The Camellia bud exercise...

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The Camellia bud exercise...

Post by Nymyrya » Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:08 pm

Summary: Sarabel meets Tolza Sedai to be inducted as a Novice and Nymyrya is asked to lead the rose bud exercise for the first time.

Characters: Tolza Sedai, Sarabel, Aelrena, Nymyrya

rp-lizer and light editing

Tolza gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Tolza beckons everyone to follow her.

Aelrena has arrived from the south.
Sarabel has arrived from the south.

Tolza gestures at the door with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.
Aelrena curtseys before Tolza.

Tolza gives you a faint smile as her eyes dart to her book.

Tolza says 'Light illuminate you all.'

Sarabel curtseys before Tolza.

Tolza looks at Sarabel.

The flows holding the light ball have dissipated.

Sarabel cracks a small grin

Aelrena says 'Apologies to interupt Tolza Sedai.'

Aelrena says 'This child was considering asking to have her name written in the Novice book.'

Tolza says 'Light this girl has hay in her hair.'

Sarabel says 'apologies Tolza Sedai'

Sarabel says 'I have just come from a fleet footed run from the criminal, child Loret'

Tolza says 'Its fine, it keeps Nymyrya busy.'

Tolza glances at the muddy foot prints on the floor.

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Sarabel brushes the footprint out with the sole of her laced brown boots.

Aelrena says 'We were accosted outside the city, and I believe Loret is still about somewhere.'

Tolza says 'So, are you seeking shelter from the children of the light?'

Tolza says 'Or do you wish to be tested for the one power?'

Sarabel says 'More Tolza Sedai, I want to learn to use saidar'

Aelrena glances at the young woman out of the corner of her eye.

Tolza says 'What are your thoughts on that Aelrena?'

Sarabel says 'to embrace the one power and defeat such people that would attack someone simply
because they are born with a certain gift.'

Sarabel begs her for a dime or two -- or twenty!

Aelrena says 'That she's asking to run before learning to walk, but I have seen her embrace the true
source. I suspect she's a wilder who ran afoul of the Children of the Light. I at the least know
that Loret seemed to have her eye upon the woman.'

Sarabel debases herself on the floor

Nymyrya briefly glances at the neckline of Sarabels dress.

Tolza says 'Oh, light stop that.'

Sarabel blushes.

Nymyrya pointedly looks at the ceiling.

Sarabel stands slowly, stuck in a akward pose between standing and kneeling.

Nymyrya starts paying increased attention to her surroundings.

Sarabel stops using a decadent white leather dress with a plunging neckline.

Sarabel puts a decadent white leather dress with a plunging neckline in a backpack.

Sarabel smirks.

Tolza says 'Aelrena why done you show her the rose bud exercise.'

Tolza shakes her head.

Tolza says 'In that case, Nymyrya.'


Tolza is in excellent condition.
Tolza is healthy.

Nymyrya says 'Yes, Aes Sedai'

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says 'Okay, I believe that I have a novice class calling my name currently.'

Tolza gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Tolza says 'Go if you need to'

Aelrena says 'Child, best of luck, and feel free to find me once you wear the white.'

Aelrena curtseys before Tolza.

Aelrena leaves south. vv
Sarabel leaves south. vv

Aelrena has arrived from the south.
Sarabel has arrived from the south.

Sarabel stops following Aelrena.

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena leaves south. vv

Tolza gestures at the door with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Sarabel says 'I know my appearance is disheveled, but I must learn to protect the innocent at any

Nymyrya says 'Sarabel, if it pleases, I may show you the rose bud exercise.'

Sarabel says 'oooh very good!'

Sarabel clicks her tongue.

Sarabel sits up.

Sarabel starts following Nymyrya.

Nymyrya takes a seat in one of the comfortable, upholstered chairs in the room. 'Come and sit with me,
it helps to be relaxed' then pats the chair next to her.

Tolza begins to jotting down her thoughts in a large not book, occasionally glancing up at you.

Sarabel sits next to Nymyrya, careful not to get anything else muddy.

Sarabel breathes out slowly, trying to relax.

Nymyrya closes her eyes, and speaks very softly, "Close your eyes, and relax your mind. Try and picture
a budding rose, or any flower you like. Closed and in the dark."

Sarabel nods in agreement.

Sarabel visibly relaxes, eyes closed, face focused.

Sarabel says 'i see a camellia blossom, tightly bound up, but ready to burst.'

Nymyrya speaks softly, and slowly, the smooth tone becoming rythmic and melodic, "Good, now keep your
eyes closed, keep your camellia blossom, listen to my voice."

Tolza disappears into the void.

Tolza has returned.

Tolza says 'I think we lost nymyrya'

Tolza sighs loudly.

Sarabel waits silently.

Nymyrya lowers her voice even more, becoming a slightly hypnotic rhythm, "Clear your mind, let your
emotions, your thoughts, your feelings fade away, let yourself float. You are the camellia blossom
before morning."

Tolza nods in agreement.

Sarabel says 'i see the blossom there in the dark, light from the morning just about to show.'

Sarabel gets a large slab of meat from a backpack.

Sarabel eats a large slab of meat.

morning dew evaporates off your petals.
Nymyrya says 'As the sun rises, you feel it's warmth on the camellia bud, see the glow of it coming up as
the morning dew evaporates off your petals.'

your stem, you are at peace, you are whole, you are one.
Nymyrya says 'You are the camellia bud, your roots planted in the soil, the sun on your flesh, the dew on
your stem, you are at peace, you are whole, you are one.'

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Tolza gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Aja has arrived from the south.

Tolza gestures at the door with her hand.

Sarabel says 'I feel connected to the earth and rooted deeply.'

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Aja slips quietly into the room.

Aja curtseys before Tolza.

Sarabel's face becomes radiant.

Sarabel says 'I feel as though I've slept for a week.'

Tolza itches her nose smudging it with ink.

Nymyrya begins to flush slightly and sway at the feeling of Saidar calling to her. "Slowly allow the sun
to fill you up, drinking in its warmth, let your petals unfold and let its rays pour in to you.
Embrace the warmth."

Tolza closes her eyes.

Nymyrya lets out a small sigh, and embraces saidar, only taking a small bit.

Nymyrya feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Nymyrya senses Tolza connecting to the True Source.

Aja takes a seat in the back corner of the room by the door.

Tolza lets out a small sigh.

Sarabel begins to pout.

Nymyrya says 'let Saidar calmly flow into like the rays of the sun into the rose petal. Open yourself to
it. Embrace Saidar.'

Sarabel says 'i'll never get it. '

Sarabel says 'I only felt the source because I was scared and running from that evil person.'

Nymyrya opens her eyes and perks up.

Nymyrya senses Sarabel connecting to the True Source.

Nymyrya says 'Oh there it is.'

Nymyrya nods in agreement.

Sarabel says 'I feel it.'

Aja beams a smile at Sarabel.

Sarabel rests her face again.

Tolza says 'Very good.'

Tolza says 'Do one of you two novice remember the dangers of Saidar?'

Aja says 'Are you referring to the three oaths?'

Tolza shakes her head.

Tolza says 'The temptation of drawing to much.'

Nymyrya says 'Not to draw too much, or when you are too tired, or you run the risk of overchanneling and
burning yourself out.'

Aja nods in agreement.

Tolza nods in agreement.

Nymyrya says 'ooc dont o, ov, or overchannel, dont channel in portal stone rooms'

Sarabel nods in agreement.

Tolza says 'Very good.'

Aja says 'ooc - Yes! Just make aliases of ov, ove and over with blah as their command and you won't
accidently do them'

Tolza says 'Do you have any questions at this point Sarabel?'

Sarabel says 'Tolza Sedai is it always so easy to touch the source?'

Tolza says 'It becomes easier as you continue to train.'

Sarabel looks embarrassed.

Aja is embarrassed that she couldn't think of burning oneself out if she overchannels.

Tolza says 'Any thing to add to that Ajah, Sarabel?'

Nymyrya says 'Forgive my interjection, but I find that consistent practice of the exercise we just did
makes embracing the source much easier over time. Eventually becoming second nature.'

Tolza nods in agreement.

Tolza says 'Any other questions Sarabel?'

Sarabel says 'I will practice every day. When can I get started?'

Tolza says 'I can add you to the hand book now if you wish.'

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Re: The Camellia bud exercise...

Post by Tolza » Tue Sep 06, 2022 9:07 pm

Awarded 1qp

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