From Breathing Fire, Into Whites

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From Breathing Fire, Into Whites

Post by Chloro » Thu Jul 28, 2022 5:35 pm

A log of the interview of novice Tigiria prior to being inducting into the tower. We discuss a known affliction along with embracing Saidar controlled for the first time

Point of view Chloro:

Participants: Tigiria, Chloro

Log session starting at 13:46:59 on Thursday, 28 July 2022.

Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Tigiria of Murandy is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.

Tigiria jumps slightly and slides over to a chair.

Tigiria says 'I need a safe place to be.'

Tigiria says 'I don't trust myself.'

Tigiria looks over her shoulder again.

Tigiria clears her throat and tugs her collar.

Chloro looks to the child her face pure Aes Sedai calm. "Why do you not trust yourself? Perhaps we should start with introductions. I am Chloro Sedai of the Gray Ajah, and you are?"

Tigiria says 'I am Tigiria al'Raln, once of...'

Tigiria gestures to the southwest, roughly.

Tigiria says 'My people liked'

Chloro smiles warmly and looks to Tigiria, "You will find no judgmental looks here Tigiria, of what people do you speak?"

Tigiria chews on her lower lip for a long few moments.

Tigiria says 'Oh, um, we were a traveling troupe of performers!'

Tigiria says 'I swallowed fire!'

Tigiria picks at the seam of her chair.

Chloro chuckles warmly nodding to the child. "There, that was not so hard. I myself was the daughter of a blacksmith once. You will find many of the girls here come from different backgrounds."

Tigiria appears to relax slightly and uncrosses her arms.

Tigiria says 'Well the troupe was a bunch of awful people who made me do their dirty work for them!'

Tigiria says 'I hate them and I'm never going back.'

Tigiria folds her arms again and huffs audibly.

Chloro nods and takes in the girls’ words. "The world can be a harsh place regardless of where you are. However, that is behind you now. Please tell me why you do not trust yourself, perhaps I can be of assistance with the issue."

Tigiria holds up her palms to you, which appear dry and cracked.

Tigiria says 'My hands catch fire sometimes!'

Chloro looks to the girls’ hands seeing the charred marks. "That does sound like quite the problem. How and when does this happen?"

Tigiria lowers her voice to a growl '...mostly when I'm under pressure.'

Tigiria says 'I don't know! I just get sweaty all over and then...'

Tigiria says 'FWOOM'

Tigiria raises her hands to the sky dramatically

Chloro nods and pulls a pitcher of water from the center of the table and two mugs. Carefully she fills both mugs leaving some room to prevent spillage. Gently she pushes a mug to the girl and takes one for herself. "We shall get to the bottom of this."

Tigiria reaches for the mug and hesitates slightly.

Tigiria takes the mug and sips.

Chloro says 'It is alright Tigiria you are among those who can help you now.'

Tigiria grimaces behind the mug.

Chloro notices the girl’s reaction. "Help you without asking for favors in return." Carefully takes up her mug and sips the water.

Tigiria sits back in the chair and folds her legs.

Chloro sets down her mug and looks the girl up and down weighing and measuring her with gray eyes. "Tell me, have you ever been tested for the ability to channel?"

Tigiria sets the mug down and flexes her fingers again. "Tested? No."

Chloro says 'Then let us do that now. I think your raging palms may be an ability manifesting. Many girls come to us with similar afflictions.'

Tigiria raises her eyebrows with interest.

Chloro stands gracefully pushing her chair in beckoning the girl to follow. Gliding across the marble floors she moves to an Illianer carpet dropping down settling on her knees her rear resting on her heels. "Join me please."

Tigiria narrows her eyes but follows you to the rug and kneels.

Chloro pulls a small polished smokey quartz globe from a pocket in the seam of her gown. Carefully she places it between herself and the girl allowing Tigiria to become comfortable with it. "This process may seem strange, but it has its purpose."

Tigiria chews on the end of a lock of hair, watching.

Chloro extends her arms out towards the girl palms up. "Please extend yours, you may grip my forearms for comfort during this."

Tigiria reaches out for your arms and takes them.

Chloro looks to the child. "Now do as I guide, and we will see what we have. Slowly take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. “ Slows her breath to match the girls rhythmic breathing.

Tigiria looks extremely skeptical but breathes along with your pattern.

Chloro says 'Now slowly close your eyes allow your mind to drift and focus on your breathing.'

Tigiria appears very tense but breathes along for now.

Chloro nods her forearms feeling the girl’s pulse through her palms. "Now float, drift, let your mind empty its-self of worry, of doubt, of anger, of thought."

Tigiria appears to relax considerably.

Tigiria's stomach growls.

Chloro continues breathing with the girl a warm smile forming at the sound coming from the girl’s abdomen. "Keep clearing your mind, allow all other things to fade."

Tigiria appears very relaxed now and is breathing along with you.

Chloro feels the girls pulse relax and speaks softly rhythmically with the breathing "In your mind picture a rosebud, closed as if out in the morning dew."

Tigiria bites her lower lip and nods.

Chloro observes the girl’s posture and continues speaking to soothe her. "Only the rosebud exists, you are the rose bud closed and comforted continue breathing deeply."

Tigiria loses her composure briefly at 'you are the rose bud' but coughs some laughter away and keeps breathing.

Chloro chuckles with the novice but continues breathing holding self on the verge of embracing should things go wrong. "Continue breathing, imagine the rosebud, become the rosebud."

Tigiria dips her head down and wipes her forehead on her sleeve.

Tigiria says 'Becoming...'

Chloro nods and looks to the girl. "Yes, this technique is quite popular though for some another is needed. Let us continue and discard the rose."

Tigiria says 'Umm, sometimes when I'm really nervous I can do it?'

Tigiria says 'Like, if I'm hiding from someone....or if someone is yelling?'

Chloro says 'We will try another method. '

Chloro looks to her forearms then to the girl. "Come let us get back to the stage of a clear mind."

Tigiria nods and closes her eyes again.

Chloro continues her breathing. "Float, drift, push all from your mind."

Tigiria appears entranced again.

Chloro nods matching the girls breathing. "Imagine a water wheel, slowly turning bringing up buckets of water before returning to bring more."

Tigiria appears to fall deep into a trance.

Tigiria's breathing slows considerably.

Chloro watches the girl intently. "Feel the current of the stream as the wheel continues to turn allowing water to flow into it before returning for more."

Tigiria's grip tightens on your forearms and relaxes.

Chloro feels the grip and smiles a knowing smile. "Feel the current of the cool water, as it flows. Allow the water to flow through you as the water wheel does, allow the current to guide the water to you."

You sense Tigiria connecting to the True Source.

Tigiria gasps in astonishment.

Tigiria grabs onto your forearms again.

Chloro smiles a knowing smile and looks to the globe of quartz as it flickers for a moment. "Well then, we now have the source of our fire hands."

Chloro says 'Allow the water to flow away from you child and let the current retake it.'

Tigiria looks around, clearly shaken.

Chloro watches saidar flow out of the girl and grips her forearm in comfort. "It is alright dear you are among your kind now."

Tigiria slumps down, exhausted.

Tigiria says 'Thank you, Chloro Sedai.'

Chloro allows the girl to reclaim her arms and looks to her. "I remember when I first learned I had the ability. It was in an army encampment with an Aes Sedai royal advisor. Either way you are among those who can help you now. Your fire hands shall trouble you no more."

Tigiria hugs herself tightly.

Chloro smiles and rises Aes Sedai calm ever present on her face. "For your own safety it will be best we induct you as a novice, until we judge you capable of channeling on your own safely."

Tigiria says 'I can...stay here?'

Chloro smiles and chuckles slightly. "Yes Child you have a home here now. All women of the tower reside here, from novice to the most aged Aes Sedai."

Tigiria nods rapidly.

Chloro says 'Let us be about inducting you, shall we?'

Chloro says 'Come with me child you have much to see.'

Tigiria falls into step behind you.

Chloro pulls her gray shawl about her arms and heads for the door.

Log session ending at 14:44:41 on Thursday, 28 July 2022.

Posts: 968
Joined: Tue May 30, 2017 8:24 pm

Re: From Breathing Fire, Into Whites

Post by Aloisa » Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:42 pm

Awarded Chloro and Tigiria, please see a silver-haired Aes Sedai and say receive

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