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White book Biography - Aleera

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:00 am
by Amilesa
Summary: The fifth in her White Book biography series. Amilesa finds a Novice who is busying herself in the Well since Child Patter was awake. Before beginning, a Wisdom comes to the Tower who seems to be looking for help, but wasn't around by the time Amilesa made it to the Yellow Wing. Amilesa then returns to give Aleera an interview in her White Book, learning about her time growing up in Amadacia. The Novice seemed to be gaining confidence each day, growing accustomed to her new life and what her future might hold.

Point of View: Amilesa
Participants: Amilesa and Aleera

In a Small Room
This small, windowless room is used to house an initiate of the Tower. A
closet contains the girl's dresses, smallclothes, slippers and cloak, while
a small wash basin and pitcher has been placed in a corner of the room. A
plain, nicked chair stands against the wall and the bed has been neatly
made. A small round rug in an Illianer circular pattern adorns the ground.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Vianca Vaughn, Tower Accepted, Green Ajah Apprentice is standing here.
Aleera the Wearied Novice is standing here.
Dian the red haired Accepted is standing here, taking care of the quarters.

Amilesa smiles brightly as she sees the others.

Aleera offers a smile in return, "Good day, Accepted." She curtseys.

Fyra bellows 'who knocks?'

Kashvi bellows 'I claim the right of sanctuary!'

Players in your Zone
Kashvi - Continuing Down the Hall
Amilesa - In a Small Room
Vianca - In a Small Room
Aleera - In a Small Room
Lona - Solarium of the Yellow Ajah
Fyra - Solarium of the Yellow Ajah

Amilesa says 'One moment, I should check on this.'

Amilesa nods at the Novice before leaving for the Well.


In a Small Room
This small, windowless room is used to house an initiate of the Tower. A
closet contains the girl's dresses, smallclothes, slippers and cloak, while
a small wash basin and pitcher has been placed in a corner of the room. A
plain, nicked chair stands against the wall and the bed has been neatly
made. A small round rug in an Illianer circular pattern adorns the ground.
[ obvious exits: E W ]
Vianca Vaughn, Tower Accepted, Green Ajah Apprentice is standing here.
Aleera the Wearied Novice is standing here.
Dian the red haired Accepted is standing here, taking care of the quarters.

Amilesa smoothes her dress down with her hands.

Amilesa says 'The wisdom had already left by the time I arrived.'

Amilesa says 'Novice, I was wondering if you had time to answer some questions about yourself?'

Aleera nods her head, "Of course. Please, ask away."

Amilesa says 'When answering these questions, please say whatever comes to mind. Answering the question in a way that makes sense to you provides the most value to me.'

Amilesa rummages through her bag to retrieve a notebook with a white cover.

Aleera answers, "Okay. I can certainly do that."

Aleera looks at Amilesa.

A lantern held by Aleera begins to dim a little.

Amilesa says 'This session will be posted publicly, so please let me know if there is something you don't want me to write down.'

Amilesa sets her notebook out in front of her and prepares a quill for writing.

Amilesa says 'My first questions is where were you born and where did you grow up?'

Amilesa cocks her head to one side.

Amilesa says 'those could be different answers, or the same.'

Aleera purses her lips, but answers fairly readily. She's grown more accustomed to answering that particular question with a gradually less and less pained expression, "I was born and raised in the northern portion of Amadicia, a few days ride from the Ghealdan border."

Amilesa 's eyes soften, but otherwise remain attentive.

Aleera waits then for Amilesa's next question.

Amilesa says 'What can you tell me about your family? Or a brief history of your younger years?'

Amilesa writes the notes on the sheet, catching up with the answers.

Aleera shares with her, "My mother was from Ghealdan. My understanding is she met my father when he had traveled north, helping transport some mined ore to a market. For good or ill, she followed him back and they married. I was their first child. I had two brothers that followed, 4 and 7 years my junior. My father was often away, working in the mines. My mother minded us and did passable work as a weaver. It is what she was preparing me to do as well; well in addition to minding after my brothers."

Amilesa finds a bottle of ink and unstoppers it next to her on a stable surface.
Amilesa emote: Amilesa finds a bottle of ink and unstoppers it next to her on a stable surface.

Aleera shares, "She helped teach me to write while my father was away. He didn't value it so much. He did value reading, but felt there was only one book worth reading and that was the only book he allowed in the house." She politely refrains from naming the book.

Amilesa dips her pen in the ink and continues to write while her eyes remained on the Novice.
Amilesa emote: Amilesa dips her pen in the ink and continues to write while her eyes remained on the Novice.

Amilesa nods at the Novice in a reassuring nature.

Aleera admits, "I worry a bit over my brothers and what will become of them," but then offers a small smile, "but I have faith in my mother."

Amilesa says 'Your past is what forms you, but your future, should you be successful, will need to move from the past.'

Lona has arrived from the east.

Amilesa turns towards the novice, her notebook balanced in her lap.

Aleera nods and agrees, "Yes, I won't be returning there. I can't. I must have faith."

Amilesa says 'But I do empathize with how hard this transition is for you.'

Amilesa turns toward the newly arrived Accepted.

Aleera adds, "I have a different life ahead to focus on. I hope that one day girls need not fear as I did."

Lona walks in softly honeyed braids shining in the candle light and veil fluttering, observing the conversation.

Amilesa addresses the new Accepted, 'Good evening. I'm just giving the Novice one of my interviews. Learning a little about her, and memorializing it in my notes.'

Amilesa returns her focus to the Novice.

Lona says 'Please continue.'

Aleera nods towards Lona from her seat, "Good evening, Accepted."

Amilesa says 'It can still be difficult. Be sure you take what you need to adjust, even if it is to speak to another.'

Amilesa says 'The next question is on how you find your way to the Tower?'

Amilesa wipes some excess ink from her pen before placing it on the edge of a new line.

Aleera turns her attention back then to her interviewer, and nods, "Yes, that." She gathers her thoughts, forming a coherent chain, which she then shares, "My mother had sent me into the nearby village to pick up some supplies for her. The hour was, perhaps, a bit later than desirable and so it was growing dark as I returned home."

Lona eats a large slab of meat.

Amilesa nods along, keeping the notebook perfectly balanced in her lap with the tip of her pen.

Aleera continues, "My path was then blocked by a few men. They demanded I give them what I had." She purses her lips and goes on, "So, with reluctance, I gave them everything I had just been carrying home. They took it, but still they would not let me pass. They closed on me as I backed further and further away, until I found my back to a tree."

Amilesa 's wander over the novice's features, moving past the dress.

Amilesa 's hand closes a little tighter around the pen.

Aleera concludes, "And they closed further. And then ... and then there was ice, flying wildly. I startled. They startled. Luckily, it was I that recovered senses more quickly and I ran. I never ran so fast in my life."

Amilesa purses her lips as she asks 'Have you since performed the same behavior, now that you've received training and learned some weaves/

Seven of Two Rivers
Koseir of Two Rivers (Idle)
Laek of Illian
Mnemni of Two Rivers
Amilesa the Journey Accepted [White Tower]
Eci of Cairhien
Rustic the Country Bumpkin
Vianca Vaughn, Tower Accepted, Green Ajah Apprentice [White Tower]
Kashvi Singh - The Kaf Must Flow
Eldron of Two Rivers
Dornel the Veteran Gaidin [Gaidin]
Xystica of Two Rivers
Etain of Murandy
Lona the Journey Accepted [White Tower]
Finan Duffy - The Veteran [Gaidin Blademaster]
Tolza of Tarabon
Loten of Illian
Penzei Perets, Elder Sister [Yellow Ajah]
Aleera the Wearied Novice [White Tower]
Arjuna of Two Rivers

Aleera says, "Everything was a bit of a blur then until I was inside my home, my mother's arms around me. I don't remember it clearly, but know I shared what had happened and I do remember the look on her face. Grief. Fear. She's the one who sent me on my way, before my father could return. Before he could call the Children, before those men brought the Children." She then nods to the follow-up question, "Yes. I can manage that quite consciously now, and with much more precision." The corners of her lips turn e

20 players displayed.

Aleera's mouth turns up at the corners, ever so slightly.

Amilesa says 'That must have been a very scary moment for you, coming back home after that.'

Amilesa gets a clothed package from her bag and unwraps it, revealing a piece of cake, before offering a piece to Lona and Aleera.

Aleera confesses, "Yes. I knew, but I didn't know, if that makes sense? I was afraid, but I didn't know where else to go."

Amilesa says 'Please, tell me what happened next.'

Lona nods in thanks but raises a hand. "Thank you, but I do not eat such things."

Amilesa shrugs, then covers the third piece back up with cloth.

Aleera offers a warmer smile, "Thank you, that is quite kind," and accepts a piece. She nibbles at it. She clearly _does_ eat such things ... now. She continues for Amilesa, "She pressed a few coins into one hand, and a walking staff into the other and implored me to make all due haste, north to the border of Ghealdan, significantly closer than Altara. She said I should try to find a caravan that I might travel with."

Amilesa nods slowly as she writes the memory onto the pages of her notebook.

Aleera shares, "There were a few people along the way who were kind, helpful even. I eventually was able to make it to Caemlyn, and then north to here."

Amilesa says 'The Light favor their kindness, for helping you on your way to us.'

Amilesa takes a few bites from her own piece of cake, savoring each taste.

Aleera nods, "Indeed. I will be forever grateful for it. It helped my heart as well as my person to appropriately arrive here."

Amilesa says 'Once you arrived in Tar Valon, which Aes Sedai introduced you to Sheriam Sedai?'

Aleera tells Amilesa, "It was Tolza Sedai who did that. She oversaw Accepted Elmitsu in administering the test for the spark."

Amilesa makes a note of each name in her notes.

Amilesa says 'You are rather new to the Tower. Have you made any friendships so far? Any connections made?'

Aleera considers and then says, a bit evasive, "Many people have been kind; interested, helpful, eager to see me learn and develop."

Amilesa gives Aleera a long look before nodding. Moving down on the page she eyes the next question.

Amilesa says 'I know you are still a Novice, but are there any Ajahs that especially jump out at you that you may be interested in pursuing for a future Apprenticeship?'

Aleera answers, "Perhaps. Aelrena Sedai asked me to answer a question that made me think of my future. I think the temperament of my responses suggest I should be at least considering the Blue and the Brown; but a serious commitment requires serious reflection in addition to a gut check of the heart."

Amilesa smiles warmly at the Novice and says 'It is good to be getting a feel for your place, even as early as you are.'

Amilesa says 'Do you have any particular saying or gesture (emote) that you often use or like?'

Aleera's lips quirk up in a smile. She says, "I'm not sure. I suspect we're often the last to know when we have habits that are ever so apparent to others." (OOC: I haven't really used any of the emotes, posing out everything by hand.)

Amilesa says 'Are you currently working on any goals or projects?'

Aleera shares, "I've been trying to read broadly in the library. I feel," and she hesitates for a moment, "I feel like an imposter at times. So many other girls here seem to have had a different sort of education growing up, or even had tutors. I'm so far behind and so I am there, perhaps too often." Voice dropping a bit softer, "It might be why the other novices have," and she trails off before managing to finish, "been distant."

Amilesa lays a comforting hand lightly on Aleera's forearm.

Amilesa says 'I know it seems that way, but the initiates of the Tower come from a very wide range of backgrounds. I think you feel the gap more prominently than it exists.'

Amilesa taps her pen on her cheek a few times.

Amilesa says 'I mean...'

Aleera looks down, then to Amilesa and meets her eyes directly for a moment, the smile on her lips touching her eyes. She says, "I'm sure you're right. And part of me knows that on some level."

Amilesa says 'Look at it mathematically. Based off of the percentages of people with a formal education versus the larger percentage of those who don't have such an education, it goes to reason that you are in the majority.'

Amilesa gestures towards the north 'There a plenty of census books in the Depositories that back this up.'

Aleera is forced to offer up a small chuckle, "You've gotten to the crux of it. The head knows, the heart just hasn't followed yet."

Amilesa smiles warmly and says 'I understand.'

Amilesa moving her gaze down at her notebook, she scans to another line.

Amilesa says 'What else would you like to tell me that hasn't been covered yet?'

Aleera grows quiet, thoughtful. "I'm not sure," she begins, "it would all feel like so platitudes even if genuine. I am very grateful to have been welcomed past the Shining Walls. I want to show that I belong here. No, that isn't quite it. I want to be able to believe that I belong here." After a moment, she confides, "I'm starting to."

Amilesa says 'I am glad to hear that.'

Amilesa looks up from her notebook and meets Aleera's eyes once more.

Amilesa says 'And the last question...'

Amilesa imitates a drumming sound with her free hand, looking over at Vianca for support.

Aleera gives a very genuine smile.

Vianca blushes.

Amilesa says 'Do you have any questions that you would like to ask me?'

Aleera nods, "I do, thank you. What does being an Accepted mean to you? Both here and here?" she adds, touching temple and heart.

Aleera hastens to add, "If you don't mind that is."

Amilesa smiles ruefully.

Amilesa says 'That is a question often asked, usually by an Aes Sedai.'

Amilesa puts her pen and notebook away, settling deeper into the chair as she does so.

Aleera says, "I did my best to answer when the question was posed to me."

Amilesa says 'If you think about it, an Accepted has the same goals of an Aes Sedai, to serve the greater good of the world. But there are limitations. Mainly that an Accepted does not have the training, skills, or experience to do so indepentantly yet.'

Aleera nods, listening to Amilesa. Her hands fold neatly into her lap.

Amilesa says 'Being Accepted means coming to terms that the past that previously defined you is behind you. You have separated those influences from the lessons you need to know to serve the world.'

Amilesa says 'You will need to do this before you can face your fears, you must overcome your past.'

Amilesa says 'Being Accepted means integrating into the life of the White Tower, which does mean meeting and interacting with your fellow Accepted.'

Amilesa says 'Teaching Novices what you have learned is as integral to your activities as an Accepted as learning from Aes Sedai, or focusing on the studies of an Ajah.'

Amilesa says 'The rest...well..the rest you will learn if the Wheel wills it.'

Aleera takes all of this in. She is quiet, contemplating what was shared. Heartfelt words are then expressed, "Thank you. You've been very kind with your time."

Amilesa says 'That was a very insightful question. Do you have any others?'

Aleera laughs, eyes going down and then back up, "Oh, so many. I have countless questions about weaves and I do want, and need, to learn and continually improve with them. People though, I find facinating. Fascinating, horrifying, and everything in between. I've asked others how they came to know they'd found their purpose, their calling, their Ajah. It is an attempt, I suspect, for me to come to terms with the fact that I will need to make a difficult choice such as that and am curious how others did it. But,

Aleera says 'But, that isn't the lesson. The lesson is making that hard decision, living with that hard decision, one that cannot be undone because that will be our entire lives. A series of difficult decisions.'

Amilesa says 'I find similarities in what you say with my own experiences. I find these interviews help me understand the Novices, Accepted, and even Aes Sedai to a point in the Tower better.'

Amilesa says 'It also helps me understand how different women found their paths, so that I can use them as guideposts myself.'

Aleera suggests, "Like beacons in the night. Small similarities means we're not alone and there may be some comfort in that."

Amilesa says 'Give it some more time. despite the questions that people like myself will inevitable ask you, I am certain as you speak with more people and experience the Tower, you will find the path that is best for your personal journey.'

Amilesa stands up from the chair and says 'It was a pleasure meeting you, Novice Aleera. I hope to see you again soon.'

Aleera places her hand over her heart and tells Amilesa, "Thank you. I hope to see you again soon as well."

Amilesa smiles at the Novice once more before returning to the well of Accepted quarters.

Re: White book Biography - Aleera

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:11 pm
by Gesin
Awarded 3 qps plus 2 for appropriate edits.