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Leisurely Lessons with the Yellow Ajah

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:28 pm
by Jenda
Log session starting at 19:22:22 on Saturday, 8 January 2022.

Alyss sits down.

Aleis Barsalla, First Counsel of Far

(wotmudmapper): (debug): Added command (l) to queue.
Solarium of the Yellow Ajah
(wotmudmapper): (debug): Room name (Solarium of the Yellow Ajah) captured.
Tall, arched windows offer a view of the island of Tar Valon and the
confluence of the river Erinin beyond Southharbor, as the river starts on
its journey to Tear. Pots and plants dot the balcony outside the windows.
Chairs have been drawn up near the windows and vases containing bouquets of
of yellow flowers have been placed nearby. Several desks and clusters of
chairs have been distributed around the room, allowing for informal
discussion of Yellow Sisters' research and studies.
[ obvious exits: N ]
Sumptuously upholstered, a gold brocade chaise lounge with gilded legs rests nearby.
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [2]
A large man eyes the surroundings warily, every movement fluid.
Alyss the Wearied Novice is sitting here.
Chloro the Tower Accepted is standing here.
Joyce Copan the Tower Accepted is standing here.
A Yellow Sister glides past.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
Corele Hovian stands here with concern in her eyes.

Chloro smooths her skirts taking on a mask of calm listening to the Aes Sedai speak.

Joyce looks around the room slowly, she removes her gloves and tucks them behind her belt before
taking a seat.

Joyce stops using a pair of dark gloves.

Joyce stops using a staff of sungwood.

Joyce sits down.

Jenda says 'Joyce, my dear would you stay armed? You never know...'

Chloro says 'Alyss would you like to go first?'

Joyce says 'Yes, Jenda Sedai.'

Joyce puts a pair of dark gloves on her hands.

Joyce wields a staff of sungwood in a two-handed grip.

Jenda says 'Eat and drink also as you will. If we're ported on by some spawn it would be to our benefit
to be healthy and not hungry. '

Alyss says 'Are we demonstrating our healing, Jenda Sedai?'

Jenda says 'Just your understanding of it. '

Jenda says 'Alyssa and I already spoke.. '

Jenda gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Imara has arrived from the north.

Chloro nods allow Joyce to go first.

Imara closes the carveddoor.

Jenda gestures at the door with her hand.

Imara sits down and rests.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Alyss says 'I do not know the real Healing weave yet, as I do not have the strength, but I know
lesser versions that all require Air, Water, and Spirit to heal cuts and wounds on the body.'

Jenda nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'Joyce? '

Joyce nods in agreement.

Alyss stops using a water skin.

Alyss drinks water from a water skin.

Alyss puts a water skin on her belt.

Joyce says 'I am experienced with cure serious wounds and cure blindness, Jenda Sedai.'

Jenda gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Brandicole has arrived from the north.

Jenda says 'But do you all know what Healing is. What it does to the body. How it works. '

Alyss beams a smile at Brandicole.

Brandicole curtseys gracefully.

Jenda gestures at the door with her hand.
An Accepted has arrived from the north.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Jenda says 'Why do the Yellow Heal best, and other things. '

Brandicole sits down.

Jenda examines her nails, 'I will have much paperwork on this class when you all leave.. let's make
it worthwhile for all of us.'

Chloro nods her head understanding the question."May I Jenda Sedai?"

Jenda says 'Chloro, yes. '

Jenda mutters something about her Sisters leaving her alone to teach Accepteds...

Chloro says 'Healing is best done by the Yellow Ajah as to truly use it to its fullest potential
takes decades of practice and study. It is also extremely taxing on both the healer and patient.'

Alyss gets a plate of roast potatoes and turnips from a backpack.

Alyss eats a plate of roast potatoes and turnips.

Joyce says 'Would it be possible for me to expand upon my previous statement Jenda Sedai?'

Jenda says 'We do, however the Yellow Ajah has a Talent. Are you all familiar with that? '

Alyss nods at Jenda.

Chloro nods in agreement.

Brandicole says 'Yes Jenda Sedai.'

Jenda says 'Talents are innate abilities, such as the Foretelling and more. '

Joyce nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'Yellows are chosen because we have Talents for Healing. '

Jenda says 'Joyce? '

Joyce says 'I was going to mention that from the Yellow Ajah lesson, that it was a talent, but you
covered it before I had the chance Jenda Sedai. '

Jenda smiles at Joyce.

Jenda says 'Good that you know! '

Jenda says 'Brandicole and Imara? '

Brandicole says 'I was just letting you know I understood.'

Imara says 'Yes Jenda Sedai.'

Imara says 'I do have a question though.'

Jenda smiles at Imara.

Jenda says 'Go on, child. '

Imara says 'Would studying the body, the way it is intended to work, be part of what makes the
Yellow Ajah unique?'

Joyce says 'You couldn't properly delve a person if you didn't have a good grasp on anatomy and
physiology, Imara.'

Jenda says 'I suppose it would be something we are distinctly concerned with, of course. But any other
Aes Sedai could as well if that is where her interest lies. Even Wisdoms and Wisewomen study the
same. The thing that sets us apart as the greatest Healers.. is the Talent. '

Jenda says 'In addition to the Talent for Healing, Yellow Sisters must own a passion for solving
problems and a brash resolve to fix things even beyond the scope of their Ajah. Which is why you
find Yellows on the Battlefield and diplomatic situations as well. All Ajahs have some overlap. '

Chloro says 'I have one more trait that sets Majority of Yellows apart from others Aes Sedai.'

Alyss jots down a few notes.

Jenda says 'Let's hear it, Chloro!'

Chloro says 'Their emotional capacity to show compassion at times others would cringe and lash out.'

Jenda grins at Chloro.

Alyss pauses her notes, deep in thought.

Jenda says 'Yes.. that is a good observation, but not always a requirement. I have been known to be a
bit less kind in my bedside manner than say.. Etain Sedai. Eldrenia Sedai finds herself shining in
matters of mental health whereas I purely pursue Healing with Saidar. '

Jenda says 'Each Ajah is nuanced and colorful hah. '

Jenda says 'All the different ways and philosophies together are what makes us stronger. '

Jenda says 'Tell me girls. what it would be like if we all thought and acted the same way? '

Joyce says 'It would be awfully boring, Jenda Sedai.'

Jenda says 'And awfully short sighted. '

Imara says 'Innefficient. '

Jenda nods at Imara.

Jenda says 'yes quite so'

Brandicole says 'That would be awful.'

Jenda says 'Some Yellows appreciate experimentation and even .. herbalism. '

Jenda grins evilly.

Alyss glances at her notes from Fyra Sedai the other day.

Jenda says 'A strong mind and strong will is required if you should become Aes Sedai one day... the
ethics you have learned become vague and flimsy. You must go after your own means to strengthen and
protect the Tower and the World. '

Jenda says 'What did Fyra Sedai teach you, Alyss? '

Alyss blushes.

Joyce glances from Alyss to Jenda.

Jenda says 'Does it conflict? You will find that we often conflict with each other.. this allows for
growth in the best of partnerships and if one cannot accept conflict.. division and strife. '

Alyss says 'Fyra Sedai told me about the various effects of useful teas and healing concoctions. She
said that sometime it is more expedient to use an herbal cure for say Blindness and to save Saidar
for the truly dangerous injuries'

Jenda laughs softly.

Jenda says 'Fyra Sedai has her ways.'

Jenda says 'And she is right. You can't be everywhere at once. '

Joyce says 'Is division and strife acceptable forms of conflict, Jenda Sedai?'

Jenda says 'Unity works better. What do you think, Joyce? '

Jenda says 'Think of why a difference of viewpoint leads to division rather than.. learning of a new
perspective and adding that information to your arsenal? '

Joyce says 'I think that constructive criticism would be a more approachable form of conflict, it
tactfully brings focus to a problem, and then the problem can be solved collectively through unity.

Alyss nods in agreement.

Joyce says 'Division and Strife causes miscommunication.'

Jenda says 'Pride often clouds our vision and muddies the road. Yes. Miscommunication as well. The
inability to accept different paths to the same outcome. '

Joyce nods in agreement.

Joyce says 'Would I be out of line to ask what is the root of that Jenda Sedai?'

Chloro watches the exchange between initiate and Aes Sedai listening intently.

Jenda says 'You would not be out of line.. in fact I ask you all to ask this question regularly. '

Alyss nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'Meditate on it. I do not know the answer myself. '

Joyce says 'Pride comes to mind first.'

Jenda blinks her eyes innocently.

Jenda says 'Quite so. '

Brandicole blinks as if she's in over her head, then scribbles an entire page of notes.

Joyce says 'Being a servant of all we need to learn to humble ourselves.'

Jenda says 'Brandicole this lesson and most of my lessons.. take a more casual and conversational
structure. '

Jenda nods at Joyce.

Jenda says 'And when to not. '

Brandicole nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'If it achieves an objective, kiss the dirt and put pride aside. '

Jenda says 'Be mission oriented. '

Joyce says 'You can be humble though without kissing dirt, but yes, when and when not to are
important, and each situation calls for a different approach.'

Brandicole says 'I understand Jenda Sedai, philosophy so early in the day for me. Thats all.'

Jenda says 'What if you had to, Joyce? You must be prepared.'

Joyce says 'You have given me something to meditate and reflect on in this conversation, Jenda

Jenda says 'A ridiculous thought experiment.. would you go behind your Sisters backs to humble yourself
to a group of brigands to stop murders of Tower Members? offer to do their laundry? '

Alyss boggle.

Joyce says 'If it meant that no more Novices or Accepteds got stabbed, I would serve in that

Jenda says 'If it meant saving lives of young girls in your care? '

Chloro says 'I think all of those who have done part of the proving quests have put their own things
aside to complete the mission. Even when it meant going against their personal limits.'

Jenda grins evilly.

Jenda says 'Those were great quests, weren't they? '

Joyce says 'But when I think of kissing the dirt, I think of groveling for mercy. And that is not
something I am prepared to do Jenda Sedai. We have to have some measure of composure.'

Chloro says 'Indeed they where Jenda Sedai, I have never questioned myself more.'

Jenda says 'We absolutely do, Joyce and I'm sure if the time ever comes you will kiss dirt in a
dignified manner. '

Joyce nods in agreement.

Alyss gives a slight smile as she ponders.

Jenda says 'We scrub pots and toilets from the time we don the whites. All to teach humility and duty.

Joyce nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'But conversley.. there is a time to be strong and proud. to show the might of the White
Tower. to not back down. '

Jenda says 'In my view.. it all depends on the objective. '

Jenda says 'The people.. the situation. '

Brandicole says 'The weight of the goal vs the cost?'

Jenda says 'Take the scales you envision in your head and add about
8 more balances on each balance of the scale. '

Jenda says 'Goal vs cost. the temperment and position of those you're dealing with.. more. '

Jenda waves her hand in a circle to suggest more and more.

Brandicole goes cross eyed.

Imara says 'the most good for the most people?'

Joyce beams a smile at Imara.

Jenda says 'Absolutely. '

Jenda says 'If any of you get the opportunity.. speak with Erulisse Sedai. She is a fun one. '

Alyss mutters to herself, 'Servant of All' indeed.....

Jenda says 'What was that, Accepted Alyss? '

Alyss blushes.

Imara looks at Alyss.

Chloro perks up watching this intently.

Alyss says 'I was just remarking that that adds a new dimension to my understanding of what it means
to be a "Servant of All"'

Brandicole looks at her dress, then looks at Alyss's dress.

Alyss says '....and I am just a Novice, Jenda Sedai'

Alyss blushes.

Jenda says 'Ah. You all look alike after a while. '

Joyce blinks.

Chloro tallies the score in her head keeping her face a mask of calm.

Jenda says 'Remember.. Perspective, whether you agree or not.. this is information. another tool in
your toolkit. '

Joyce nods in agreement.

Brandicole smiles happily.

Jenda says 'You might not use the ploughshare in winter but it is good to have in the shed. '

Alyss nods with familiarity.

Alyss the Wearied Novice is a level 43 White Tower human.

Joyce says 'It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.'

Jenda says 'Very good adage, Joyce! '

Jenda says 'I would Heal a whitecloak without asking. When would I do such an unethical thing? '

Brandicole shivers uncomfortably.

Joyce says 'When they cannot answer.'

Joyce says 'Incapacitated.'

Jenda says 'A man who I would rather see die. '

Jenda tugs at her neckline to reveal a rope scar around her neck.

Alyss gasps in astonishment.

Chloro attempts to defuse the situation by offering a question."Jenda Sedai, we where speaking about
your pursuit in healing with Saidar. May I ask your most unique healing situation to date?"

Jenda waves Chloro silent for a moment. "They also fight shadowspawn."

Joyce smooths her dress and draws in a long breath.

Jenda says 'When the hoards are at the gates every man matters, no? '

Jenda says 'Not that you should do this thing. '

Alyss nods gravely.

Jenda grins evilly.

Jenda says 'While Accepteds.'

Jenda laughs softly.

Jenda says 'Well. Chloro.. I healed a cow once. '

Jenda laughs to herself at this inside joke.

Alyss stifles a giggle.

Brandicole looks around slowly, as if something is hidden in the room.

Jenda says 'It turned out to be a thyroid issue. '

Brandicole falls down laughing.

Jenda grins evilly.

Brandicole composes herself.

Chloro blinks a moment then nods accepting the answer."Not what I expected but Unique none the

Jenda says 'Do any of you have any questions or topics to broach? '

Brandicole thinks really hard about cows and thyroids...

Jenda snickers softly.

Imara shakes her head.

Brandicole shakes her head.

Alyss waits for the Accepteds a moment before offering a tentative hand.

Jenda says 'Alyss yes? '

Brandicole says 'I dont think I want to know, Jenda Sedai.'

Jenda grins at Brandicole.

Joyce says 'What do you think is the number one thing that keeps girls from going beyond Tower
Accepted, Jenda Sedai?'

Jenda says 'Fear of not advancing or having to work extra hard to make up for their mistakes. '

Alyss says 'Jenda Sedai, you mentioned that the Talent for Healing is something that sets the Yellow
Ajah apart....would you encourage someone who has only a moderate Talent to join the Yellow? Or seek
somewhere else?'

Jenda says 'Any degree of Talent is ... possessing the Talent. Yes of course you should approach us. Or
we will approach you. '

Alyss nods in agreement.

Chloro raises a hand.

Jenda says 'ooc there's no ingame Heal that's different yet. there's no in game Talent. it's all just
RP. '

Alyss nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'Yes, Chloro, dear. '

Chloro says 'Etain Sedai brought up a rather interesting subject. I was wondering if you may have
experienced the same.'

Jenda gestures for Chloro to go on.

Chloro says 'She had stated we focus so much on attaining the shawl and give very little thought on
what to do once we achieve it. Do you have any advice on how to avoid that?'

Alyss leans forward with interest.

Jenda says 'Well... I would have to know what she said because that does not sound like Etain. There
may be some misunderstanding here. But I absolutely encourage you all to give thought towards the
direction and tack you want to take in the future. Not only for your Ajah but your passions and
mission. '

Jenda says 'Perhaps she meant don't worry about it too much and instead focus on earning accolades from
as many Aes Sedai as possible. '

Chloro says 'It was the opposite actually. '

Joyce says 'Jenda Sedai, I was with Chloro when Etain Sedai said that.'

Jenda says 'Alright. It's Etain's viewpoint but I must say I disagree with my honored Sister on this
matter. '

Chloro nods making a mental note.

Jenda says 'You will have this.. different advice and viewpoitns from different Sisters. It is up to
you to suss it out and use your own heads. '

Jenda says 'We are not a monolithic collection of women but just like you Accepteds... different women.
different aims and views and goals. '

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Jenda says 'ah Speak of the ..'

Brandicole says 'oh boy'

Jenda gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Etain has arrived from the north.

Joyce clambers to her feet.

Alyss blinks her eyes innocently.
Joyce curtseys before Etain.

Jenda gestures at the door with her hand.

Alyss clambers to her feet.

Etain smiles.
Imara stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Jenda winks suggestively at Etain.

Imara curtseys gracefully.

Alyss curtseys before Etain.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Brandicole clambers to her feet.

Brandicole curtseys before Etain.

Jenda says 'Sister we were just speaking of you. '

Chloro deeply curtseys to the Aes Sedai near.

Brandicole sits down.

Joyce sits down and rests.

Etain says 'Good evening, all.'

Etain greets Jenda with a light kiss on the cheek.
Joyce beams a smile at Etain.

Imara sits down.

Alyss sits down.
Jenda says 'Recount that for Etain Sedai, child. '

Jenda whispers to Etain 'I was just talking about how Aes Sedai have different views and ways of
teaching etc. '

Etain whispers to you, 'Intriguing. :)'

Chloro says 'Good evening Etain Sedai. We where just discussing your lesson on thinking about what
to do after gaining the shawl. How many girls forge for the shawl but do not think through what to
do once they have it.'

Jenda blinks her eyes innocently.

Etain nods.

Chloro takes a don't shoot the messenger pose while keeping her calm.

Alyss rummages in her backpack for some popcorn.

Seanchan, neither exist by the will of the Empress, may she live forever '

Etain says 'I am glad to see the message taken to heart.'

Joyce whispers something to Alyss.

Alyss blushes.

Etain says 'Or at least, remembered.'

Etain's anyway. The other matters still stand. You will at times receive conflicting advice even if
this time you're disappointed at the lack of drama.

Jenda says 'Ah I realize I misunderstood you. but my subsequent advice seems to actually line up with
Etain's anyway. The other matters still stand. You will at times receive conflicting advice even if
this time you're disappointed at the lack of drama. '

Etain smiles faintly.

Chloro smiles warmly chuckling on the inside.

Etain smiles at Jenda.

Jenda says 'Though I think we can find some things we disagree on, can't we Sister? '

Jenda cuddles Etain.

Joyce says 'Jenda Sedai, I think the concerning thing in that topic was that once Accepteds attain
the shawl, a lot of the Aes Sedai just disappear afterward, because the didn't plan much for what
they were going to do in regards to being an Aes Sedai.'

Jenda says 'Ah that was the context? '

Etain grins at Jenda.

Joyce says 'Chloro, correct me if I am wrong, but were you going to ask Jenda Sedai, for advice on
how to prevent that state of burnout?'

Jenda says 'Mission is key and I do advice you to think on it of course. '

Chloro says 'I believe she has done just that, thank you Joyce.'

Joyce nods in agreement.
Chloro winks at Joyce.

Jenda says 'It is the same as preventing any other sort of exhaustion.. pace yourself. Do not put too
much emotion into things and do not allow others to *Take* emotional reactions from you. Keep
focused and pace yourselves. '

Jenda says 'Water over the ages carves mountains at a slow trickle. '

Alyss nods and makes a few notes.

Joyce raises her hand.

Jenda says 'Persist and your will prevails. but do take care of yourselves, girls. '

Alyss stops using a water skin.

Brandicole nods in agreement.

Jenda smiles happily.

Alyss nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'Perhaps Etain Sedai has words of wisdom? '

Etain says 'My advice is much the same as yours, sister. I believe that it's important for a new
sister to have goals to pursue once she attains the shawl, but at the same time, you must understand
your own abilities, and not force yourself to strive harder than you can bear. Take the time to
learn the lie of the land, find your place in the Tower, and don't feel that you need to stamp your
mark immediately.'

Jenda nods at Etain.

Jenda says 'Well said, Sister. '

Jenda says 'You'll find these girls who strive to be the fastest the brightest burning burn out faster.

Jenda laughs softly.

Etain nods in agreement.

Alyss blushes.

Etain says 'We are still human, after all, and we have our limitations.'

Joyce has returned.

Alyss thinks back to being scolded by Jubilee Sedai.

Chloro nods remembering some of her fellow Accepted now at the farm.

Jenda says 'I appreciate the fire in some of these Accepteds.. I do. We need more of this rather than
timid ones who are afraid to risk censure. But do it in the right way. '

Jenda says 'Balance. '

Jenda says 'It is what I teach my apprentices.. Balance boldness with humility. '

Etain nods in agreement.

Etain says 'If I may use an analogy...'

Jenda smiles at Etain.

Joyce rests her hands in her laps and watches Etain.

Etain says 'It's like an army fighting a somewhat superior force. It's possible to win, but only if
the general of the weaker force understands his strengths and limitations, and uses them
strategically. If he simply launches frontal attacks, he will expend his strength for little gain.'

Jenda says 'And the terrain! '

Etain nods at Jenda.

Joyce nods slowly after Etain finishes her remark.

Alyss nods, clearly understanding little of battle tactics.

Etain says 'Absolutely, reading the terrain is vital.'

Brandicole writes down terrain in her notes next to a little wolf.

Jenda says 'We won't talk about the high ground. '

Jenda winks suggestively at Etain.

Etain grins evilly.

Joyce says 'I do have to say, out of all the mottos of the Aes Sedai, the Yellow Ajah motto may take
the cake, "Death cannot be healed, but for everything else there is the Yellow Ajah."'

Alyss nods in agreement.

Jenda sniffs. "I think death can be Healed.. we just haven't learned how to."

Imara smiles happily.

Brandicole gasps in astonishment.

Jenda tugs her long black hair.

Chloro nods registering the opinion.

Jenda says 'Secrets the Creator has kept from us... but it is out there. '

Etain nods at Jenda.

Brandicole ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Jenda says 'Do you girls understand the .. between the lines.. of this motto? '

Alyss shakes her head.

Brandicole says '"for everything else"?'

Joyce says 'For all other sicknesses and diseases there is the Yellow Ajah to heal them.'

Jenda says 'When Death is the most basic thing you cannot accomplish... Everything else, even what is
difficult for most, can be fixed. '

Chloro says 'For healing of any nature outside of death, the Yellow ajah stands ready.'

Jenda says 'When Healing of* Death is the most basic thing.. I will rephrase. '

Jenda says 'But that is not limited to Healing. '

Jenda grins at Etain.

Alyss nods slowly.

Jenda says 'We have very few limitations. '

Etain smiles happily.

Etain says 'This Ajah has been studying the Talent of Healing for thousands of years. We have become
very proficient at it.'

Jenda says 'If you have the Talent we are taking Apprentices by the way. One of the few Ajahs whose
entire Ajah mentors rather than just a single Aes Sedai. '

Jenda nods at Etain.

Etain nods in agreement.

Alyss eyes the banded dress of her peers longingly.

Jenda smiles at Alyss.

Etain beams a smile at Alyss.

Chloro notices Alyss."You are never to young to explore the Ajahs."

Alyss blushes.

Jenda says 'You will get there, child. You show promise. As do the rest of you. I am fortunate to not
be peppered with idiots this night. '

Alyss chokes back a giggle.

Alyss coughs loudly.

Jenda grins at Alyss.

Etain laughs out loud.

Brandicole shivers breifly remembering her interview with Keshara Sedai.

Jenda says 'What is it, Brandicole? '

Brandicole says 'Im just remember the conversation I had with her. Im not sure but I dont think
Keshara Sedai was impressed with my answers.'

Brandicole says 'She was... very hard to read.'

Jenda says 'That is an Aes Sedai's job. '
Jenda winks suggestively at Brandicole.

Etain nods.

Brandicole nods at Jenda.

Joyce says 'I think too often Novices and my fellow Accepted's give beauty pagaent answers when it
comes to interviews and Aes Sedai probably get tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.'

Jenda says 'Absolutely, Joyce. And We truly are tired of those. It comes from days long past full of
persnickity Sisters breathing cobwebs all day. '

Joyce says 'I know I speak out of line and I apologize, I would just like to encourage my fellow
initates to think critically when answering the Aes Sedai's questions though. Out of the box even.'

Chloro stifles a chuckle and Jenda Sedai's words.

Brandicole nods in agreement.

Alyss thinks hard.

Jenda nods at Joyce.

Joyce says 'Be an individual, that is what I believe Jenda Sedai was teaching anyway.'

Jenda says 'Excellent advice, child. '

Alyss nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'Be respectful and humble but have a backbone and a brain. '

Joyce nods in agreement.

Jenda says 'Does anyone else have any other questions or topics? '

Alyss shakes her head.

Jenda says 'I think we're through then and you all have work to do. Stop by any time. '

Jenda gestures with her hand.

Alyss nods in agreement.

The door smoothly swings open.

Jenda smiles happily.

Alyss clambers to her feet.

Chloro deeply curtseys to the Aes Sedai near.

Imara nods in agreement.

Etain smiles happily.

Imara stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Jenda says 'Good night, girls. '

Alyss curtseys before Jenda.

Alyss curtseys before Etain.

Alyss curtseys before Jenda.

Imara curtseys gracefully.
Alyss curtseys before Etain.
Brandicole clambers to her feet.

Etain says 'Take care all, be well.'

Brandicole curtseys gracefully.

Joyce stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Alyss leaves north. ^^
Brandicole leaves north. ^^
Joyce curtseys before Jenda.

Imara says 'thank you Jenda Sedai'

Chloro leaves north. ^^