Poke the Apprentice

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Poke the Apprentice

Post by Catisune » Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:30 pm

Summary: Catisune hosts Chloro in the Study of the Brown Ajah. They decide to poke Catisune's apprentice Aelrena. Keshara later joins.

POV: Catisune
Participants: Aelrena, Chloro, Keshara

Log session starting at 18:21:18 on Friday, 10 February 2023.

Catisune returns to her seat where her own tawny bag of sewing trinkets awaits her.

Catisune says 'Welcome, dear! It has been too long.'

Catisune says 'Do you want wine?'

Danelle Sedai says 'It's a good day for a stiff drink.'

Catisune says 'I wasn't talking to you, Danelle!'

Catisune fairly trills to the ear of one accustomed to an Aes Sedai's characteristic stoicism.

Chloro moves to join her sister taking a seat close. "Thank you, but I think I will manage." She flashes a whiskey flask in her left belled sleeve.

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Catisune gestures with her hand.

The doors smoothly swing open.

Catisune glances at the door and calls, 'You may enter.'

The carveddoor is opened from the other side.

Aelrena has arrived from the south.

Aelrena glides into the room with a large silvered tray with three domed lids atop it, quickly dropping into a curtsy upon entering.

Chloro looks towards the door, her face a mask of Aes Sedai calm as her gray eyes weigh and measure the Accepted.

Catisune nods toward her apprentice, the censorious bun atop her head swaying.

Catisune says 'I am famished, after all.'

Aelrena smiles slightly, approaching the pair of women in an easy glide, "I've brought dinner as you asked, Catisune Sedai."

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Catisune stows her embroidery hoop once more as she awaits her meal anxiously.

Aelrena says 'I also brought a pie up that Laras had one of the cooks make.'

Catisune taps her lip thoughtfully.

Catisune says 'How enterprising. We shall have that after then.'

Aelrena places the tray upon the table in front of the Aes Sedai, uncovering two plates of peppers and pork.

Aelrena gives a plate of hot stew with some bread to Chloro.

Aelrena gives you a plate of vegetables in tangy sauce.

Catisune clucks as a bird might as she settles in for her repast.

Chloro looks to the food then back to the Accepted, her face revealing nothing. "Thank you Aelrena."

Catisune says 'I must admit it is good to see you both.'

Aelrena moves to stand by the window, folding her arms at her waist and quietly awaiting any further requests, while watching the Aes Sedai with a placid expression.

Catisune says 'Do not be so diffident, Aelrena, just because Chloro joins the circle. Tell us of your studies.'

Aelrena stifles a laugh behind her hand.

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'I'm comfortable with you both separately, I was uncertain how you would prefer me to appear when together.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Catisune wipes her mouth delicately so that she does not miss any errant globs of tangy sauce.

Aelrena says 'They've gone well. Finishing up my focused studies upon the Amyrlins has left me time to find myself wondering about methods of defending oneself that some have disregarded in the past.'

Catisune says 'Now is the time for you to show us who you are, but I think we can do it in twos.'

Catisune shares a conspiratorial smirk with Chloro.

Chloro continues to watch the Accepted, noting body language, her gaze piercing and far away at the same moment. "A good focus to have at this time. Not all enemies make their intentions known at first like a trolloc or fade."

Aelrena says 'I've a current interest in the use of the "Elemental Staff" weave, and testing that for my own benefit in circumstances where I might not have access to a staff physically.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Catisune nods, the bun atop her head swaying dangerously 'That may be of use.'
Catisune says 'When do you meet with Keshara, I wonder?'

Catisune tilts her head to the side as a bird might.

Chloro eats a plate of hot stew with some bread.
Aelrena keeps her back straight, though her arms return to a more relaxed position as she leans back against the sill of the window.

Aelrena says 'We didn't set an exact time, Catisune Sedai, though we estimated that it would be around 30 minutes from now.'

Catisune says 'Should we have a party? We could invite other Aes Sedai.'

Danelle Sedai points at Catisune and says 'You're buying!'

Aelrena's lips twitch in amusement as she watches her mentor.

Chloro smiles warmly."Three sisters in one room, that has not happened since we brought our new Green into the fold."

Catisune gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Aelrena says 'Is it not always a party when sisters long parted meet each other once again, Catisune Sedai?'

Catisune says 'Such sage advice. You sound like a Shienaran poet, dear.'

Aelrena stifles a laugh behind her hand.

Catisune says 'Keshara will join us, I expect.'

Aelrena says 'Perhaps a good thing then that you yourself have such a fondness for Shienaran poetry.'

Chloro chuckles and shakes her head slightly. "It is good to see the world beyond these walls has not change you."

Keshara has arrived from the south.

Catisune glides across the study to greet her newly arrived sister.

Catisune greets Keshara with a light kiss on her cheek.

Keshara looks around as she walks through the open door, bottle in her hand.

Aelrena drops into a curtsy at the arrival of Keshara, straightening from her lean against the
window sill.

Chloro rises gracefully greeting her blue sister.

Chloro greets Keshara with a light kiss on her cheek.

Keshara nods politely in greeting to the Accepted.

Catisune says 'Welcome! Aelrena just brought me supper, and now we are asking her tough questions.'

Aelrena murmurs "A pleasure to see you, Keshara Sedai."

Keshara says 'I'm not used to Ajah doors being wide open these days. How refreshing. What a culture you Browns have.'

Keshara says 'Ah. Is there enough food to share? I brought brandy.'

Catisune 's lips twitch for the briefest moment, a grin to those who spend time with Aes Sedai regularly.

Keshara shakes the bottle in her hands, a soft clanking from the glasses ensues.

Catisune says 'Aelrena, I'm afraid you may need to bring more food. For I should like some brandy.'

Aelrena hums quietly under her breath, a gentle tut as she murmurs "Parties are difficult to decide upon."

Chloro retakes her seat and pulls a short round bottle from her knitting bag. With ease she puts it the bottle of whiskey on the table as if she has done this many times before.

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'As you say Catisune Sedai. I shall return shortly.'

Chloro drinks water from a water skin.

Aelrena leaves south. vv

Catisune brings Keshara to the circle of plush chairs near the Ajah study windows.

Keshara places two brandy glasses side by side on the desk, filling them liberally before setting the bottle down.

Keshara looks around and says 'If you want some brandy we must find more glasses, for I only brought the two.'

Catisune gives a cup to Keshara.

Catisune says 'A smart woman always carries a cup, after all.'

Catisune winks or blinks one of her large, watery eyes.

Keshara sniffs at the cup.

Keshara glances up.

Catisune says 'I am glad you joined us, sister. I do not think we have talked much if at all before.'

Keshara says 'Sooo . . . tough questions, is it?'

Catisune says 'I do so love to watch Accepted squirm.'

Catisune says 'Even my own Apprentice, I'm afraid.'
Chloro smiles warmly. "I think I will survive." With ease she pulls a tumbler glass from the center of the table and pours three fingers of whiskey. "It is good to see you both home."

Aelrena has arrived from the south.

Aelrena returns to the Study with another large tray balanced upon one hand, this one loaded down several different sets of cups, as well as a covered platter. As she glides into the room, she curtsies shallowly, the tray itself tipping dangerously before she rights it with her free hand.

Keshara says 'No, it does not seem like we have. The Accepted, Aelrena, asked to meet with me tonight, and I endeavored to be at my desk around this time.’

Chloro shoots a quick grin at Catisune."Ah yes I remember well."

Aelrena gives a plate of pickled quail eggs to Keshara.

Catisune smiles, and the gesture does touch the corners of her eyes 'Chloro is an expert on hospitality, as you would expect from a Gray.'

Aelrena gives you a goblet filled with melon punch.

Catisune says 'I do not mean to distract from your meeting then, but I am glad you have joined us.'

Keshara brings the plate to her nose and gives it a testing smell.

Aelrena gives you a goblet filled with melon punch.

Aelrena stares at the sky.

Aelrena tuts slightly, "Which one was the brandy again..."

Keshara says 'Go right ahead, your lesson is first.'

Keshara points to the bottle on the desk nearest her.

Chloro takes up her tumbler glass and sips the whiskey, eyes yet again focusing on the Accepted as if she is reading more than just what the Accepted is saying when she speaks.

Catisune says 'I invited Ashlynn, but I wonder if she will come. Romanda might not let her.'

Keshara's eyes wander in the direction of the Yellow Wing before shrugging.

Catisune 's eyes follow Keshara's, perhaps imperceptibly.

Catisune says 'But you were detailing your studies, Accepted?'

Aelrena blinks rapidly, her eyes landing upon the bottle resting upon the table before she lets out a short laugh, setting the tray down upon the table and preparing to refill glasses as needed.

Catisune cants her head to one side as a bird might.

Aelrena nods at Catisune.

Aelrena says 'I was Catisune Sedai. I believe I was speaking specifically on discovering methods of protecting oneself that are often overlooked. '

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Keshara brings the glass her her lips and takes a sip of brandy.

Aelrena says 'I mentioned practicing with the Elemental Staff weave of late, but I've also beentaking a special interest in anything that requires a certain amount of strength in spirit, such as
many wards that the Tower uses as a whole.'

Aelrena says 'A study that I'd... perhaps not abandoned, but allowed to fall to the wayside while I was focused upon my detailed study.'

Catisune says 'I quite enjoyed your survey of Amyrlins.'

Keshara scratches her chin.

Aelrena's lips twitch up slightly at the corners.

Catisune produces an embroidery hoop from the tawny bag of sewing trinkets at her feet.

Aelrena says 'I'm glad, Catisune Sedai. It was rather painstaking to pull together what I could from the different histories and biographies, I've found that some historians in the past were rather lax in documenting important events.'

Catisune says 'History can only be viewed from a lens, dear.'

Catisune says 'Every history has a perspective and an argument.'

Keshara takes another sip of brandy, looking at Chloro for a moment before returning her gaze to the conversation.

Aelrena says 'Of course Catisune Sedai. I merely meant such that I was given half a lense that was shattered into pieces for a few of the Amyrlins.'

Catisune momentarily rests her hoop in her lap so that she might find her own brandy. She takes a generous slug and then turns to regard Aelrena.

Catisune says 'That is part of the process, of course.'

Catisune says 'Sometimes all we have are pieces.'

Aelrena's tone turns soft, and her expression melts into something closer to relaxation, "It was rather enjoyable, if I'm entirely truthful."

Chloro spies her blue sister out of the corner of her eye and nods slightly in acknowledgement as she takes another sip of whiskey.

Catisune says 'It is satisfying to complete a puzzle.'

Keshara says 'That does sound like a difficult task. Research on subjects where your sources are incomplete. Or worse, contradictory. There is a parallel to the Eyes and Ears networks, for sure.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Catisune nods in agreement, the censorious bun atop her head swaying.

Aelrena's eyes slide over to Keshara, her expression thoughtful at the mention of eyes and ears.

Chloro says 'Why the Amyrlins, Accepted? What drew you to this topic?'

Keshara glances about the room, the clear glass of brown tinted liquid balanced in hand.

Aelrena says 'Amyrlins are a large part of the face that we show to the world, Chloro Sedai Appearance means much, perceptions just as much. And no matter the power of an Amyrlin within the Tower itself, the world will see her as our leader.'

Keshara says 'What is this research? Were you judging the Amyrlins, full sisters, so far above your
station, child?'

Keshara gives Catisune a quick look and an imperceptive nod.

Aelrena says 'Understanding what makes an Amyrlin great, and creating a metric for such by using the lens of the past allows a more cultivated response in the raising of future Amyrlins.'

Catisune 's lips twitch again, and she watches Aelrena with a measure of satisfaction.

Catisune sips her brandy.

Aelrena says 'I would not deign to judge a sister from my station, Keshara Sedai. I used the information available from the histories within the library, and an objective scoring system based upon world events, and similar factors.'

Keshara gives a nod of satisfaction.

Catisune says 'Only an Aes Sedai can judge an Aes Sedai, of course.'

Catisune says 'But many deign to judge us anyway.'

Keshara says 'When we spoke of the topic, you mentioned teaching this in a class. With an exercise. Is that still the plan?'

Chloro looks to Keshara then back to Aelrena.

Keshara whispers to you, 'You wanted tough questions, I intended to comply. See how she responds.'

Catisune whispers to Keshara 'I love it! How have we not met before?'

Aelrena says 'I still intend to teach a class on it, though I've yet to finish an exact lesson plan. I believe that curtailing it to be taught specifically to Tower initiates will be a task in and of
itself that I had not considered entirely when I first drafted the idea.'

Keshara whispers to you, 'I am here when there is work to be done.'

Catisune whispers to Keshara 'Then I shall know how to summon you again.'

Aelrena says 'This is a task that, should one not be careful, could end in many sore bottoms, which is something that I've been considering before trying to teach this as a class.'

Keshara whispers to you, 'Your Apprentice there has roused me three times alone. I suggest you take lessons from her.'

Catisune does not quite snort or guffaw at Keshara, but the impetus is there in her large, watery eyes.

Aelrena idly twists the great serpent ring upon her finger as she speaks, her gaze swapping between the Aes Sedai. When she finishes she moves forward and quietly refills the glasses of brandy.

Chloro takes a sip of her whiskey before she speaks.

Chloro says 'It is not often a brown apprentice takes interest in a political view, and yet you have completed an entire project on it. What have you gleaned from your studies that surprised you?'

Aelrena looks to the Gray, her head cocking to the side.

Catisune remarks, perhaps off-handedly 'I myself took a long time to decide between Blue and Gray and Brown.

Keshara says 'Are we just going to talk about research projects all night? Is that what I walked into? No wonder the door was open to the Study.'

Aelrena stifles a laugh behind her hand.

Catisune chokes back a laugh.

Aelrena chuckles politely.

Catisune says 'I see your point, sister. But this brandy is delicious.'

Catisune says 'And I have so enjoyed your new acquaintance.'

Keshara says 'Always bring your own entertainment to a party, I say.'

Catisune says 'What do you suggest?'

Chloro chuckles and looks to Keshara, "I do believe you are right." Her face resumes Aes Sedai calm. "Shall we get down to business?"

Catisune has abandoned any pretense of looking at her embroidery hoop.

Keshara says 'I think your intent is to grill your Accepted. I think we can do that without spreading dust everywhere.'

Keshara coughs in a dramatic fashion 'I mean, question you apprentice, of course.''

Aelrena's gaze remains locked upon the gray for another moment, her expression thoughtful before she shakes head slightly, moving her attention to the Aes Sedai as a whole.

Chloro looks to Aelrena her gray eyes focusing, "of course.'

Catisune says 'What a treat for so many sisters to be together today.'

Keshara looks at Aelrena, glass of brandy swishing in hand.

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Catisune says 'Chloro, you were right that this is not the common occurrence it should be.'

Keshara says 'As always, be careful what you ask for.'

Aelrena says 'I have no regrets in asking, Keshara Sedai.'

Catisune says 'Of course, she has not sworn on the Oath Rod yet.'

Aelrena makes eye contact with the blue, her umber gaze unwavering before she dips her head slightly.

Chloro takes another sip of whiskey looking to Keshara before she leans back allowing to blue to start.

Aelrena says 'Being questioned is important, no Oak grows strong without wind to shake its branches.'

Catisune says 'The Shienaran poet returns.'

Keshara says 'We can start with a question dear to me. Whay did you write, asking to speak to me? Catisune's letter was cryptic in a way.'

Aelrena says 'I respect you greatly Keshara Sedai. Every time we've spoken I've found myself walking away from the conversation both more knowledgeable and with a fresh perspective I had not previously considered.'

Aelrena says 'I wrote to speak to you in the hopes that a conversation between the two of us would both leave me more prepared for the tests the future holds, as well as show you how that I myself have grown in turn.'

Keshara pauses a moment and nods.

Keshara says 'We will ensure my Sisters here get what they need from you first, then we can work on accommodating what you need.'

Chloro looks to Catisune.

Aelrena dips her head to the Aes Sedai, murmuring "As you say, Keshara Sedai."

Catisune says 'I have gotten supper and a cup for brandy. That is about it for me, I'm afraid.'

Keshara says 'Accepted, who do you spend your time with here in the Tower? Over the last two weeks,I should say.'

Catisune 's knees turns as she follows the conversation as another might a sporting match.

Aelrena says 'Over the last two weeks Keshara Sedai, I've spent a touch of time with Relena Sedai,though I can't say that it was very much. A touch with Leria Sedai last night, Alexis Sedai a few times the last two weeks, and then Accepted Sarenna.'

Keshara says 'So, mainly Aes Sedai, except for Accepted Sarenna.'

Keshara says 'That does seem to be the make-up of this evening as well.'

Keshara says 'And what have you learned from these Aes Sedai?'

Aelrena says 'That come to mind immediately, yes Keshara Sedai. '

Chloro finishes her whiskey and places the glass on the table silently.

Aelrena says 'Alexis Sedai has taught me the importance of knowing a battlefield, preparing for different situations when you're playing a support roll during conflict in the Blight.'

Keshara sips on her brandy in a glass that hasn't seemed to empty.

Aelrena says 'Relena Sedai reminded me the importance of constant vigilance and preparedness.'

Aelrena says 'And Leria Sedai reminded me that even an Aes Sedai still has things that they can learn, that learning doesn't end solely because you gain the shawl.'

Keshara says 'Those lessons seem to be focused around safety and battle. How are you in combat and defense?'

Keshara says 'I should hope not, or we'd never want Raise any Accepted. Our Library would become so stagnant.'

Aelrena says 'I would rate myself as passable, Keshara Sedai. I know well that I'm not the best student when it comes to offensive weaving, and it is something that I have been working on since I first gained the ring.'

Aelrena says 'I have improved much since then, but there is much I still have to learn.'

Catisune fishes for something in the tawny bag of sewing trinkets resting at her feet. She accidentally upends several items in the search: a taxidermied bird, several uncut gemstones, and a vial of blotting sand.

Chloro quickly grabs the bottle of sand before it can spill handing it back to her sister.

Catisune balances the bottle on a heap of other disturbed belongings. It wobbles but does not spill.

Catisune murmurs to Chloro 'Thank you, sister.'

Aelrena nods to the blue sister, "I believe that to be the truth, Keshara Sedai."

Chloro nods and looks back to the word exchange.

Aelrena's lips twitch "Though, were it not, there's a certain amount of political power that one might gain from having the largest library in the known world."

Keshara glances at her Sisters.

Chloro arches an eyebrow at the comment of politics. "Is that so?"

Catisune is fumbling with a pile of stuff she's displaced from her bag. She makes eye contact with Keshara.

Aelrena hums quietly under her breath.

Aelrena says 'Yes Chloro Sedai. Of course there are other libraries, the one in the royal palace of Caemlyn, the libraries of Cairhien. Both are large in their own right. But there is knowledge only held here in the White City. '

Chloro says 'Then I have one question for you.'

Keshara reaches over for the bottle of brandy and pours her some more.

Catisune nods approvingly as she continues surveying the contents of her bag.

Aelrena says 'That both encourages scholars from other lands to come seeking knowledge, which both causes a sense of connection to the White Tower, as well as a certain sense of due to the Tower itself for access to such.'

Aelrena nods at Chloro.

Chloro says 'If you were raised to the shawl, what would your pursuit be after the shawl is on your shoulders?'

Aelrena says 'A question the answer to which has evolved many times, in fact, every time that I've been asked.'

Catisune says 'I am so curious to hear what it is today.'

Aelrena nods, her gaze shifting out the window once again before she returns it to the Gray.

Aelrena says 'I would be a harbinger, Chloro Sedai.'

Chloro says 'Please elaborate on this.'

Keshara raises her eyebrow.

Catisune says 'A harbinger?'

Catisune 's lips are tight as the strings of an innkeeper's coin purse.

Aelrena says 'I would seek to be a beacon for truth in the world, bringing light to those who have lacked it sorely of late.'

Aelrena shakes her head.

Keshara says 'What is one thing you would do to accomplish that?'

Chloro says 'Speak plainly child, no need for extra words, you have peeked our interests.'

Aelrena says 'It's easy to say that I would do such things, but perhaps I should elaborate on the how. I think it's easy to forget that there's such misinformation that runs rampant in the world about the past, both in what happened and in how Aes Sedai were involved in such.'

Aelrena says 'I would like to both help allay this misinformation, whether than be working with gleemen to increase the historical accuracy of oral tales, or merely working within the different cities of the world as an envoy.'

Keshara says 'Please, provide an example of one of these scenarios. Which one comes to mind that you think would be a good candidate for this advocacy?'

Catisune seems to have momentarily abandoned the inspection of the contents of her bag of sewing trinkets.

Aelrena says 'In truth, the first tales that come to mind are those of the breaking of the World,

Keshara Sedai. Though, I of course could return back to my roots with my studies on Hawkwing.'

Keshara tilts her head to one side.

Aelrena says 'The breaking of the world is still, despite three thousand years of intervening time,fresh upon the minds of many. And even more so with its effects so clean upon men who can channel.'

Aelrena says 'This encourages a fear of the One Power among the masses, despite the fact that the women of the White Tower have worked since then to hold the world together.'

Keshara says 'Yes, yes.'

Aelrena remains quiet for a moment, watching the Blue sister.

Keshara blinks.

Keshara says 'Is that it?'

Keshara says 'I am a fairly action oriented person. I was expecting a recounting on how you would combat misinformation of a specific topic.'

Aelrena says 'I would say that it never truly ends, Keshara Sedai. I was merely uncertain if there was something more you wished to say before I continued.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Keshara says 'Ends? I am just curious where it starts.'

Aelrena says 'I'm thinking in specific of perhaps writing a tale in conjunction with a Gleeman that reminds the common folk that the White Tower has stood as symbol for the Light.'

Aelrena shakes her head.

Keshara says 'An admirable avenue to get the message out. Discrete and circumvent.'

Aelrena says 'And is not the avenue that is most readily considered. Sisters are common in palaces, which can creative a positive opinion.'

Aelrena says 'Many villagers will go their entire lives without seeing a sister, or receiving healing, or any other number of things which might create that positive opinion.'

Keshara raises the cup of brandy to her lips looking over at the Brown and Gray.

Catisune makes eye contact with Keshara despite her evident quest for something in her bag.

Aelrena says 'But they WILL hear tales from Gleemen of the Breaking, it's merely a matter of framing it the proper way.'

Catisune finally finds the object of her desire: a slim, leather-bound volume. She thumbs to a few pages in.

Chloro looks to the accepted her eyes quizzical. "An admirable cause for certain. Yet will you be released from the tower to do this? There are many things one must consider before then. You are at a time now where thinking of these things should begin."

Aelrena nods her head slightly at the Gray, "Perhaps I will not, Chloro Sedai. I would of course serve as the Tower wills. There was not a consideration for such in the original question however. If you'd like I could reframe my argument with such. Though I would say that the writing of a tale and song is possible within the Tower as well."

Chloro nods satisfied with the answer.

Catisune says 'Well, you are nimble enough, I suppose.'

Keshara says 'I concur with the Accepted on both points.'

Catisune smirks ever so slyly, only the corners of her eyes turning.

Aelrena shifts her weight as she pushes a strand of hair that has fallen free from its binding back behind her ear.

Chloro says 'I yield to the both of you, I have no further questions for the the accepted.'

Catisune says 'I am afraid I cannot stay much longer.'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Catisune stows her embroidery hoop unceremoniously.

Keshara says 'Ah, you have wore my Sisters out, Accepted.'

Catisune says 'A feat, I think?'

Keshara waves her hand in jest.

Aelrena chuckles politely.

Catisune crosses to whisper something in the ear of each of her sisters.

Aelrena says 'Maybe so, perhaps I've just bored them however.'

Keshara looks around and says 'I am not so certain, given the environment.'

Catisune whispers to Keshara 'So good to meet you.'

Catisune whispers to Chloro 'See you soon.'

Chloro chuckles and takes up her knitting bag, leaving the whiskey for Catisune.

Keshara inclines her head to Catisune.

Catisune says 'I have been glad for this gathering, sisters. Aelrena, we shall speak soon.'

Posts: 231
Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:05 pm

Re: Poke the Apprentice

Post by Ashlynn » Fri Feb 24, 2023 8:20 am

Summary: +1
RP-Lizer: +1
Meticulous edits: +1
Length bonus: +2

Catisune +5 qps
Chloro +4 qps
Aelrena +4 qps
Keshara +4 qps

Ashlynn says 'offlineaward catisune 5 rpqps for poke the apprentice log'

A silver-haired Aes Sedai says 'I have recorded OFFLINE RPQPS: award catisune 5 qps poke the
apprentice log'

Ashlynn says 'offlineaward chloro 4 rpqps for poke the apprentice log'

A silver-haired Aes Sedai says 'I have recorded OFFLINE RPQPS: award chloro 4 qps poke the
apprentice log'

Ashlynn says 'offlineaward aelrena 4 rpqps for poke the apprentice log'

A silver-haired Aes Sedai says 'I have recorded OFFLINE RPQPS: award aelrena 4 qps poke the
apprentice log'

Ashlynn says 'offlineaward keshara 4 rpqps for poke the apprentice log'

A silver-haired Aes Sedai says 'I have recorded OFFLINE RPQPS: award keshara 4 qps poke the
apprentice log'

Say "Receive" at the silver-haired Aes Sedai for your award.

What a riveting story! I am saddened that I was unable to attend despite the invitation, but as you mentioned, I was working on some things for Romanda Sedai. I loved seeing the hard line of questioning!

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