Library upkeep with Novice Vistra

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Library upkeep with Novice Vistra

Post by vianca » Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:15 am

Summary: Accepted Vainca shows Novice Vistra how to tend to the library using the One Power and a few herbs.

Location: Tower Library

Main Characters: Accepted Vianca
Novice Vistra

It is a finely crafted bookshelf.
n you look inside, you see:
bookshelf (here) :
[25] a well read book

Vianca looks over the stack of books picking out imperfections.

Vistra has arrived from the south.

Vianca smiles at her.

Vistra curtseys before Vianca.

Vistra says 'Good day Accepted.'
Vianca says 'Hello Novice, is this your first time stopping by the library today?'

Vistra says 'No Accepted Viance. I put away a few books earlier today.'

Vianca peers around the corner at the full bookshelf.

Vistra says 'Are they in need of being placed again.'

Vianca says, 'Must be a busy day here then, which works out perfect for us.'

Vistra looks at all the shelves of books.

Vistra nods at Vianca.

Vianca beckons Vistra to follow her.

Sorting Racks
A small room lies before the head librarian’s office to the north, which is
closed off by a low gate. Several books are stacked on a small rack before
the counter, and a number of low, wheeled book carts clutter the room,
containing books in need of filing. An end-table in the southwest corner
contains a few worn-looking books, including one whose binding is in
tatters. An exit north leads back into the hallway. A sign is posted over a
bookshelf detailing instructions for book re-shelving.

Vistra has arrived from the north.

Vistra says 'It seems that there are plenty of books to be shelved.'

Vianca glides her hands past all the books that need to be re-shelved. " Indeed, however I'd like to take the chance now that all these books are out of place to go through and try to remove any stains or watermarks from the pages before returning them where they belong.

Vianca says 'Pass me a book please, Vistra'

Vistra gives you "Commonly Used Weaves".

Vistra says 'Does this book please you Accepted?'

Vianca smiles, "A very popular book indeed as you can imagine." Vianca slowly flips the pages from left to right before stopping about a third of the way through.

Vistra looks on in anticipation.

Vianca says 'There we go, you see that brown mark smudging the words a bit on the bottom left corner of
page 146.'

Vianca shows you an obvious stain on the page.

Vistra leans over to look at what Vianca is pointing at.

Vianca says, 'Watch this.'

Vistra looks at Vianca.

Vianca feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Vistra watches closely and she senses Vianca connecting to the True Source.

Vianca places the book binder side down on the desk, gently she weaves a breeze of wind through the pages of the book right before allowing water and fire to create a light steam.

Vistra brows rise as she looks on in surprise.

Vianca allows on the one hand the flows of water, air and the other, fire to create a cloudy billow of steam to permeate the pages while the heat dries them rapidly.

Vistra stares on impressed as the smug is no longer on the page.

Vianca grabs "Commonly Used Weaves from the table and tosses it over to you.

Vistra catches the book.

Vianca says, 'How's it look?'

Vistra flips to page 146 and says, "It looks like it was just printed."

Vianca says 'Grab another book, see if you can find any imperfections, might it be a loose binder,
stained pages or something similar.'

Vianca says, 'Fresh and Clean, go run it back first.'

Vistra leaves north. ^^

Vianca smiles happily.

Vistra curtseys before Vianca.

Vianca says, 'What book is up next, let's take a look?'

Vistra pulls a book from the shelf that is on Strange Lizards in the Mayene region.

Vistra while flipping through the pages the binder looks to be loose almost causing pages to fallout.

Vianca grins as she notices a Green lizard on the cover of the book.

Vistra says 'Sorry Accepted but this one definitely needs some attention.'

Vistra offers the book to Vianca.

Vianca says 'Yes, you’re right, almost lost some pages.'

Vianca frowns slightly, man that looks beat up, I know how we can fix it though, are you familiar with the local herbs in the area, Novice?

Vistra says 'I am not very familiar with the herbs Accepted.'

Vianca shuffles through a pouch of herbs, pulling out a few different specimens.

Vianca gives some brown kaf beans to Vistra.

Vistra looks at the herb with curiosity.

Vistra she rolls it around in her hands.

Vianca says, 'This is a kaf bean, they have many uses, most commonly I would say it to make a vial that emulates our refresh weave.'

Vianca gets a thin vial of yellow fluid from a backpack.

Vianca gives a thin vial of yellow fluid to Vistra.

Vianca says, 'You hang on to that, if may save your life.'

Vianca says, 'Now back to this book and this bean.'

Vistra takes the vial slowly turning it over watching the liquid drain from one side to the other.

Vistra nods at Vianca.

Vianca continues, "The kaf bean plays a strong role in the body’s development of energy due to its high starch content.

Vistra her focus returns to Accepted Viance and nods in understanding.

Vianca says, 'Hence why they make a good refresh potion, those starches turn into fuel for the body, that being said, when the right heat it applied to the beans those same starches for a sap, and that sap can be used as an adhesive.'

Vistra a smile turns up on the corners over her mouth, 'That makes a lot of sense.'

Vianca holds 5 kaf beans in her hand and they start to jump around above her hand, tearing off a piece of oil skin fabric and placing it in her palm.

Vianca says 'Now, carefully child, embrace the one power and deliver a slow churn of heat to the beans.'

Vianca exclaims " Do NOT burn me, please' We are taking low low heat.

Vianca shifts her shoulders back and puts on a brave face.

Vistra glows with a small light as she embraces the source and draws upon the heat and sends a small strand of heat into the beans.

Vianca nods and squints slightly. a little more and then use the source to apply a little pressure to them using the air in the room.

Vistra looks on with caution making sure she did not hurt Accepted Vianca.

Vistra she draws more and creates a thicker strand of fire and pushes it into the beans.

Vianca adjusts a small piece of oilskin under the beans as it catches the warm sap dripping from them.

Vistra says 'Did I do it correctly Accepted?'

Vianca nods and asks you to slowly release your flows.

Vistra the glow surrounding her slowly dissipates.

Vianca says 'Perfectly, you see that sap there, pinch the sides of the book binding while I pour some warm sap down the spine of the book.'

Vistra says 'I do see it.'

Vistra holds the side of the book exactly where Vianca shows.

Vianca slowly drizzles a thin line of sap down the spine of the book, " When you do this,be careful not to use to much or it can drip down on to the the pages and ruin the book.

Vistra says 'That would be terrible. I promise that I will be careful.'

Vianca pushes the back of the book softly on the table, and with a wave of her hand slightly cool air chill the sap, hardening it.

Vianca tosses you "Strange Lizards in the Mayene region".

Vianca gives a well-read book to Vistra.

Vianca says 'What do you think?'

Vianca says 'Pretty solid, yeah?'

Vistra catches the book and smiles, "I think it is amazing how much that we can actually accomplish with the One Power and a little bit of knowledge."

Vistra says 'Thank you for showing me this!'

Vistra says 'Now that it is like new, I need to put it in the correct spot.'

Vianca says 'Of course, I'd like for you to finish this stack of 3 books and let me know how you repaired them and take this remaining sap and use it to glue the loose legs on these desks around here please.'

Vianca folds over a piece of oilskin filled with sap and tosses it your way.

Vistra takes the sap handed to her from Accepted Vianca. "It will be my pleasure Accepted.

Vistra almost drops the book and sap as she catches the oilskin.

Vianca says, 'I'll be by the check your work tomorrow, these books are a vital part of our knowledge, we must keep them in tip top shape!'

Vianca says 'Good day Novice.

Vianca exits the Library as Novice Vistra get to the task at hand.

Posts: 246
Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:05 pm

Re: Library upkeep with Novice Vistra

Post by Ashlynn » Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:35 am

Base: 2
Special length bonus: +0
Rplizer: +1
Extra meticulous edit: +0
Summary: +1

Vianca: 4 RPQPs
Vistra: 2 RPQPs

You may say receive at the silver-haired Aes Sedai to get your award.

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