You May Say I'm a Dreamer

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You May Say I'm a Dreamer

Post by Elmitsu » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:13 pm

Summary: Elmitsu takes a break from Aelrena Sedai's penance to speak with Ashlynn Sedai.

Characters: Accepted Elmitsu, Ashlynn Sedai


Solarium of the Yellow Ajah
Tall, arched windows offer a view of the island of Tar Valon and the
confluence of the river Erinin beyond Southharbor, as the river starts on
its journey to Tear. Pots and plants dot the balcony outside the windows.
Chairs have been drawn up near the windows and vases containing bouquets of
of yellow flowers have been placed nearby. Several desks and clusters of
chairs have been distributed around the room, allowing for informal
discussion of Yellow Sisters' research and studies.
Sumptuously upholstered, a gold brocade chaise lounge with gilded legs rests nearby.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [2]
Lady Ashlynn Alessandri is standing here.
A Yellow Sister glides past.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
Corele Hovian stands here with concern in her eyes.
A duck has arrived from the north.

Ashlynn looks at a duck.

Ashlynn pats a duck on its head.

Ashlynn gestures at the door with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Elmitsu drops into a precise curtsey that only wobbles a little near the end.

Ashlynn chuckles politely.

Ashlynn gestures to the chairs, offering you a seat.

Elmitsu smiles sweetly as she reclaims her balance. She moves toward the chair Ashlynn indicated.

Elmitsu says 'Thank you for letting me take a break, Aes Sedai.'

Ashlynn grins at Elmitsu.

Ashlynn says 'Am I letting you take a break? Or did you just decide to take your own break?'

Elmitsu does not know what do with her hands. They sort of flop in her lap like a beached fish.

Elmitsu says 'Please don't tell Aelrena Sedai that I was . . . looking for a break. She is . . .'

Elmitsu picks her words carefully, like a truffle-hunter, "She thought I was talking too much about that body in front of the Novices. I don't want her to be mad at me anymore."

Elmitsu concludes, "It -was- scary though."

Ashlynn walks over to Elmitsu, and takes her hand in her own.

Ashlynn says 'I can understand. The first time I saw something as horrific as that... it was shocking.'

Elmitsu allows Ashlynn to manipulate her hand, though she does flinch initially, as if she were not used to being touched in this way.

Elmitsu mumbles, "You couldn't even tell who it was."

Ashlynn says 'I hope it is not disturbing you much still.'

Elmitsu says resolutely, "I am trying not to think about it, Aes Sedai. So just when I'm . . . sleeping."

Elmitsu sneaks a peek at the Aes Sedai out of the corner of her eye.

Ashlynn rubs the girl's hand in her own, nodding along.

Ashlynn says 'How are you sleeping?'

Dark circles, not so purple as bruises, limn the Accepted’s eyes.

Ashlynn looks up at the girl's face, her cool gaze taking in the obvious signs of sleepless nights.

Elmitsu says as if offering some hard-won advice, "It's good to be -very- tired when you go to sleep, so you don't have to think."

Elmitsu adds, trying for playful, "And always lots to do around here."

Ashlynn lets her cool gaze down for a moment, and giggles like a younger girl might.

Elmitsu perks up at this momentary show of solidarity from the Yellow Sitter.

Ashlynn says 'That is true. While it is most serious to you, objectively, that is not the worst thing in the world you might have experienced.'

Ashlynn says 'I can think of at least two or three others that are arguably worse.'

Elmitsu nods, and--perhaps admirably--her lower lip does not wobble once as she says, "You are right, Aes Sedai. That is not even the worst thing that happened to me before I came here."

Ashlynn says 'In fact, if you wish to advance further, depending on which Ajah you choose to serve others from, you may regularly see corpses or mangled-yet-still-living individuals in need of assistance.'

Elmitsu 's eyes grow nearly three sizes larger as she listens to the Aes Sedai.

Ashlynn says 'Though for me, that's not such a big deal. I may have that look of cool and calm, but nothing terrifies me more than the idea of wearing simple white clothes and locking myself in a cell to meditate.'

Ashlynn shivers uncomfortably.

Ashlynn says 'It should go without saying I mean no disrespect to the sisters of the White Ajah. They do a great service at their part of the White Tower.'

Ashlynn says 'Just not for me, you know?'

Elmitsu giggles quietly at the Yellow's jest, again peeking to see if this is permissible.

Elmitsu says 'I really liked Raeza Sedai, but I have not seen her in sometime. That must be the quite the meditation she is doing.'

Ashlynn says 'Please, with me, speak plainly. Be straightforward. You may even show a little emotion.'

Ashlynn says 'But remember, that is just for me.'

Elmitsu nods slowly at the distinction Ashlynn draws.

Ashlynn says 'Other Aes Sedai have different expectations.'

Ashlynn says 'It sure helps that it was Aelrena Sedai. She often comes off a bit brutish for a Brown.'

Ashlynn says 'I am sure she has her reasons and believes them to be right.'

Elmitsu says gravely, "I disappointed her by talking too much."

Elmitsu says 'But I want her to like me. She was nice before.'

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Ashlynn says 'To be liked. Quite important if you wish to acquire the shawl.'

Elmitsu says 'I do . . . but I don't even know which color it should be.'

Ashlynn says 'You are young yet in your studies here at the White Tower. I have no doubt you will finish your penance satisfactorily, and win her favor back.'

Elmitsu says 'I guess that's a long time away for me.'

Ashlynn says 'Perhaps, perhaps not. It depends on how you apply yourself.'

Elmitsu 's smile returns at Ashlynn's encouragement.

Ashlynn says 'Maybe not tomorrow, or in a month or two. It might be sooner than you might think.'

Ashlynn says 'While the painstaking work of the penance might be a reminder to keep your tongue inside your mouth, I wonder if it is effective. I look at it like a treatment. If it doesn't fix the problem, then what is the point?'

Ashlynn says 'She is not wrong, as I am sure you know.'

Ashlynn says 'You do understand why that was a bad decision, right?'

Elmitsu appears on the verge of offering another excuse before clamping her mouth shut.

Elmitsu says 'Yes, Aes Sedai. I . . . I just like being the center of attention. I knew I shouldn't tell them the story, that it would scare them.'

Ashlynn says 'That it would scare them, yes. That is one reason. Are you able to think of any more? How else might it cause problems in our mission?'

Elmitsu pauses whatever she was about to say next as if Ashlynn has asked a question she hadn't considered before.

Elmitsu says 'Well . . . maybe it should be a secret . . . so that you can catch the bad man who did it.'

Ashlynn says 'That is true. It is not what I was looking for, though.'

Ashlynn says 'Let me rephrase it.'

Elmitsu appears engrossed in Ashlynn's line of questioning, scooting forward on the edge of her chair.

Elmitsu says 'Well, they are young girls. It might scare them so much that they aren't able to continue their training.'

Ashlynn says 'Exactly.'

Elmitsu juts out her chin proudly, "I faced my fears, but they haven't yet."

Ashlynn says 'There is at least one other thing of note I can see coming from this. If you wish to acquire the shawl, you must learn when to speak plainly, and when to be mysterious.'

Ashlynn says 'When to talk, when not to talk, and so on.'

Ashlynn says 'There are times when we are out in the world undertaking a mission and find ourselves not wanting to reveal who we are and what we do for one reason or another.'

Ashlynn says 'For one example, I went on a short trip to Amadicia to acquire a sample of some stone once.'

Elmitsu clearly responds to this aspect of an Aes Sedai's career, her smile in danger of escaping the confines of her face.

Ashlynn says 'Had I been inexperienced, I could very well have made a mistake in uttering something that would identify me as a member of the White Tower. A Hand of the Light was actually in the area. Fortunately, I was able to travel under cover of darkness, and did not run into him nor have to talk
to him.'

Elmitsu says 'The Whitecloaks almost got you?'

Ashlynn says 'Had I not been trained properly in speaking, I could have lost my life easily.'

Ashlynn laughs heartily at the mention of "almost".

Elmitsu hangs on Ashlynn's words as if suspended by hooks.

Ashlynn says 'Nowhere near. I doubt he even knew I was there.'

Ashlynn says 'At least, not until I was safely within the Two Rivers and Andor, when he rode right past me.'

Ashlynn gets a plate of roast lamb with apple jelly from a desk.

Ashlynn eats a plate of roast lamb with apple jelly.

Ashlynn gets a cup of thready brown tea from an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag.

Ashlynn puts a cup of thready brown tea in an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag.

Ashlynn stops using a cup.

Ashlynn drinks hot, bitter tea from a cup.

Ashlynn says 'There is some food on the desk, if you are hungry. Feel free to indulge.'

Ashlynn says 'I don't have any drinks. Sorry.'

Elmitsu gets a plate with bread and green veined cheese from a desk.

Elmitsu helps herself at the Aes Sedai's urging.

Ashlynn puts a plate of kippered eel in a desk.

Elmitsu says 'Thank you for telling me that story.'

Elmitsu says 'The Whitecloaks can be sc-scary. One stabbed me in the Tower once! But Tolza Sedai healed me.'

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Ashlynn says 'It sounds to me like you have some good ideas already about why you should not have spoke of that in this case, and you are well on your way to learning how to use language effectively to complete whatever task you wish to complete.'

Elmitsu says 'I am going to practice, Aes Sedai.'

Ashlynn says 'One thing that might not only be amusing but able to demonstrate this lesson is the effect of speaking of such scandalous things and how rumors work.'

Elmitsu perks up again, her back as straight as if it were attended by a ruler.

Ashlynn says 'I do not know how familiar you are with the concept, but what you told those novices...'

Ashlynn says 'They might retell the story, omit some detail, or add their own.'

Ashlynn says 'Then another girl will do the same, and again.'

Ashlynn says 'And at the end of the web of rumors, some poor girl is going to get her ass beat by Sheriam Sedai for trying to say that Ishamael himself was found in a mangled mess nailed to the doors of the Green Ajah.'

Ashlynn throws back her head and cackles with insane glee!

Elmitsu 's laugh bursts from her so full-throatedly that she seems surprised, clamping her mouth shut with one hand moments too late.

Ashlynn says 'Try it if you wish, do not involve my name. I'll keep an eye and an ear to see if I hear anything as fanciful as that.'

Ashlynn nudges Elmitsu suggestively. They have an understanding.

Elmitsu smiles slyly, "Practice makes perfect, after all, Aes Sedai."

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Ashlynn says 'About your sleep patterns. Have you tried anything besides making yourself so tired?'

Elmitsu says 'I try not to eat or drink anything an hour or two before bed, but that's all, Aes Sedai.'

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Ashlynn says 'I would suggest looking for some sleepwell root. Make a tea from it, and drink before bed. It should help you rest easier.'

Elmitsu mouths the word, "Sleepwell" under her breath as if committing it to memory.

Ashlynn says 'We typically do not dabble too much in herbs. After all, the One Power is superior for healing.'

Ashlynn says 'There is also another possibility, though I am not well-trained in it. Perhaps Alison Sedai might be able to help you with it. I was going to suggest making some time for yourself to meditate or practice some kind of mindfulness.'

Ashlynn says 'It's also possible, if you are strong in Spirit, to control your dreams.'

Ashlynn says 'It takes a lot of practice though, and if you don't have the Talent, it might even be dangerous.'

Elmitsu offers proudly, "My teachers say that Spirit is one of my strongest elements, Aes Sedai."

Ashlynn says 'Have you ever experienced something in your dreams where you felt like you had total command of what you were doing, even if just for a few minutes?'

Elmitsu says 'Sometimes I try to dream about home, and it's like I'm there.'

Ashlynn says 'It may very well be that you were there.'

Ashlynn grins at Elmitsu.

Ashlynn says 'Have you ever tried to dream about something somewhere else and find yourself having a similar feeling?'

Elmitsu leans in a touch conspiratorially, "One time I cut my finger in a dream, and I swear it was bleeding when I woke up. Do you think I'm crazy?"

Ashlynn says 'Crazy, no. Do I find it extremely unlikely? Yes.'

Elmitsu says 'That's why I didn't tell anybody. I don't want everybody to think I'm a liar.'

Ashlynn says 'In your waking, you might not have thought to do this, but I will ask anyway. Did you happen to inspect your surroundings to be sure you did not do it while you were asleep? Maybe you left your dagger sitting out, or found a splinter?'

Elmitsu says 'It could have been any of those things, I think. I was a little too out of sorts to notice. I like to dream about home, but like it used to be. Before I left.'

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Ashlynn says 'The reason I say it is not crazy, but highly unlikely...'

Ashlynn leans in closer, and begins to speak in a low voice.

Ashlynn says 'What you are suggesting is that you might have a long lost Talent called Dreamwalking.'

Ashlynn leans back, and sits down on a chaise.

Elmitsu says 'Like being awake in your dreams?'

Ashlynn says 'Essentially.'

Ashlynn says 'There may be some books on it, no doubt in the restricted sections, because it can be dangerous.'

Ashlynn says 'Things that happen to you there can certainly affect you in the waking world.'

Elmitsu mumbles, "The restricted section," under her breath.

Ashlynn says 'It is said that there is a place called The Unseen World, or World of Dreams'

Ashlynn grins at Elmitsu.
Ashlynn says 'Maybe after you finish your penance, and impress Aelrena Sedai some more, you might obtain a pass from her to view such materials.'

Elmitsu 's eyes are larger than saucers, "I am going to do that, Aes Sedai."

Elmitsu mumbles something about a "dream world."

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Elmitsu returns to the present moment, looking at the Yellow Sitter as if she is the most fascinating person Elmitsu has ever met.

Ashlynn says 'I must warn you though, things that happen there can affect you in the waking world. You might not even have the Talent, as the Talent is just to do so at will.'

Elmitsu says 'Like my finger . . .'

Ashlynn says 'You may have just inadvertently visited it on those occasions. Who is to say?'

Ashlynn says 'What I am trying to say is that you must be careful, and I would advise you against doing it while Accepted.'

Elmitsu is nodding along, though half to herself.

Ashlynn pauses, considering her next words. She puts on a serious and serene face and looks at Elmitsu.

Ashlynn says 'But if it is impossible to resist, you must be extraordinarily careful.'

Ashlynn says 'Have you ever had a dream where you were about to die, but you woke up right before the sword ran you through or you hit the bottom of the chasm?'

Elmitsu nods eagerly, "Oh, yes, Aes Sedai. You wake up with your heart hammering in your chest."

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Ashlynn says 'If you are able to enter the dream at will, and you are not practiced... If you find yourself in such a situation and you are unable to leave the dream on command.'

Ashlynn says 'If you die there, you are done.'

Ashlynn says 'The reason we wake up, I think, is because we inadvertently or otherwise subconsciously entered the dream, maybe for a few seconds despite it feeling like an eternity, and our bodies know that we must leave or else face permanent consequences.'

Little motes of flesh stand at attention on Elmitsu’s arms like soldiers.

Ashlynn says 'Please, keep that in mind. I do not want to lose an Accepted.'

Elmitsu looks as though several emotions are warring for supremacy on her face: fear, excitement, wonder, disbelief. Her lower lip moves up and down before she finally snaps it shut.

Ashlynn says 'It goes without saying it might be best not to talk openly to everyone about this.'

Ashlynn says 'If you would like, I will inquire if we have any sisters in particular who have done research on this subject.'

Elmitsu says 'Sometimes we must be mysterious.'

Elmitsu says 'I would like that very much, Aes Sedai.'

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Ashlynn says 'You can probably take a guess at what would happen if you told this to another initiate.'

Elmitsu 's body nearly vibrates with evidence of her excitement, but she does a passable job of managing her sense of decorum.

Ashlynn says 'You don't want the rumor going around about the crazy Accepted who claims to visit far exotic lands at will in her dreams.'

Elmitsu says 'They already talk about me enough.'

Ashlynn grins at Elmitsu.

whois myrtle
Myrtle of the Malkieri Diaspora is a level 25 White Tower human.

Ashlynn says 'I wonder which one is better, the girl who found a dead body or the girl who walks the dream?!'

Ashlynn says 'One is certainly more fanciful.'

Elmitsu says 'Maybe those are both better than the girl with the boy block or the girl who got stabbed.'

Ashlynn says 'Boy block, that's a new one. Tell me about that.'

Elmitsu says 'I was a wilder, Aes Sedai.'

Ashlynn says 'I thought you were the ex-damane.'

Ashlynn makes a wretched face at the mouthing of the Seanchan word.

Elmitsu clearly tries to put her best face on this story, "Oh, no! That would be terrible."

Elmitsu says 'I just . . . when I got here, I could only channel when holding a boy's hand.'

Elmitsu smiles sheepishly.

Ashlynn snickers softly.

Elmitsu says 'So I spent a lot of time in the Practice yard.'

Elmitsu says 'Studying.'

Ashlynn says 'That is so cute, yet unacceptable. I take it you whittled down and broke your block.'

Ashlynn says 'And now, you are accepted! Accepted.'

Ashlynn claps approvingly.

Elmitsu says 'The Grays helped me . . . they tricked me, frankly. But it was a good trick.'

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Elmitsu says 'Because now I can channel whenever I want.'

Elmitsu adds, "And that is better than anything. Even boys."

Ashlynn chuckles politely.

Ashlynn says 'Well, I have some other things to attend to. Let's not forget the reason you came here in the first place.'

Elmitsu senses Ashlynn connecting to the True Source.

Ashlynn walks over to Elmitsu, and grabs her hands.

Elmitsu tenses up momentarily but then relaxes into the Aes Sedai's care.

Ashlynn channels several threads of water, earth, and spirit.

Ashlynn deftly combines the threads into a weave that heals the fatigue of Elmitsu's hands, making them good as new for plenty of boring bookbinding.

Ashlynn says 'You should practice that with Aleera if you are to continue doing that penance for some time. I may not always be around to help.'

Ashlynn grins evilly.

Elmitsu flexes her hands experimentally.

Elmitsu balls her hands into fists and moderates her urge to shout, "It's like they never hurt before!"

Ashlynn says 'You may consider yourself dismissed. Remember everything I told you. I look forward to hearing tales of the girl who caught a dragon in the Tower's dungeon.'

Ashlynn gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Elmitsu rises from the chair upon which she perched and scurries toward the door. She drops another low curtsey which she manages with her now-healed hands.

Elmitsu says 'Thank you, Aes Sedai! Truly!'

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Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2019 7:13 am

Re: You May Say I'm a Dreamer

Post by Evaine » Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:10 pm

Ashlynn: 1 qp
Elmitsu: 1 qp

Please retrieve your offline reward.

(Very creative of Elmitsu to use an object in the room, i.e. the mangled corpse, to generate some great RP content. Nice work!)

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