Meeting Aes Sedai

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Joined: Wed May 29, 2024 12:18 am

Meeting Aes Sedai

Post by Wanda » Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:22 am

Wanda tries to learn about Tolza Sedai.

Tolza has arrived from the west, riding a gray palfrey.
A young Tower Guard has arrived from the west.

Wanda curtseys before Tolza.

Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
Door north: TarlomensGate
A flatbed wagon rocks back and forth on spoked wheels.
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A young Tower Guard is on duty here.
Lady Tolza the Honored Sister is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
Linka of Altara is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A shaggy brown mare stands here, being ridden by you.

Wanda says 'Good day Tolza Sedai'

Tolza ruffles Wanda’s hair playfully.

Tolza says 'Very clean.'

Wanda smiles happily.

A city lamplighter has arrived from the west.
The day has begun.

A city lamplighter extinguishes a streetlamp.
A city lamplighter leaves east.

Wanda says 'Tolza Sedai, can I ask you a personal question?'

Linka looks at Tolza.

Tolza strokes her moustache thoughtfully.

Tolza says 'I want to say no...'

Linka says 'How does she grow such a luxurious moustache?'

Wanda looks down.

Tolza says 'But this one time I will allow it.'

Wanda says 'Why did you choose the Brown Ajah?'

Tolza whispers something to Linka.

Tolza says 'Well, one reason is that brown hides stains. '

Wanda says 'really?'

Linka strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Wanda looks at the stains on her own dress.

Tolza nods in agreement.

Wanda says 'a second reason perhaps?'

Tolza says 'Now in response to Chloro Sedai's repetitive inquiries from Novice, you can ask her to think of new tasks for you.'

Tolza winks suggestively at you.

Wanda blushes, her cheeks are burning.

Wanda says 'I am genuinely interested'

Wanda says 'No Aes Sedai have given me any insight into their lives'

Wanda says 'I am trying to gauge what the future holds for me'

Linka says 'Stains'

Linka says 'Sounds like'

Wanda nods at Linka.

Wanda says 'Stains'

Tolza whispers to you, 'Choose your mentor not your Ajah.'

Wanda nods at Tolza.

Tolza nods at Wanda.

Wanda whispers to Tolza 'I would have thought a mentor would choose me'

Tolza leaves north riding a gray palfrey.

Wanda says under her breath 'I will keep asking questions until I understand.'

Linka nods in sympathy.

Linka says 'A font of information she is not'

Wanda says 'that’s OK, I’m persistent'

Posts: 6
Joined: Wed May 29, 2024 12:18 am

Re: Meeting Aes Sedai

Post by Wanda » Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:06 am

Wanda meets Asandra Sedai.


Tower Square
This side of the square is the southern section of the Tower Square.
In the center is the walled off White Tower. To the south a large
boulevard opens up leading to the Southharbor. To the north you see
the southern gate of the Tower grounds. The square continues east
and west.
A large banner rests here, depicting a map of Tar Valon.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: Tar Valon
Door north: TarlomensGate
A marble bench, flecked with gold and bronze, adorns the floor.
An oil lamp, set in a steel cage, hangs from a high wooden pole.
An elaborately sculpted marble fountain splashes merrily.
A stout wooden barrel stands nearby.
A smartly dressed man ambles about here.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.
A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby.

Asandra has arrived from the north.

Asandra nods at Wanda.

Asandra says 'Novice'

Wanda curtseys to Asandra.

Asandra says 'How are you doing?'

Wanda says 'Aes sedai'

Asandra says 'Could you grab me a plate of food from the kitchens please?'

Asandra sits down and rests on a bench.

Wanda says 'I think I am doing ok. How are you Asandra Sedai?'

Asandra says 'Good good, but a bit hungry and tired.'

Wanda says 'May I help?'

Asandra says 'Could you grab me a plate of food from the kitchens please?'

Wana says 'Of course Aes Sedai'

Asandra smiles at you.
Wanda gives a tasty cake with raisins to Asandra.

Asandra eats a tasty cake with raisins.

Asandra says 'Ah, cake!'

Wanda gives a plate of kippered eel to Asandra.

Asandra says 'My favorite'

Asandra thanks Wanda heartily.

Asandra puts a plate of kippered eel in an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag.

Asandra stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Asandra beckons Wanda to follow her.

Asandra says 'Follow me please.'

Wanda sayd 'I am sorry if I presumed too much'

Wanda follows Asandra.

Asandra leaves north. ^^
You follow Asandra.

Strategy Room of the Green Ajah
Tall, arched windows on the east wall offer a view of the Tower Grounds and
the spires and sky bridges which dominate the city of Tar Valon. A few
cushioned chairs have been drawn up to the windows. The other seats in the
room consist of tiered benches carved elaborately with oak leaves and
swords, rising in a semi-circle around a central platform. Each place on
the benches has been marked by a green silk cushion. A large oaken table
for strategic planning stands on the platform, ready for use.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door west: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [3]
A long wooden table offers room for patrons.
Lady Asandra the Honored Sister is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Green Sister struts about the halls.
Alanna Mosvani, a tall, slenderly beautiful woman with dark, penetrating eyes stands here.

Asandra sits down and rests on a stout oaken chair.

Asandra gestures with her hand.

Asandra greets Alanna Mosvani with a light kiss on her cheek.

The door swings silently and shuts with a click.

Asandra says 'take a chair, Novice Wanda'

Wanda looks around in awe.

Asandra says 'Tell me about your adventures and lessons.'

Wanda sits down on a stout oaken chair.

Wanda says 'Oh, where to start'

Wanda says 'frankly, im a mess'

Asandra says 'This is your story, you get to decide.'

Wanda strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Asandra says 'Aren't we all.'

Wanda says 'can I tell you something in confidence?'

Asandra nods at you.

Asandra says 'You can, this is a safe space.'

Wanda looks very uncomfortable.

Wanda says 'I met Lord Draz the other day'

Asandra nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'I know him a bit.'

Wanda says 'He is a very intimidating presence'

Asandra comforts you.

Wanda says 'I noticed he was hurt and offered him healing'

Asandra says 'Seems like a logical offering.'

Wanda says 'and then I failed my weaves and ice spiked him'

Asandra gasps in astonishment.

Asandra says 'This is unexpected.'

Wanda says ‘I almost died of embarrassment’

Wanda says 'I seriously do not know if I belong here'

Asandra says 'He lived though?'

Asandra says 'What makes you say this!?'

Asandra says 'Every start is difficult.'

Wanda looks on.

Wanda says 'He did Aes Sedai'

Wanda says 'and he punished me'

Asandra frowns.

Wanda says 'well not really'

Asandra says 'How did he do so?'

Wanda says 'He said for my actions, I cannot leave Tar Valon'

Asandra says 'Warders are not to punish Novices, or any ladies.'

Wanda says 'however we all know I can’t leave anyway'

Asandra grins at you.

Asandra says 'He just reminded you then I guess'

Wanda says 'he seems like a very nice person'

Wanda says 'very forgiving'

Asandra nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'He can be a bit hot-headed sometimes.'

Wanda says 'He is a man'

Asandra says 'But usually if you talk it out, he'll be very forgiving.'

Asandra nods at you.

Wanda looks a little flustered.

Asandra says 'How are your other studies going?'

Asandra says 'Have you been seeing Sheriam Sedai?'

Wanda says 'Asandra Sedai, thank you for spending some time with me. I fear other Aes Sedai seem to be avoiding me'

Asandra says 'I very much doubt this.'

Wanda says 'Yes, I have been follow Sheriam Sedai's requirements'

Asandra says 'The Aes Sedai, myself included, are often away.'

Wanda nods at Asandra.

Asandra says 'We run around, trying to juggle the politics and fending off attacks.'
Wanda nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'Then when we return to Tar Valon we are often ready for bed.'

Asandra says 'As was I, the cake did help me out.'

Asandra grins at you.

Wanda says 'That I understand, by days end I am exhausted'

Asandra says 'I think bringing someone cake is one of the best things a Novice can do.'

Asandra says 'Cake and tea.'

Asandra says 'And for the rest obviously attending your studies.'

Wanda beams with pride.

Wanda nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'And getting to know other Novices and perhaps some Accepted.'

Wanda says 'I am applying myself'

Wanda says 'However I do not come across many Novices'

Asandra nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'Did you do the novice orientation?'

Wanda says 'I have spent a fair amount of time with Accepteds Maddy and Vala though'

Wanda says 'I have Asandra Sedai'

Asandra grins evilly.

Asandra says 'Can you tell me about the 3 oaths?'

Asandra says 'The ones the Aes Sedai take upon being raised to Aes Sedai'

Wanda says 'Oh that I can, but I may fail word for word'

Asandra says 'Just try'

Asandra says 'But do remember that these oaths are a very important part of the White Tower'

Wanda frowns.

Wanda says 'Say no word that is untrue'

Asandra says 'So if there's ever something to learn by heart, it's this.'

Asandra nods in agreement.

Wanda says 'make no weapon with the power'

Asandra says 'Close.'

Wanda says 'I know that’s not strictly correct'

Wanda blushes, her cheeks are burning.

Asandra chuckles politely.

Asandra stops resting, and clambers on her feet.

Asandra gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Asandra says 'Up please'

Asandra nudges you suggestively. You two have an understanding.

Wanda says 'do not use the power to hurt another unless against the dark, or in defense of myself, another sister or a member of the White Tower'

Asandra grins at you.

Asandra says 'Ah, that's very close!'

Wanda nods in agreement.

Wanda says 'I am trying'

Asandra says 'But do get up, I shall (attempt) to show you something'

Wanda stands up.

Asandra nods in agreement.

Asandra leaves west. <<
You follow Asandra.

In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door west: door
Lady Asandra the Honored Sister is standing here.
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.

Asandra says 'Read the blackboard'

Wanda reads the blackboard:

The First Oath:
To speak no word that is not true.

The Second Oath:
To make no weapon with which one man may kill another.

The Third Oath:
Not to use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last defense of my life, the life of my Warder, or that of another Sister.

Wanda nods in agreement.

Wanda says 'close, I will work upon it'

Asandra grins evilly.

Asandra nods in agreement.

Asandra says 'It's always good to know where to find the knowledge that's needed'

Asandra says 'And most things I don't think are worth learning by heart.'

Asandra says 'But the oaths are so ingrained in our being, that these are very important.'

Asandra says 'Try to already live by them, even if not strictly bound.'

Wanda says 'I may have failed in the words but the intent is etched into my being'

Asandra smiles at wanda.

Asandra says 'Good, good'

Asandra says 'But you do swear the factual oath'

Asandra says 'So you're also kept to the letter'

In the Cluttered Office
Stacks of paper, neatly scrawled ledgers, pouches and valuables lie
scattered throughout this office. A large coffer stands in a corner, its
lid open to reveal a pile of gold and silver inside. Curiously, there
appears to only be a plain door leading into this room. Perhaps it is
protected in some other way than by lock and key.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door west: officedoor
Lady Asandra the Honored Sister is standing here.
A White Sister walks by, deep in thought.
A tactician's clerk tallies fallen enemies here.
Staring down her nose a scribe performs her duties here.
A ballot box records votes here.
A treasurer stands here, managing the clan coffers.
A short, plump woman stands here, ready to record accomplishments.
An ink-stained Novice grinds oak galls, sniffing miserably.

An ink-stained Novice looks up, puffy red eyes hopeful.

Wanda says 'I understand the truth of it Aes Sedai'

Asandra says 'This is our cluttered office'

Asandra says 'haha'

Asandra says 'See how we're all a mess?'

Wanda mumbles 'some more than others.'

Asandra says 'list tally'

A treasurer says 'The clan coffer contains 298500 gold crowns.'

Asandra says 'We're rich'

Asandra says 'But this is not what I was looking for'

Asandra says 'exit open door'

The office door opens with a slow creak.

Wanda says say 'We are, I am not'

Asandra leaves west.
You follow Asandra.

The Hall of the Tower
This grand domed oval room has a ceiling at least thirty paces high. Its
walls of dark wood have been inlaid with the silver Flame of Tar Valon. The
floor has been delicately painted in the colors of all the Ajahs. A raised
platform, fronted by steps, runs around the outside of the room, containing
twenty-one chairs in clusters of three, each painted and cushioned to declare
the Ajah of its inhabitant. A high-backed chair, the Amyrlin Seat, rests at
the far wall on a dais, ornately carved in vines and leaves and painted in
the colors of all the Ajahs. A large rose window opposite the entrance
offers a view of Dragonmount, which looms as a constant reminder.
[ obvious exits: N ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door north: doubledoors
Lady Asandra the Honored Sister is standing here.
Alyssa, official scribe of the Hall of Sitters, stands patiently nearby.

Asandra closes the doubledoors.

Asandra says 'Alyssa please check Wanda for her potential.'

Alyssa the scribe says 'As you command, Asandra Sedai.'

Alyssa the scribe says 'wanda has the potential for rank 3.'

Asandra says 'Ow, you've been busy'

Asandra smiles at you.

Wanda says 'I do not shirk my duties'

Asandra says 'Alyssa raise Wanda to the next rank'

Alyssa the scribe says 'As you command, Asandra Sedai.'

Asandra nods in agreement.

Wanda makes a small sound 'eek!'

Asandra narrates 'The Light grows stronger and stronger each day. Novice Wanda has reached the rank of Wearied Novice!'

Asandra narrates 'Congratulation Wanda!'

Draz narrates '! yesssss'

Asandra cheers you on loudly.

Alesso narrates 'Congratulation Novice'

Asandra grins evilly.

Draz narrates 'wandavision here we come'

Wanda narrates 'thank you Aes Sedai'

Asandra says 'Just remember'

Asandra says 'Nothing is ever a test'

Asandra says 'And everything is'

Asandra winks suggestively at you.

Asandra opens the doubledoors.

Asandra leaves north.

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