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An Accepted goes over some Tower basics with a Novice

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:32 pm
by Sarenna
Present: Accepted Sarenna, Novice Navani
POV: Accepted Sarenna

In this log, Sarenna has been instructed to go over some Tower basics with Navani by Chloro Sedai, so they meet in the classroom and discuss the Oaths, important persons, and a basic overview of the Ajahs and what each one specializes in.

In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door west: door
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.
Navani has arrived from the west.

Sarenna turns two of the chairs to face one another, and takes a seat, gesturing for
Navani to do the same.

Navani sits down in the chair.

You say 'So, I am sorry to hear that you had trouble with the test. What questions gave you

Navani says 'I recited oath two as oath three.'

You say 'Ah.'

Navani says 'I was also unaware who the held the Amrylin seat which I discovered is Siuan Sanche!'

You nod in agreement.

Ashlynn tells you 'what are you doing at the moment?'

Navani says 'I have memorized the 3 oaths now so that I will not forget.'

You tell Ashlynn 'I am teaching a class on Tower basics to Novice Navani, at Chloro Sedai's
instruction, Ashlynn Sedai.'

Navani says 'Oath one is I will speak no word that is not true.'

You nod in agreement.

Ashlynn tells you 'excellent, i was just going to ask you to do that '

Navani says 'Oath two is to make no weapon with which one man may kill another'

You nod in agreement.

Navani says 'Oath three is not to use the one power as a weapon except against shadowspawn, or in
the last defense of my life, the life of my warder, or that of another sister.'

You say 'Alright. So, let's talk a bit further about those, shall we?'

Navani says 'Yes'

You say 'The first oath means that you may not knowingly and deliberately speak any untrue words.
However, there are times when you may need to allow people to believe something that is not correct,
or even lead them to believe it, for the greater good.'

Navani says 'I see, I believe Mistress Maignem said something about that in the orientation class. For instance I could say "You may call me Ted" but I could not say "My name is Ted".'

Sarenna nods. "Precisely so. Accepted Maighan does speak of that in her class. And there have been instances of Sisters traveling under assumed names where that very scenario has taken place."

You say 'The second oath... did you know, there are still some weapons left from the War of Power?
Power-wrought swords, for example? They are very, very rare, as they should be, but they do exist
even after all of this time. That is part of why we swear that oath. Because the weapons we could
potentially make using the Power could have a serious impact on the world around us, for good or

Navani gasps in astonishment.

Navani says 'I have never heard of such swords, I am from far south in Illian and no one I've ever
met has seen a trolloc or even believes they exist!'

You say 'Men find enough ways and reasons to kill each other without needing any help from the Aes Sedai.'

Navani nods in agreement.

Sarenna gives a wry chuckle. "That will change, Navani. I've faced and killed trollocs
and even a Fade, and you will, as well. It is part of our calling."

You say 'And that is a good segue into the third Oath. We swear not to use Saidar as a weapon,
except against Shadowspawn, or in defense of ourselves, our Sisters, and our Warders. Why do you
think that oath is important?'

Navani says 'I have not had to face any yet other than I was in the tower when Dreadlord Mikhan
entered a few days ago. Fortunately Relena Sedai was there and rushed me into the Novice Quarters.'

Sarenna nods. "I am glad Relena Sedai was able to help you remain safe."

Navani says 'It is important to walk in the light, if you were to use the power to do anything other
than those in the oaths I dare say it would be doing the Dark One's own bidding.'

Sarenna nods. "Yes. Also, it reassures anyone who is familiar with the Tower and Aes
Sedai, that if they do not attack us, we cannot use the Power to harm them. And you'll notice that
the oath specifies Shadowspawn, and not darkfriends. Because even they are safe from us utilizing
the Power against them, unless they attack us first."

Navani pulls out a pen and small brown notebook from her novice dress and scrimbles down a few
notes, from what you can see there is writing filling the pages.

You say 'But as there are gray areas with the First Oath, so there are with the Third. If a Sister
can truthfully state that she believed herself, another Sister, or a Warder to be in danger, then
she can use the Power in defense.'

Navani nods in agreement.

You say 'Alright, moving on. Do you know how many Ajahs there are, and can you name them?'

Navani says 'Yes there are 7 Ajahs, we have Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Gray, White and Brown.'

Sarenna nods and smiles. "And do you have a basic understanding of each Ajah's focus? If
not, it's fine, there is time left for you to learn that. I am simply curious."

Navani says 'I have the basics mostly, the blue is the seeker of the dragon reborn, red seeks to
still all men who can channel, yellow are the healers, green is the battle ajah, gray and white
uphold the laws and brown is the seeker of knowledge'

Navani says 'Perhaps I do not know the difference between the Gray and White Ajahs at the core.'

Navani curtseys gracefully.

Sarenna gives a slight nod. "You are not far off. The Gray Ajah work in matters of
politics, mediation, and conflict resolution. The Whites study philosophy and logic, and debate over
the objective truth of things. The Blue Ajah does not as a whole seek the Dragon Reborn, though some
Blue Sisters might. The Blues involve themselves in matters of justice, and they work for causes.

Navani pulls out the same small brown book and begins writing on a new page.

You say 'There is also a lot of overlap. For example, regarding the Dragon Reborn... a Red might
wish to find him so that they can be nearby to gentle him if the need arises. A Green might want to
be nearby to advise the Dragon on matters of battle and strategy. A Gray might wish to act as an
advisor in dealing with rulers. But they all want to find him. Does that make sense?'

Navani says 'Ah yes that makes sense'

You say 'The Yellow act as healers, but some of them might learn to fight as Greens do, so they can
act as combat healers. Whereas a Green might wish to learn to heal so that she is able to save as
many combatants as possible so as not to lose a battle through attrition.'

Navani takes a small brown notebook from her dress and hastiliy scribles down a few notes.

You say 'Alright. You mentioned Siuan Sanche Sedai, the current Amyrlin Seat. Do you know which Ajah
she was raised from?'

Navani says 'From the Blue Ajah'

You nod in agreement.

You say 'Correct. An interesting tidbit of information... did you know that there have been more
Blue Sisters raised to the Amyrlin Seat than any other Ajah in the past millennium?'

Navani says 'I did not that is interesting!'

You nod in agreement.

You say 'Alright. Any questions so far?'

You smile at her.

Navani says 'None for now thank you.'

You nod in agreement.

Navani says 'Although I am curious about something.'

Navani says 'I suppose it is a question of sorts.'

You say 'Please, feel free.'

Navani says 'What Ajah do you see yourself joining or is that not something you've considered much

Sarenna chuckles. "I have given it thought, yes, though I have not yet reached a
decision. At times, I've thought I was close to deciding, but the more I learn, the more my opinions
shift. It is a natural thing to think about, but I will give you the same advice I was given as a
novice. Don't put the cart before the horse. Work at being the best Novice you can, and save
decisions like that for when you are further along your path."

You say 'Any other questions, before I move along?'

You smile at her.

You say 'Alright, then. A few more quick questions. Who is the current Mistress of Novices?'

Navani says 'Sheriam Sedai'

You nod in agreement.

You say 'And where is her office located?'

Navani says 'I have been helping Mistress Sheriam with many tasks and have almost completed them

Navani says 'In the southwest corner of this floor.'

Sarenna nods. "Good. Who is the Mistress of the Kitchens?"

Navani says 'Mistress Laras'

You say 'Excellent. And who is the Gaidin Master?'

Navani says 'Master Coulin'

You nod in agreement.

You say 'If the Tower is attacked, name three safe places you can go?'

Navani says 'I was taught Master Coulin was the safest place other than retreating to the novice

Navani says 'Where is the other place?'

You say 'You have two of them. The third, should it come to that, is Sheriam Sedai's office.'

Navani nods in agreement.

You say 'Alright. I think that about does it for us for now. If you have any questions, or are not
sure about anything, always feel free to ask me if I am around. I am happy to help.'

You smile at her.

Navani curtseys before you.

Navani says 'Thank you for your help today, I learned a lot.'

Navani waves.

Navani leaves west.

Re: An Accepted goes over some Tower basics with a Novice

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 7:37 pm
by Chloro
Rplizer +1 qps : 0
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : 0
Length bonus +1-2 qps : 1
Summary: +1 qps : 1
Teaching: 1

Sarenna: 3
Navani: 2

Please say "RECEIVE" at a silver haired Aes sedai to be awarded.