A Brief Debriefing

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A Brief Debriefing

Post by Amarea » Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:03 pm

This brief scene takes place shortly before Amarea is summoned by Aelrena Sedai to the fateful lesson that would result in her block being broken. Here, Isela has just beaten Amarea in her first ever spar against another channeler. Amarea had successfully blinded the Accepted with the One Power, but Isela's superior energy management, coupled with Amarea's frustrating block and inability to keep her grasp on the Source when attacked by Fire weaves, resulted in Amarea's defeat at the superior opponent. Isela briefly gives feedback on ways Amarea could improve not just in duels with the One Power, but in her readiness to advance within the halls of the White Tower.

POV: Amarea
Main characters: Amarea, Isela


The Warders' Practice Yard
A large expanse of bare ground at least fifty paces across and nearly twice
as long stretches forth, its earth beaten hard. At intervals around it
under the trees stand wooden stands holding quarterstaffs and practice
swords made of strips of wood bound loosely together, and a few real swords
and axes and spears. A large gray stone building lies to the east, home to
the warder students and those warders who are not sharing quarters with
their Aes Sedai in the main Tower structure itself.

A sign hangs on the wall.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby, being ridden by you.
Isela the Tower Accepted is standing here, riding a warhorse.
A robust Queen's Guard soldier is here, serving the realm.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A grim storyteller reads from a journal.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
Coulin the Master of Arms is here teaching his students.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

Amarea says 'I was doing so well there at the beginning!'

Isela says 'Nice use of blind there'

Isela sits down and rests.

Amarea blushes furiously.

Amarea smiles happily.

Amarea says 'Would you like some Healing, Isela?'

Isela shakes her head.

Isela says 'No dear, I'll be fine. Thank you'

Isela says 'Would you?'

Amarea puts on a brave face. 'I'll be okay.'

Isela says 'What did you feel you did well there?'

Amarea says 'Well, I think I was doing a good job with my timing. I kept trying to weave when you entered or right after moving, so I could get started before you.'

Isela nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'I read a class transcript in the library about some ideas like that, and it seemed to work okay.'

Amarea says 'I thought if I got lucky and Blinded you that maybe it would help me win, but then I was really low on energy so I stalled.'

Isela says 'Indeed, though that has tripped me up in the past, and I used it against you a bit too. If you don't engage before weaving, they can just walk out.'

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Amarea sighs, 'My block was causing me problems as usual.'

Isela says 'How low were your sps there?'

Amarea says 'Every time I see fire, even with this bucket of water here, it makes me lose the Source.'

Isela frowns.

Amarea says 'I think I was down to about 40 at one point.'

Isela says 'Sarinda Sedai hasn't beaten that out of you yet?'

Amarea 's face pales as her eyes widen.

Amarea says 'Be-beat it out of me?'

Isela says 'A figure of speech, to be sure.'

Isela flashes a wily grin.

Amarea eyes you nervously and nods with a weak smile.

Amarea says 'Anyway, because seeing fire makes me lose the Source, I had to resort to trying to weave faster than you, which wasn't easy.'

Amarea says 'And then I ran out of energy, so I had to rest, but that gave you time for Blind to wear off.'

Isela says 'block aside, it's important to try to time tics and release the Source so you can regen faster.'

Isela says 'if you hold the Source through a tic, you won't regen.'

Amarea nods thoughtfully.

Isela says 'my sps didn't go below about half there due to that.'

Isela says 'and I had to waste a bunch blindly booming for you'

Amarea grins playfully.

Amarea says 'It makes me think about studying how to Cure Blindness.'

Isela nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'I was considering it, but wasn't sure how often I would experience it.'

Isela says 'definitely useful, though it may not be worth the pracs if you carry a draught. I just didn't happen to have one on me that time.'

Amarea says 'And I do have training in herbal lore, so I thought maybe I could just mix some herbal potions.'

Isela says 'if you're looking to go into battle against other channelers at some point though, always carry a draught.'

Amarea says with another smile, 'Light, Accepted, I guess I'm just glad I didn't freeze. I thought I might if you tried to use Fire against me.'

Amarea says 'Maybe my lessons are helping a little after all.'

Isela says 'working through that block after all.'

Isela nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Do you have any more advice on what I could do better?'

Isela says 'if you find yourself with the shoe on the other foot, and you are blind, make sure you have good zone knowledge and practice earthquake or sonic boom so you can still be of use.'

Isela says 'honestly though that was a really close fight and you did a great job.'

Isela smiles at Amarea.

Amarea smiles happily.

Isela says 'bust through that block and start using flame strike.'

Isela punches Amarea really hard in the arm...OUCH!

Amarea says 'Fire comes really weak to me. Chloro Sedai thought it was the block, but Sheriam Sedai thinks I just am really weak in the element.'

Isela nods, tilting her head to the side.

Amarea smiles proudly, 'But I have a strong affinity for Earth! And I might be able to do the Earthquake weave.'

Isela says 'earthquake is even faster than flame strike, just not as efficient.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'That's what I've read.'

Isela says 'but it'll work'

Amarea says 'It also sounds dangerous, potentially.'

Amarea frowns.

Isela says 'I saw an Aes Sedai kill three trollocs at once using it'

Amarea whistles appreciatively.

Amarea says 'Light! Who was that?'

Isela says 'her name escapes me, it was years ago. But it was awesome.'

Amarea nods in agreement.

Amarea says 'Accepted, can I ask you a question?'

Isela says 'always.'

Amarea says 'What exactly do you think it means to be an Accepted?'

Isela chuckles politely.

Amarea says 'I've been thinking more about it, but I don't quite know what to expect. I have an idea, but thought you might be able to share your thoughts.'

Isela says 'You're a Wearied Novice, nearly ready for the arches yourself. What do YOU think it means?'

Amarea thinks quietly, contemplating the question.

Amarea says 'For me in particular, it would mean...validation. That I have been judged, and found to have the merit and the necessary traits to continue in my studies. If I can break this block, I hope it would mean that the Aes Sedai see a potential in me, the potential to do things that will really help other people.'

Isela quirks her lips.

Amarea says 'For myself, it would mean that I have committed, in mind and spirit, to continue on my journey towards the shawl. It's a journey I never dreamed I would be on, but yet here we are. And the more I think about the future...the more I want that for myself.'

Isela nods slowly.

Isela says 'When I was a Novice, I didn't know if I wanted to become an Aes Sedai. There was no grand plan. I discovered I could channel and ended up here instead of dead or behind bars.'

Isela says 'Becoming an Accepted changed that. It gives you utter clarity in what you want most, and for me, that is to become an Aes Sedai.'

Amarea frowns, listening attentively.

Isela says 'If it's not the same for you, chances are you won't ever become an Accepted.'

Isela says 'So, to me, being an Accepted means I have decided for myself that becoming an Aes Sedai is the thing I want most.'

Amarea whispers, 'I think it is the same. I think I knew it in my heart, when I came to ask to be tested, but not in my head until recently.'

Isela says 'the proving it to others will come.'

Amarea says 'You've given me more to think about.'

Isela nods in agreement.

Amarea beams a broad smile from ear to ear.

Amarea says 'Thank you for the time. I think Aelrena Sedai is free and I was hoping to speak with her more about my block.'

Isela says 'time for battle. When I speak to you next, you better be able to show me a fireball.'

Amarea chuckles politely.

Isela waves.

Amarea says 'The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, Accepted.'

Amarea says 'But I don't know if that will happen this Age.'

Amarea smirks.

Isela ruffles Amarea's hair playfully.

Amarea says 'Good luck.'

Isela leaves west riding a warhorse. <<


Re: A Brief Debriefing

Post by Lys » Sat Jan 20, 2024 6:45 pm

awarded 2qps

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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: A Brief Debriefing

Post by Chloro » Wed Jan 24, 2024 6:09 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : +
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : -
Length bonus +1-2 qps : -
Summary: +1 qps : +

Amarea 2
Isela 1

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