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An enlightening conversation with Catisune Sedai

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:30 pm
by Eivor
Eivor is called to a meeting with Catisune Sedai
Participants:Novice Eivor and Catisune Sedai
Location: Study of the Brown Ajah

Catisune tells Eivor 'Child, have you familiarized yourself with the Tower?'

Eivor tells Catisune 'I have Catisune Sedai'

Catisune tells Eivor 'Then attend me in the study of the Brown Ajah.'

Eivor makes her way up through the twoer floors, arrive outside the study

Eivor stops using a bladed feather staff.

Eivor knocks on the door

Softly, through the door, you hear, 'You may enter.' It sounds like Catisune's voice.

Eivor opens the dorr and enters

Study of the Brown Ajah
Tall, arched windows in the northern wall open to a balcony, providing a
choice view of the Erinin as it flows south from the Borderlands. Half the
seating in the room is drawn up around the windows, showing that the
occupants appreciate the panorama. The remaining seats are drawn up in
circles of six to eight, allowing Brown Sisters to discuss the furtherance
of knowledge, or new theories in an informal atmosphere. Colorful wall
hangings depicting still lifes decorate the pale white walls.
[ obvious exits: S ]
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
Catisune Sedai is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Brown Sister sits here pensively.
Danelle Sedai, sitter for the Brown Ajah stands here deep in thought.

Catisune gestures at the door with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Eivor curtseys before her.

Eivor says 'Good evening Catisune Sedai'

Catisune inclines her head vaguely from the plush chair upon which she sits, situated snugly near the large Ajah study windows.

Catisune gestures to the empty chair opposite her as she regards Eivor as one might a butterfly pinned to a specimen tray.

Eivor sits down.

Catisune looks at Eivor.

Eivor smooths her dress calmly

Catisune says 'Join me, child, and let us discuss your studies.'

Eivor smiles with and eagerness to share what she has learned

Catisune taps her lip thoughtfully.

Catisune says 'What have you learned about the purpose of an Initiate of the White Tower?'

Eivor says 'The most important thing for us to learn is to control the One Power. It is far too dangerous to be wielded in the hands of someone without the guidance of the Tower'

Eivor says 'secondly, we must build a strong character foundation, through hard work'

Catisune nods, the censorious bun atop her head swaying.

Eivor says 'Busy hands means less time to let the mind wander'

The flows holding the light ball have dissipated.

Catisune says 'Wise words, child.'

Catisune says 'And what does it mean to be an Accepted?'

Eivor says 'Accepted are meant not only to continue learning, but also to teach, and apply what they have learned. They also begin to focus on each of the Ajahs, learning what each stands for and slowly begins to gravitate towards the one they feel suits them best'

Eivor says 'But most importantly, in my opinion...'

Catisune leans forward a little bin in her plush chair, her large, watery eyes focused on Eivor.

Eivor says 'Is that Accepted are held strictly to the beleif that all of us in the tower, Aes Sedai or not, should live by the Three Oaths, despite the fact that we have not sword them'

Eivor says 'These are the things that define who Accepted are, and what their role is'

Catisune purses her lips tight as a coin purse's strings, 'Yes. All Initiates should indeed live as though bound by the oaths already. Which do you find most challenging?'

Eivor says 'Most Novices would probably say the 1st, To speak no word that is not true, but the one I find most challenging, not in practice, but in theory, is the 3rd, to not use it as a weapon except against darkfriends, shadowspawn or in the last extreme to save her lif, or that of her warder'

Eivor says 'I feel there are many gray areas that would be challenging to navigate around with that particular oath'

Catisune crosses her hands in her lap, 'Elaborate, child.'

Eivor nods confidently, she has clearly given this some thought

Eivor says 'In my time here I've realized that the threats listed in the 3rd oath are only a portion of what threatens us...'

Eivor says 'there are individuals, groups, and even entire nations that despise everything we stand for'

Catisune does not speak, but rather allows the woman opposite her to continue filling the silence as she, herself, steeples her fingers in consideration.

Eivor says 'there are individuals, groups, and even entire nations that despise everything we stand fosay I've encountered some of these already, even here within the safety of the tower'

Catisune says 'You do be quite right, child, and the safety of the Tower is in fact only our perception of such. It do be often fraught with dangers that we must guard against.'

Eivor says 'It was a very hard lesson for me Catisune Sedai'

Eivor says 'But as it applies to the 3rd oath...'

Catisune nods, though her eyes drift to the River Erinin coursing through the window, 'It do be a lesson we all learn at some point, child, and it is always hard.'

Eivor says 'in what way can we define 'threat'?'

Eivor nods at her.

Catisune says 'Such an interesting question you pose.'

Catisune says 'For the oaths and the ter'angreal that binds us to them are not understood by all . . . perhaps even by some sisters.'

Eivor says 'If I may, does a thief entering the tower not pose a threat to the defensless here by his very presence'

Catisune winks one of those large, watery eyes.

Eivor says 'Indeed'

Catisune taps her nose as if Eivor has narrowed in on a point she herself was arriving at.

Eivor smiles and folds her hands, reflecting on what's been said

Catisune says 'The Three Oaths themselves are bound by our perception of them . . . for I could actually speak to you an untruth if I believed, in my heart, that it was, in fact, true.'

Catisune says 'The Oath itself has no way of parsing actual truth. It only parses my own conception of it.'

Catisune says 'If I think it a lie, I cannot say it.'

Eivor says 'It's an interesting conondrum that must be quite difficult to navigate at times'

Catisune says 'The same is true of the other oaths . . . so, you see, the point you raised about that thief could result in a fascinating interpretation.'

Catisune smiles almost wolfishly, 'If I believe myself threatened, am I not?'

Eivor says 'So... given that people can convince themselves of anything, sometimes even horrible things...'

Catisune waits for Eivor to arrive at her conclusion.

Eivor says 'then I think its even more important as Accepted to LIVE by the three oaths, to sparse out what is right and wrong, to weed out individualism and ambition. With those, Aes Sedai could do aweful things'

Eivor says 'and in my studies ive found that some have'

Eivor says 'and have been Stilled for it'

Eivor shivers uncomfortably.

Catisune's eyes narrow to arrow slits, but then she breaks into a wide smile, 'Correct, child. It is a thing not often spoken of in this Tower--and especially outside of it--but Aes Sedai do be fallible.'

Catisune says 'That is why our training do be so rigorous.'

Eivor nods in agreement.

Catisune says 'Have you studied the Ajahs much?'

Eivor says 'Quite a bit, so much so that I fear I've walked away with more questions than answers. Specifically I've noticed quite a bit of overlap in their goals'

Eivor says 'which is a good thing I suppose'

Eivor says 'it holds them together'

Catisune nods at Eivor.

Eivor locks her fingers together to demonstrate

Eivor says 'So not really questions per say....more...puzzlement'

Catisune smiles, and this time some of the affection even touches her eyes, 'We are all, after all, Aes Sedai, so we share a common purpose. It would be a mistake for any Sister to forget that.'

Eivor smiles and nods at the affirmation

Catisune says 'You may pose any questions you have to me, of course.'

Eivor says 'Now Catisune Sedai, or did you mean at a later date? '

Catisune says 'Now or later.'

Catisune tilts her head, ever the bird, 'In fact, I love questions.'

Eivor strains to be as specific as possible

Eivor says 'Well, it's fortuitous that it was you that called me today, I find the Brown Ajah particularly fascinating '

Catisune gestures expansively with her palms up, shrugging her agreement.

Eivor says 'I'm eager to learn, and thirst for knowledge. But...and I don't mean any offense Catisune Sedai but...'

Eivor already begins to blush

Catisune says 'Is it a big but, child?'

Catisune looks down her beak nose at the Novice before her and awaits the answer.

Eivor says 'well.... It's just that I've notice Browns don't leave the tower very often. They stay in the library all day and rarely ever venture out, Isn't that somehwat counter productive?'

Eivor says 'I would want to get out there, explore, identify...'

Eivor says 'new plant species, exotic animals'

Catisune nods at Eivor.

Eivor quiets down, recognizing her excitement getting the best of her

Catisune maintains her veneer of implacable Aes Sedai equanimity, but the corners of her lips twitch, 'You do be right that many Browns cloister themselves in study, but we are not the White, so preoccupied with theorems and formulas that we grow inured to the outside world.'

Catisune continues, 'Many Browns enjoy practical study outside of the Tower, though the ones you encounter most frequently do be here based upon your own current limitations.'

Eivor looks out the window longingly

Catisune's eyes follow Eivor's to the window and outward, studying the river winding there.

Catisune's attention rebounds to the present, 'Does that answer your question, child?'

Eivor says 'I suppose though, after the breaking, there is still much written knowledge that also needs discovering'

Eivor says 'It does, thank you Catisune Sedai, it's been bubbling up in me and I was looking forward to discussing it with a Brown'

Catisune says 'Much is lost to us, written or otherwise.'

Catisune's tone is bittersweet despite her placid expression.

Eivor nods sadly

Catisune says 'What other questions do you have, Eivor, for a Brown or for an Aes Sedai?'

Eivor thinks for a moment, deciding, then turns her head toward you again

Eivor says 'Part of the fun is discovering, I will hold my other questions for now, if it pleases you, and reserving asking only when I'm truly stumped'

Catisune inclines her head in understanding, and a tiny light kindles in her large eyes.

Catisune says 'Very well.'

Eivor smiles at her.

Catisune says 'I have judged you worthy of the next step, but as you may know, it no be up to me only. Now begins your 24-hour waiting period, during which time any Sister can express her concerns about your path of study.'

Catisune says 'If none object, tomorrow at this time, any Sister can submit you to the Arches.'

Eivor lets her jaw drop a little, but quickly sets it again

Eivor says 'I am honored catisune Sedai'

Catisune considers this carefully as her eyes remain trained upon Eivor, 'You have a sharp mind, child, and a knack for ferreting out puzzles, it would seem. They will take you far if you apply yourself.'

Catisune amends after a long moment in which she allwos the silence to stretch like taffy, 'Child, do no disappoint me.'

Eivor says 'I won't! I will apply myself even harder!'

Eivor sets her face into a look of determintion

Catisune says 'As you should. The banded hem will ask much of you, child.'

Catisune says 'I should like to see you set a good examples for the girls coming after.'

Eivor says 'I understand'

Catisune says 'Have you any questions now?'

Eivor says 'No Aes Sedai, I will remain vigilant no matter the decision the other Aes Sedai come to. '

Catisune says 'Then you do be dismissed.'

Eivor senses Catisune connecting to the True Source.

Catisune gestures with her hand.

Eivor nods in agreement.

The door smoothly swings open.

Eivor stands up.

Eivor curtseys before her.

Re: An enlightening conversation with Catisune Sedai

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 3:48 pm
by Nevirha

Eivor: 3 qps for log, +1 qp for editing, +1 qp for summary
Catisune: 3 qps for log