Thinking about the "Why" before acting

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Thinking about the "Why" before acting

Post by nori » Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:33 pm

Summary: Accepted Isela visits with Alison Sedai of the White Ajah for discussion over the differences in the White and Red Ajah and how her path has differed or compared similarly as a result of her choice in Ajah.

POV: Nori
Characters: Alison Sedai, Nori, Amarea

RP-lizer and light editing


Alison nods in agreement.

Alison says 'Where would you like to talk?'

Nori says 'wherever you find is most comfortable for a discussion on different Ajahs this evening Alison Sedai.'

Alison says 'If its casual talking , then here is fine for now.'

Alison sits down on a bench.

Nori says 'I suppose it is.'

Nori says 'may I join you, Aes Sedai?'

Alison nods in agreement.

Alison says 'Alison sedai is fine, Nori.'

Nori wafts onto another pristinely kept bench just across from Alison Sedai.

Nori says 'Lately I have shown some interest in the Red Ajah. More than average one might say, but as
a result I have found myself in contact with hopefully my would be teacher for the foreseeable future
if I am so lucky, Sarinda Sedai.'

Alison says 'She is formidable person.'

Nori says 'Sarinda Sedai has encouraged me to do my due diligence in effort to make sure that I am
making the right choice when it comes to selecting an Ajah for apprenticing. This matter strikes me
as one of philosophy of sorts, in pursuit of the "why" we do things.'

Nori says 'it is interesting enough, that I now sit across from a very well known and equally
formidable White Ajah sister, being you Alison Sedai.'

Nori smiles politely, her piercing eyes framing a face of admiration for her Sedai.

Alison smiles happily.

Alison says 'Why is tied to everything isnt it.'

Alison says 'Why sit when you can stand.'

Alison says 'Why red instead of green..'

Nori allows a tiny smile to creep across her serene face.

Alison says 'Why is a singular strong pursuit in every choice.'

Alison says 'Without why, there is no where or when or if.'

Nori says 'yes, that's just what I mean to ask of you this evening in a sense. I spoke with Kitiara
Sedai not long ago and I asked her the same thing. Why the Blues and how they differ from the path
of a Red. Her answer of "why" was very intriguing and thought provoking to me.'

Alison says 'Elaborate'

Nori says 'so, I would like to know from you Alison Sedai, how you feel the life of a White Ajah might
differ from the path of a Red Ajah in the same capacity as I had asked Kitiara Sedai.'

Nori sits quietly, her eyes focused with intent.

Alison says 'Well nori.'

Alison says 'I am definitely not red.'

Maynard looks at Alison.

Alison says 'That is a fact. Red Ajah has a particular focus honed with skills.'

Alison says 'The White Ajah pursuit is the power of the mind.'

Nori nods quietly, considering the path to apprenticeship that was laid before her by Sarinda.

Alison says 'For a White Ajah sister like myself. My why for sitting is to calculate the variances
of others walking past. The winters progression.'

Nori contemplates the changing of seasons, the natural progression of the natural world as it
wanes from cold to hot and eventually returning to it's original state from which it came and went
once more.

Amarea has arrived from the north.

Alison says 'My singular purpose is to be the mind to everyone that requires it. To be white is to
have the power to hold our emotions at bay and strife to make sense of the world through what we use
in our mind. Thus that is the fundamental difference.'

Amarea curtseys gracefully.

Nori smiles at Amarea as she makes her presence known within the square.

Alison beams a smile at Amarea.

Nori stands and curtseys to Amarea briefly before taking her seat once more.

Alison says 'Red Ajah see a dreadlord.'

Alison says 'As you did earlier and want to rush to go gentle or kill'

Amarea says 'Beggin' your pardon, didn't mean to interrupt, Aes Sedai.'

Alison says 'I would do the same, but it is not my singular purpose to do so.'

Alison says 'You may listen in Amarea.'

Alison says 'Purpose is tied to why.'

Alison says 'Can you figure that out?'

Nori says 'I think learning to control emotions, specially that of an eager Journey Accepted is
something I should mark as worth putting more time and effort into as I continue progressing.'

Amarea listens intently as she tries to follow the conversation.

Alison says 'Exactly. I don't require every single apprentice to be superior White inside their new

Alison says 'Just a tinge of being able to put emotions aside and use your mind is what I require.'

Nori says 'I think without the ability to harness those emotions, that eagerness in this phase of my
life, perhaps I'm leaving a lot on the table in terms of personal progression and sound decision

Alison pauses a moment, eyeing Nori up and down.

Nori says 'I fear sometimes, when you're trying to show your value, it might be perceived as easy to
jump at the opportunity to perhaps rush into battle and make a mark, but sound decision making
prevails in the end. Perhaps saving me from a decision I can not undo.'

Alison nods in agreement.

Nori says 'at least that's how I perceive the pitfalls I have presented with myself.'

Alison says 'I applaud the energy my fellow white tower folks have to rush into battle, emotions

Alison says 'Yet that can at least be turned against you.'

Nori says 'I think if nothing else I can make a reminder to myself to try and stop and think about my
actions, more so than I have given them the time and consideration they deserves as I continue to
grow and progress on my own path.'

Nori says 'in what ways are the White Ajah and Red Ajah alike, Alison Sedai?'

Alison says 'Strong willed?'

Alison says 'Capable of fighting male channelers and dreadlords.'

Amarea grins from her spot resting by the fountain as she listens in.

Nori tries to suppress a curt smile at the sound of being "strong willed".

Alison says 'Able to trace where male channelers have been and track them down. Sometimes to gentle

Nori says 'I would agree they are strong women indeed, Alison Sedai.'

Alison says 'Being able to know the fundamental difference between a hunter or a man pretending to
be a hunter.'

Nori says 'do you think that male channelers hurt people by choice or is it the sickness, the taint
that drives them to fundamentally harm others in the end?'

Alison says 'That is the difference I think. As for me my analyses stems further. If you are born
with a defective toe.'

Alison says 'Do you cut off the toe to spite the rest of yourself?'

Nori says 'I've never met a male channeler personally, only through stories I'm afraid. I have never known a young one and followed their life over a span of several years to witness the transformation of such a man.'

Alison says 'Or do you make it work for you? What if culling all the men in the world is a dangerous

Nori takes a moment to consider the depth of the the conversation.

Alison says 'Lets take a breather. Think of the all the males in the world at this very moment'

Alison says 'Tell me what you analyze.'

male in the world at this moment:
Brandal of Jornhill {Forester Applicant}
Maynard the Squire [Shienaran Lancer]
Sobek Sob, Adventurer's Support Guild
7 Lord Rhys the Blood of Manetheren [Red Eagle Blademaster]
Glynn the Forester Second [Forester Council]
Lyam Gallagher [Saldaean Cavalry Blademaster]
Harker the Merchant [Kandori Merchants' Guild]
Lord Adael Le'Ada, Knight of the Rose Crown, Captain of Queen Morgase's Elite [Queen's Guard]
Bardoc of Murandy
Denzel of Altara
Akayle of Illian
Casimire of Two Rivers
Valjean of Illian

13 males displayed

Nori says 'there are many.'

Nori says 'some we know of, and some not so familiar names.'

Alison says 'Process of elimination.'

Alison says '1 out of 10 has the possibility to be a male channeler'

Amarea blinks her eyes innocently.

Nori says 'perhaps commoners, perhaps something deeper. Then again, there have been those that seek to
operate under disguises such as history teaches us.'

Alison nods in agreement.

Nori says 'the Wall Guard, the Children of the Light, and others have all harbored men who can

Nori frowns dismally at the idea.

Alison says 'So in a way, that's how reds and whites think alike. We strive to analyze men of the world daily.'

Alison says 'Exactly'

Alison says 'But as a white. I wont go hunting all of the males on the who list.'

Amarea says 'Alison Sedai, beggin' your pardon, but...What are you looking for specifically?'

Alison says 'But as a red apprentice, you might wonder why this person is here. Then suddenly

Amarea says 'How can just looking at a name tell us if he might have the ability to weave the One

Alison says 'That is the most loaded question on the planet, Amarea.'

Amarea blushes furiously.

Alison says 'ok do this'

Nori says 'a Red Ajah might be more inclined to investigate more deeply on a matter. More concerned
with tinier details that might reveal larger stories as to the "why" or "how" that man operates.'

Alison says 'Tell me where I am from'

Females present in the world
Kaitlin the Journey Accepted [White Tower]
Amarea Helsen the Fledgling Novice [White Tower]
Alison of Murandy
Nori Solek, Journey Accepted [White Tower]
Isela Adelwhin, Tower Accepted [White Tower]
Aelrena Solyan [Brown Ajah Sitter]
Vianca the Elder Sister [Green Ajah Sitter]
Aloe the Gate Guard [Wall Guard]

8 females present in the world at this time.

Amarea smiles as she studies you. 'Oh, you are from Murandy, too.'

Nori nods in agreement.

Alison of Murandy is a human.
A slender woman stands here. Her Ash-blond hair cut in a pixie style. Her heart shaped face
highlights sharp blue eyes and her face is devoid of emotion.

Alison says 'so lets say 10 females are from Murandy due to their status.'

Alison says 'and suddenly bob from Murandy pops up.'

Alison says 'Why would a hunter choose Murandy if Saldaae is better..'

Nori says 'there's the "Why" again, deductive reasoning that strikes my interest deeply when there are
alternatives available yet cast aside.'

Amarea frowns as she considers the question. 'Are you meaning to say that there could be some kind
of...blood line to it? That the nationality matters?'

Amarea says 'Are Murandians more likely to have the ability to channel?'

Alison says 'or that as a male channeler he strives to have the same status as female channelers.'

Nori takes a seat on a pristinely kept park bench.

Amarea sits down on a bench.

Alison says 'Does that make sense to you?'

Nori says 'yes Alison Sedai.'

Alison says 'Bob from Murandy is the extreme.'

Nori says 'I think it does resonate well. '

Alison says 'Steps after that is to just be in the same zone as them. Monitor their movements.'

Alison says 'Go on forums and check how many logs said person has posted. Are they heavily edited.'

Alison says 'To hide the one power from the prying eyes of others.'

Nori scowls at the idea.

Alison says 'Why is bob in Caemlyn then suddenly on Tremalking.'

Alison says 'Being red is to find those men. White will analyze the data and mull it over. Then hand
that data over to the Red Ajah.'

Alison says 'Took me 3 months to track Nooro's movements.'

Nori says 'what I have learned so far other than that the White Ajah and the Red Ajah are both strong
willed and capable coincide with what makes them quite different. The pursuit of proper decision
making, some that may take longer than others, long after the feeling or need to rush in to pursue a
man who channels might consider at times.'

Alison nods in agreement.

Nori says 'I would like to think there is a striking of a balance between the both.'

Nori smiles politely, clearly very happy with this explanation.

Alison says 'White Ajah go for the long term solution. Red Ajah goes in and gentles, kills or takes
out the channeler or dreadlord instantly.

Nori says 'well, Alison Sedai this has been excellent. I have learned much and really appreciate your
willingness to let me ask such thought provoking questions this evening without an appointment.'

Alison says 'Always.'

Amarea says 'So there are some differences not just in the actions, but also the reasoning behind
the actions, of sisters of the Red and White Ajahs.'

Alison nods in agreement.

Nori stands from her seated position and curtseys deeply once more in admiration.

Alison says 'yes.'

Nori says 'thank you so much for spending some time with me this evening, the perspective I have
gained is very eye opening for me.'

Alison grins beautifully.

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Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2019 7:13 am

Re: Thinking about the "Why" before acting

Post by Evaine » Thu Dec 14, 2023 7:11 am

Alison: 1 qp
Nori: 1 qp

Please pick up your offline QPS.

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