A meeting with Chloro Sedai on confirming one's path

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A meeting with Chloro Sedai on confirming one's path

Post by Jeia » Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:53 am

Accepted Jeia continues her task of speaking to Aes Sedai from Ajah's she's previously considered. Chloro Sedai graciously accepts a meeting with the Accepted and the pair discuss the path to Aes Sedai, the Gray Ajah and confirming one's path

POV: Jeia
Main characters: Chloro, Jeia

Editing: Various narrates/game echoes etc


Chloro looks up from her reports strewn about the southwest bend of the large round table. "Ah yes, Accepted Jeia. I received word you wished to meet with me. Please have a seat."

Jeia smiles happily.

Jeia sits in a chair, settling her dress around her knees.

Jeia glances at the large amount of paperwork in front of Chloro Sedai, grimacing.

Jeia says 'Yes Chloro Sedai, and I know you are very busy.. so again I appreciate you being able to meet with me. I had hoped to talk to you about your journey through the Tower, and why you decided to join the Gray Ajah'

Chloro places down the report in her hands sitting up a little in her high-backed chair. "Nonsense child, I am not so busy that I cannot speak with or teach an Initiate. However I have been in the shawl a long time, perhaps you should narrow down your request."

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'Well, I have approached the Red Ajah about becoming apprenticed. In my interview, I mentioned to Sarinda Sedai that I had previously strongly considered joining either the White or Grey Ajah, and she encouraged me to speak to Aes Sedai from those Ajahs to understand why they ultimately chose their Ajah.'

Jeia says 'I can understand this may be a highly personal question, and I don't at all want to intrude. But I was hoping you could tell me why you decided to join the Gray Ajah'

Chloro says 'Perhaps the better question, is why do you no longer seek the Gray or White? What has made you settle on following the path of my Red Sisters?'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'For the Gray Ajah, when I was younger I arrogantly thought I possessed a good level of political prowess... as I grow older I realise that is not quite at all the case'

Jeia's cheeks are burning.

Jeia says 'The White Ajah.. Well, Firimei Sedai reminded me so much of my mother and I guess in a strange new place, not knowing anyone, I gravitated towards her'

Jeia says 'I am still very fond of Firimei Sedai, however, I found I am not capable of completely ignoring my emotions and approaching everything with the logic that the White Ajah has mastered'

Jeia says 'I was adrift for a long time, and not sure where my place in the world might be..'

Jeia says 'But the longer I have been in the White Tower, the more firmly I believe that our core function is to stand in opposition of the Dark One, and that our primary function in the Last Battle will be to counter the Dark One's dreadlords'

Chloro nods her face serene calm as her eyes examine the Accepted and her body language. "Many girls often first attempt to pursue an Ajah based on like of a particular sister. As for you political skills, I would let the Gray Ajah be the authority on it."

Jeia shifts nervously under Chloro Sedai's gaze, nodding along to her words.

Chloro says 'Do you think the Gray and White Ajahs have not silenced their share of dreadlords? If they can be called that.'

Jeia says 'Oh yes of course!'

Jeia says 'But the singular focus of the Red Ajah appeals to me'

Jeia says 'That said though...'

Chloro raises her left eyebrow slightly. "Singular focus? I was not aware they have a singular focus."

Jeia says 'While each Ajah is distinct, I believe the purpose of Aes Sedai blends more closely than it is different.. in my opinion anyway'

Jeia says 'I mean by way of hunting male channelers, I am sure the duties of the Red Ajah expand well beyond that, as I hopefully come to learn'

Chloro looks to Jeia, slight concern crossing her face. "Child are you stating you have approached an Ajah for apprenticeship without knowing in detail its function and duties?"

Jeia bows her head in deference.

Jeia says 'I would like to think I haven't Chloro Sedai, but I respect that the role of a full Aes Sedai is nuanced beyond what can be read in a book'

Jeia says 'By apprenticing with the Red Ajah, I may learn through observing the actions of full Sisters'

Chloro drinks water from a water skin.

Chloro looks to the Accepted, meeting her gaze directly. "I will speak plainly child. To apprentice is to declare your path for the next two hundred to three hundred years. It is frowned upon to change that choice once it has begun. I do not think you understand the seriousness of an apprenticeship."

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'I appreciate the directness Chloro Sedai, I do not mean to cause you concern. I am firmly committed to this path, it resonates with me more strongly than I have ever known in my time at the White Tower'

Chloro says 'Now lets work with what is known. What passion drives you to the shawl?'

Jeia looks up to Chloro Sedai, a hint of steel in her eyes as she murmers "The journey may be long, but it is a path I will walk until the end"

Jeia emote: Jeia pauses, considering the question.

Jeia says 'The freedom to act, to be a beacon to the forces of the Light in battle when hope may feel lost'

Chloro chuckles slightly. "Child, that is the hope of every woman who currently wears the shawl regardless of its color."

Jeia says 'I share that hope, and Light willing, I will bring that hope under the banner of the White Tower, and the Red Ajah'

Chloro says 'What makes you think it could not be with the Gray Ajah?'

Jeia says 'If I was twenty years younger, it may well have been the path I chose'

Chloro says 'That is very pretty but it does not answer my question.'

Jeia says 'Well, while I still believe the Ajah's blend more than they are different. My research of the Gray Ajah... I felt no resonance after a time'

Chloro smiles warmly her calculating gray eyes weighing and measuring the Accepted. "I was the daughter of a military blacksmith in northern Kandor before coming to the tower. Not a background one would associate with politics. However the reason I chose Gray is, I could see what the Gray Ajah does that allows the other six Ajahs to function. Our treaties broker peace and the ability to enter and travel within other nations. The Grays seek to prevent wars by diplomacy.

Jeia smiles brightly.

Chloro says 'The Red Ajah travels as freely as it does through the carefully maintained political ties and peace that the Gray Ajah maintains. '

Jeia nods slowly.

Chloro says 'Here is our purpose.'

Chloro says 'When my Green and Red sisters ride out on the front line, we, the sisters of the Gray Ajah will ride forth from every nation with Armies at out backs to aid the front lines and relieve them. '

Chloro says 'We will also broker deals with the Monarchs to feed, cloth and provide weapons to the troops and our sisters to give the light every fighting chance it has.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Chloro says 'Does that not align with your goals Accepted?'

Jeia says 'Of course Chloro Sedai, an overwhelming task to even consider'

Jeia says 'But in my heart, I want to be among the Reds and Greens holding the front line until the Gray can bring those forces to bear'

Jeia says 'When it comes to enemy channelers, I want them to know my weaves of fire before any others'

Jeia smiles grimly.

Chloro taps a red painted nail on the table as she speaks. "Until the Reds formally Accept you, you have the chance to change your mind. I suggest you think long and hard before you make that choice."

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'It is good common sense to consider all Ajahs before choosing a path'

Jeia says 'I have been an Accepted a very long time, much longer than I should have been I think, and I am grateful to have not been turned from the White Tower altogether'

Chloro says 'The wheel will weave as it wills. However, you may have more Gray in you, than you think.'

Jeia smiles happily.

Jeia says 'I hope that I do, as if I was ever seen not to be a fit for the Red Ajah, I would be knocking at your door again'

Jeia giggles.

Jeia says 'The management of nations is a fascinating task'

Jeia says 'Even just by order of magnitude'

Chloro says 'Before making your decision, I would like to speak to Elmitsu and Helen. They both aspire to the Gray and have their own challenges.'

Jeia ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Jeia says 'I don't believe i've met either of them, but I will speak to them on this, should I have the chance'

Chloro says 'You might be surprised at why they choose to pursue this path, and may change your own mind as well. For now though I release you back to your studies. We will speak again soon.'

Jeia curtseys before Chloro.

Chloro nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'Thank you for your time Chloro Sedai, I will consider what we've spoken of today'

Jeia says 'The Light Shine on you, Aes Sedai'

Jeia smiles happily.

Jeia waves.


Re: A meeting with Chloro Sedai on confirming one's path

Post by Lys » Sat Jan 20, 2024 5:49 pm

awarded 3qps

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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: A meeting with Chloro Sedai on confirming one's path

Post by Chloro » Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:07 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : +
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : -
Length bonus +1-2 qps : -
Summary: +1 qps : +

Chloro 0 (declines qps)
Jeia 2qps

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