Mending Broken Bridges

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Mending Broken Bridges

Post by Chloro » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:14 pm

Chloro Sedai and Melosa discuss her narrowing down of Ajah's she is interested in and the importance of building bonds with the woman of the Tower. Chloro also imparts how damaging those bonds could lead to a difficult future. (This is an older log, but still valid to any initiates progress)

View of: Chloro
Participants: Chloro, Melosa

Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Melosa the Journey Accepted is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.

Chloro smiles looking up from her place in a lavishly upholstered chair near the kindling fireplace. A pair of needles swaying deftly in her hands as stitches form into a blue scarf. "Ah yes, come Melosa, have a seat by the fire."

Melosa curtseys before you.

Melosa says brightly, 'Thank you Chloro Sedai'

Melosa sits down on a stout oaken chair.

Melosa says 'Before we begin, would you like refreshments?'

Chloro says 'Not at the moment Accepted, but it is kind of you to ask. Tell me Melosa, how goes the progress with narrowing down a choice of prospective Ajah to apprentice with?'

Melosa says 'It is coming along well, Chloro Sedai'

Melosa says 'I am spending more time these days looking for opportunities to instruct.'

Melosa says 'And taking time to speak with the various Aes Sedai of the different Ajahs'

Melosa says 'I did have a bit of a misunderstanding with Auriona Sedai in Fal Dara recently.'

Melosa says 'To be clear, I have not yet decided but the call by the Gray Ajah for new apprentices intrigues me, just as it would for any Accepted.'

Chloro raises an eyebrow slightly, the needles stopping, as her gray eyes look directly into the Accepteds."Just coming along now, is it? I am aware of your interaction with my sister. However, I find myself disappointed that you have at least not ruled out one or two by now. This journey is one of self-discovery.

Chloro says 'You can cheat your sisters, you can cheat the world, but you cannot cheat yourself before the creator. I feel you may need more training with my white sisters, to learn how to better look inward.'

Melosa exclaims 'Ah! You mean from a perspective of those not being considered."

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'I have considered that a few Ajahs which I am not looking at.'

Chloro continues knitting one and pearling two as she nods, “Then by all means, speak to them and your reasons why."

Melosa says 'I have been reflecting and I have considered a few to be causes, to choose a term, that does not resonate with me.'

Melosa says 'The first, the Brown.'

Melosa says 'While the search for knowledge and wisdom is important, that pursuit does not speak to me.'

Chloro says 'That is a change of season, so many have been interested in my brown sisters of late.'

Melosa says 'Yes, so I have heard.'

Melosa chuckles politely.

Chloro says 'Next?'

Melosa says 'The second would be the White.'

Melosa says 'Again, for a similar reason.'

Melosa says 'While logic and reasoning serve us well in our daily life as you have pointed out earlier.'

Melosa says 'That pursuit, for its sake, does not speak to me.'

Melosa says 'For its own sake*'

Melosa ticks off her options quietly on her fingers behind her back.

Melosa says 'The third, the Blue'

Melosa says 'Truthfully, Chloro Sedai, I find the Blue Ajah rather confusing.'

Melosa coughs awkwardly.

Chloro chuckles as she continues to knit the blue scar. "I feel even they think the same from time to time."

Melosa says 'Its cause seems to be what each individual sister would like it to be.'

Melosa chuckles softly.

Melosa says 'The fourth, the Yellow.'

Melosa murmurs so quietly that you barely hear her, 'For the simple reason, I would not look good in yellow...'

Chloro quirks her left eyebrow looking to the Accepted with slightly higher respect. “That is not often heard in the halls of the tower, many consider it is a second choice should they not reach their first."

Melosa says 'Healing and caring for others is again something I am neither good at nor aligned with.'

Melosa says 'And finally, perhaps surprisingly, the Green.'

Melosa says 'Yes and finally the Green Ajah.'

Lisette tells you 'I'm certain this one is nearly empty.'

Melosa considers her words and reflects, 'When I first entered the Tower, I had thought that the Green Ajah would be the one I would join.'

Melosa says 'The purpose of the Green Ajah is admirable.'

Melosa says 'To hold itself ready for Tarmon Gaidon.'

Chloro nods motioning for the Accepted to continue. "So, it was narrowed down among two."

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'Yes indeed, Chloro Sedai'

Chloro says 'Why those two?'

Melosa says 'For the reason that both speak to me in a similar way.'

Melosa says 'In many ways, both Ajahs seek to hold the world together.'

Melosa says 'Or protect it from the threats I view as being the most dangerous.'

Melosa says 'The Gray Ajah, protecting the world from itself.'

Melosa sighs heavily.

Melosa says 'Conflicts could erupt at any time.'

Chloro continues knitting as she listens, saidar coming to her in a trickle as she stokes the fire with a small flow of air allowing the hidden wood to catch." Just the world?"

Melosa tugs her dress, contemplating and speaks, 'Protecting peoples from each other.'

Chloro says 'Much better words to use.'

Melosa smiles at Chloro's encouragement.

Melosa says 'The greatest threat to the world and also its greatest opportunity, is its people.'

Melosa says 'And that is where I think a Gray sister could make a big difference.'

Melosa says 'The other great threat that I see is preventing another Breaking.'

Melosa says 'The recent rise of several men professing to follow a so-called Dragon and his Prophet.'

Melosa tuts.

Melosa's face hardens as she speaks about men using the One Power.

Melosa says 'the recent rise aside*'

Melosa says 'The risk such men pose to the nations of the world is significant'

Chloro considers the answer and sets down her needles raising a hand for silence. "You must ask yourself one question Melosa, Men who can channel may have broken the world once, but is it certain it will be men who do it again?"

Melosa shakes her head and responds, 'No Chloro Sedai, men or women could Break the world once again. And so we must be vigilant'

Melosa continues thoughtfully, 'So for both Ajahs, it is about dealing with threats.'

Melosa says 'A threat from without and threats from within.'

Melosa sighs loudly.

Chloro says 'Dealing with, resolving of, disposing of, or allowing it to become no longer a threat.'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa nods vigorously.

Chloro says 'A case in point.'

Chloro says 'Moiraine Sedai, came from a once high noble house in Cairhien. Due to members of her family that house fell. Her Great grandmother however was Queen of Cairhien. Very little is written about her publicly.'

Melosa starts to hum but catches herself.

Chloro pulls her shawl around her a little tighter. "Her Grandmother was a great Queen. She did what was needed to keep the nation afloat by whatever means needed. Kidnappings, murders, sudden destruction of other houses and raising of yet more. She in my view would have been a model Gray. She knew her duty to her Nation and led it as strongly as most could."

Melosa taps her finger on her lip thoughtfully and smiles knowingly.

Melosa says 'As my ma used to say, one cannot make an omelet without Breaking a few eggs.'

Chloro says 'The Gray Ajah also deals with damage control, no woman is above error, that includes my sisters. We step in chaos willingly and bring it to order.'

Melosa hesitates slightly before continuing, 'If I may ask, Chloro Sedai, I would seek your help to make an informed choice.'

Melosa says 'If there is a chance to be involved in some part of the Gray Ajah's work, it would be helpful for me.'

Chloro raises her hand in silence again. "IF it is in regard to a choice of apprenticeship, then I will not help you with. That is for you, and you are alone."

Chloro says 'I may involve apprentices with my work, however sadly, majority of our work is sealed to the shawl, if not to the hall of the tower itself.'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Melosa says 'I understand.'

Chloro says 'If you like I can give you an assignment that will aid you.'

Melosa brightens up.

Melosa says 'Yes that would be most helpful.'

Melosa says 'Thank you, Chloro Sedai'

Chloro says 'On the subject of damage control, I would like you to attempt to repair your relationship with my yellow sister Auriona. Every woman who reaches the shawl is a boon of knowledge, remember we will live longer than most outside the tower, making an enemy of someone who can live that long is ill advised.'

Melosa flinches slightly but recovers quickly, 'As you say, Chloro Sedai.'

Chloro says 'As you have seen the note on the Accepted door, what is the second requirement?'

Melosa says 'In addition to the assignment, I should speak to her regardless.'

Chloro says 'Answer the question Melosa.'

Melosa says 'Ah to be raised to Tower Accepted, I would have to complete enough tasks.'

Melosa says 'In addition to securing an apprenticeship.'

Chloro says 'No child, the second requirement to approach the Gray is, "To have a brain and know how to use it."'

Melosa says 'Ah'

Melosa coughs nervously, 'Yes certainly, Chloro Sedai'

Chloro says 'Two differences stand out to be between you and my sister. Your rank, and the fact that you have not sworn the oaths. If you want to become Aes Sedai. Best to start speaking as if you had sworn them.'

Melosa nods solemnly.

Chloro says 'Now, off with you Accepted. You have much to think about.'

Melosa says 'Thank you Chloro Sedai for your time.'

Melosa says 'I will reflect upon our conversation.'

Melosa leaves east. >>

Posts: 53
Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:15 pm

Re: Mending Broken Bridges

Post by lexica » Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:09 am

Melosa: 2 rpkudos
Chloro: 2 rpkudos

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