Analysis and Instruction of Self-Defense in the White Tower

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Analysis and Instruction of Self-Defense in the White Tower

Post by Aleera » Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:25 pm

Summary: Sarinda Sedai had tasked Aleera with assessing defensive strategies within the White Tower and presenting her analysis. This work dovetailed nicely from an assignment from Tolza Sedai on identifying the more secure locations within the White Tower. In this scene, Aleera presents her summary, receives feedback, and extensions to her knowledge and understanding around defensive tactics.

Main Character: Sarinda, Aleera

Den of the Red Ajah
This room reflects the cool nature of the Red Ajah, the furnishings just as severe as the rest of the room. A gilded chair rests near the center of the room, accompanied by an equally elaborate dark wooden desk. Chairs have been drawn up to the tall, arched windows, which look over the western side of Tar Valon, the western bank of the Erinin and Dragonmount beyond, serving as a constant reminder of the purpose of the Red Ajah.

Sarinda is seated on a stout oaken chair prior to Aleera’s arrival.

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Sarinda gesture with your hand.

A series of locks turn, and the door smoothly swings open.

Sarinda glances at the door and calls, 'Release the One Power and enter.'

Aleera has arrived from the east.

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

[channel door close]

Sarinda channels Air towards the door.

Sarinda gestures and the door creaks and closes slowly.

Aleera steps into the Den, moving away from the door, and offers a deep curtsey.

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda motions to the other oaken chair across from her. 'If it pleases the Light, take a seat, Aleera.'

Aleera steps across the room and settles on to the chair. As is her custom, she settles on the edge, not coincidentally forcing her to maintain better posture. "Thank you, Sarinda Sedai."

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Aleera says 'If it pleases, I have given the matter you suggested some significant reflection. I am certain, however, that there are omissions or errors and so would welcome your critique.'

Sarinda says 'That is understandable.'

Aleera begins, "You asked me to report on how I would defend myself if I were assaulted on the island in instances where flight to the novice quarters is blocked off or otherwise not an option."

Aleera collects her thoughts and shares, "Some of my thoughts on this are an integration of a task Tolza Sedai set me to, identifying areas within the White Tower where we have set guards or others who are particularly observant (nohide). Those locations, as well as locations where we have doors with greater security (lockable), possess tactical advantages not available elsewhere."

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda smiles knowingly.

Aleera continues, slow and steady. She's practiced some prior to coming here. She adds, "From a perspective of places to go, where I might better be able to mount a defense, the Practice Yard overseen by Coulin Gaidin would rank highly. His eye is ever watchful, making it unlikely to be ambushed (stabbed) there. Additionally, there are nearly always several of his students, in addition to himself, present in that space that would assist me in the event of a serious defense needing to be mounted.”

Aleera adds, "Other similar, but less well-defended areas include the barracks on the northwest corner of the White Tower grounds, the kitchen and the hawk-like eyes of Mistress Laras on the lower level, Mistress Sheriam within her office, and the Hall of the Tower on the same level. They each, however, reduce the likelihood of a swift and deadly ambush."

Aleera gestures about the present room. "Each of the Ajahs additionally has their respective quarters, studies, and conservatories. There are usually one or more Aes Sedai present in any one of these locations. As you demonstrated and reminded me the other day, doors in those places are also, often, more secure than other areas of the White Tower. They can prevent or delay entrance depending on the abilities of the intruder."

Aleera says 'For those able to Travel or Gate directly into that space, they might also serve to prevent a hit-and-run tactic, by preventing or delaying an easy exit. At times, there are also even more Aes Sedai present within those places. If it is known that there is a gathering in one of the Ajah's wings, then swiftly headed to one of those locations would likely be more advantageous than others; safety in numbers.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda smiles knowingly.

Aleera lets out a slow breath then, descriptive preamble shared before presenting her analysis.

Aleera shares, "With these thoughts in mind, my decision-making would be prioritized based on three things."

Aleera says 'First, relative locations. Time and speed are of the essence. The longer that I am exposed, the greater the chance that I meet a swift and decisive end. A strategic location on the same level that I am on can be reached more swiftly than another (mudlet double-click) and so I would prioritize going there. '

Aleera says 'Second, exit and entrance security. Having a more secure door (lockable) to put between me and an enemy buys precious time for me and others and may shutdown an attack altogether.'

Aleera says 'Third, support available. With multiple options available on the same level, selecting a location with more defenders is more advantageous. An attacker will have to prioritize how they might attack us and those moments of potential indecision can be used to our advantage to mount our own defense or counter-attack. It also provides a greater opportunity to more swiftly defeat an intruder.'

Sarinda says 'These are excellent thoughts, child, especially for one of your station and level of experience in this world.'

Aleera says 'Within one of those locations, should I need to personally engage, my present options are a bit limited. I have practiced with my staff and so can make some ready use of that. Should I have a moment to prepare, the weave of Armor can provide a layer of defense. The only damaging weaves I know are Ice Spikes and Hammer of Air. I can, however, also try to Blind an opponent, which in turn might allow me to complete a weave of Ice Spikes.”

Aleera says 'The temperature in Tar Valon is, at the least, often conducive to a strong impact of that weave.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Aleera slowly lets out her breath then at that point, her report complete.

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Sarinda nods decisively.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, your report is thorough and thoughtful. There are a few suggestions I might make to help you grow your knowledge, but this is a very good beginning.'

Aleera nods her head, "Yes, please."

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, you have completed my task very well, and I have awarded you 2 merits as agreed upon.'

Aleera folds her hands in her lap as she listens attentively.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, you have the principles and reasoning down quite well regarding how, where, and why you should hide or defend yourself in certain locations.'

Sarinda says 'First, with regards to locked doors, only Aes Sedai likely have the ability to actually lock Ajah chambers.'

Sarinda says 'So, beyond going to the novice quarters, your options for locked doors to hide behind are fairly limited.'

Aleera nods as she takes that in.

Sarinda says 'There is one room that many do not consider, that might actually be quite smart.'

Sarinda says 'Do you have training in the Locate Object or Locate Life weaves?'

Aleera shakes her head in the negative. "I've not had the opportunity yet, Sarinda Sedai."

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Aleera says, "But I could work on either, or both."

Sarinda says 'If I had to guess, you likely have the knowledge and level of experience to begin studying one or the other soon.'

Sarinda says 'Both are very useful for various quests and also general utility weaves, especially to stay vigilant and alive.'

Aleera says, "I believe I saw Tolza Sedai using one to try to locate a shadowspawn earlier this

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'At the risk of speaking tangentially, if it pleases the Light, the Locate Object weave will reveal the name, number, and general direction of any item you search for.'

Sarinda says 'This can allow you to see the approximate estimated number of enemies in your immediate area and nearby places.'

Sarinda says 'It also specifies whether the item is held, and by whom, so it can be used to rediscover lost or dropped equipment.'

Aleera cocks her head to the side as she contemplates that utility. She then nods at Sarinda's

Sarinda says 'The Locate Life weave will reveal the direction to a specific creature using their exact name.'

Sarinda says 'Or, a creature of a certain category, such as a human, horse, and so on.'

Sarinda says 'There are certain rooms that, for various reasons or quirks of the Pattern, deflect or foil any attempts at Locating a person or object within the room's vicinity.'

Sarinda beckons Aleera to follow her.

Sarinda feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Aleera rises up from the chair.

Sarinda gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Aleera starts following Sarinda.

Sarinda leads Aleera to another location (redacted).

Sarinda motions around the space.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, this room has a locked door that anyone in the White Tower can enter via knocking, and it shields Locate weaves.'

Sarinda says 'This means that if a dreadlord or a male channeler is hunting you, they cannot find you by Locating you.'

Aleera ohs. "I barely knew one could use a weave to do that and certainly not that some places
prevent such. Thank you."

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Sarinda says 'These can be very helpful weaves for other reasons, if you think of creative uses.'

Aleera says, "I have been sent to track things down before. This certainly seems like it could help with that."

Sarinda says 'So, the reason I bring up this room is that it is a good option for where you could hide behind a locked door, and still avoid detection possibly.'

Aleera nods, understanding and agreement both, "Thank you, yes."

Posts: 248
Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:05 pm

Re: Analysis and Instruction of Self-Defense in the White Tower

Post by Ashlynn » Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:58 am

Base: 2
Special length bonus: 0
Rplizer: +1
Extra meticulous edit: +1
Summary: +1

Aleera: 5 RPQPs
Sarinda: 3 RPQPs

You may say receive at a silver-haired Aes Sedai to receive your merits.

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