Paying it Forward

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Paying it Forward

Post by Isela » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:38 am

Summary: Isela passes on a lesson taught to her by Tolza Sedai to Novice Emlivia

Characters: Isela, Emlivia
Special Guest Star: Melosa
POV: Isela

In the Classroom
A board of black slate hangs on the wall near the door, suggesting this
room is used as a classroom. The room is plain and windowless and has
enough place to seat thirty students. A dais with a desk sits at the front
of the room, where the Aes Sedai or Accepted teaching the class can sit.
[ obvious exits: W ]
Emlivia the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
A White Sister walks by, deep in thought.
A haughty young woman strides by practicing Aes Sedai serenity.

Isela says 'It is nice to meet you Emlivia. I am Isela, an Accepted here.'

Emlivia smiles happily.

Emlivia says 'Nice to meet you Isela.'

Isela says 'I understand you haven't been in Novice white very long?'

Emlivia says 'That is true, but taking to the tower nicely.'

Isela nods curtly.

Emlivia says 'Classes, chores, learning'

Isela says 'Have you learned the layout of the Tower itself?'

Emlivia says 'I have! It helps that I am constantly moving about cooking, cleaning, stocking books,
learning from the Sisters.'

Isela allows a small smile.

Emlivia says 'Oh, can I call them sisters?'

Emlivia says 'Learning about the Ajah's from the Aes Sedai'

Emlivia says 'that sounds better'

Isela says 'You may call them Aes Sedai, or when speaking directly to one, use the honorific Sedai
after their name.'

Emlivia says 'Yes, then them.'

Isela says 'I shall now pass on to you a lesson taught to me by Tolza Sedai when she was an Accepted
and I was a Novice like yourself.'

Isela says 'Do you think you can find the Warder's Practice Yard from this classroom?'

Emlivia says 'I believe so'

Emlivia says 'Lower tower level'

Isela nods in agreement.

Isela says 'I shall wait for you there.'

Isela says 'But oh, one more thing.'

Emlivia smiles happily.

Isela feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Isela begins to weave the appropriate flows...

Emlivia has been blinded!

Isela says 'Good luck!'

The Warders' Practice Yard
A large expanse of bare ground at least fifty paces across and nearly twice
as long stretches forth, its earth beaten hard. At intervals around it
under the trees stand wooden stands holding quarterstaffs and practice
swords made of strips of wood bound loosely together, and a few real swords
and axes and spears. A large gray stone building lies to the east, home to
the warder students and those warders who are not sharing quarters with
their Aes Sedai in the main Tower structure itself.
A sign hangs on the wall.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
A wild stallion bucks madly.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A grim storyteller reads from a journal.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
Coulin the Master of Arms is here teaching his students.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

Not long after arriving....

Emlivia has arrived from the south.

Isela claps approvingly.

Isela releases the flows and sight returns to Emlivia's eyes.

Isela says 'Very good, Novice.'

Emlivia says 'Oh good, I didn't know if it was this one or the one to the west.'

Isela says 'That was faster than I had done, to be sure.'

Emlivia says 'I have had to run here twice'

Emlivia says 'Because of bad things outside the Tower'

Isela nods at Emlivia.

Emlivia says 'Someone said Master Coulin here was safe to be around'

Isela says 'There are many who wish ill to Tower folk, and you may find yourself blinded again in the

Isela says 'It's important to have spatial awareness in those cases.'

Emlivia says 'I don't like not being able to see.'

Emlivia wrinkles her nose.

Isela nods in agreement.

Isela says 'There are three main ways to get rid of blindness. Can you name one for me?'

Emlivia says 'Well apparently waiting'

The White Tower is bathed in a reddish orange light as the sun sets.

Emlivia says 'Cure blindness, I believe is a weave'

Emlivia says 'Though I am unsure what can be cast upon myself and only cast upon others.'

Emlivia says 'The third, I am unsure.'

Isela nods. 'Yes, the Cure Blindness weave can be cast upon yourself and is helpful to have.'

Emlivia nods in agreement.

Isela says 'Depending on how you become blinded, waiting three hours (tics) will usually do the trick.
That is true.'

Emlivia nods in agreement.

Isela says 'The third way is to mix up 'a bubbling draught', which when quaffed will instantly cure the

Emlivia says 'I would imagine maybe some sort of salve o...'

Emlivia says 'Yes, I think I have heard people speaking about those.'

Emlivia says 'Where I get them or how to make them, I am unsure'

Isela says 'It takes a certain level of skill in Wisdom Lore to mix potions like that.'

Isela says 'Few Aes Sedai I know bother with it, since they can cure with the Power.'

Emlivia says 'Oh, I see, then I will need to stick on buying them or curing with the sai...'

Emlivia nods in agreement.

Isela says 'Though it's important to know about it and use it as a resource.'

Isela says 'There are many places in the world where channeling won't work, or you can't sense the

Emlivia looks perplexed.

Emlivia says 'I did not know that'

Isela says 'Ogier Steddings are one example of that.'

Emlivia nods in agreement.

Isela says 'If you show enough strength to become Accepted, and choose to assist in the battles against
the Dark to the north, there is a stedding there that can certainly affect your fighting ability.
It's important not to rely on the Power too much.'

Emlivia says 'Understood, though for now I think I am best serving here within the Tower for now.'

Isela says 'Of course.'

Isela's eyes twinkle.

Melosa has arrived from the south, riding a bloodstock stallion.

Melosa smiles happily.

Isela smiles at Melosa.

Melosa clears her throat.

Melosa says 'Yes, where were we?'

Isela says 'Hello sister. The novice and I were just finishing up.'

Melosa giggles.

Melosa smiles happily.

Isela says 'One more thing, Emlivia.'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Emlivia tilts her head curiously.

Isela says 'There's a bonus fourth way to get rid of blindness, but it can only be used on blindness
that has been woven on you by another channeler.'

Melosa looks at Emlivia.

Isela senses Melosa connecting to the True Source.

Isela says 'Weaves tied off on you will dissipate if you stray too far from the channeler who wove them
on you'

The sky starts to get cloudy.

Emlivia says 'Oh, so the bonus way is running away?'

Isela says 'Practically speaking, if you were to run far away from another channeler who blinded you,
the blindness weave would wear off.'

Melosa says '3 regions.'

Isela nods at Melosa.

Isela says 'Some call them 'zones'. Separate yourself from the channeler by 3 zones, and you'll see

Melosa gets a cup of thick syrup from a small purse.

Melosa puts a cup of thick syrup in a weapon rack.

Emlivia says 'That is good to know, though running away blind somewhere I do not know seems like
jumping out of the pan ... into another pan.'

Melosa says 'Just to add, all tied weaves lose their effect, not just Blind.'

Isela chuckles. 'Fair point. The other three methods we spoke of work better, to be sure.'

The White Tower's spire gleams softly in the first light of a new day.

Isela says 'Do you have any other questions for me, Novice?'

Emlivia says 'I do not, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me and blind me.'

Melosa smiles slightly.

Emlivia says 'I will be sure to write this within my journal.'

Isela smirks. 'Back to your studies then.'

Melosa smiles happily.

Emlivia says 'Chores first.'

Melosa says 'Emlivia, just a moment'

Melosa says 'A simple assignment for your learning.'

Emlivia says 'Of course.'

Melosa says 'When we next meet, let me know how many years has it been since the Age of Legends.'

Emlivia says 'I will have your answer as you request.'

Melosa says 'I find that appreciation of history is helpful'

Melosa says 'Especially as it relates to an organization as storied as the White Tower, stretching
back to the Breaking.'

Melosa fancies herself as a bit of an historian.

Melosa smiles happily.

Emlivia smiles happily.

Emlivia curtseys gracefully.

Emlivia leaves south.

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Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2024 7:05 am

Re: Paying it Forward

Post by Emlivia » Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:52 am

Journal Entry 2 - 11th day of the month of Tammaz, year 1557.
Today's lesson in the Tower classroom was an unexpected adventure. I was called to the classroom once more by Accepted Isela to be given a teaching that she had once been taught.

It began with an introduction to Isela Adelwhin, a Tower Accepted, whose presence commanded respect and attention. Her guidance and teachings shed light on the intricacies of Tower life, from navigating the layout of the Tower to understanding the hierarchy and etiquette of addressing Aes Sedai.

As Isela and I engaged in conversation, discussing everything from Tower logistics to the intricacies of curing blindness, I found myself drawn into the vastness of this world. It is also to note how unfortunate people can be. Isela mentioned many want to cause harm to those within Tar Valon and the Tower. Isela's patient guidance and insights were invaluable, offering me a glimpse into the vast tapestry of knowledge that awaited me within the Tower's walls.

The lesson took an unexpected turn when Isela demonstrated the practical application of spatial awareness, leading me... well, not exactly leading me, but giving me a task to to find the Warders' Practice Yard. Normally not a problem, but a momentary setback of blindness led me to travel on instinct. However, I emerged victorious, guided by Isela's wisdom and encouragement.

As our lesson drew to a close, I felt a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow within the Tower. Though every time I am pulled aside I feel butterflies in my stomach and a sense of panic. I hope that will pass, it certainly is getting easier.

Accepted Melosa, who joined us towards the end, gave me a parting assignment, to delve into the history of the Age of Legends, which sparked a newfound curiosity within me and something I never really considered .. how long has the White Tower .. been the White Tower? Has this always been here? What other worldly places have I yet to visit. Well, visit later ... much much later. I only feel safe within Tar Valon right now.

As I return to my duties and studies, I carry with me the lessons learned today, eager to finish my chores so that I may learn more.

Note: I am getting really good at cooking, who woulda thunk it.


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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: Paying it Forward

Post by Chloro » Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:59 pm

Paying it Forward

Rplizer +1 qps :
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps :
Length bonus +1-2 qps :
Summary: +1 qps :

Isela 2
Emlivia 2
Melosa 1

Paying it Forward - Journal Entry 2

Rplizer +1 qps : n/a
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : +
Length bonus +1-2 qps : -
Summary: +1 qps : -

Emlivia 1

Please say "RECEIVE" at a silver-haired sedai located in every Ajah wing.

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