'I yearned for more so when I was sixteen, I set off to explore the world.'

Melosa says 'Visited Lugard, Caemlyn, Tar Valon and even as far north of Fal Moran.'

Melosa says 'Until sisters discovered the spark in me.'

Melosa says 'And thus my life as an initiate of the White Tower began.'

Skyra says 'That is much more exciting than my life before the tower. ‘

Chloro says 'I was the daughter of a Blacksmith in the Kandori army, I helped him in his forge, worked in the nursing tents, and waited tables when we could make it to Collum. As you can see, every Aes Sedai starts from simpler beginnings. Siuan Sanche was a fisherman’s daughter, though even the girls of noble birth who come here find Tower life more stressful than what they came from.'

Skyra smiles at you.

Chloro says 'Now think back to that life, think of what was before. If you had not come to the tower, and the Dragonsworn had come to your village or town. What would you have done?'

Chloro says 'Don't all speak at once now.'

Skyra says 'I always felt safe in the Palace. There were always guards there so it just felt safe. However, knowing what I know now. None of that mattered. The guards, while seeming safe were not a match for that vileness.'

Skyra shivers uncomfortably.

Chloro smiles wryly..

Melosa says 'Truth is, Chloro Sedai, the farmer, the labourer, the fisherman cares little about the Dragonsworn rabble. '

Melosa says 'Or False Dragons'

Melosa's face darkens at the mention of male channelers.

Melosa says 'I know my da would have just ignored them and chased them out of the fields.'

Chloro folds her hands on the table in front of her and raises her left eyebrow lightly."You would do well not to underestimate a group of rabble that became the reason why the last Amyrlin is in retirement and Siuan Sanche now holds the position."

Melosa shakes her head, "I must have misspoken, Chloro Sedai. The Dragonsworn are a real threat. It is simply that the common folk do not care.'

Chloro says 'You must look at them from the eye of a farmer, a seamstress, a begger. Common folk care about their bellies being full, and their lives being easier. Many blame the White Tower for their ailments, and troubles. If the dragonsworn seek out these individuals and turn them to their cause, they grow. The same as an Aes Sedai seeks to bring a girl to the Tower, so do the Dragonsworn seek to bring the people to them.'

Melosa nods, acknowledging Chloro's point.

Chloro says 'Skyra, how would you negate this from happening?'

Skyra ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Skyra says 'I think there are many ways that you could approach this.'

Chloro motions for the novice to proceed.

Skyra says 'One way is to simply be more active in the smaller communities. Currently we are but an enigma to most small villages and that leads people to look to others to help them in their plights.'

Skyra says 'Any village we fail to reach is a potential village that the Vile Dragonsworn may swing to their side for no other reason than they showed up.'

Chloro says 'Melosa, how would you negate it?'

Melosa frowns in deep thought.

Skyra looks grabs her pen and looks towards Melosa.

Melosa says 'It is not a simple task'

Chloro says 'Indeed it is not.'

Melosa says 'I fear that it is not a matter the Tower can address with what we currently have.'

Melosa says 'I would choose our battles in this arena more carefully'

Chloro taps a blue lacquered nail on the table. "Elaborate."

Melosa says 'We must ensure that the major cities and towns remain... steadfast to our common cause'

Melosa says 'Take for example, Caemlyn.'

Melosa says 'Andor and its people stand with Tar Valon'

Melosa says 'Baerlon needs to be as steadfast.'

Melosa says 'Other less... important towns and villages may need to be excluded.'

Chloro says 'Baerlon and the Two rivers are within the nation of Andor Child.'

Skyra looks toward Chloro.

Chloor says 'Skrya, do you have any more ideas?'

Skyra says 'I think I may.'

Skyra says 'So we are looking at ways to counterbalance the Dragonsworn correct?'

Chloro says 'In a manner of speaking, yes.'

Skyra says 'Well we need to bolster our numbers. ‘

Skyra says 'This is to say we need more Sisters out in the world that can spread the message of the harm that is done by them.'

Skyra says 'I also think that each Ajah has certain methods that would be pertinent in this.'

Chloro says 'If that is not an option?'

Skyra says 'If we can't bolster our numbers then they need to work even harder to make sure that individual nations are doing their utmost best to slow down the advance of them.'

Skyra says 'I realize we can't do it all. But we do need to lead the effort using every available avenue to us.'

Chloro says 'For now this will conclude our lesson, your chores will come early Novice. However, we will continue this conversation soon.'

Skyra clambers to her feet.

Skyra says 'May I have one more moment?'

Chloro says 'You may.'

Skyra says 'What should my next steps be for moving up towards being Accepted?'

Chloro says 'I would speak with two Accepted, so you know what will be expected of you. Only those we deem ready will be put before the arches.'

Chloro says 'Once you have done this send a pigeon (forum mail) and I will see how you measure up.'

Skyra says 'Thank you Chloro Sedai.'

Skyra says 'If you will excuse me the lumber still needs gathered.'

Skyra curtseys before you.

Skyra leaves east. >>

Posts: 52
Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:15 pm

Re: Never Forget Where You Came From.

Post by lexica » Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:22 am

Chloro: 1qp
Melosa: 2 rpkudos
Skyra: 2 rpkudos

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