Running to teacher.

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Running to teacher.

Post by Yve » Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:18 am

After "An awkward meeting in the woods" (posted in the general RP section) Yve seeks out one of her favourite tutors to tell all.

Technically a part 2, but posted internally since it was a conversation in the privacy of the Tower. I was unsure if this it the correct way to go about it. Please let me know if I need to do something differently.

POV: Yve the Wearied Novice
Location: The Study of the Brown Ajah.
Other participant: Aelrena Sedai

(Yve nervously aproaches the door to the study and knocks.)

The doors smoothly swing open.

Aelrena calls out, 'You may enter.'

Yve enters quietly, she seems subdued.

Aelrena looks up from her book, a slight frown upon her face.

You curtsey before her.

Aelrena says 'What is it child? I don't recall summoning you to the study.'

You say 'Aelrena Sedai, errr....'

You say 'I had.. I have..."'

Aelrena arches an eyebrow.

Aelrena closes her tome with a loud thump, placing it upon a stack beside her as she turns
her full attention to the novice.

You straighten up a bit.

You say 'Aelrena Sedai, I had a most unusual meeting in the woods yesterday.'

Aelrena says 'Oh? What kind of meetings would one be having in the woods?'

Aelrena forms a bridge with her fingers as she gazes at the girl, her expression one of

You say 'A member of the Children of Light... stopped for a chat.'

Aelrena's lips twitch ever so slightly downward, "I see. And you are unscathed?"

You say 'They just talked, well mostly.'

You say 'I would have run from them but I don't believe I would have made it to the gate.'

Aelrena tuts quietly and lets out a small sigh.

You say 'Nor did I attack first'

Yve shifts around on her feet.

You say 'The name was Loret, Aelrena Sedai.'

Aelrena gestures to a chair that has been pushed up against the wall, "Go fetch the chair
child, I suspect you should start from the beginning.

You nod in agreement.

Yve fetches the chair and sits down on it.

Aelrena says 'Now, I take you were killing rats for your chores in the forest?'

You say 'I was taking some air in the woods. Exercising what freedom I have to escape the
bustle and the noise.'

Aelrena nods at you.

You say 'It was weird, because it was almost like any other meeting with a traveller.'

Aelrena says 'And this... Loret you said? Found you while you were out and about?'

Aelrena says 'Or did you come across her?'

You say 'She did indeed.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'You're quite lucky to have escaped unscathed, Loret is one of the

You say 'I was poised to run, but instead of barrelling down on me on her warhorse she
merely said hello and engaged me in coversation.'

Aelrena nods at you.

Aelrena says 'I see, and what is it she spoke to you about?'

You say 'She asked if I was of the Tower. I did not lie, nor deflect, it seemed

Aelrena nods at you.

Yve tugs at the hem of her white novice dress.

Aelrena begins to idly spin the great serpent ring upon her finger, her expression
thoughtful as she listens.

Aelrena says 'Rather difficult to hide your affiliation, yes. Quite curious that she
didn't strike, I should think.'

You say 'I've run from the Children since before I was in the tower.'

Aelrena nods at you.

You say 'Growing up they quite frequently came to places where I was staying at the time.'

Aelrena says 'A wise decision, they are fanatics, few of whom are capable of seeing

You nod in agreement.

Aelrena's lips twitch downward again, "I see. And did she ask anything else of you?"

You say 'She asked how my studies went.'

You say 'She also asked if I had many friends in the Tower.'

You say 'She claimed to me that her primary goal was the hunting of darkfriends, and that
I was quite safe from her.'

You say 'I think she asked to be my... friend.'

Aelrena says 'An interesting stance for a whitecloak to take, they typically call all
women who can channel darkfriends.'

You say 'This was my understanding also, but I have to admit I was almost as intrigued as
I was afraid.'

Aelrena frowns.

You say 'Dialogue is always the first step in diplomacy, I'm told.'

Yve fishes a small envelope from her pack.

Aelrena says 'That, while true, is not something that you should be worried about at this
point in your studies.'

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Aelrena says 'Loret is a woman wanted by the White Tower for the murder of more than a few
Aes Sedai.'

You say 'The first thing she gave me was a staff of sungwood, which she claimed had
belonged to an Aes Sedai of some standing. I have it stored nearby if it can be

You say 'I fear she may have been involved in that... change of possession.'

You say 'Maybe my low status was the only thing protecting me.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'Quite likely on both counts. I shall keep an ear out for if any of my
sisters have lost a sungwood staff of late, but until then I'd prefer you keep it.'

You say 'She also gave me this.'

Yve passes a small envelope with a red seal, bearing a sigil of a crook to

Aelrena eyes the envelope in her hands, her fingers ghosting across the surface.

You say 'With instructions to give it to a certain man in Tar Valon, should I wish to see
her again.'

Aelrena says 'I see.'

You say 'She promised my safety, should I meet her again.'

You say 'There's another thing.'

Yve blushes slightly and shifts again in her seat.

You say 'I think she may have been... attracted to me?'

Aelrena folds the envelope into her book before freezing at the novice's words.

Aelrena frowns.

Aelrena sighs loudly.

You say 'She came quite close to me, put her hands on my shoulders even.'

Aelrena says 'It would seem that we shall have to have words, Loret and I.'

You say 'Were it not for the Cloak she wore, I may have taken it at face value, but... is
it possible she wants something else else?'

Aelrena says 'It would seem to me, from what you've said that Loret was attempting to get
close to you in order to gather information.'

You say 'I would think the same, probably.'

Aelrena says 'Prey upon a novice in order to garner what advantage she could by asking
questions from one who might not know better than to answer them.'

You say 'There is always the chance there is more to it, but you are probably correct.'

You frown.

Aelrena says 'Light send there is not more to it.'

Aelrena says 'I will see to this. I would suggest that you keep an eye out for Loret in
the future, avoid her if you can.'

You say 'I will, though if I come across her I may indicate that we may not be friends, as
it will harm my life here were it a thing. I think I'd be able to walk away from that,

Aelrena says 'If you leave Tower Grounds, try to keep company with others, whether they be
initiates or other trusted individuals.'

You nod in agreement.

You say 'I will endeavor to stay safe, and be extra vigilant.'

Aelrena says 'I would suggest caution, if you feel that your life is in danger, run.'

You say 'I will, Aelrena Sedai.'

Aelrena says 'The practice yard would be safe if you can make it, and Coulin would be
capable of seeing to your defense.'

You nod in agreement.

Aelrena says 'If she seeks to corner you again, please let myself or another Aes Sedai

You say 'Believe me I'll also be screaming bloody murder all the way there.'

Aelrena stifles a laugh behind her hand.

Aelrena's expression lightens a bit at the levity, though her umber eyes dart back to the
tome at her side for a brief instant.

Aelrena says 'Was there anything else you needed Yve?'

You say 'I don't think so, no.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

You say 'Thank you for being so understanding, Aelrena Sedai. I thought I might be in a lot of trouble
over this.'

Aelrena says 'You have done well bringing this to my attention.'

Aelrena sighs loudly.

Aelrena says 'I see you as a victim in this, and I suspect most of my sisters shall

Yve breathes a huge sigh of relief.

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'Tower secrets are our own, they are not to be shared with outsiders. If
Loret continues to try reaching out to you, retreat to a safe place.'

Aelrena says 'If that is all, you are dismissed.'

You sense Aelrena connecting to the True Source.

You say 'Of course, Aelrena Sedai.'

Aelrena gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Yve stands up, collecting her things.

You curtsey before her.

(Yve leaves the Study.)

Posts: 517
Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:45 pm

Re: Running to teacher.

Post by Callesa » Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:41 am


2 qps, depending on length and quality.

Rplizer +1 qps : 1
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : 1
Length bonus +1-2 qps : 0
Summary: +1 qps : 1

Yve 5 rpqps
Aelrena 2 rpqps

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