Heavy Metal and {REDACTED}

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Heavy Metal and {REDACTED}

Post by Elmitsu » Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:21 pm


Summary: Accepted Elmitsu and Kitiara Sedai discuss {REDACTED} (chronologically, this scene directly preceded Elmitsu’s recent Foretelling).

POV: Elmitsu


Softly, through the door, you hear, 'You may enter.' It sounds like Kitiara's voice.

The carveddoor is opened from the other side.

Conservatory of the Blue Ajah
During daytime, bright light floods in from tall, arched windows set in the
eastern wall, which offer a view of the many spires of Tar Valon as well as
the eastern bank of the Erinin. On clear days, the peaks of the Dragonwall
can be seen, far away to the east. Bookshelves, tables, maps and charts are
all present as the Blue sisters prepare for whatever tasks currently occupy
them or as they plan business away from the Tower. On one wall hang two
large portraits of Ciel Sedai and Adaire Sedai, with white ribbons of
mourning tied into the latticework of the frames.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [2]
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
Lady Kitiara is sitting here on a stout oaken chair, going through some papers.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Blue Sister is here, planning her next journey.
Anaiya Sedai of the Blue Ajah stands here.

Kitiara gestures with her hand.

The door swings silently and shuts with a click.

Elmitsu parts her banded hems in a near perfect curtsey as she crosses the threshold into the Conservatory.

Elmitsu says 'Light keep you, Kitiara Sedai.'

Kitiara continues to go through papers (afk one min)

Elmitsu inclines her head in deference to Anaiya Sedai and the other assembled sisters as well.

Kitiara nods to herself as she makes a small note before looking up to the Accepted.

Kitiara looks at Elmitsu.

Kitiara says 'I have been hearing things about you child.'

Elmitsu does not visibly wilt under the Aes Sedai's scrutiny, though she stills fidgety fingers at her sides.

Elmitsu says 'I am not naïve enough to assume they have all been good, Aes Sedai, but I am happy to meet with you again. I do not think we have spoken much since I left Novice whites.'

Kitiara says 'Finding a body in these halls, sending letters about wanting to become a master spy...indeed not in whites any longer.'

Elmitsu's cheeks don't quite burn with her embarrassment, but they are splotchy, "That was . . . an ill-received joke, Aes Sedai. I think most who've met me understand I am currently not master spy material."

Kitiara tilts her head slightly, 'Perhaps not yet. Tell me, {REDACTED}?'

Elmitsu says 'But Keshara Sedai helped me reason out what happened . . . well, she reasoned it out and then helped me find that conclusion myself. I will travel from the Tower soon to deliver the news to Neisa's family.'

Elmitsu takes great care not to fidget, her knuckles nearly white from the effort, "I hope {REDACTED}, Aes Sedai. I {REDACTED} resonates with me."

Elmitsu does not even trip over the word 'resonate.'

Kitiara says 'Oh? And {REDACTED}?’

Kitiara measures the white knuckled Accepted as she listens.

Elmitsu says '{REDACTED}, Aes Sedai.'

Elmitsu says 'I . . . cannot understand why I have been given these gifts by the Creator otherwise.'

Elmitsu nods with such force that her teeth nearly clack.

Kitiara takes a deep, seemingly disappointed, breath before saying, 'And what exactly is {REDACTED} child? Who determines what {REDACTED} is?'

Elmitsu says 'We must serve the Light as best we are able, Kitiara Sedai. I think {REDACTED}, though I hope they try.'

Kitiara says 'And {REDACTED}?'

Elmitsu says 'Soon I will ride to deliver the news of Neisa's passing to her family. {REDACTED}, but at least it is closure.'

Kitiara says 'An unfortunate task, but an honorable one.'

Kitiara looks at Elmitsu.

Kitiara says 'I {. . .} hear you are considering the Gray?'

Elmitsu says 'The Gray helped me break my block when I first arrived here, and I find their vo-ca-tion toward diplomacy to be an admirable one.'

Elmitsu does trip a little over the word 'vocation,' but she does not linger over it much.

Kitiara grins wryly, 'Oh such passion... child you are not in trouble, you may relax, a bit.'

Kitiara chuckles lightly.

Elmitsu smiles slyly, "I have been on my tip toes lately, Kitiara Sedai, because I am tired of being in trouble."

Kitiara says 'And what have you done wrong, list it for me.'

Elmitsu says 'So many things, Kitiara Sedai. I am not sure where to begin.'

Kitiara says 'Did you do anything particularly dishonorable or unredeemable?'

Kitiara clambers to her feet.

Elmitsu says this frankly, as if she were not invested, but her eyes look wet, "The first time I channeled, I burned down a barn. With a boy inside."

Kitiara starts to pace the room, circling the Accepted.

Elmitsu says 'I think this formed my block.'

Kitiara says 'We cannot be beholden to the mistakes we make when we are untrained. You did nothing wrong because you could not control the fire.''

Elmitsu stares at the Aes Sedai, "He is dead, Aes Sedai."

Kitiara continues to circle the Accepted.

Kitiara says 'Many will die in your lifetime, for Aes Sedai live a very long time. A Power you could not comprehend flowed through you. A child. You hold no blame. What else.'

Kitiara slowly narrows her circle, from the edge of the room, to a few steps in.

Elmitsu continues through her inventory, ticking off on fidgety fingers, "Lately, I disobeyed both Aelrena Sedai and Ashlynn Sedai. I could not stop talking about the body I found in your wing."

Kitiara narrows her circle more, ending directly in front of the Accepted. Kitiara stands looking at the Accepted. 'You got caught doing something you were told not to do.'

Elmitsu says dutifully, resisting the urge to step back from the Aes Sedai, "Yes."

Kitiara says, '{REDACTED},' she walks back around the desk, 'And probably in choosing to {REDACTED}.'

Kitiara sits down on a stout oaken chair.

Kitiara says 'It is best to {REDACTED}.'

Kitiara says 'To {REDACTED} . . .'

Kitiara settles in her chair and locks her gaze onto the Accepted.

Elmitsu says 'These are lessons I am already learning, Aes Sedai.'

Elmitsu says 'Or ones that I carry with me. I am glad to hear you say that.'

Kitiara says 'There are many {REDACTED} . . .'

Elmitsu 's eyes, typically large as saucers, grow somehow even wider at Kitiara's assessment.

Kitiara glances annoyingly at her vanishing light ball.

Elmitsu says 'I will need a better map, Aes Sedai.'

Elmitsu smiles slyly.

Kitiara says 'Indeed you will. But first {REDACTED}.'

Elmitsu responds physically to Kitiara's challenge, a sort of eager gleam narrowing the corners of her eyes, "I can do that, Aes Sedai."

Kitiara says 'You should assume {REDACTED}.'

Elmitsu says 'That is why I wished to {REDACTED}.'

Kitiara says 'Keep {REDACTED}.'

Elmitsu nods at this directive, further purpose blossoming in the bend of her mouth.

Kitiara says 'As well as your {REDACTED}. I tend not to {REDACTED} for this reason.'

Elmitsu says {REDACTED}.'

Kitiara says 'It was {REDACTED}, particularly with the Shadow’s activity of late.'

A certain ferocity kindles in the accepted Elmitsu )

Elmitsu says 'I would never betray us to the Dark, Kitiara Sedai.'

Elmitsu says 'But I {REDACTED}.'

Kitiara says 'That is good. I would hate to have to kill you. Let us keep it that way, yes?'

Elmitsu 's smile is equal parts sly and sweet, "I will not disappoint you, Kitiara Sedai."

Elmitsu clarifies, "Or, if I do, it will not be because I am a darkfriend."

Kitiara says 'The Wheel Weaves child...'

Elmitsu says 'As it wills. But so many bad things happen, Kitiara Sedai.'

Kitiara frowns.

Elmitsu struggles to contain her ferocity again, though she beats it back after a few moments of clenching and unclenching her fists.

Kitiara says 'The goal is to lessen that Accepted.'

Elmitsu says 'I know. I know we cannot save everyone. But . . . maybe as many as we can.'

Elmitsu nods half to herself and half to the Aes Sedai.

Kitiara says 'As many as we need to... to achieve our goals.'

Elmitsu says 'Will you share your goals with me, Kitiara Sedai?'

Kitiara says 'The Dark One is ever present... and everything we do must be in service to winning that war. That is the goal of the Tower... my own, perhaps one day.'

Kitiara says 'But we will have more conversations soon.'

Kitiara clambers to her feet.

Elmitsu studies Kitiara as if she were an upside-down map.

Kitiara says 'For now, {REDACTED}.'

Kitiara says 'If you do not need anything else Accepted...'

Kitiara gestures with her hand.

Elmitsu says 'I will {REDACTED}.'

The door smoothly swings open.

Kitiara nods in understanding.

Kitiara says 'You are dismissed Accepted.'

Elmitsu bobs like an apple in water as she offers another near perfect curtsey.


Re: Heavy Metal and {REDACTED}

Post by Lys » Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:10 pm

awarded 2qps

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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: Heavy Metal and {REDACTED}

Post by Chloro » Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:31 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : +
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : -
Length bonus +1-2 qps : -
Summary: +1 qps : +

Elmitsu 2
Kitiara 1

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