Discussion with Alison Sedai: Mastering Fear

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Discussion with Alison Sedai: Mastering Fear

Post by Jeia » Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:23 pm

Accepted Jeia approaches Alison Sedai after being tasked by Sarinda Sedai to discuss with Aes Sedai their reasons for joining their Ajah. Alison Sedai speaks with Accepted Jeia about mastering fear, approaching fights and eating snakes

POV: Jeia
Attendees: Alison, Jeia and Melosa
Honorable mention: Tower Guard

Location: TVCS

Processed using the RP-lizer, and heavily edited to remove spam unrelated to the conversation

Jeia says 'Hm I wonder, do you have time for an interview Alison Sedai?'

Alison says 'What interview?'

Jeia says 'Sarinda Sedai asked me to speak to at least two Aes Sedai from Ajahs that I considered choosing in the past'

Alison says 'Ok'

The sun casts a golden glow over the city.

Alison frowns.

Jeia says 'And at one point of my life I wanted to join the White Ajah'

Alison says 'What would you like to discuss?'

Jeia says 'Well I thought, rather than ask you what made you join the White Ajah, what stopped you from joining the others?'

The day has begun.

Alison says 'Long answer? I was rejected.'

Jeia looks suddenly crestfallen.

Alison says 'Browns told me i was not a great fit for them. Yellows told me im not a healer.'

Jeia says 'Oh, I am very sorry to hear that Alison Sedai, I apologise if I invoked bad memories'

Alison says 'Green ajah stopped me years ago due to another technicality i could not repeat.'

Jeia nods sadly.

Alison says 'Memories are neither bad or good.'

Alison says 'It the feelings one attributes to them when recalling them.'

Alison says 'that makes them good or bad.'

Jeia says 'That is quite the point Alison Sedai, I never considered it that way'

Alison says 'I never applied for the blue ajah that i can remember. As i have never alligned with their causes.'

Jeia says 'What about their causes caused you apprehension, if you dont mind my asking'

Alison says '7 ajahs. One had to fit. I went through the process till Mierin Sedai found me.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'The justice part.'

Jeia ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Jeia says 'Because justice is arbitrary? Aside from natural justice, of course'

Alison says 'It has never been my driving power to seek out a way to drive justice into the world. Through ones own actions to those of the world.'

Jeia says 'Ah'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia thinks really hard.

Jeia says 'and the Red?'

Alison says 'I have always been of the mind that going through not becoming their ajah, i became a better me.'

Alison says 'That is pure technicality. i like men.'

Jeia giggles.

Alison says 'I wanted to bond.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'From day one the power manifested in me, i knew that a man will hold my bond.'

Jeia says 'I apologise Alison Sedai, I'm not sure who your Gaidin is currently'

Alison says 'Not being of other ajahs is never a bad thing. It is what grows in you the better version of the sedai that you become.'

Alison says 'Wilkerson'

Alison says 'before that was Detritus.'

Jeia says 'Names wrought in legend'

Alison says 'Ive had a few.'

Alison says 'Some i have bonded is not on their roster at this time.'

Jeia says 'I have seen the devastation a well matched Aes Sedai and Gaidin can bring, it's a powerful strength the Tower possesses'

Alison pats the bench

Jeia smiles happily.

Jeia sit down on a bench.

Alison says 'Sit, '

Jeia says 'Thank you Alison Sedai'

Alison says 'Is it? I believe that i the truthfullest thing anyone can ever mention about the bonding.'

Jeia says 'Well it's the most prominent feature I think'

Jeia says 'But I am sure the companionship plays part'

Alison says 'for me. Its always been about the friendship'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'Someone to share your adventures with'

Alison says 'They become my friends and if it works, it works. The bond just makes it a better friendship'

Alison says 'Or puzzles, or curiousity. Or just a good laugh when i eat snake and they dont.'

Jeia grins.

Alison says 'To get to you'

Jeia says 'Does that happen often Alison Sedai? Eating snakes?'

A smartly dressed man has arrived from the east.

Jeia says 'Now I wonder what snake meat tastes like'

Jeia giggles.

Alison says 'Having not become white doesnt mean you are bitter towards it. It just became a part of your memories and the part that makes you better you. Well rounded.'

Jeia nods vigorously.

Alison says 'Its logical to use what is presented to you. If push comes to shove, i will it a flock of birds in the blight as well.'

Jeia says 'Oh yes Alison Sedai, not bitter at all, it would certainly still be my second choice, if ever given the opportunity'

Jeia ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Alison says 'As for what they taste like. Isnt that subjective per person? My taste buds is not the same as yours.'

Jeia tilts her head.

Alison examines your mouth in detail.

Jeia says 'That's very true'

Alison says 'So you going for the reds?'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'What makes you choose that?'

Jeia says 'Well I assure you, its not borne of any hate of men'

Jeia pauses, thinking.

Alison grins evilly.

Jeia says 'The White Tower serves so many functions for the world and its people'

Jeia says 'But I feel that, come the Last Battle, the White Tower's highest calling will be to counter and combat the Dark One's dreadlords'

A Tower Guard raises an eyebrow.

A Tower Guard says 'The Shadow shall never succesfully infiltrate the Shining Walls.'

A Tower Guard says 'Not while those of us in the Guard have a breath of life left in us.'

A Tower Guard grins at Jeia.

Jeia nods at a Tower Guard.

The sun sets, washing the city in fiery colors.

Alison says 'How is your fighting skills? have you fought any?'

Jeia says 'And so, I wanted to bend my life and dedicate myself to that expertise'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'I have fought several in the past'

Alison nods slowly,'And?

Jeia grins evilly.

Jeia says 'I lose just as much as I win, but I can improve'

Alison says 'Great.'

Jeia says 'I feel that the Red Ajah is the best place to do that, and why it is a fit for me'

Jeia says 'Especially with dreadlords seeming to crop up like weeds in recent times'

Alison says 'For the core of self is the driving force in whatever ajah you are in. Being red doesnt stop you from being with the whites and helping them. I personally trained one of the grey ajah apprentices years ago.'

Jeia says 'Have you fought many dreadlords Alison Sedai?'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'in four hundred years, what do you think?'

Jeia says 'Yes I was discussing the same thing with Sarinda Sedai earlier today. While the Ajahs are distinct, they blend more than they are different, I think'

Jeia grins evilly.

Alison nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'I think you've fought more than a few in 400 years Alison Sedai'

Jeia grins evilly.

Alison says 'First and foremost. A dreadlord dies like anything else. Always.'

Jeia nods solemnly.

Alison says 'When you remove from them the stigma that they are better than you. Then you win already.'

Alison says 'Secondly what nerfs us, nerfs them. So to speak.'

Jeia says 'They can be fearsome, I am still working on overcoming that nervousness'

Alison says 'Here is a secret gift.'

Jeia leans closer.

Alison hands you a small stone, its pure white.

Alison says 'HOld this.'

Alison says 'Say ten random number.'

Jeia blinks at the stone in her hand, before looking back to Alison Sedai and closing her fist around it.

Jeia says 'Umm..'

Jeia smirks.

Jeia says 'Oh'

Jeia says '"Ten random number"'
Alison mouths a number, '103'

Alison mouths another number, '8844'

Jeia says '46'

Jeia says '93760'

Alison says 'Keep going'

Jeia says '52098'

Jeia says '483'

Alison tilts her head, watching you.

Jeia says '1!'

Jeia says '42'

Alison says 'What is the number one weakness of a dreadlord.'

Jeia pauses.

Alison pauses you with a finger.

Jeia says 'I am not sure Alison Sedai'

Alison shakes her head.

Jeia's cheeks are burning.

Alison says 'No'

Alison says 'The number one weakness.'

Alison leans closer.

Alison says 'They are already dead. Its your purpose to make them realise that.'

Jeia leans back, considering.

Alison says 'Why do we fight corpses of fades?'

Jeia says 'To stop them from moving'

Alison says 'Same reason. They dont know they are corpses.'

Jeia says 'To stop them from moving'

Jeia nods slowly.

Alison says 'The mind cannot panic if you count random numbers.'

Alison says 'Logic and emotions cannot control the mind at the same time. '

Jeia looks down at the stone in her hand, thoughtful.

Alison says 'Next fight.'

Alison says 'Repeat to yourself. Jestin is dead. Teveyl is dead'

Alison says 'Then win the fight as you are alive and they are dead.'

Alison says 'The White tower is the light and the dark is...'

Jeia smiles suddenly.

Alison says 'Well the dark.'

Jeia says 'The dark is dead!'

Alison says 'Exactly. There is no true darkness. Without the light, it doesnt exist.'

Jeia says 'This is good instruction Alison Sedai, I will practice this in my next fight'

Alison says 'What makes a red ajah sister more powerful is her knowing. KNowing that she has won already.'

Alison says 'And keep winning till the end.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'One question.'

Jeia says 'Of course Alison Sedai'

The sun casts a golden glow over the city.

Alison says 'Why do you think we make you do the shawl test naked?'

Jeia frowns.

Jeia says 'Because it teaches us to only really rely on ourselves? What we are made of, and not what we have?'

The day has begun.

Alison says 'Partly, but mainly that even when you become aes sedai, you are always aes sedai. Your stuff doesnt make you sedai. '

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'Who you are is fantastic. And dls know this'

Jeia smiles happily.

Alison says 'Thus removing my clothes is not going to make me less of a threat to them. Ever.'

Jeia says 'I will make them fear me as I have feared them in the past!'

Alison says 'Fear is a tool'

Alison says 'Have you ever felt angry?'

Jeia grins evilly.

Jeia says 'Often, Alison Sedai'
Alison says 'I hate to tell you this but your anger is fake'

Jeia blinks.

Jeia says 'It is?'

Alison says 'So is everyone elses.'

Alison says 'Ill explain, before you stone me'

Alison grins evilly.

Jeia giggles.

Jeia purposefully places the stone in her lap, and moves her hands well away from it.

Alison says 'Fear controlls anger. Fear is what is the face behind all anger.'

Alison says 'When you fight someone and you become angry. Pause and ask, what am i afriad off?'

Alison says 'Then.'

Jeia ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Alison says 'Make friends with your fear. '

Jeia says 'How do I do that? Make friends with my fear?'

Alison says 'You become the master of fear. Acknowledging anger as fake, giving fear its abillity to talk to you instead of making you "run for the hills''

Jeia nods slowly.

Alison says 'Then you become more you. Then'

Alison says 'You control their fear, as master over self give mastery over others.'

Jeia ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Jeia says 'Do you still feel fear Alison Sedai?'

Alison says 'Whites ask question.'

Alison says 'Feel it, heck no. Talk to it. Yes.'

Alison says 'Earlier i fought Cassiel.'

Alison says 'I lost.'

Jeia frowns as her face darkens.

Jeia says 'That man...'

Alison says 'I was rage angry. I paused. and asked fear, why are you giving me anger.'

Alison says 'Fear replied cause we could not spell his name.'

Jeia falls down laughing.

Alison says 'Yes, its a simple technicality.'

Alison says 'but try spelling it without thinking of castiel'

Alison says 'I dare you to pause and think about that.'

Jeia says 'cassiel'

Alison says 'Then i spend the hour after that.'

Jeia says 'Oh my, even still, the T starts creeping in'

Alison says 'Writing his name into my notebook and repeating it 100 times.'

Alison says 'This i did when boboliosie was rampant years ago.'

Jeia says 'And so next time, you won't have that anger, because you won't fear spelling his name'

Alison says 'nope, cassiel'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'Hm'

Jeia says 'Do you remember your last fight with a dreadlord Alison Sedai?'

Alison says 'Yes.'

Jeia says 'Would you tell me of it?'

Alison says 'It was Teveyl few weeks ago.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'Simply put. We where killing something west of caemlyn. In comes Teveyl and his crew.'

Alison says 'We managed a few hits on him, flame strike before everyone scattered.'

Alison says 'I got bashed by his cronies.'

Jeia shakes her head sadly.

Alison says 'Note i call them by that as in a fight, your purpose is to send a dl to the circle of dark.'

Alison says 'Repeatedly'

Jeia says 'I would like nothing more than to do exactly that'

Jeia grins evilly.

Alison says 'I got out, no horse into palace. Wilks got safe.'

Jeia sighs in relief.

Jeia says 'That is well'

Alison says 'He send me a message stating that throne room is not safe with teveyl and cronies. It gave me goosebumps. When a man is right , he is right.'

Jeia says 'They attacked the throne room?!'

Alison says 'I ran south, towards Far madding. I was low and bleeding, had teveyl chased me i was going to remove his abillity to weave me.'

Alison shakes her head.

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'Cause he is not master yet. I can posture and kill him one handedly'

Alison points at her sabre.

Alison says 'Without the one power.'

Jeia whistles appreciatively.

Alison says 'This then sparked a discussion between me and wilkerson after that event. About the tactics of throne room.'

Jeia says 'A good debrief is always extremely beneficial'

Alison says 'Thats the most recent fight.'

Alison says 'Yes, i run it through my logic filter.'

Jeia says 'I have been confined to the White Tower a long time'

The sun sets, washing the city in fiery colors.

Jeia says 'I know of the dreadlord Teveyl, and I have seen Jestin roam the countryside'

Jeia says 'But I haven't seen any of the others'

Jeia says 'Not recently anyway'

Alison says 'Both have been beaten. Just read their exploits.[pklogs]'

Alison says 'Another question.'

Alison says 'If you loose, why do you win?'

Alison says 'Meaning, when loosing why is there a win in it .'

Jeia says 'Because I can learn from my mistakes'

Alison says 'And adapt what your apponent has done towards you.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'I also learn their patterns just a little bit more each time'

Alison says 'So jestin wins one fight. What did he do. And can i use it.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'There is one that makes me not want to fight him. Kilgore.'

Alison says 'His tactics changes.'

Jeia says 'Oh yes Kilgore'

Jeia says 'He is very fast'

Jeia thinks really hard.

Alison says 'Have you seen axxyes logs?'

Jeia says 'Some of them'

Alison says 'Today my word i learnt was mealable.'

Melosa has arrived from the south, riding a |3|.gray palfrey.

Melosa curtseys before Alison.

Alison says 'Probably not said correctly. '

Jeia says 'From considering those logs, I would try to use his aggression against him'

Alison says 'Hi'

Jeia smiles at Melosa.

Alison says 'Yes.'

Alison says 'Chasers tend to run into traps'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'Or doors'

Alison says 'The psychology of dooring someone.'

Jeia says 'Gotta go all out in a door'

Melosa leaves south riding a gray palfrey.

Alison says 'Melyssan sedai once told me a single word. Commit.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'Commit to either winning or dying. Either way. commit to the fight.'

Alison says 'As i like to say. You are here now. You might as well.'

Alison smiles happily.

Melosa has arrived from the south, riding a |5|.gray palfrey.

Jeia grins evilly.

Melosa stops using an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag.

Jeia says 'If I got stuck in a door fighting'

Alison says 'Years ago i heard a saying.'

Jeia says 'I would definitely want Novice Melosa with me, she is lightning fast too'

Melosa wears an embroidered, cotton shoulder bag on her back.

Alison says 'Your between rounds weaving should be on point.'

Melosa says 'Ah, Accepted Jeia is too kind'

Alison grins at Melosa.

Alison looks at Melosa.

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'Is she now.'

Jeia says 'Not at all, thats a fact!'

Melosa blushes.

Alison says 'Anyway. Someone said.'

Alison says 'I am not trapped in here.'

Alison says 'You are trapped in here with me.'

Melosa chuckles politely.

Melosa says 'Indeed, Alison Sedai'

Jeia grins evilly.

Jeia says 'Alison Sedai, thank you truly for your instruction today'

Alison nods in agreement.

Alison says 'any question?'

Jeia says 'A final one, if you allow it'

Alison nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'In joining the White Ajah, what do you feel your greatest strength is?'

Alison says 'My mind.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Alison says 'It is small and furry and it responds to food.'

Alison grins evilly.

Jeia falls down laughing.

Alison says 'Truthfully, my asset is that im friends with my feelings and my mind. Mastering self is critical'

Jeia says 'Well, I know to make sure at our next meeting I bring baked goods'

The sun casts a golden glow over the city.

Alison says 'And snake.'

Jeia says 'Oh yes! I must try snake with you'

Jeia smiles.

Alison says 'Do you think you are ready for that test?'

Jeia ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Jeia says 'Well, I can only try my best, and bring plenty of other foods in case snake doesn't agree with me'

Jeia giggles.

The day has begun.

Alison says 'Small suggestion.'

Alison pulls a word out of the air.

Alison says 'Remove try from your vocabulary.'

Jeia nods solemnly.

Alison says 'Its whats called a safe word. It sets you up to fail'

Alison says 'I will try to win this fight.'

Alison says 'Versus'

Jeia says 'I will win this fight'

Melosa nods in agreement.

Alison says 'I will win this fight.'

Jeia nods in agreement.

Jeia says 'Thank you for your instruction Alison Sedai, and for taking the time to talk to me'

Alison says 'Exactly. Try is a word that is gobbeledygook. Remove it.'

Alison nods in agreement.

Alison says 'Thank you for your questions.'

Jeia says 'What word? I have already forgotten it...'

Jeia grins evilly.

Jeia stands up.

Alison smiles happily.

Jeia curtseys before Alison.

Melosa curtseys before Alison.

Jeia smiles at Melosa.

Jeia waves.

Alison waves.


Re: Discussion with Alison Sedai: Mastering Fear

Post by Lys » Sat Jan 20, 2024 5:55 pm

awarded 3qps

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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: Discussion with Alison Sedai: Mastering Fear

Post by Chloro » Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:12 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : +
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : -
Length bonus +1-2 qps : -
Summary: +1 qps : +

Jeia 2
Alison 1
Melosa 0 (passing through)

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