My journey begins.

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My journey begins.

Post by Emlivia » Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:06 pm

Journal Entry 1 (Summary)
Today's lesson in the classroom was unlike any other. that I could remember in Illian. Led by Melosa, a Journey Accepted, we delved into the mysteries of the One Power and weaving. As I sat at my desk, eagerly absorbing every word, I found myself captivated by the knowledge being shared.

Melosa began by explaining the fundamentals of the One Power, its source in the True Source, and the different elements of weaving. I listened intently as she described the intricacies of channeling and the divisions between saidar and saidin.

One aspect that particularly caught my attention was the discussion about battlefield weaves and their dependence on weather conditions. Learning about spells like Ice Spikes and Fireball and their relationship with temperature was both fascinating and practical. I made sure to take detailed notes, eager to explore these weaves further on my own.

Tisese, another novice, raised thought-provoking questions about influencing the weather, sharing her experiences from her village. The conversation that followed shed light on the complexities of such weaves and the limitations inherent in manipulating the weather.

Divina, an Elder Historian of the Tower, briefly joined us, adding her insights to the discussion before needing to depart. Her presence added depth to the lesson, and I appreciated her contributions.

I left the classroom feeling exhilarated and eager to continue my studies. The journey to mastering the One Power is undoubtedly long and challenging, but with each lesson, I feel myself growing more confident and capable.

Participants: Melosa, Tisese, Divina
Location: In The Classroom - within The White Tower

In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
Melosa Beshar, Journey Accepted is standing here.
A waterlogged Accepted stands here, dripping on the tiles.
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.
A chicken has arrived from the west.

A sodden Accepted releases a complex weave of Water and Air as you walk by.

Melosa closes the door.

Melosa waves to you to get comfortable while she prepares.

Emlivia nods in agreement.

Emlivia gently curls her dress underneath her knees as she sits at the desk.

Melosa says 'Let me see if Tisese would like to join'

Melosa says 'Regardless, we will start shortly.'

Someone knocks on the door from the other side.

Emlivia says 'Of course, I am patient'

Melosa opens the door.

Tisese has arrived from the west.

Tisese curtseys gracefully.

Melosa closes the door.

Melosa smiles happily.

Emlivia smiles at her.

Tisese says 'Hello Accepted. Hello Emlivia'

Melosa says 'So wonderful of you to join us, Tisese'

Tisese says 'My apologies that I am late. I was completing a task for Sheriam Sedai.'

Melosa says 'As I've said recently, it is wonderful to see the halls of the Tower bustling again.'

Melosa smiles happily.

Melosa says 'Not at all, we just arrived ourselves.'

Melosa smiles happily.

Melosa says 'Today is more of an informal session.'

Melosa says 'Emlivia here has asked for a introduction to weaves of the One Power.'

Emlivia smiles happily.

Melosa says 'My classes and tutorials are always open to all'

Tisese smiles and nods excitedly. 'I would love that as well. I know only the very basics Accepted

Melosa says 'Even for those who may already have experience with it'

Melosa beams a smile at Tisese.

Melosa says 'Modesty, Tisese. I've seen you channel as a wilder.'

Melosa smiles happily.

Melosa says 'Let us begin then.'

Melosa says 'So, Emlivia, tell us. What do you know about the One Power and Weaving?'

Emlivia says 'I have only seen others weave it, I do not know much other than I see people .. we will
call it glow.'

Emlivia says 'Then .. I see you do things.'

Emlivia says 'And then ... things that normally should not be
possible become possible and happen.'

Melosa moves closer to the novices, leaning against the dais in a relaxed manner.

Emlivia says 'This is what I know'

Melosa nods slightly.

Emlivia says 'I have felt it before .. but I have never tried to do anything with it.'

Emlivia says 'Vianca Sedai asked me to touch it.'

Melosa says 'The One Power as you know it comes from the True Source, the driving source of creation
made by the Creator to turn the Wheel of Time'

Someone knocks on the door from the other side.

Melosa says 'Few, and fewer still.'

Melosa opens the door.

Tisese sits down.

Divina has arrived from the west.

Melosa curtseys before Divina.

Tisese clambers to her feet.

Tisese curtseys before Divina.

Emlivia quickly stands.

Divina smiles happily.

Melosa says 'Divina Sedai, an honor.'

Emlivia curtseys before her.

Divina closes the door.

Divina says 'Hello ladies'

Emlivia smiles happily.

In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
Lady Divina Souvraya, Elder Historian of the Wheel is standing here.
Tisese the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
A chicken wanders around here, pecking at the ground.
Melosa Beshar, Journey Accepted is standing here.
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.

Divina nods at Melosa.

Melosa says 'We were just getting started on an introduction to the One Power and weaving.'

Tisese says 'Hello Divina Sedai.'

Divina says 'Then not let me interrupt you.'

Divina takes her place in the back against the wall.

Tisese sits down.

Divina says 'Please continue Melosa'

Melosa smoothens her skirts and begins again.

Emlivia says 'You grace us Divina Sedai.'

Emlivia nods in agreement.

Tisese focuses back on Melosa, paying close attention to what she is saying.

Melosa clears her throat.

Emlivia returns to her seat at the desk.

Melosa says 'As I was saying, the One Power is the driving source of creation made by the Creator to
turn the Wheel of Time'

Melosa says 'Few, and fewer still, every year are found to have the ability to channel the One

Melosa says 'But it gladdens my heart to see new novices in the Tower.'

Emlivia offers a small smile.

Emlivia emote: Emlivia offers a small smile.

Melosa says 'Yourselves, Novices Skyra Maddy'

Melosa smiles happily.

Melosa says 'The One Power comprises of seven different elements'

Melosa says 'Can someone name a few?'

Tisese says 'Earth, Accepted.'

Divina goes pondering what the seven are.

Emlivia says 'Water, and Fire accepted'

Melosa nods.

Tisese says 'Air and Spirit'

A scout narrates 'Call the banners! Shadowspawn sighted at Borderlands North of Fal Dara!'

Melosa coughs loudly.

Melosa says 'Five Powers.'

Melosa says 'Not seven'

Melosa coughs loudly.

Emlivia says 'I do not know the other tw...'

Melosa says 'They are Earth, Spirit, Water, Air, and Fire'

The master of scouts narrates 'Cravok was spotted Entrance to Clearing'

Emlivia nods in agreement.

Divina scratches out her notes and makes a slight correction.

Tisese lets out a sight a relief.

Melosa says 'The One Power has two halves'

Divina smirks.

Melosa says 'One touched by women, saidar'

Melosa says 'The other by men, saidin'

Tisese shivers, visible uncomfortable at the mention of men channeling.

Melosa says 'It has been said that a bird has a better chance than us women to teach a man to
channel saidin'

Melosa looks at Tisese and sighs.

Emlivia says 'I do not think I have felt a man channel around me before .. do not many do it?'

Melosa says 'Today, the male half of the One Power is tainted by the touch of the Dark One.'

Emlivia says 'Or can I not sense them doing it..'

Melosa says 'But that was not always so...'

Melosa says 'In the Age of Legends, male and female Aes Sedai came together to create great works'

Melosa says 'Some of those survive to this day.'

Divina nods at Emlivia.

Melosa sighs, 'Lost days of glories..'

Tisese raises her hand slowly...

Melosa says 'To your question, Emlivia, not many males can touch the One Power.'

Divina starts sketching some great artistic wonders from ages long past and long forgetten to the
eyes of man.

Melosa says 'But those who do, inevitably go mad.'

Melosa says 'And it is the mission of the Red Ajah to prevent another Breaking who finds such men
and gentle them.'

Emlivia takes on a look of comprehension.

Emlivia nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'Yes, Tisese?'

Tisese says 'I am from Tarabon, Accepted. Many believe that women of the Seanchan who touch the one
power also go mad. They have brought destruction amongst my homeland in ways untold for generations.
Is there a chance we go mad as well?'

Emlivia says 'Oh no, I do not wish to go mad.'

Emlivia frowns.

Melosa taps her upper lip with a finger and smiles slightly.

Melosa says 'In the four thousand years since the Breaking, I do not believe that there has any
record of women going mad the same way that men do.'

Melosa says 'It is fortunate that the Dark One's touch does not go beyond that of saidin'

Melosa says 'Nevertheless, Tisese, there have been evil women who can channel the One Power.'

Tisese lets out a sigh of relief. Then her face twists to a glimmer of anger. 'If they are not mad,
why do they slaughter my kin?"

Emlivia gives a quiet sigh of relief.

Melosa says 'There is evil in the hearts of men.'

Melosa says 'And women'

Divina delves deep in the archives of the Tower library, to confer what the Accepted has said.

Melosa says 'The Seanchan see the One Power as nothing more than a weapon, as I understand.'

Melosa says 'Sarinda Sedai has much more experience with the Seanchan being of the Sea Folk.'

Melosa says 'Tisese, speak to her separately and she may give you more insight on this.'

Tisese says 'Thank you Accepted. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Sarinda Sedai yet, but I
will attempt to gain an audience with her and perhaps she will grace me with a lesson.'

Melosa says 'I had once asked if the Red Ajah saw the Seanchan as a threat to the world Breaking
once again just as men do'

Melosa says 'The answer was that despite their... misguided nature, the Seanchan as a whole seems to
be on the side of the Light.'

Divina clears her throat.

Melosa says 'Divina Sedai?'

Divina says 'There is some conjecture to that thought Melosa. '

Melosa demurs.

Divina says 'The best advice I can give is to be wary of Seanchan that still exist in these lands.'

Melosa says 'Divina Sedai speaks truly. Stay clear of the Seanchan for the moment.'

Divina says 'Though yes, I do agree with you in that they seem to be more focused on the fight
against the Dark at this time.'

Divina says 'Yet history tells us that friends often become foes in the blink of an eye.'

Melosa nods emphatically.

Divina says 'Please continue dear. I apologise for the in interruption.'

Emlivia says 'Especially in times of famine and conflict.'

Melosa nods at Emlivia.

Melosa says 'Excellent observation, Emlivia.'

Tisese eats a strange fruit.

Melosa says 'Thank you Divina Sedai for your insight and sharing.'

Melosa says 'Returning to the Five Powers.'

Melosa says 'Us who can sense and touch the One Power, have the ability to weave the Five elements
into flows'

Melosa says 'Today, I will simply explain more of the weaves known by the Tower.'

Tisese sits forward, looking excited to learn more.

Melosa says 'There are possibly as many weaves in existence as there are grains of sand across the
Aryth Ocean'

Emlivia takes out piece of parchment to begin taking notes.

Melosa says 'And some Aes Sedai certainly will have some weaves which they have discovered on their

Melosa says 'I look forward to your own discoveries.'

Melosa smiles at both Emlivia and Tisese

Emlivia smiles happily.

Tisese suddenly keels over in pain, surrounded by a white aura...
Tisese's body has been taken over by a new spirit!

Melosa says 'Now, I personally categorize the weaves into three different categories'

Melosa says 'First, battlefield weaves'

Emlivia writes the words 'battlefield weaves' and underlines it.

Melosa says 'Second, infliction or status weaves'

Emlivia writes the words 'status weaves' and underlines it.

Melosa says 'And the third, weaves to support self or others.'

Emlivia writes the words 'happy helper weaves' and underlines it.

Emlivia gives herself a pleased nod before returning her gaze upon Melosa.

Melosa passes sheets of paper to the novices.

Tisese says 'I learned about the battlefield weaves during my lesson with the Green Ajah earlier

Melosa says 'In your hand, you have the names of the weaves known to the Tower.'

Emlivia says 'I heard about them as well, the 'Battle Ajah" as it were.'

Melosa says 'Each of them requires years of training'

Tisese nods at Emlivia.

Tisese drinks water from a water skin.

Melosa says 'And some, more Talented in each element, may find some easier than others.'

Melosa focuses on Emlivia.

Melosa says 'For the battlefield weaves, there are several'

Melosa begins naming several weaves.

Melosa says 'Ice Spikes, Fireball, Flame Strike, Hammer of Air'

Emlivia jots down 'ice spikes, fireball, flame strike, hammer of air' under the title 'battlefield

Tisese writes down some notes.

Melosa says 'Ice Spikes and Fireball are said to be twin weaves, each working equally well in
opposite conditions.'

Melosa says 'Both these weaves are highly dependent on weather'

Tisese blushes and says, "I have been able to send some ice spikes out when I have been in danger. I
have never been very talented in fire though."

Emlivia says 'Oh, so Ice Spikes will not work in the heat?'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'Indeed'

Emlivia says 'That makes sense.'

Melosa says 'Weather and how weaves interact with it is a lesson unto itself.'

Melosa says 'Skyra and myself had a discussion with Sarinda Sedai just several days that lasted as
long as this session has bene'

Melosa smiles happily.

Melosa says 'Without going into the details, Ice Spikes will work most effectively from 0 - 59

Tisese looks very curious and says, "I will have to study on weather and the effect on weaves. I
have always been a sponge for knowledge."

Melosa says 'Fireball will work well from 55-95degrees'

Melosa says 'We will need to have a separate discussion for even more implications around rain and
other weather conditions.'

Emlivia nods in agreement.

Divina nods in agreement.

Tisese raises her hand...

Melosa says 'Tisese, please go ahead.'

Divina recalls a time when she burnt half a shelf of old poetry books when learning to master the
Fireball weave.

Tisese says 'Is it possible to...impact the weather? The wisdom in my village has told me that she
believed I was able to...influence the weather? When we were without rain for a while, I left some
euphory and then it would rain heavily. I would be sick for days after the storm."'

Melosa says 'The weather in itself is such a complicated topic'

Melosa chuckles politely.

Melosa says 'That have taken lives of many a Brown sister to research'

Melosa grins evilly.

Melosa says 'and apprentices'

Melosa giggles.

Emlivia says 'I have never thought of being able to control the very weather around us.'

Melosa says 'To answer your question, Tisese, in my experience.'

Emlivia says 'Though, I suppose that IS what the elements are .. just a on a grand scale.'

Melosa says 'There is a weave called Change Weather that does allow a trained channeler to do so.'

Melosa says 'Practically, a channeler is not able to influence the weather to a large extent at the

Tisese nods in agreement. "That makes sense, thank you Accepted."

Melosa says 'With the recent shifts to the weather, I've found that a channeler would only be able
to affect the weather locally and only to a certain extent (ooc: +-20 degrees) before it tends to
return to the norm.'

Melosa says 'Even lightning storms, in my own personal experience, have been unstable and last no
more than 2 hours.'

Emlivia says 'I think I have years ahead of me before I attempt that..'

Divina stretches her legs in anticipation for movement.

Melosa says 'yeah zing weather doesnt last more than 2-3 tics'

Divina nods at Melosa.

Melosa says 'Now moving on quickly'

Melosa says 'Some weaves are easier to weave than others.'

Melosa says 'Flame Strike and Hammer of Air are weaves that can be created quickly'

Divina says 'My apologies Melosa. If you will excuse me, there are some other matters I must attend
to this day. Please carry on with your lesson. '

Melosa curtseys before Divina.

Tisese clambers to her feet.

Tisese curtseys before Divina.

Melosa says 'Thank you for joining, Divina Sedai'

Divina smiles happily.

Emlivia quickly scrambles to her feet.

Melosa says 'It was much appreciated.'

Emlivia curtseys before her.

Tisese sits down.

Divina says 'It is a pleasure to you meet you both Emlivia and Tisese'

Divina says 'I welcome you to the Halls of the White Tower'

Tisese says 'A pleasure to meet you as well, Divina Sedai.'

Emlivia says 'Thank you for joining us Divina Sedai'

Divina says 'May your time with us be long and fruitful.'

Divina says 'If there is anything I may be of assistance with, please ask me another time.'

Divina waves.

Divina opens the door.

Divina leaves west.

Melosa closes the door.

Emlivia folds one leg under her rear while sitting back on the desk chair.

Divina bellows 'Go Forth and Learn young ones!'

Melosa says 'Let us take a little break from this, and try out some practical application shall we?'


Although I couldn't stay longer for the practical application of the weaves, today's lesson left me deeply fascinated and hungry for more knowledge. The insights shared by Melosa Accepted were invaluable, but I can't shake the curiosity about what I could learn from Sheriam Sedai. Her reputation precedes her.

Posts: 478
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: My journey begins.

Post by Chloro » Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:55 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : +
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : -
Length bonus +1-2 qps : -
Summary: +1 qps : +

Emlivia 3
Melosa 2
Tisese 1
Divina 1

Please say "RECEIVE" at a silver-haired sedai located in every Ajah wing.

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