A Wagon Explodes

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A Wagon Explodes

Post by Isela » Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:28 pm

Summary: Accepted Isela visits with Aelrena Sedai about why she joined the Brown Ajah.

POV: Isela
Characters: Isela, Aelrena

RP-lizer and light editing


Study of the Brown Ajah
Tall, arched windows in the northern wall open to a balcony, providing a
choice view of the Erinin as it flows south from the Borderlands. Half the
seating in the room is drawn up around the windows, showing that the
occupants appreciate the panorama. The remaining seats are drawn up in
circles of six to eight, allowing Brown Sisters to discuss the furtherance
of knowledge, or new theories in an informal atmosphere. Colorful wall
hangings depicting still lifes decorate the pale white walls.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door south: door
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
Aelrena Solyan is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Brown Sister is here, frowning pensively.
Danelle Sedai, sitter for the Brown Ajah stands here deep in thought.

Isela curtseys to her audience.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena looks at Isela.

Isela says 'Greetings Aelrena Sedai, thank you for seeing me.'

Aelrena says 'You are quite welcome, I suspect a break from these reports will do me some good.'

Aelrena moves a stack of papers from her lap and onto the window sill beside her.

Aelrena says 'Now, you said that you wished to meet?'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Isela nods in agreement.

Isela says 'I would very much like to learn why you joined the Brown Ajah'

Aelrena stifles a laugh behind her hand.

Aelrena says 'Why do you think that I joined the Brown Ajah, Isela?'

Aelrena says 'I'm certain there's a record of it in the library, I believe Amilesa asked me
something similar.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Isela frowns.

Isela says 'I haven't met Amilesa, but I'll check the library.'

Aelrena shakes her head.

Aelrena says 'There's no need, it was a statement of fact, not an admonition.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Isela says 'I imagine it's because you have an affinity for the collection and preservation of

Aelrena chuckles politely.

Aelrena says 'That is part of it, yes. What else could there be?'

Aelrena looks at Isela archly.

Isela says 'Maybe it's because you're more prone to introversion, like me.'

Aelrena nods at Isela.

Isela says 'I have always been somewhat of a loner, but I have learned not to be too quick to judge
others of that.'

Aelrena says 'That is also true. My schedule was very different compared to my sisters for an
extended period of time as well, which is something that the Brown is known for.'

Isela tilts her head in thought.

Aelrena watches the Accepted, her lips quirked up at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Any other reasons you can think of?'

Isela says 'How would a different schedule have an effect on your choice of Ajah?'

Aelrena shakes her head.

Aelrena says 'It did not. I merely meant it to share a touch more about myself.'

Isela says 'Ah. Do you mean to say you're more of a night owl?'

Aelrena stifles a laugh behind her hand.

Aelrena says 'That IS what I mean, yes. I suppose that is the better way to say it.'

Isela says 'You must forgive me, Aes Sedai. I grew up in the fields of Murandy, then moved to the
streets of Lugard. I do not have a great way with words... yet.'

Aelrena says 'Think nothing of it, Isela. Not every woman is meant to spend her time poring over
tomes and considering the exact verbiage which might make her points clear.'

Isela nods.

Isela says 'Would you mind telling me how long you've been in service to the Brown?'

Aelrena ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Isela adds quickly, 'I do not mean to offend. Please do not answer if you don't want to.'

Aelrena says 'I suppose that would depend on which calendar you're using. I would assume you mean
the one created by Uren din Jubal Soaring Gull?'

Aelrena says 'The Farede calendar that is.'

Isela nods, 'Yes.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'I've worn the shawl for only a few years. I'm not surprised you don't remember my time
as Accepted though, I was not the most social of girls, as you yourself can relate to.'

Isela nods, a look of understanding on her face.

Isela says 'I thought I recognized you, which is why I asked. Thank you for indulging me.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Of course.'

Aelrena says 'Now the answer to your question.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'I chose the Brown Ajah because I felt that it was the place that I could make the
greatest difference in the world, and because when I met Catisune Sedai I knew without a shadow of a
doubt that I'd like for her to be my mentor.'

Isela folds her hands in front of her, listening intently.

Isela says 'Has it turned out the way you felt?'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'It has. I've learned more than I ever thought possible since I gained the shawl of the

Isela says 'What things haven't lived up to your expectations?'

Aelrena ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aelrena idly twists the great serpent ring upon her finger.

Aelrena says 'I don't believe that any other Accepted has asked me that.'

Isela 's face goes wooden a moment before softening.

Isela says 'I tend to speak plainly, Aelrena Sedai. Please excuse my bluntness.'

Aelrena says 'I wouldn't say there is a part that has not lived up to my expectations. I would say
there are things which I did not expect.'

Aelrena says 'The greatest example of this is the amount of camaraderie between Ajahs after gaining
the shawl.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Isela says 'Is that to say, there's more camaraderie than you thought?'

Aelrena nods at Isela.

Aelrena says 'It is.'

Isela says 'That's heartening to hear.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'It is truly like coming home.'

Isela says 'Are there things specifically about the Brown that you did not expect?'

Aelrena ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aelrena says 'How often I'd be asked to leave the Tower and take care of criminals.'

Aelrena grins evilly.

Isela smirks.

Aelrena says 'That's the only answer you can expect for that question.'

Isela nods in agreement.

Aelrena smiles thinly as she watches the Accepted.

Aelrena says 'Did you have any further questions?'

Isela thinks hard.

Isela says 'You mentioned you joined because you felt you could make the biggest impact with
the Brown'

Aelrena arches an eyebrow.

Isela says 'Can you share any projects you've done recently?'

Aelrena ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Recently my time in my studies have been spent testing angreal and ter'angreal that
the Tower discovers. As far as any specific projects that you might be aware of, there are none.'

Isela nods, her eyes lighting a bit at the mention of angreal.

Isela says 'If I were to join the Brown, that is precisely what I would want to do.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Isela says 'Angreal and ter'angreal are fascinating to me. Have you studied the ones that hamper use of
certain threads of the Power?'

Aelrena says 'It is dangerous work, where you endanger not just your life, but your identity as Aes
Sedai itself.'

Aelrena says 'Not in detail, I have not. I've seldom found time to leave the Tower in the last few

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Isela nods. 'I've heard it's very dangerous to test them. It sounds like a noble cause with all of
the things they can do, though.'

Aelrena says 'I'm glad to hear that you have an interest in Ter'angreal, though I find myself

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'I think most girls are fascinated, though few so much so they're willing to study them
after the understand the risks.'

Isela says 'Perhaps I'm a bit too headstrong to let the risks ward me off.'
Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'And do you believe that is a positive or negative trait?'

Aelrena arches an eyebrow.

Isela says 'It's absolutely both.'

Isela smiles at Aelrena.

Aelrena stifles a laugh behind her hand.

Aelrena says 'I'm glad to hear you see it that way.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Allow me to pose a question to you then, child.'

Isela says 'If you ever are testing a ter'angreal and you believe it's safe enough to allow me to join
you, please seek me out.'

Isela nods at Aelrena.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'I will keep it in mind, child.'

Aelrena says 'Now, what is it that you consider to be most integral to who you are?'

Aelrena leans back in her perch upon the window sill, her back pressed against the glass as she
crosses her arms across her chest.

Isela studies the air in front of her a moment.

Isela regains her composure, saying 'It's certainly my independence.'

Isela says 'I lost my father at a young age and became orphaned on the streets of Lugard.'

Aelrena's lips twitch ever so slightly.

The carveddoor closes quietly.

Isela says 'In truth, it's been a challenge fitting in here at the Tower because I'm so used to taking
care of myself.'

Isela says 'We use family terms to describe our relationship with one another, and for much of my life,
I haven't had one.'

Aelrena nods at Isela.

Aelrena says 'I can understand how that would be difficult, though I myself came from a rather large

Isela says 'Were they supportive of you when you went to the Tower?'

Aelrena sighs loudly.

Aelrena's eyes briefly move to a bag under her stack of paperwork before her gaze returns to the
Accepted, "No, I suspect most would not have defined them as supportive."

Isela frowns.

Isela says 'Unfortunately most of the other Accepted I've spoken to have said similar things.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'The wheel weaves as the wheel wills. Perhaps it is better for some. It is easier to
leave the past behind when there is a clean cut.'

Isela nods thoughtfully.

Aelrena says 'But that is neither here nor there.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'You say that your independence is a core to who you are.'

Isela nods firmly.

Aelrena says 'In consideration of this, what do you feel most called to do?'

Aelrena arches an eyebrow.

Aelrena says 'If I gave you leave right now, with no bar for your skill level, to do whatever you
like, what would you find yourself doing?'

Isela strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Isela says 'I would travel the world'

Aelrena says 'Oh? For what purpose?'

Isela says 'Great question. That's what I've been honing as an Accepted.'

Aelrena arches an eyebrow.

Isela says 'Each Ajah seems to have a great purpose, but I've found myself aligning mostly with Green
and Red. I chose to apply as an apprentice to the Red because I now believe that protecting the
abuse of the One Power and preventing another Breaking is the best way to help us survive until the
Last Battle.'

Isela says 'So pre-Tower Isela travels the world with her independence. Red Sister Isela does the same,
with a purpose that will benefit from her affinity.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Allow me to make sure I'm understanding correctly.'

Isela nods, folding her hands at her waist.

Aelrena says 'Given leave to do anything, you would travel for the purpose of making the world safer
in preperation for Tarmon Gai'don?'

Isela says 'Yes, but specifically by stopping misuse of the One Power.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Why?'

Isela grins.

Aelrena says 'Why is stopping the misuse of the One Power so important?'

Aelrena says 'Do not give me an answer about the breaking.'

Aelrena leans forward, her index finger poking the girl in the center of her chest, "Why is it
important to YOU, Isela."

Isela says 'The "correct" answer is to stop another Breaking, but I didn't live through that, so it
doesn't hit home.'

Aelrena nods at Isela.

Isela says 'The reason for me is two-fold:'

Isela says 'One, when I first learned I could channel, it was an explosive discovery... to the tune of
a destroyed wagon and team of horses.'

Isela says 'Two, once I learned to control myself here at the Tower, I discovered that I am quite above
-average at combat weaves.'

Aelrena nods along as she listens to the Accepted.

Aelrena arches an eyebrow.

Isela says 'So I witnessed first-hand what it's like to misuse the Power, and then I developed a
skillset that allows me to directly combat it.'

Aelrena says 'So it's a matter solely of skill to you?'

Aelrena says 'You had an experience, and now you've developed a skillset, so now you feel the best
place for is the Red?'

Isela says 'My improving skill is a benefit that will help me better serve the purpose. The reason I
care about the purpose is because I did real damage.'

Isela says 'I've found most strong beliefs build upon an initial deeply impactful personal experience,
don't you, Aelrena Sedai?'

Aelrena cocks her head to the side before a wide smile breaks across her face, "It is a good answer.
I hope that you are proud of it."

Isela smiles, her eyes showing a bit of twinkle.

Aelrena says 'I have found the same.'

Aelrena says 'But if I do not push then perhaps you shall find in a few years time that perhaps
you'd have be more at home among the yellows, or perhaps among the Gray.'

Isela takes a turn at stifling the laugh.

Aelrena says 'I will remind you that while having a particular skillset is important, you should
also enjoy the work that you do.'

Isela nods in agreement.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Isela says 'I will have to ask the Reds if they enjoy the work they do.'

Aelrena says 'We measure our lives in centuries girl. That is a long time indeed to be bound to a
task that you do not cherish.'

Aelrena says 'Now, do you have any more questions for me?'

Isela nods thoughtfully.

Isela says 'No. I appreciate the time you've spent here Aelrena Sedai. You've given me much to think

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'You are quite welcome. Feel free to reach out should you need to discuss anything

Aelrena gestures with her hand.

Isela nods, dropping a curtsy.

The door smoothly swings open.

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Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:10 pm
Location: Kalamazoo, MI

Re: A Wagon Explodes

Post by Sarinda » Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:07 pm

Isela: 2 RPQPs
Aelrena: 2 QPs

I enjoyed this spin on a common question (“Why did you join your Ajah?”) that prompts Isela to explain herself and shows more about her backstory and personality in the process. I enjoyed this give-and-take and appreciate the ways Aelrena prompted Isela to think more critically about her choices. Thanks for sharing.

Please say "receive" at a silver-haired Aes Sedai for your rewards.

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