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Pick a color, any color! (Alyss continues to explore the Ajahs)

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:51 pm
by Alyss
Log session starting at 20:26:51 on Saturday, 22 January 2022.

Accepted Alyss
Jenda Sedai
Erulisse Sedai
Accepted Sarinda (later)

Note: minor editorializing for flow and grouping topics/reactions together.


Jenda tells you 'come in door is open.'

Solarium of the Yellow Ajah
Tall, arched windows offer a view of the island of Tar Valon and the
confluence of the river Erinin beyond Southharbor, as the river starts on
its journey to Tear. Pots and plants dot the balcony outside the windows.
Chairs have been drawn up near the windows and vases containing bouquets of
of yellow flowers have been placed nearby. Several desks and clusters of
chairs have been distributed around the room, allowing for informal
discussion of Yellow Sisters' research and studies.
[ obvious exits: N ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door north: door
Sumptuously upholstered, a gold brocade chaise lounge with gilded legs rests nearby.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [2]
Erulisse Avehelm, The Brown Recluse is resting here.
Jenda Sharaad is resting here on a chaise lounge.
A young girl in a plain white dress stands here.
A woman with an ageless face stands here.
A Yellow Sister glides past.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
Corele Hovian stands here with concern in her eyes.

Jenda looks at Erulisse.

Erulisse looks at Jenda.

Jenda gestures at the door with her hand.

Alyss curtseys before Jenda.

Alyss curtseys before Erulisse.

Jenda whistles appreciatively.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Erulisse looks at you.

Alyss' cheeks are burning.

Erulisse draws a sharp, red stone dagger from a decadent white leather dress with a plunging
neckline with a flash of steel.

Erulisse sheathes a sharp, red stone dagger into a decadent white leather dress with a plunging

Jenda says 'Are you well, child? Do you need Healing? '

Alyss says 'Thank you for meeting with me, Aes Sedai.'

Erulisse says 'Hello Accepted'

Jenda nods in agreement.

Alyss shakes her head.

Jenda tilts her head in question.

Alyss says 'I...I would like some guidance.'

Erulisse nods in agreement.

Erulisse says 'How can we help Accepted?'

Alyss says 'As I have advanced in my studies as an Accepted, I've actually become more unsure about my

Alyss frowns.

Erulisse arches an eyebrow.

Alyss says 'I know I want to help people. I just don't know what is the best course to do that

Jenda says 'This is your time to meditate on that future, Accepted. It is completely natural to feel
lost when one has no clear direction. '

Jenda says 'it will take time. '

Alyss says 'I had assumed that the best way to help people was to treat diseases...'

Jenda says 'It is. '

Jenda grins at Erulisse.

Erulisse snorts.

Erulisse says 'No doubt you learned as a novice how to cure ills'

Alyss says 'but I have learned in my studies that the history of plagues can also be used to help
people in the current age....'
Erulisse says 'A fine and necessary skill of course'

Alyss nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'A disease of any system, not just a man or woman's body. '

Alyss studies her hands.

Alyss says 'I no longer know which is the "best" course to helping others.'

Alyss blushes.

Erulisse ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Alyss says '...and I know that there is no "best" course.'

Jenda says 'That depends on where your passions and Talents lie. Where you feel you would be best
employed. '

Alyss lifts her head.

Erulisse says 'Do you find healing to be rewarding? Beyond academically?'

Jenda turns her tilted black eyes towards the Accepted.

Alyss says 'I feel like my Talents and passions both involve healing others....but I also think there
is much to learn about the history and infrastructure required to truly help people in many

Alyss says 'and I don't yet know where that passion will lead me.'

Jenda says 'Do not forget. All Ajahs overlap somewhat. There are Browns who are great diplomats and
fighters, Yellows who study and fight. Greens who heal and fight. '

Alyss nods in agreement.

Erulisse nods diplomatically.

Alyss says 'that's...part of the problem. I can see myself going in multiple directions.'

Alyss says 'I suppose I might have assumed that the best way to help the most people was to Heal them,
but I'm not so sure anymore....'

Alyss blushes again.

Erulisse says 'Much as I think it would be a waste to turn a promising mind into a glorified wisdom'

Jenda smirks.

Erulisse says 'It seems that healing is your passion, regardless of how studiously you approach it'

Jenda says 'I will remember that, Sister, when next to you come to me to treat your papercuts. '

Alyss tries to stifle a giggle.

Erulisse dosen't quite smile, but her eyes twinkle.

Erulisse says 'I am sure I can trust to your 'passion' for healing Sister'

Erulisse blinks her eyes innocently.

Jenda winks at Erulisse.

Jenda says 'as I can your passion for summoning the tropical winds with your words and rustling the
pages of dusty tomes. '

Jenda says 'If Erulisse is agreeable, why don't you listen to her talk about what it means to be a
Brown Ajah Aes Sedai? '

Alyss nods in agreement.

Alyss says 'I think it would be very helpful, Aes Sedai.'

Erulisse says 'To be a Brown is to love knowledge'

Alyss nods.

Erulisse says 'Not just books, but knowledge in all forms'

Erulisse says 'We often speak of it as having a 'Brown Soul''

Alyss raises an eyebrow.
Erulisse says 'We gather and preserve knowledge, because it is the greatest weapon we have against
the Dark'

Jenda nods slowly at her Sister's words.

Alyss nods, grimly.

Erulisse says 'It is no coincidence that the wonders of the age of legends are lost'

Erulisse says 'At every stage since the breaking, when it seems like civilization and knowledge
might rally'

Erulisse says 'The Dark One has stretched forth his hand to strike another blow'

Alyss shivers.

Jenda grins a bit, fascinated by the topic.

Erulisse says 'Only a love of knowledge can counter this'

Erulisse says 'We have to keep the flame of knowledge burning'

Erulisse says 'Because without it we will be lost '

Jenda nods at Erulisse.

Jenda says 'Well said, Sister. '

Alyss nods slowly, in thought.

Erulisse says 'Why do you think that darkfriends....'

Jenda spits over her shoulder.

Erulisse cuts off abruptly.

Erulisse says 'Well'

Erulisse says 'That can wait'

Jenda says 'They will burn under the Light. '

Erulisse says 'But suffice to say'

Erulisse says 'Only the flame of knowledge can illuminate us in dark times'

Alyss nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'I think every Ajah would be hard pressed to disagree with this truth. '

Jenda beams a smile at Erulisse.

Erulisse smiles happily.

Alyss blushes before clearing her throat.

Jenda looks at you.

Alyss says 'not to interrupt, but I suppose I curious about the day-to-day activities of the Ajahs.'

Jenda laughs softly.

Alyss says 'not to be rude....'

Alyss blushes again.

Erulisse arches an eyebrow.

Jenda says 'That depends on the Aes Sedai, I would say. '

Erulisse says 'Each Sister takes her own approach'

Jenda nods in agreement.
Alyss nods in agreement.

Erulisse says 'Some are librarians and historians'

Erulisse says 'Others like myself, are seekers'

Erulisse says 'We hunt out hidden knowledge'

Jenda says 'Some go into dangerous locations and others cloister themselves. '

Erulisse nods in agreement.

Alyss widens her eyes in wonder.

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Jenda gestures with her hand.

Jenda shrugs helplessly.

The door smoothly swings open.
Erulisse says 'For example I spent years mastering portal stones--'

Sarinda has arrived from the north.

Sarinda curtseys gracefully.

Jenda gestures at the door with her hand.

Jenda looks at Sarinda.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Sarinda peers into the room, pulling a small tray of food beside her.

Jenda says 'Ah! food! '

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Jenda reaches over to grab a few snacks.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I saw that you were gathering and thought I could bring some

Alyss smiles at Accepted Sarinda.

Sarinda puts a cup of strong black tea in a desk.
Sarinda puts a cup of blueberry tea in a desk.
Sarinda puts a cup of honeyed tea in a desk.
Sarinda puts a cup of honeyed tea in a desk.
Sarinda puts a plate of roast lamb with apple jelly in a desk.
Sarinda puts a plate of vegetables in tangy sauce in a desk.
Sarinda puts a plate of hot stew with some bread in a desk.
Sarinda puts a plate of roast beef and jacket potatoes in a desk.
Sarinda puts a plate with bread and green veined cheese in a desk.
Sarinda puts a plate of roast lamb with apple jelly in a desk.
Sarinda puts a plate of vegetables in tangy sauce in a desk.

Jenda licks her mouth and smiles.

Sarinda says 'I do hope I am not interrupting.'

Jenda says 'Thank you for this pleasant surprise, accepted. '

Sarinda beams a smile at Erulisse.

Sarinda nods at Jenda.

Erulisse continues 'Mostly we share knowledge with each other'

Erulisse says 'Some of which will end up written down and saved'

Sarinda says 'A pleasure to meet you again, Erulisse Sedai.'

Erulisse beams a smile at Sarinda.

Alyss says 'I don't know if I have gained the answers, but I think I have gotten closer to the wisdom
needed to evaluate it for myself...'

Alyss ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Sarinda smiles at you.

Erulisse nods in agreement.

Erulisse says 'I hope I have given you some insight'

Alyss nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'This time as an Accepted is exactly for you to learn who you are, what you want, and how
you can Serve All. '

Jenda says 'There is no rush. '

Erulisse says 'As Jenda stated each Sister's path is individual'

Jenda nods at Erulisse.

Alyss says 'This was very helpful. Especially for an ambivalent accepted.....'
Alyss blushes.

Sarinda listens intently as she sets down the trays of food and cups of tea.

Erulisse says 'For example I would consider myself a redish brown with a touch of gray'

Jenda grins at Erulisse.

Jenda says 'and I am glaringly Yellow. '

Sarinda grins at Erulisse.

Erulisse says 'Jaundicedly yellow?'

Erulisse blinks her eyes innocently.

Jenda says 'Not if Etain can help it. '

Alyss tries to stifle a giggle.

Sarinda says 'I believe I know you as Jenda Sedai? I do not remember if I have had the pleasure of
meeting you, Aes Sedai.'

Jenda says 'We haven't met, no, child. '

Jenda whispers something to Erulisse.

Erulisse whispers something to Jenda.

Jenda whispers something to Erulisse.

Sarinda says 'My memory is somewhat fuzzy. I have been here in the White Tower for...quite some
time, but have not been out and about for many years. I apologize.'

Erulisse nods at Jenda.

Jenda nods in agreement.

Erulisse whispers something to Jenda.

Sarinda blinks her dark brown eyes innocently.

Jenda says 'No apologies necessary, Accepted. What do you need of us? Healing or a lecture? '

Erulisse whispers something to Jenda.

Erulisse nods at Jenda.

Jenda narrows her tilted brown eyes in thought.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I have not had the opportunity to meet with many Aes Sedai in
the past few weeks. If you have time, I would welcome any and all feedback you have on your Ajah, to
enhance my understanding of it.'

Alyss tries to hide a small smile.

Jenda sighs and reaches for another piece of cheese, 'So we are to repeat ourselves?'

Sarinda says 'Erulisse Sedai provided a very enlightening discussion with me that certainly expaned
my knowledge of the Brown Ajah.'

Erulisse says 'And you just missed my stirring speech on the flame of knowledge '

Sarinda blushes faintly.

Alyss giggles.

Jenda nods at Erulisse.

Jenda says 'Then I can assume, as thorough as Eru is.. that you have come to learn about the Yellow
Ajah. '

Jenda says 'Let's start by establishing a baseline for our subject. What do you know currently of my
Ajah? '

Sarinda says 'I hope to learn about each of the Ajahs, so that I can have a more informed opinion
and understanding of them, and how I fit into the White Tower.'

Alyss awkwardly tries to turn a curtsey into sitting.

Jenda nods, 'mhm..'

Sarinda says 'Corele Sedai here has taught me that the Yellow Ajah is home to all sisters with the
Talent for Healing, and a passion for Healing, in the broadest sense of the word.'

Sarinda says 'In that vein, it seems to me that your Sisters are the most adept of all at restoring
the health and well-being of all who walk in the Light.'

Jenda smiles faintly. 'And it is.. the broadest sense. As I mentioned earlier before you arrived..
Systems that are broken or 'sick' can be Healed. My own philosophy goes beyond simply mending the

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'I had the pleasure of meeting briefly with Fyra Sedai, I think it was, in Fal Dara
last week. She noted that sometimes going out into the fray and providing battelfield healing, or
fighting back the Shadow directly, can prevent the need for as much traditional Healing.'

Erulisse says 'The enemy cannot inflict a wound if you burn off his hands'

Sarinda blinks her dark brown eyes innocently.

Alyss widens her eyes in surprise.

Jenda says 'Quite so. Many of us put ourselves in harm's way in order to provide the critical triage
and Healing that the fighting forces need. '

Jenda says 'We have those who appreciate a more administrative role, such as Etain Sedai. And those
who don't mind stepping on toes to accomplish fixing a problem she sees. '

Sarinda listens and nods with a small smile.

Alyss chokes down a cough and blinks innocently.

Jenda says 'There are overlaps. Blue in that case. Brown in Etain's. Green for Fyra. We all share
the burden of responsiblities '

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'There is no true divide. '

Alyss nods, slowly.

Jenda says 'But rather a focus of philosophies. unless you are Yellow. Then.. you have a Talent. '

Erulisse says 'You girls would be well advised to adjust your thinking'

Jenda nods at Erulisse.

Erulisse says 'You won't find an Ajah that will be the solution to the puzzle of your life'
Erulisse says 'you must discover what Ajah you already are'

Sarinda nods at Erulisse.
Alyss nods slowly, in reflection.

Sarinda pauses and asks gingerly, 'If it pleases the Light, is there one among the Yellow who
studies the effect of the taint on men who channel the One Power?'

Jenda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'And perhaps whether it can be Healed?'

Alyss gasps in astonishment.

Jenda says 'Eldrenia Sedai is more conserned with ailments of the mind and possibly the taint on
Saidin and the men it affects. '

Jenda says 'We believe that anything but Death can be Healed and personally.. i believe even then we
are capable if not ignorant. '

Jenda says 'Close your mouth, girl. You will catch flies. '

Jenda looks at Alyss.

Alyss blushes and swallows.

Sarinda says 'I think I have heard of Eldrenia Sedai, but have not seen her before.'

Jenda says 'When I was young I thought to try compassion with those madmen and found that it is
kinder and more humane to see them gentled. '

Sarinda nods sadly, but decisively, at the comment about gentling.

Erulisse says 'Fyra once examined me to find out if I was mad, I don't know if she has any
particular talent for diseases of the mind though'

Jenda snickers softly.

Jenda says 'You're mad in the best of ways, Sister. '

Jenda beams a smile at Erulisse.

Alyss stifles a giggle.

Erulisse taps a finger to her temple with a slight smile.

Jenda says 'As the Brown and Yellow overlap goes... these studies belong to Aes Sedai and Aes Sedai
alone. '
Erulisse says 'Many sisters have dreamed of healing the taint'

Jenda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'I do not know about Alyss, but I unfortunately seem to lack the Talent for Healing.
Sheriam Sedai has taught me how to weave some rudimentary Healing weaves, and those have sufficed so

Sarinda nods at Erulisse.

Jenda says 'To harkon back to the days of the Age of Legend when male and female Aes Sedai worked
together. heh. '

Alyss says 'I appreciate the candor. It's given me a lot to meditate upon.'

Erulisse nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Lacking the Talent, it is harder for me to imagine the possibility that one could Heal
anything, truly anything.'

Jenda says 'Ah, then Sarinda you may not find yourself a place with us lacking the Talent. '

Sarinda frowns. 'Is it something that can develop later? Or grow with practice?'

Jenda says 'You are spun out of the pattern with a Talent. though it may present itself later. '

Jenda says 'Such as the Foretelling and other Talents. '

Sarinda says 'I do have a different Talent, Sheriam Sedai has shared. I can Weave the Winds. The
shorebound call it Cloud Dancing.'

Jenda says 'Your people employ this to great effect, I am told. Why come here rather than be a
Windfinder? '

Alyss looks in wonder at Sarinda.

Erulisse says 'I am of the belief that any skill may be learned if one is sufficiently dedicated '

Jenda smirks.

Jenda says 'Skills and Talents are different, though. Aren't they. '

Erulisse nods at Jenda.

Erulisse says 'A Talent may not be learned, one may not learn to Fortell'

Jenda nods at Erulisse.

Alyss ponders for a moment and then makes a note for later.

Sarinda says 'Erulisse Sedai and I had the chance to discuss this recently, but the wave that has
passed cannot be called back. I was a Windfinder apprentice, years ago, on my mother's ship as my

Sarinda says 'Until the Seanchan came.'

Sarinda's eyes darken.

Alyss gasps in astonishment.

Jenda narrows her tilted eyes, a spark of fury behind the glare.

Sarinda shivers uncomfortably.

Jenda says 'Barbaric invaders. '

Sarinda says 'The seas are not safe, Aes Sedai, as long as those tyrants sail them. My people have
been subjugated, or hunted down, in troves since they arrived.'

Alyss makes a move toward comforting Sarinda, but hesitates.

Sarinda says 'It is alright, sister.'

Sarinda smiles at Alyss.

Sarinda hugs you.

Jenda says 'Perhaps you will find your passion there. Recovering those women and girls who have been
enslaved and made into weapons. '

Alyss comforts Sarinda.

Erulisse says 'Do not refer to each other as sister'

Erulisse scowls darkly.

Sarinda blushes.

Jenda blinks mildly.

Sarinda curtseys before Erulisse.

Alyss blushes.

Erulisse says 'In the Tower sister has a particular meaning'

Alyss nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Yes, Aes Sedai.'

Erulisse says 'Though we are of course pleased to see a feeling of kinship'

Erulisse says 'Let all who have knelt before the sink and squirmed under Sheriam's lash rejoice'

Sarinda chuckles politely.
Alyss giggles.

Jenda laughs softly.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I wish to learn how to protect myself from those who abuse
the One Power or use it to harm others. The damane, men, and especially the Dreadlords who have sold
their soul to the Father of Storms.'

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, perhaps you are right, and I can learn to help those whom the
Seanchan have harmed. Including my people.'

Alyss tries to stifle a yawn.

Sarinda nods thoughtfully.

Jenda says 'But do remember the overlap. There are many Aes Sedai who are skilled in fighting other
channelers. '

Alyss says 'I appreciate all of the advice, Aes Sedai, but I fear I must return to my quarters.'

Jenda nods at you.

Jenda says 'be well. '

Jenda gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.
Alyss curtseys to Jenda and Erulisse before exiting.

Re: Pick a color, any color! (Alyss continues to explore the Ajahs)

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 6:55 pm
by Aloisa
Alyss awarded 4 qps
Jenda awarded 2 qps
Erulisse awarded 2 qps

All at silver-haired aes sedai. Say receive to receive your awards