Weighing Heart and Mind on the Scales

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Weighing Heart and Mind on the Scales

Post by Chloro » Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:18 am

Accepted Aleera comes to speak with Chloro Sedai on her progress, and through discussion a deeper question is found left for Aleera to answer. What does one do when the heart knows the path forward, but the mind has yet to catch up?

Point of View: Chloro
Participants: Chloro, Aleera

Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.

Chloro pulls a white leather folder with multicolored corners and embossed writing. Carefully she opens it reviewing the contents and nodding before looking to Annoura. "So few come to use with potential anymore sister, one begins to wonder if the wheel is not turning against us in this age."

Chloro carefully closes the folder placing it on the large round table before looking at the many chairs around it and counting her Gray sisters-in-residence on her hand. "Annoura Summon Aleera please."

Annoura Larisen says 'I will send my scribe to summon her, Chloro.'

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Aleera has arrived from the east.

Aleera steps in and curtseys.

Chloro looks up from her chair and nods, motioning for the girl to take a seat at one of the many chairs around the table. "Come child, it has been long since we have spoken."

Chloro gestures at the doors with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Aleera nods, "Of course, Chloro Sedai, thank you," and she steps over to the table, settling on to a chair.

Chloro nods to a serving maid as the woman leaves the room, only Aes Sedai left with the Accepted. "It has been some time since; I took you to the Great domed chamber. What have you learned since?"

Aleera folds her hands together in her lap. She nods to the question, giving a brief consideration, then says, "That is a good question. I appreciate the opportunity to reflect on it. I find, sometimes, talking through something can help give it clarity." With that out of the way, she heads to the heart of the matter.

Chloro motions for the child to continue.

Aleera says 'I have worked with some novices. I believe that in doing that, I have also learned myself, more about by own thoughts on the White Tower and all of our roles in it. A Novice. An Accepted. An Aes Sedai. I have spent time with Tolza Sedai learning more of the use of weaves in defense of self and others out in the world beyond the Shining Walls. Sarinda Sedai has expanded on that after an encounter I had with the Dreadlord, Jestin, and how I might best defend against one such as he. '

Chloro says 'Is that all child?'

Aleera shakes her head, "No, I will continue."

Chloro nods and opens the folder before her waiting for the Accepted to continue.

Aleera says 'I have considered more on the philosophies undergirding all of the disparate efforts of the Ajahs of the Tower. I have meditated on my own errors and my doubts and gained a greater sense of self. I have been considering an apprenticeship and where my passion might lie with the White Tower.'

Aleera says 'I could speak to specific work on weaves, but I suspect you already know that. Well, and probably everything I've just shared. '

Aleera purses her lips, a bit embarrassed.

Chloro smiles warmly, her gray eyes glinting like a cat that has trapped a mouse in a corner. "Indeed child, however now we begin your training toward the future. Each Ajah has much to bestow upon a girl. What Ajah have you selected to approach for apprenticeship?"

Aleera compresses her lips and then admits, "I just asked to speak with Aelrena Sedai about that a few hours ago. I .. haven't made a final decision. I have been struggling with it, feeling torn in multiple directions. I cannot recall if I had shared with you that I hope to help prevent young women from fearing being able to channel as I feared, a too tall task for sure."

Aleera adds, "And, to be concise, I see how understanding and knowledge of groups like the Children of Light and the Seanchan will be necessary for that to happen. I also see that negotiation and mediation will be necessary, for outright conflict will not just "fix" those things. I also see how a passion might be needed to see all of this through."

Chloro nods and looks over the folder her mask of serene calm unwavering. "What you have described is done by all Ajahs child. Everyone woman who gains the shawl dedicates her life to fight the shadow, and to perpetuate the tower by training more woman with the correct strength in channeling ability to become Aes Sedai. What does your heart seek to do?"

Aleera nods, lips turning up a little, "Aelrena Sedai prompted me to contemplate that very question. I promised I would meditate on that."

Chloro raises her hand embracing saidar as weaves of spirit snap into place launching and securing a shield around the Accepted cutting her off from the ability to embrace. Lowering her hand she maintains the flows keeping the shield in place. "If the ability to channel was taken from you, what would your life's mission be?"

Aleera whispers quietly to herself.

Aleera flinches as that sensation is cut off, although something in her expression suggests she may have experienced this before. There is a little distress that she quickly washes away, "If ... if it were gone forever, I think I would want to continue my studies. Not of the One Power, but of people. I do wish I understood why the Children are as they are and think a better understanding might one day help back in Amadicia. And elsewhere."

Chloro says 'Then child, is it safe to assume the answer that what you seek has been in the forefront of your mind for some time now?'

Aleera nods, and shares, "There has been something else holding me back. Aelrena Sedai helped disabuse me of a misconception regarding apprenticeships within the White Tower."

Chloro wiggles her fingers slightly, the flows of spirit surging and dissipating twice as she ties them in a complex knot, the shield in place without needing to be maintained. "What as the misconception?"

Aleera's cheeks definitely color now, "I should have known better. But I thought that an apprenticeship was the first step toward training and learning with other Ajahs would decrease or be cut off. I kept pushing a decision out for that. Very specifically, I have found lessons with Sarinda Sedai very informative. I've heard that the Blue and Red Ajahs have a complex relationship. I was worried that if I sought an apprenticeship there that it might mean an end do that."

Aleera blushes, "And I should have thought this through more. There are tides, but everyone is an individual."

Chloro nods and smiles with an hint of pride. "Thus, you begin your learning of Tower politics. This is where the Gray ajah excels both within and outside the tower. Regardless of your choice. Until you kneel before mother having completed the test of 100 weaves, and have a shawl graces your shoulders, you are a trainee of all seven Ajahs. No one Ajah raises a girl to the shawl. Remember this well, Aleera."

Aleera nods and admits, "I wish I had this sort of conversation sooner. I was too certain in what I thought was the case. I should, much sooner, asked to speak with someone I trusted to be able to confide when I was being a fool." In spite of some of her nervousness in this line of questioning, and in this moment, it is clear in tone that she trusted Chloro to confide.

Chloro nods and looks at the door leading out to the Ajah wing. "I have added to the training of Mariah Sedai, Penzei Sedai, Aelrena Sedai, and Aelarien Sedai. I will add to yours before the time comes regardless of which Ajah you choose. Every woman who is raised to the shawl is a sister in the battle against the shadow. When you have your decision made, seek me out. We will continue your lesson on tower politics."

Aleera says, "I would appreciate that greatly, Chloro Sedai. Life here is far more complicated and I would appreciate any lessons to help navigate that better."

Chloro pulling weaves of spirit and one of fire she taps into the shield around Aleera un-tyeing the knot, the weave of fire giving a slight warming sensation as the shield dissipates.

Chloro says 'For now child, I think it is time you return to your daily schedule, I expect a conversation or letter with your choice within a weeks time. You are dismissed Accepted.'

Chloro gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Aleera swallows heavily, but nods. She rises up and then curtseys to Chloro Sedai, lingering at the bottom of the curtsey.

Aleera says 'Thank you again for your time, Chloro Sedai.'

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Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:10 pm
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Re: Weighing Heart and Mind on the Scales

Post by Sarinda » Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:27 pm

Base: 2
Special length bonus: 0
Rplizer: +1
Extra meticulous edit: 0
Summary: +1

Chloro: 4 RPQPs
Aleera: 2 RPQPs

Another excellent demonstration of character arc development and exploring nuances in the life of an Accepted. An excellent scene and enjoyable read.

Please say "receive" at a silver-haired Aes Sedai for your rewards.

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