Things got Weird

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Things got Weird

Post by Aleera » Sat Dec 23, 2023 6:46 pm

Summary: Elmitsu and Aleera catch up a little bit: worries, concerns, attempts to do well, or at least better ... and then things got a bit weird. Luckily an adult (read: Sarinda Sedai) was around to help with The Event.

Characters: Elmitsu, Sarinda, Aleera
POV: Aleera

In the Well
This open-roofed building used to house the initiates of the Tower consists of nine levels, but only three of them are currently in use. A number of small, windowless rooms open up to a gallery which surrounds a courtyard, there is ample fresh air. A fountain with a small garden sits at the bottom of this well, the sound of falling waters echoing among the towering walls.

Elmitsu the Journey Accepted is standing here.
Kennira, Caretaker of Novices tends to the boarding of her young charges.

Elmitsu looks up from the book in her lap. It might be upside down, "Light keep you, Aleera!"

Aleera 's lips find a smile readily at hand. "And you as well, Elmitsu. I hope the days have been treating you well."

Elmitsu looks as though she's hauled out the abacus for all the mental tabulations she's doing, "I'm . . . glad to see you, Aleera. I've been busy at least."

A novice has arrived from the west.

Aleera nods and says, "I am reasonably certain busy is their default to try to keep all of us from being too idle to get ideas."

Elmitsu snickers softly.

Elmitsu says 'I am leaving the Tower soon.'

Elmitsu says 'But I shouldn't be gone too long.'

Aleera gently prompts, "Tower business? You needn't say what. Or something more personal?"

Elmitsu echoes, "Tower business."

Aleera gives a solemn nod.

A novice leaves west.

Elmitsu says 'But how are you? Are you preparing for your class?'

Elmitsu says 'I feel like I haven't seen you in an age, Aleera.'

Aleera says, "I shall pray that it goes well for you then." She exhales and says, "Yes and no. Yes, preparing, no, getting distracted and not feeling it is really good, or ready, enough. It's not coming together like I want."

Aleera adds, "It has been a bit after all of," and she just gestures up and off to the southeast portion of the Tower.

Elmitsu whispers to you, 'At least I'll be able to give the girl's family some closure.'

Elmitsu says 'If you ever need to practice, you can practice on me.'

Elmitsu's smile is equally sly and sweet.

Aleera gives a saccharine sweet smile towards Kennira as neither of the Accepteds say anything that might
get reported.

Elmitsu says 'I haven't seen Aelrena Sedai in sometime. Is she out of the Tower?'

Aleera 's smile for Elmitsu is more genuine, "I might take you up on that." She then nods and says, "She is often out abroad. There's a lot more collecting things from elsewhere or investigating them elsewhere then one would think. I'm hoping to go and see that rock around Tarwin's Gap, but I'd never want to go there myself." She then ohs, eyes widening and voice lowering a little, "Aelrena Sedai also mentioned something about an angreal when we next meet up for lessons."

Elmitsu says 'How exciting. I know the Brown specialize in angreal and ter'angreal.'

Elmitsu studies Aleera as if for the first time, "Do you know the subject of your class? I can't remember if you told me. I'm sorry."

Aleera shares, "Examining the shared experiences and items of the Novices and Accepted. Like our dresses, the chores, the rosebud exercise, our rooms, and so on. Some of their symbolism as well as their functions in pulling us all together."

Elmitsu says 'Ah, yes. I remember now. I love this idea.'

Elmitsu says 'But you're having trouble putting it together?'

Aleera says, "I have several other ideas as well, for after that. Another is a meditation technique and
helping with being able to narrow down one's purpose or goal. The big "who do I want to be when I
grow up" that the Aes Sedai will rake you over the coals about with question after question, or
shield you, or who knows what else, to make you come to a decision. I thought I could help with a
gentler start to that."

Aleera pops back to the first idea, "I have the core elements that I just shared, but I have been going back and forth on how to organize them to try to make the lesson make the most sense, flow well, and well ... not suck."

Aleera shrugs, "I could just go through each thing one by one. That's _a_ way to organize it. I could talk about the symbolism all together and then the functions next. I'm leaning that way currently."

A novice has arrived from the west.

Aleera starts to babble about her topic, very much channeling her baby Brown apprenticeness.

Elmitsu considers Aleera as if she were a map to somewhere far, far away, "Whichever mechanism you choose for organization, I know it will be superb."

Elmitsu trips over nearly all the words in that sentence, but it shows that she's been trying.

Aleera blushes, eyes flitting down, then back up. "Thank you," she offers, "truly." She gestures about the Well, "Everyone else just wants to know what they need to do to become Accepted, about The Arches, the "right" answers to give the Aes Sedai for ... anything. I haven't been able to just talk like this in a while." She adds after a moment, "I don't think many of the other Accepted like me much; or frankly, any of the Novices when I arrived either."

A novice leaves west.

Elmitsu manages to shrug and roll her eyes at the same time, "Don't let them get you down, Aleera. They are mostly boring. If they do not come to your class, we can put itching powder in their dresser."

Aleera giggles, a bit too loud, quickly lowering the volume of it with a glance about.

Aleera softly says, "I suppose I'm not the only one to feel out of place and not prepared for what lies within "The Shining Walls"."

A novice has arrived from the west.

Elmitsu says 'I took pride in not fitting in for a long time, but that doesn't serve me anymore.'

Elmitsu says simply, "So I am fitting in more."

Aleera shoots a quick glance to the novice lingering over long and too near to the Accepteds, "If I go down to the kitchens, will I find Mistress Laras happy and content with not a single dirty dish in sight?" Lowering her voice once more, she gives a sage nod at Elmitsu's words, "Pragmatic."

Elmitsu admits, "I am still working on a penance from Ashlynn Sedai. I've been serving the poor in Tar Valon."

Aleera 's lips curl in a wince. "I ... if you'd want some company at times, I could get away from the Tower and come help." She confides, "Maybe it will help get me out of my head some. I think I'm worried about disappointing Aelrena Sedai. I said the wrong thing a couple of weeks back, in front of one of her Sisters." Her lips tighten and she says, "I may have just casually, cockily, said something about carrying fish with the Cradle of Tears weave, certain I would not drop the weave. I dropped the weave and then we had "a talk" about not embarrassing myself in front of Aes Sedai with any exploits. I was more worried I'd embarrassed her. But, apparently, any thought of shawling is ... well, everyone's opinion matters."

A novice leaves west.

A novice has arrived from the west.

Elmitsu shrugs again, though she looks less certain, "All we can do is our best, I suppose. Do not be too hard on yourself, Aleera."

Aleera takes in a slow, deep breath and then lets it out. She nods and offers, "I'll try."

Aleera asks her, trying to change the topic, "Any thoughts on your future, or at least a first stab at it? I had considered the Grey, Blue, and Brown until my feet were held to the fire to make a decision."

Elmitsu says 'I have ruled out some Ajahs.'

Aleera nods, "That's half the battle right there."

Elmitsu almost says this sheepishly, but her eyes are sharp as she continues to examine her friend.

Elmitsu says 'I would be a terrible Brown. Do you agree?'

Elmitsu says 'That's not a trick, by the way.'

Aleera hmms, eyeing Elmitsu. She then says, "I wouldn't say that, actually. If you had the opportunity to catalog," and she drops her voice very low, "every little nuance to eking out every last bit of enjoyment possible as a novice, _you_ could do a better job than anyone here. Of course, that would land either in the restricted section, or else passed around like an underground book throughout The Well."

Elmitsu smiles sweetly at Aleera.

Elmitsu says 'I'm not sure I thanked you for how kind you were to me that day.'

Elmitsu does not need to say which day.

Aleera says, tone more somber and less playful, "I'm glad. I was in a bit of shock. I'm glad I did well because I don't remember it all."

Elmitsu says 'I remember everything.'

Elmitsu says 'I think that was the first time I ever saw you.'

Elmitsu considers, "But maybe that's why we're such good friends. That is kind of a big first day."

A novice leaves west.

Aleera looks down for a moment, and says "I think I remember you from another day, a big one for me, but not so special for you. You helped induct me into the White Tower with Tolza Sedai. You helped me have a new home."

Elmitsu says 'I was there?'

Elmitsu says 'I think I should be a better friend to you, Aleera. I'm sorry.'

Elmitsu squeezes Aleera's forearm if she can reach it.

Aleera wipes below an eye, some dust having got into it surely. She then looks up, and smiles, "Yes. Tolza Sedai was ... far more frightening than you." The smile breaks into a grin.

Elmitsu says 'She recently followed me around the library, saying nothing, taking notes.'

Elmitsu says 'It was . . . quite unnerving.'

Elmitsu says 'But she also saved my life once.'

Elmitsu snickers softly.

Aleera 's hand falls atop Elmitsu's as she squeezes her forearm. She nods about Tolza Sedai, "She's taught me a lot of very practical lessons outside the Tower and -definitely- kept me hopping as a novice."

Elmitsu says 'How did you finally decide on Brown?'

Aleera asks, "Truth?" and then leans forward conspiratorily, "I was debating the three I shared. I asked to meet with Aelrena Sedai and laid out for her why I was debating, feeling pulled in all directions, hoping she might, I don't know, give a nudge because I couldn't commit, but she didn't, or maybe wouldn't. I'd have to figure it out." She then goes on, "So, I then managed to get some time with Chloro Sedai and tried the same thing."

Elmitsu says 'And no one tipped the scales?'

Aleera confides, "She scares me sometimes. She put me through the Arches, and scared me near to death in the process. But anyways, she asks, "What would you do if you could no longer Channel? What would you want to do with your life?" She pauses dramatically, then adds, "And then Shielded me and tied it off."

Elmitsu says 'How queer. Were you scared?'

Elmitsu says 'I think they like to scare you.'

Elmitsu says this as if she might know a thing or two about being scared by Aes Sedai.

Aleera adds, "I managed to stammer out an answer because bloody blazes," and she quickly glances about before finishing, "yes. I wasn't sure what had happened. And then she released it and firmly made it clear that within a week I would speak to her in person or write a letter to her clearly indicating what Ajah I would apprentice with. No ifs, ands, or buts. There was, however, an implied 'or else'."

Elmitsu says 'That does sound inspiring.'

Aleera says, "Definitely motivating."

Elmitsu giggles.

Elmitsu says 'Have you gotten in trouble since you've been here?'

Aleera says with a small smile, "If I ever wear a shawl and do that to some poor initiate, please, kindly, kick me."

A novice has arrived from the west.

Elmitsu says 'I will never need any urging to kick you, my friend. I am a noted . . . kicker.'

Elmitsu nearly winks one of her saucer-sized eyes as she regards her fellow Aleera.

Aleera starts to rub at her shoulder before she catches herself and forces her hand down. She then says, "Tolza Sedai sent me back to the Tower once, saying I had gone out of bounds." She then softly admits, "I went to Sheriam Sedai and asked her to help make sure I would not soon forget."

Elmitsu crosses the well so that she can rub Aleera's shoulder herself, "Well, don't get caught."

Aleera says, "I had to speak to other Aes Sedai to get cleared to go out again and ... that is, more or less, what Tolza Sedai said. Erulisse Sedai said she wasn't sure on the boundaries and wouldn't clear me. Sarinda Sedai said I was in bounds, but ..."

Aleera shrugs, letting some tension out of her shoulders.

Elmitsu says 'Next time, just ask me if you're not certain. No need to involve the Aes Sedai.'

Elmitsu's smile is nearly wicked, but otherwise she looks so sweet.

The chamberdoor is opened from the other side.

Sarinda has arrived from the east.

The chamberdoor closes quietly.

Elmitsu is in the middle of saying something to Aleera.

Elmitsu says 'Light keep you, Sarinda Sedai.'

Elmitsu dips into a near perfect curtsey.

Sarinda touches her hand to her forehead, lips, and heart in greeting.

Aleera rises up and curtseys.

Sarinda ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Elmitsu says 'May we help you with something?'

Elmitsu looks a little distracted. Eventually her chin goes slack.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, Elmitsu, I would speak with you in my Ajah's den.'

Elmitsu stands stock still for several moments as if frozen in time. Her eyes have rolled back into her head, only betraying their whites.

Sarinda draws down her thin eyebrows into a frown.


Elmitsu continues to rasp as her whole body convulses with the force of her declamation, GRASSBURNER TELLS HIS GENERAL CALL FORTH YOUR HORDE. WHAT HE BRINGS CANNOT BE MOVED AGAIN. IT . . . WILL NOT . . . BE MOVED.

Sarinda's ageless face is stoic.

Elmitsu collapses into a crumpled heap upon the floor.

Elmitsu gasps for breath.

Sarinda's eyes widen, but otherwise she does not move.

Aleera 's hands and arms move, but too slowly to catch Elmitsu. She drops down to her knees beside her.

Sarinda says softly, tentatively, 'Accepted Elmitsu? Are you...well?'

Elmitsu writhes on the floor for a moment before she sits up, "The eyeless . . . I . . . see it."

Elmitsu sits up.

Sarinda bellows 'Ashlynn, if it pleases the Light, I need a Yellow's expertise here, now.'

Aleera slips an arm behind Elmitsu's shoulders, helping to support her as needed.

Elmitsu bursts into tears.

Sarinda kneels beside the Accepted, her Aes Sedai look of stoicism cracking with a show of concern. She repeats, 'Elmitsu, are you alright?'

Elmitsu says 'What . . . happened to me?'

Aleera starts to ask something, but the words die on her lips at Elmitsu's reaction.

Elmitsu says 'I can . . .'

Elmitsu's whole body shivers.

Elmitsu sags against Aleera.

Sarinda tsks as she embraces Saidar, deftly weaving flows of Air, Water, and Spirit to form Delving.

Sarinda says 'I have little Talent for Delving or Healing, but our sisters in the Yellow appear to be otherwise occupied. Hold still, girl.'

Aleera senses Sarinda connecting to the True Source.

Aleera holds Elmitsu a bit tightly, protectively, though clearly not from Sarinda Sedai

Sarinda twists the threads into a complex rope, placing the flows upon Elmitsu with a look of concentration. It settles into her body, and Sarinda nods after a moment.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, you appear well, at least physically. Well enough, anyway.'

Elmitsu says 'The poor Tinkers.'

Sarinda allows the threads to dissipate and releases both the weave and the Source. 'Accepted, tell me what you remember happening.'

Elmitsu struggles to regulate her breathing for a long moment.

Elmitsu says 'I could see . . .'

Elmitsu says 'I saw him. He looked at me. Blodfest.'

Elmitsu says 'His name.'

Elmitsu says 'Eyeless. Lurking. I don't . . .'

Aleera 's eyes narrow, concerned.

Sarinda's face darkens.

Elmitsu bursts into tears again.

Elmitsu says 'Don't make me.'

Sarinda places a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder, but her voice is firm. 'If it pleases the Light, you are an Accepted of the White Tower, training to be Aes Sedai. You will seek calm.'

Elmitsu finally gathers herself, sitting up from Aleera's embrace.

Elmitsu says 'Forgive me. It fades like a dream.'

Elmitsu says 'I was overcome.'

Elmitsu says 'I don't think I've ever felt like that before.'

Elmitsu shakes her head as if dispelling cobwebs.

Sarinda says 'Do you remember anything you did? Or said, perhaps?'

Elmitsu says 'Only images.'

Sarinda nods slowly, lost in thought for a moment.

Aleera gives a nod to Elmitsu, expression open and encouraging.

A novice leaves west.

Sarinda stands up, then begins walking back and forth slowly but deliberately in the living quarters.

Elmitsu looks between Aleera and Sarinda, her saucer-sized eyes narrowing, "What did I say?"

Sarinda idly tugs at the frings of her red shawl, eyebrows furrowed in thought. After a minute, her eyes snap back into focus and settle on Aleera. 'Get a sheet of paper, Aleera, and write down what you remember her saying. As close to the exact words as you can.'

Aleera gets a tooled leather book from a small purse.
Aleera gets a fine quill pen from a small purse.

Aleera pulls a book and pen out from her purse, already thinking along the lines of Sarinda. She holds up a staying finger towards Elmitsu, not yet answering as she puts everything down.

Elmitsu's knuckles are white as she clenches her fists at her sides.

Sarinda glides over to the Brown Ajah apprentice and stands over her shoulder, not intentionally looming but adopting the pose all the same.

Aleera starts with Elmitsu's words, then, once satsfied with that, adds some additional notes on how Elmitsu's body, expression, and especially eyes had shifted.

Elmitsu tries to get a peek at Aleera's notes.

Aleera finishes her notes, with the eventual collapse and Sarinda Sedai's sharing the results of her Delving.

Aleera finally says, "Okay, I believe I have it down."

Elmitsu nods uncertainly as she scans Aleera's notes, "That was scary."

Sarinda leans forward, reading the words again, then again. Eventually, she nods and says, 'You have a sharp mind, Accepted. That is what I heard as well.'

A novice has arrived from the west.

Elmitsu says 'The tinker camp . . . '

Sarinda looks at Elmitsu.

A novice leaves west.

A novice has arrived from the west.

Sarinda says 'Show her, Aleera.'

Elmitsu looks at Aleera uncertainly.

Aleera holds the book open for Elmitsu to read. Reassurance and compassion in her expression.

Elmitsu says 'I . . . don't remember saying that.'

Elmitsu says 'But . . . I saw.'

Elmitsu says 'What will happen to the Tinkers?'

Sarinda adds with a sharp look at Elmitsu, 'Do not speak a word of this to another person unless ordered by an Aes Sedai, Accepted. It is critical.'

Elmitsu says 'I will not, Aes Sedai. I don't have words for it.'

Sarinda nods decisively.

Sarinda raises her right hand to her lips. 'It is agreed, under the Light.'

Elmitsu says 'What is happening to me?'

Sarinda says 'If I find out you have broken your word, Accepted, I'll have you envying the greenest deckhand on the smallest darter.'

Sarinda's face darkens.

Elmitsu looks pale and sweaty as she gauges Sarinda's mood, "I will not tell. I don't know what to tell."

Aleera softly tells Elmitsu, "The words came from your lips. The voice was ... different." Her notes reflect that, with a bit more description of the voice heard. She adds the day's date to the notes. She then asks, "Sarinda Sedai, do you want this page? Or ... who?"

Elmitsu's attention follows Aleera's back to the Aes Sedai.

Sarinda presses with an uncharacteristically harsh voice, 'And if I find out that you are making this up, as some ploy to garner attention or sympathy, if it pleases the Light, even the Mistress of Novices will not stop me from seeing you rue the day you signed your name in the book of novices.'

Elmitsu says 'Save the tinkers, Sarinda Sedai.'

Kennira, Caretaker of Novices helps Elmitsu into her private chamber.

Sarinda blinks her dark brown eyes innocently.

Aleera 's expression tightens at that.

Sarinda curses, 'By the nine winds and Stormbringer's beard!'

Sarinda smirks.

Elmitsu peeks out of her chamber to see if the Aes Sedai is still there.

Elmitsu says 'Oh. Light keep you, Sarinda Sedai.'

Sarinda coughs pointedly.

Sarinda sighs and sits down on an open bed, patting it and motioning for Elmitsu to join her.

A novice leaves west.

Elmitsu joins the Aes Sedai, if reluctantly.

Sarinda offers a small, if reserved, smile.

Sarinda says 'I had to be certain, Elmitsu. You would not be the first woman to put on a show of something quite rare in hopes of seeming more important than she is.'

Elmitsu says 'That sounds like something I would do.'

Sarinda chuckles politely.

Elmitsu shrugs, though she studies Sarinda Sedai out of the corner of one eye.

Sarinda says 'Accepted, what do you know about Talents?'

Sarinda's eyes take in Aleera as well, inviting her to the conversation.

Elmitsu says 'Not much, Aes Sedai. I know there are several, some more common than others. I haven't much Talent for Healing, for example.'

Aleera had drifted towards the other side of the room, but comes back and settles on to a chair. She diligently adds some additional notes to the page; not changing anything from before, adding small details.

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'There are various theories about what Talents are. Some of them involve weaves, and allow channelers with those Talents to either create weave effects that are unusually potent and disproportionate to their strength in the Source. Others do not require weaving at all.'

Sarinda says 'One of the rarer and more enigmatic Talents is the gift of Foretelling. If it pleases the Light, I do not know yet if that is what has occurred, but the signs are there.'

Aleera gently closes the book, thinking of the novice who has been in and out of the area all night, keeping the words from any other eyes. She listens attentively to Sarinda Sedai.

Elmitsu says 'I have never felt like that before.'

Sarinda says 'Foretelling presents differently in each woman with the Talent. Some speak in riddles, others the Old Tongue. Many do not remember the experience, although some do.'

A novice has arrived from the west.

Elmitsu says 'Has that ever happened to me before?'

Elmitsu says 'That you know of, Aes Sedai?'

Aleera 's eyes are filled with concern for Elmitsu.

A novice leaves west.

Sarinda replies with a level look, 'I have had limited opportunities to meet with you so far, Elmitsu. Who am I to say what you have done or not done before?'

Elmitsu says 'I thought if I had seen the future before the White Tower would remember. That must mean this is the first time.'

Elmitsu says 'When I burned down the barn, Aes Sedai. That was the first time I channeled.'

Aleera asks in soft tones, "Have you blacked..." and then nods at Sarinda Sedai's words

Sarinda nods slowly.

Sarinda says 'For now, it appears you are quite tired, Elmitsu. I suggest you have some refreshments, and try to sleep, if you can.'

Elmitsu says 'I have to leave in the morning.'

A novice has arrived from the west.

Elmitsu says 'But I will be back soon. You are right, Aes Sedai. I should rest. Light keep you both.'

Sarinda says 'Here, I actually had some food prepared that you can have.'

Kennira, Caretaker of Novices helps Elmitsu into her private chamber.

Elmitsu peeks her head back in one more time.

Sarinda gives a plate of roasted duck in a spicy orange sauce to Elmitsu.

Elmitsu says 'Sorry for being coy, Aes Sedai. It is a habit.'

Elmitsu eats a plate of roasted duck in a spicy orange sauce.

Sarinda says 'Take this, I insist. If it pleases the Light, there was an abundance of poultry in the larders recently.' <-- Likely source of that abundance.

Sarinda's ageless face is stoic.

Sarinda drops a plate of roasted duck in a spicy orange sauce.

Aleera gestures just down the hall and says, "I'll be right in there if you wake and want company."

Elmitsu is, perhaps, the inverse of stoic, knuckles white as she clenches her fists.

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I will take my leave, unless either of you need anything else?'

Sarinda eats a plate of roasted duck in a spicy orange sauce.

Sarinda says 'Mmm.'

Elmitsu says, if weakly, "Thank you, Sarinda Sedai."

Aleera gives a somber shake of her head.

Kennira, Caretaker of Novices helps Elmitsu into her private chamber.

Sarinda looks at Aleera.

Aleera says, "For what it's worth, Sarinda Sedai, when she and I were speaking earlier she ... well, she seemed very much like she was trying to be the sort of Accepted all of the Aes Sedai would hope for."

Sarinda says 'As I would hope, and expect.'

Aleera looks after Elmitsu, concern etched in her face, "I wish it were some sort of jape. I mean ... well, you know what I mean." She lets out a slow breath.

Sarinda mutters something under her breath about the shorebound.

Sarinda says 'Aleera, you are preparing to enter a sorority of sisters known for their passion for collecting, but also safekeeping, knowledge.'

Sarinda says 'I can think of few I trust more than some sisters in the Brown Ajah to digest and analyze this message.'

Sarinda says 'Since you are already witness to this event, I see no reason to exclude you from discussion about it with your mentor, or other sisters of the Brown Ajah.'

Sarinda says with a sigh, 'The wave that has passed cannot be called back.'

Aleera nods, expression quite sober. She asks, "Do you wish for me to share this directly with one of them to ask for such? I take quite seriously your earlier admonition." She stops at Sarinda Sedai's words, then nods and says, "I will do so."

Sarinda says 'What do you know about the Tuatha'an caravan south of the city?'

Aleera gives a small shake of her head and admits, "Only a little. Tower gossip. I've not been there, myself."

Sarinda says 'Go there, then, and investigate. Travel the camp and see if your watchful eyes detect anything that might have been missed, or might be relevant to this...portent.'

Sarinda frowns.

Sarinda says 'Send me a report on anything you see, or do not see.'

Sarinda says 'I appreciate your discretion on this matter.'

Sarinda says 'As for this one...'

Sarinda looks at a novice.

Sarinda's face is a thundercloud as she walks up to the novice that was present in the room and begins to whisper fiercely at her.

Aleera nods, "Of course."

The novice pales and whimpers before squealing in fright and nearly fleeing from the room.

Sarinda bellows 'And if I find a speck of dirt on a stack of dishes, I'll have you up to your neck in dishwater until Last rings!'

Sarinda nods in satisfaction as the novice rapdily exits the room.

A novice leaves west.

Aleera winces a bit, even though that was not directed at her ... thankful that it was not.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I have business to attend to.'

Sarinda says 'Keep up the good work, Accepted.'

Sarinda says 'May the Light illumine you, and see you safe to your journey's end.'

Aleera says, grateful, "I'm very glad you were here." She then nods and says, "Thank you. And you as well."

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Leave, I will take my exit now, then. Rest well, Accepted.'

The chamber door swings open.

Sarinda leaves east.

The chamber door closes quietly.


Re: Things got Weird

Post by Lys » Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:34 pm

awarded 3qps

Posts: 476
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: Things got Weird

Post by Chloro » Wed Jan 24, 2024 6:07 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : +
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : -
Length bonus +1-2 qps : -
Summary: +1 qps : +

Elmitsu 2
Sarinda 1
Aleera 2

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