Poetry, Novices, and Dragonsworn

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Poetry, Novices, and Dragonsworn

Post by Aleera » Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:46 pm

Summary: Aleera shows up for a lesson with Catisune Sedai; it may be about Saldaen poetry, it may be about the Karaethon Cycle. Both end up being discussed in the end. They are joined by Aelrena Sedai and Chloro Sedai as well as Novice Maddy. After Maddy’s departure conversation shifts to the Dragonsworn.

POV: Aleera

Main Characters: Catsiune, Aelrena, Chloro, Aleera

Additional Appearance: Maddy

Softly, through the door, you hear, 'You may enter.' It sounds like Catisune's voice.

Study of the Brown Ajah
Tall, arched windows in the northern wall open to a balcony, providing a choice view of the Erinin as it flows south from the Borderlands. Half the seating in the room is drawn up around the windows, showing that the occupants appreciate the panorama. The remaining seats are drawn up in circles of six to eight, allowing Brown Sisters to discuss the furtherance of knowledge, or new theories in an informal atmosphere. Colorful wall hangings depicting still lifes decorate the pale white walls.

Aleera curtseys to the Aes Sedai present after closing the door behind her.

Catisune looks up from the embroidery hoop in her lap with a sort of vague tension narrowing her large, watery eyes.

Catisune says 'You are prompt, Accepted, which I hope speaks to your character.'

Aleera senses Catisune connecting to the True Source.

Aleera has a decidedly apologetic look to her face. She does not seem to have a tray with either tea or anything stronger on it. She offers a fleeting smile, "Thank you, Catisune Sedai. There was, well is, an issue with the tea, but I did not want to be late."

Catisune gestures at the door with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Catisune says 'Is Eliyana being stingy with the reserves?'

Aleera nods and says, "Indeed. I couldn't find a novice, so I went into the city myself. At one of the good folk who warehouse goods for us, there was a missing work." Softly, she adds, "Drunk at a Bean Tree Tavern according to his supervisor, but I could not find that tavern in our fair city. I tried the ones I am aware of, but the worker was nowhere to be found."

Catisune says 'East and north from the Square, I believe, though perhaps it would surprise you to know how intimately acquainted I am with the city's taverns.'

Catisune muses as the bun atop her head sways dangerously 'For research purposes, of course.'

Catisune gestures to the plush chair opposite her own 'Join me, won't you?'

Aleera curtseys again and then walks across to the proffered chair and settles into it, "Yes, thank you, Catisune Sedai."

Catisune stows the hoop in her lap to one side unceremoniously 'We have much to discuss, I reckon.'

Catisune studies the Accepted as if she were examining a butterfly pinned to her tray 'But what were we discussing again?'

Aleera's eyes are bright and she gives a bob of her head, "I suppose that depends. A starting point might be the Saldaen poetry you had shared in advance. There is also, possibly, the Karaethon Cycle. Aelrena Sedai had suggested that I might benefit from hearing from you on that subject."

Catisune taps her lip thoughtfully.

Catisune says 'All worthy topics of conversation, though the latter . . .'

Aleera folds her hands together in her lap, expression attentive.

Catisune leans forward in her chair, and any pretense of vagueness has evaporated from her large watery eyes 'I assume you're aware that the Dragonsworn stir. Even here -- in Tar Valon.'

Aleera nods and says, "Indeed. It made Aelrena Sedai's words, of some time back, fairly prescient."

Catisune says 'I think that I shall soon offer a seminar on the Karaethon Cycle for Tower Accepted. Perhaps you can assist me if I require it.'

Aleera inclines her head gracefully, "I am at your disposal."

Catisune's eyes drift to the River Erinin coursing outside the Ajah study windows 'But a little poetry to start. Tell me, Accepted, what did you make of the fragment I shared?'

Catisune clarifies 'Recite it for me first.'

Aleera nods, beginning, "My heart rises with the sun," her lips turning up slightly before continuing, "To the chime of swords." She pauses there for a moment, allowing that to linger in the air, before concluding, "I die at sunset."

Catisune sits back as if satisfied by Aleera's recitation 'Ah, yes. At once both beautiful and elegiac. But what does it mean?'

Aleera nods, listening. She then offers, "When I first read it, I considered it through my own perspective, my own upbringing. But, the daughter of a miner in Amadicia, was almost certainly not the poet's intended audience. So, I thought of the poet and their audience. In this case, both Saldaen."

Catisune nods approvingly, her beak nose swishing through the air as she does 'You are right to consider audience and speaker, but do go on.'

Aleera offers then her initial impression from that viewpoint, "Putting myself within that perspective, it made me think of my heart rising with the sun, not in so literal a sense, but suggestive of being born, the sun rising with the start of life. The chime of swords then, were I a soldier there, would speak to the challenges and conflicts I might face in one of the borderlands. But also, I believe that ... the people there live their lives with a fierceness.”

Aleera concludes the thought, "Expecting challenge from loved ones, and words can cut as sharp and deep as any blade, so may also suggest that chime or sound as well. The death at sunset, from this perspective, would be death from old age. I am born, knowing that a life of challenge and conflict lies ahead, but I will face it through to the end."

Catisune nods such that the bun atop her head sways dangerously 'I think this is a generous interpretation, though often poetry yields itself to valences of meaning.'

Catisune says 'The poetry of the Borderlands is some of my favorite extant, for it often confronts the stark reality of those who live there.'

Aleera confesses in somber tones, "I know death could lie around any corner, and so it may be more literal with the timing, though the thought doesn't please me as much. Every day may very well bring death and they must be prepared to face it."

Catisune says 'These poets often use symbols and metaphors: figurative and spare language that conveys as much in three lines as another might struggle to in 100.'

Catisune cants her head to one side like a bird 'How would you define an elegy, Aleera?'

Aleera nods, taking in the words of the Aes Sedai. She considers, then offers, "More serious. Somber. Words often spoken for those who have passed."

Catisune says 'You are correct, of course. An elegy is a lament for the dead, so it is no wonder we often encounter it in the literature of the Borderlands.'

Aleera seems a bit embarrassed to not be able to offer more, and then a bit relieved at a small affirmation.

Catisune says 'Are you familiar with the work of Anasai of Ryddingwood?'

Aleera shakes her head and admits, "I am not," and then feels a need to explain, "Unfortunately, my education before coming here was very limited. I have endeavored to expand that since arriving here whenever I have free time, but there is more in the library than I could ever read, even with a generous life."

Catisune says 'I appreciate genuine modesty nearly so much as false, so I am happy for this conversation, Accepted.'

Catisune says 'She was one of the most prolific and accomplished poets of Shienar, and she wrote nearly exclusively in elegy.'

Catisune says 'One of my favorite poems of hers was left with instructions that it must not be read aloud until the moment is right. How queer.'

Danelle Sedai whispers something to Catisune.

Catisune touches the earring dangling from her left lobe.

Catisune says 'A little homework seems appropriate, yes?'

Catisune leans forward in her plush chair once more as if she has offered a very fine joke.

Aleera nods as she listens and says, "Very curious indeed, and certainly. I welcome the opportunity for some guided study."

Catisune says 'Find a book of Anasai's collected poems in the library. If you struggle, know that I can provide one from my personal collection.'

Catisune says 'Then find the poem I alluded to, study it, and then identify for me what she meant . . . to be read aloud only when the time is right.'

Aleera nods, a sharp, certain gesture. "I will do so," she says, words just as certain.

Catisune says 'I hear you'll be teaching a class soon.'

Aelrena arrives from a flash of bright white light.

Aleera nods and shares, "Yes. After some discussion with Aelrena Sedai, we decided to break it into two parts. The first on some functions of the nuances of initiate life; the second on symbolism behind the same. We discussed a number of other ideas I had prior, but I thought this topic the best starting point."

Aelrena walks through a gateway as she adjusts the shawl on her shoulders before settling down upon the window sill.

Catisune doesn't even blink as her Sister nearly slices her head open with traveling weaves.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aleera blinks at the flash of light, speak her name and she arrives. Aleera rises up from her chair and curtseys.

Catisune says 'Do not rest on so much custom when we are alone, Aleera.'

Catisune says 'If I had any note to review for this class, it would be only that I think part 2 is more interesting.'

Catisune says 'And you should perhaps combine them and get there sooner.'

Aelrena says 'Pay me no heed, Aleera. I merely came to observe briefly.'

Catisune says 'Yes. But do listen to me, for I am giving you good advice.'

Aelrena adds "I also suggested Aleera split the class, because while I agree, I also feared with the amount of content and discussion she's hoping for, she might end up with a class that goes over a block.

Aleera shares in respectful tones, "It is hard not to curtsey or such, when I plan to assert that following such also serves a function of protecting initiates, so that we're all mindful to follow other directives during more dangerous times, such as learning to channel."

Catisune says 'Aleera, you've convinced me.'

Catisune nods such that the bun atop her head sways dangerously.

Catisune says 'It is not for me to discount ritual when you are studying it.'

Aleera offers a small smile, "I would curtsey again, but fear that may be pushing it a touch too far."

Aelrena chuckles politely.

Aelrena folds her hands in her lap as she turns sideways to face out the window.

Catisune says 'What questions do you have as you prepare to teach?'

Aleera 's head cocks just slightly to one side, contemplative, "I should have some, but I feel prepared at the moment. I am more certain that, afterwards, I will have questions; at the least a request of feedback so that I might improve. There is always room for such."

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena murmurs something under her breath, idly thumbing her solitary earring as she looks out the window.

Catisune cants her head to one side like a bird 'Well, if you have no questions, I suppose I can open the room to broader inquisition. I believe Novice Maddy wanted a word. And Chloro Sedai always loves speaking to the initiates.'

Aelrena chuckles politely.

Catisune says 'Danelle, summon Maddy.'

Danelle Sedai says 'I will send my scribe to summon her, Catisune.'

Aleera gently offers, "No questions about teaching my class at least."

Catisune says 'Danelle, is there wine?'

Danelle Sedai says 'These initiates are more than enough reason to imbibe.'

Catisune says 'I thought so too, sister.'

Aleera can't even argue that point and takes the comment with stoicism.

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Catisune gestures with her hand.

The doors smoothly swing open.

Catisune glances at the door and calls, 'You may enter.'

Catisune tries to open the carveddoor, but can't.

Aleera senses Catisune connecting to the True Source.

Catisune gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Chloro has arrived from the south.

Catisune gestures at the door with her hand.

Chloro gracefully glides in, her silver heels clicking as they strike each stone. Giving a glance to Danielle she heads closer to Catisune making sure to set the Ghaeldin red down closer to the group than Danielle.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Chloro says 'Sisters.'

Aleera rises up and curtseys to Chloro Sedai.

Chloro nods to Aleera. "Accepted."

Catisune's smile touches the corner of her large, watery eyes as she rises to greet her Gray Sister

Aelrena nods at Chloro.

Catisune greets Chloro with a light kiss on her cheek.

Chloro says 'Light illumine you as well, I was not informed you had returned to us.'

Aelrena turns back toward the room, rising briefly to greet Chloro with a kiss upon the cheek before settling back upon the window.

Chloro greets Catisune with a light kiss on her cheek.

Chloro greets Aelrena with a light kiss on her cheek.

Catisune says 'Sisters, I fear Maddy has fallen asleep, for I wished to speak to her as well.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Chloro says 'Oh she may yet still rise.'

Aelrena says 'Perhaps a tough fortunate for her, I suspect few initiates enjoy the attention of more than a single Aes Sedai at a time.'

Catisune says 'Aleera, are you enjoying it? Tell Chloro Sedai about your progress toward the shawl.'

Aelrena glances briefly at Aleera, her mouth quirking slightly.

Chloro chuckles and smiles Aelrena sharing a knowing look. "Few at that stage anyway."

Aelrena nods at Chloro.

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Aleera senses Catisune connecting to the True Source.

Catisune gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Maddy has arrived from the south.

Maddy curtseys gracefully.

Aelrena looks at Maddy.

Catisune gestures at the door with her hand.

Maddy smiles happily.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Catisune looks at Maddy.

Chloro says 'It seems opportunity knocks...'

Maddy says 'Thank you for seeing me'

Catisune studies Maddy as if she were an Innkeeper judging a coin purse, perhaps finding it light.

Aleera inclines her head to Catisune Sedai and then turns towards Chloro Sedai, beginning, "Very early stages, but yet eager to continue learning. My focus currently is on instruction; it is something I would hope to do in the future, for many years." She looks from Chloro Sedai back to Catisune Sedai, sharing for Catisune's benefit, "Chloro Sedai helped me in solidifying goals and aspirations for the future."

Aleera hastens to add, "But it must not be to the exclusion of other topics and pursuits. I fully understand a breadth is desired and needed, and I do have other interests."

Chloro waves a hand dismissing the notion. "The credit is yours Aleera, I merely did what any farm would do to a mule in a awkward state. A swift kick to the posterior can work wonders."

Maddy listens intently to Aleera trying to catch up on the conversation at hand

Catisune's smile doesn't crinkle her lips but rather the corners of her eyes.

Catisune's attention turns to Maddy, and it is rather like the weight of an anvil 'But why are you here?'

Maddy relaxes a bit at the warmth of Catisune Sedai's sincere smile

Aleera confesses, "It was effective Chloro Sedai," with a sincere nod in her direction. A smile almost began to appear, but she manages to effectively keep a placid expression to all but the most astute observer.

Chloro moves towards Catisune's chair taking up Divina's. Her eyes weighing and measuring the new arrival.

Maddy says 'I have a question about the Library as well as a couple of others'

Aelrena settles more comfortably upon the window sill, her gaze bouncing between the initiates at unpredictable intervals.

Catisune says 'I will hear your questions, but you should address me with the honorific Aes Sedai.'

Maddy nods in agreement.

Catisune says 'It is not good to be so familiar yet. We have only just met, after all.'

Catisune taps her lip thoughtfully.

Maddy says 'Honorific Aes Sedai, why do the Librarians keep telling me to find something else to do.. I love being around the books'

Aelrena looks at Maddy.

Aelrena arches an eyebrow.

Catisune says 'Just Aes Sedai, dear. 'Honorific' is a word used to describe a title. I am sorry to have confused you.'

Chloro looks to Maddy and offers a sympathetic statement. "My Blue sisters would seek to embolden your brazen and spirit, and my Brown sisters quell it. Perhaps a balance is required.."

Maddy clutches her hands together nervously

Catisune says 'Without speaking to the librarians, we allow initiates to shelve a finite amount of books.'

Catisune says 'More questions?'

Aelrena turns to Chloro, her expression unchanged, "Perhaps it has less to do with quelling spirit so much as encouraging subtlety when exercising its use.

Aelrena winks at Chloro.

Maddy says 'Oh I see, Catisune Sedai does that mean I can go to the library to my heart’s content with no need to check in with the Librarians'

Chloro watches the novice out of the corner of her eyes, her exotic grays focusing on the Accepted,watching her reactions like a hawk honing in on a mouse. "That could be said as well sister."

Catisune says 'As long as you behave yourself, dear.'

Maddy beams a smile at Catisune.

Maddy says 'I certainly try to Catisune Sedai'

Catisune nods such that the bun atop her head sways dangerously.

Aleera takes her turn to watch quietly, as attention centers on Maddy for the moment.

Catisune says vaguely 'Was that it, or . . . ?'

Maddy pulls out her note pad an pencil and starts to flip through it

Aleera senses Catisune connecting to the True Source.

Catisune gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Catisune shoos the Novice off with her left hand.

Maddy taps the notebook and looks up to Catisune Sedai and say" I was also hoping to ask you some insight as to what led you to join the Brown Ajah. Did you know right away or did it come to you eventually?"

Catisune says 'Oh, dear, you have been excused.'

Maddy nods in agreement.

Maddy curtseys gracefully.

Maddy leaves south.

Catisune gestures at the door with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Catisune says 'Now, where were we?'

Chloro maintains her gaze on the Accepted. "I believe, discussing Aleera's possible future."

Aleera reluctantly suggests, "Pinning me in a shadow box, Catisune Sedai?"

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Chloro chuckles and breaks her view of the Accepted. "Oh dear, I can think of things far worse than that, which exist in this very tower."

Catisune says 'Some before breakfast.'

Aelrena ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Catisune rummages around in the tawny bag of sewing trinkets resting at her feet.

Catisune says 'I am to teach a seminar on the Karaethon Cycle soon. For Tower Accepted only. I have asked Accepted Aleera to assist me.'

Aelrena looks at Catisune.

Chloro says 'If I may sisters, I have a question that goes along with that topic.'

Catisune gestures toward Chloro as if to indicate the Gray Sister has the floor.

Chloro says 'Aleera, what are your thoughts and position on the Dragonsworn?'

Catisune blinks her large, watery eyes.

Chloro shares a brief look with Catisune, "If she hopes to one day be among us, then perhaps it is time we see if she can think like an Aes Sedai."

Aelrena arches a brow, though her gaze moves to Aleera like metal to a lodestone.

Aleera nods at the prompt. She offers, "There is a danger, even aside from any male channelers that might be within their ranks. Prophecy can be an insidious tool, offering certainty, even if vague, in a world with many unknowns. To those living in fear, it can serve as a respite or escape."

Catisune taps her lip thoughtfully.

Catisune says 'How astute.'

Chloro sighs, "That is pretty but it does not answer my question Accepted, perhaps some training with the blues could loosen your tongue a bit. You may speak freely."

Aleera continues after a moment, "One might be tempted to respond with force, to try to silence them, but making martyrs of them would likely only strengthen their position."

Chloro smiles in satisfaction. "Now that you have found your back bone, what would you propose if you could, be done about it?"

Catisune's hand brushes the earring in her left ear.

Aleera suggests, "I would engage with them, pardon the expression, not me personally. But the engagement should, perhaps, not be so public. An Aes Sedai might publicly speak with good Queen Morgase in Caemlyn, it legitimizes her. A big, public engagement with the Dragonsworn would give them legitimacy in the eyes of others. My knowledge is far more limited than any of yours, but I would assume the White Tower is not ready for such. But, should diplomatic channels be opened? I would think yes, there is more advantage than disadvantage there."

Aleera quiets then, some apprehension evident in her expression.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Catisune has abandoned all pretense of working her embroidery hoop as she studies Aleera.

Chloro says 'I would like you to submit your idea, more fleshed out to the Sitters of the brown Ajah. Let this be your lesson from me, the more minds involved in an issue like this, the more ideas to pull from. I yield to my sisters.'

Aleera nods to Chloro, "Of course, thank you, Chloro Sedai."

Catisune says 'A secret sortie with the Dragonsworn. Hmm. I see your logic, flawless as a White. We do not wish to legitimize, but we must establish some sort of common language for negotiation. How many Sisters would you send?'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aleera suggests, "My initial thought would be three. There is a balance to that number, and an increased measure of both safety for the sake of the Aes Sedai, and respect shown to the Dragonsworn for their sake, without it feeling like a threat to the Dragonsworn."

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'And what Ajahs would you send? '

Catisune seems convinced 'An appropriate envoy for such a clandestine affair -- enough to protect the sisters should they need to link, but not enough to spoil the broth with a scare.'

Aelrena leans forward from her near slouch against the window, adjusting her shawl about her shoulders as she waits for the Accepted's response.

Chloro pulls a silver flask out of her left belled sleeve in preparation for the answer.

Aleera considers and offers, "Under the assumption that the Dragonsworn have some understanding of the Ajahs, I would send a member of the Grey Ajah. Both for their skills as well as sending a message to the Dragonsworn that the White Tower is serious about a diplomatic engagement. A member of the Green Ajah, to show that we are serious about the protection of the Sisters present, but not so aggressive a position as sending a member of the Red Ajah. And then, perhaps a member of the White Ajah. We're there to have a measured, rational conversation, not to provoke, moderating, slightly, the message of sending a member of the Green Ajah."

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Catisune says 'Why not a Brown? Would not an expert in the Karaethon Cycle benefit such an expedition?'

Catisune clucks like a chicken as she studies the Accepted.

Chloro shakes her head and unscrews the cap taking a swig before offering the flask to Aleera. "Take a sip of that and we will discuss your choices."

Aleera shares her logic, "If I suggested it, others might see it as showing favoritism. That aside, they might very well feel studied themselves. I would send a member of the Brown Ajah in a follow up though."

Catisune says 'Then pass it here.'

Aleera nods graciously to Chloro, accepting the flask and taking a sip from it. She grows quiet.

Catisune extends her hand toward Aleera.

Aleera offers the flask over towards Catisune Sedai.

Aelrena glances briefly at the flask as it passes hands, though her attention quickly refocuses back to Aleera.

Catisune accepts the flask, swigging like a pro, before nearly tossing it unexpectedly at Aelrena.

Catisune watches to see if Aelrena will catch the flask.

Chloro pauses a moment thinking of where to begin. "When we approach a task such as this, sending a red into a den of male channelers is a disaster waiting to happen. A Green while they would have good intentions would have emotions that run to high. Having heard that, how does this change your answer?"

Aelrena embraces the source, quickly weaving a net of air to catch the flask before whisking it back to Catisune, the threads of air leaving it to hover there until she takes it.

Aelrena grimaces faintly as the glow of saidar fades from around her.

Catisune takes the flask from Aelrena's deft flows of air.

Catisune returns the flask to her sister Chloro Sedai, grumbling audibly.

Catisune says 'I must retire soon, I think.'

Catisune says 'Do forgive me for being abrupt, but it is my custom.'

Aleera nods, taking Chloro's words to heart. "Very fair, Chloro Sedai," she begins, "In my haste to respond, I should have instead bought myself more time to consider. As some within this room have shared with me, Sisters of the assorted Ajahs, are not just their Ajah. In spite of any symbolism by choosing an Ajah, one could be chosen for their personal, recognized prowess, to send a similar message, but be of a different Ajah, and of, perhaps a different emotional bent."

Chloro takes flask stowing it safely way in a pocket beneath her wrist.

Catisune says 'Aleera, you should attend me soon so that we might discuss our lesson plan for the Karaethon Cycle seminar.'

Catisune stands unceremoniously, stowing her embroidery hoop in the tawny bag of sewing trinkets resting at her feet.

Aleera says to Catisune, "Of course, Catisune Sedai. Thank you for your time this evening as well as the opportunity."

Catisune whispers something to Aelrena.

Aelrena whispers something to Catisune.

Aleera rises up and curtseys to Catisune.

Catisune offers both of her sisters a little courtesy embrace as she departs the Study of the Brown Ajah.

Aleera senses Catisune connecting to the True Source.

Catisune gestures with her hand.

Chloro smiles to Catisune squeezing her wrist before the brown leaves.

The door smoothly swings open.

Catisune clambers to her feet.

Catisune leaves south.

Aleera sits back down after Catisune has departed.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'I myself don't have much more time, though I'm interested in your thought process.'

Aelrena nods at Aleera.

Chloro says 'The proper response to the question, with current knowledge that you have. Is two Gray's and a Blue. One Gray will always ride forth with a assignment like this to grease wheels that need to be greased. Our sisters are not always familiar with the world outside the tower. The Blue to investigate while the Grays talked. We would send a brown on a second visit once we know the lay of their hide out to snoop and do what browns do best.'

Chloro says 'Does this make sense?'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aleera takes that in and nods her head. "Yes, that does make sense, Chloro Sedai. Thank you."

Aelrena whispers something to Chloro.

Aelrena says 'Aleera, given all the resources of the Tower at your disposal, what other preparations do you think might be helpful in regards to this envoy?'

Aelrena arches an eyebrow.

Aleera is quiet for a few moments, collecting some thoughts. She offers, "I would want to know what we know of their current power structure. Who, from their side, might be present as part of a delegation. We would want to understand, as best we could, who we'd be treating with. To Chloro Sedai's point of greasing wheels in advance, and during a conversation with them, we can better respond to them, with specifics, with that understanding."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aleera says, "Speaking plainly, a tailored response designed to engage their peculiarities can enhance any efforts of the Grey Ajah to engage."

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Chloro says 'How would you achieve this? Your speaking to a Gray child, our minds are keen and we do not need such grandiose ways of speaking in this setting.'

Aleera answers, "I don't know the extent of any network of eyes and ears that may inform such. But, those networks for one. A spy would be even more productive, but there is a risk there. Interviewing individuals who have engaged with the Dragonsworn. I heard rumor that they've even come past the Shining Walls to preach, or rather recruit."

Aleera then asks, "Has anyone ever defected from the Dragonsworn? If so, trying to bring that individual in."

Chloro looks to Aelrena, "I suppose you can tell her what we both meant"

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Chloro drinks water from a water skin.

Aelrena says 'I would have suggested planting a few sisters who have yet to gain the ageless face within the encampment performing menial positions, either as washwomen or maids.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'This would allow you to bolster your envoy's power in case of betrayal, while also giving you the chance to have sisters gather information.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aleera nods to Aelrena. She asks, "Do we know if any women who can channel are within their camp already? Not of the White Tower," she clarifies at the end.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aleera is decidedly uncomfortable in asking this question.

Chloro leans back and crosses her arms allowing a satisfied smile to take her face. "Now you begin to think like an Aes Sedai."

Aelrena says 'Perhaps a question to be considered in regards to your plan.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'On that note however, I'm afraid it's time for my supper.'

Aelrena says 'I trust that you two will be kind to the study?'

Chloro says 'I must be going as well, Envoys don't greet themselves.. I will take a copy of that write up as well Accepted'

Aelrena stand from her seat upon the window, kissing her sister upon the cheek before bending to

Chloro stands and moves towards the door. "Oh and Accepted, I will be watching."

Aleera says, "Thank you, Aelrena Sedai, Chloro Sedai, for your time this evening." She rises up and curtseys.

Chloro leaves south.

Aelrena whispers to you, 'You're doing quite well from everything I hear.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena glances after the gray sister as she leaves, before turning back to the Accepted.

Aleera offers a small smile.

Aelrena says 'Do you need anything before I go?'

Aleera gives a shake of her head and then says, "I was a bit surprised at Catisune's offer and will ensure I am well prepared to support her."

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'I would expect nothing less.'

Aelrena says 'Keep up your good work.'

Aelrena glides from the study.

Posts: 53
Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:15 pm

Re: Poetry, Novices, and Dragonsworn

Post by lexica » Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:55 am

I particularly liked how Aleera handled two vastly different topics.

Aleera: 4qps
Catisune: 2qps
Chloro: 1qps

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