Getting to The Heart of Trajega

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Getting to The Heart of Trajega

Post by Chloro » Sat Dec 16, 2023 5:41 pm

Chloro sedai along with Accepted Aleera and Evee interview Trajega for readiness to enter the three arches. A learning experience for the two Accepted, and a way for them to show they are taking on more of the full sisters burden. Later Joined by Ashlynn Sedai, it is a learning experience for all.

View of: Chloro
Participants: Chloro, Ashlynn, Aleera, Evee, Trajega

Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Evee the Journey Accepted is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Aleera has arrived from the east.

Aleera closes the carveddoor.

Aleera curtseys on entering.

Evee beams a smile at Aleera.

Chloro waves at Evee with a spare hand as she pours over a report. "That is fine child."

Aleera says 'Good evening Chloro Sedai. Accepted Evee.'

Aleera steps to the side of the door after having closed it.

Chloro looks up and nods seeing both Accepteds. Gracefully she stands and moves the large round table taking her high-backed seat on the south-western bend. "Please be seated Accepteds."

Aleera steps over and settles on to one of the chairs.

Evee smooths her dress and lowers herself into the chair.

Chloro pulls a white leather folder off a ever growing stack of the same. With care she opens it, looks through the pages and nods. "Now, you have been trained in Saidar, the Ajahs, healing, and conduct. Tonight, you will have a lesson in one thing all Aes Sedai take the mantle of."

Aleera folds her hands in her lap, attentive.

Trajega tells you 'Yes Chloro Sedai'

Chloro says 'Training of girls into Accepted, then into full sisters is the duty of every woman who wears the shawl. You both faced an interview prior to being considered for the arches, correct?'

Aleera nods her head in the affirmative.

Evee says 'I did, Chloro Sedai.'

Chloro says 'Tonight, I will conduct another, and you both will observe and if I feel you are ready, will be allowed to add a question or two as well. Do either of you have questions on this?'

Evee says 'Not at the moment.'

Chloro says 'Aleera?'

Aleera's head bobs once in understanding, "I don't have questions. Thank you for the opportunity."

Chloro nods in agreement.

Chloro says 'Annoura, summon Trajega please.'

Annoura Larisen says 'I will send my scribe to summon her, Chloro.'

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Trajega has arrived from the east.

Trajega curtseys gracefully.

Chloro gestures at the doors with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Chloro looks to the novice from her seat at the large round table. "Ah, Novice Trajega, thank you for coming quickly. Please have a seat."

Aleera is seated at a large table, hands folded in her lap.

Trajega sits down.

Trajega says 'How can I be of service Chloro Sedai?'

Chloro looks to a small note then the papers within a white leather-bound folder. "You sent a message to myself and several other Aes Sedai that you are seeking advancement is that correct?"

Trajega says 'Yes. I have, and I am.'

Chloro looks to Aleera then Evee before settling back on the novice again her exotic gray eyes weighing and measuring the girl. "Have you spoken with any Accepted prior to this meeting as to what it means to be Accepted?"

Aleera is quietly attentive, attention shifting between Aes Sedai and Novice.

Trajega says 'if It pleases the light. There are two ways to answer. I am going to choose not to twist any words.'

Trajega says 'I have asked questions on the life, the chores, but I have not directly asked from a meaning perspective, no'

Chloro slightly raises her left eyebrow, "A wise choice novice, the truth is always best. You have two Accepted here now, please ask."

Trajega says 'Accepted Aleera and Accepted Evee, could you please tell me what it means to you personally to be an Accepted of the tower?'

Aleera gestures to Evee in deference, "Please, go ahead."

Evee says 'To me, it means just that, Novice Im 'accepted' by the Tower. Im trusted to know the rules of the Tower and to handle my duties without someone having to hold my hand.'

Trajega says 'Thank you Accepted Evee.'

Evee says 'and that I've shown growth in my training with Saidar and am ready to lead other Novices while still pursuing my path towards the shawl.'

Evee nods at Aleera.

Aleera considers her own response as Evee begins. When it is her turn, she shares, "For me it meant being 'welcomed' in a more meaningful manner than when I first arrived, was tested, and brought into the White Tower. It was recognition. It was observation. It meant increased trust, as Accepted Evee shared, and increased obligation as well."

Chloro listens remembering her own Accepted days for a brief moment, her face a mask of serene calm.

Trajega says 'If it pleases the light, May I ask a follow up?'

Chloro says 'You may Novice.'

Trajega says 'Could either of you share, without divulging anything I am not privy to, something you believe was a misconception for being a novice, that you had while you were a novice?'

Evee smiles warmly.

Chloro sits back slightly looking from Evee to Aleera and internally grins.

Evee says 'I felt that there was a strict path to becoming accepted.'

Evee says 'you behaved, attended classes, learned Saidar and into the Arches you go...'

Aleera whispers quietly to herself.

Evee shakes her head in amusement.

Aleera nods and answers, "When I arrived, I was equal parts grateful and nervous. I also quickly learned all of the many rules and restrictions of the White Tower for Novices. My impression at that time was on my perception of those limitations. But I was, from a different point of view, far more free then than now. I do not know the weight of the shawl but believe that it continues to move that direction with time. More and more obligation to serve."

Trajega thank you. Accepted Evee, I think i know what you mean, Accepted Aleera, that is a bit mind blowing.

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Ashlynn has arrived from the east.

Ashlynn closes the carveddoor.

Trajega clambers to her feet.

Trajega curtseys before Ashlynn.

Ashlynn peers about the room.

Evee stands and curtseys before retaking her seat.

Ashlynn says 'Sister, I hope you are not plotting anything!'

Aleera rises up from her seat to curtsey to Ashlyn Sedai before sitting once again.

Chloro smiles to her yellow sister and pats the high-backed chair next to her. "Come sister."

Ashlynn walks over and sits down next to Chloro.

Trajega sits down.

Chloro slightly rolls her eyes, "If that is true, light help you all."

Chloro chuckles politely.

Trajega smiles nervously at Ashlynn

Chloro says 'Accepted Evee and Aleera were just giving Novice Trajega a lesson on what it means to be Accepted. This novice seeks advancement.'

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Chloro says 'Now novice I provide a different answer to the same question.'

Chloro says 'I as a novice, did not seek advancement to Accepted. I was fearful it would break my vows taken on my fourteenth name day to produce sons to defend against the blight. All borderland girls take such an oath.'

Trajega cringes in terror!

Chloro says 'It was not until a Aes Sedai I now call sister helped remind me that, while an Aes Sedai may not produce sons to defend, they produce powerful sisters that can keep those sons alive and turn the tides. What better tribute to the Creator than that?'

Chloro says 'To become Accepted is to be Accepted by the Aes Sedai as someone that may be tempered like metal into a sister one day. However, it is also a moment of binding yourself to that path. Once you come back to us, if you survive, you are noticed more, have more work to do, and more of a burden to share.'

Aleera whispers quietly to herself.

Aleera's lips turn up in a small smile at the telling from Chloro Sedai.

Chloro looks the Novice directly in the eyes, "Now after hearing that, do you still seek advancement?"

Trajega nods in agreement.

Trajega says 'I do.'

Chloro says 'Then let the questions commence. Sister would you like to begin?'

Ashlynn says 'No, I would like to listen for a moment.'

Trajega tenses biting her lips and shivering.

Chloro nods and looks to the Accepted before returning her gaze to the novice. "Child, you have been with us long, why do you deserve to advance to the Arches?"

Trajega says 'I have been long enough that those who were my peers are vastly all my superiors. That is not to say I expect to be deserving of advancement.'

Ashlynn gazes at Trajega, pondering her answer.

Trajega says 'I think the best me I can be is humble, and will not state she is worthy of advancement, but better able to serve.'

Chloro says 'If that is the only reason you can raise, then I find it wanting. You may speak freely child, tell me why you deserve to be Accepted.'

Trajega says 'My philosophy on the stages were recently shattered, in a way much as accepted Aleera had said.'

Chloro raises her right hand for silence.

Trajega says 'my merits in the library, while extensive, will get me nowhere. Even then I had been called out by the brown for doing it poorly.'

Chloro says 'A better question, why do you want to become Aes Sedai?'

Trajega says 'I am here to serve, but not in the capacity of chosing direction, but by supporting others. And I feel most alive when I serve that goal.'

Trajega says 'Some wish to lead large groups, or even take charge chosing their own goals. I do not believe the light made me for this purpose, but to be used to promote what I think is right.'

Chloro looks to Ashlynn then back to the novice. "So is a scullery maid in the kitchens. What passion drives you to the shawl?"

Trajega says 'Reading of what the White Tower has done since the breaking show it may be the only light in the world which will not go out.'

Trajega says 'I could be a maid in the kitchen, but I do not believe that would be using me to my potential. ‘

Trajega says 'While I may not be capable of being on the front lines at the last battle, I will darn sure make sure those of the light do not stand hindered by anything.'

Trajega says 'there are tough battles to come. I want to make sure the light prevails.'

Chloro thinks a moment then looks to the novice a glint impatience in her eye. "Novice, you seem to be under the perception that I care at this exact moment of you being humble, or a supporter. I care about what is in your heart that drives you forward. What makes you wake every day and continue your journey with the tower. You have been allowed to speak freely; I suggest you use it."

Aleera maintains as flat an expression as possible as she listens; in spite of the effort, it still does not compare to the still mask Aes Sedai manage with no effort.

Trajega says 'it makes my day when I heal others and they are able to win fights. I also want to belong somewhere that I do not feel alone, but a good team.'

Trajega says 'the sisters have something special, that I want to be a part of.'

Ashlynn nudges you suggestively. You two have an understanding.

Trajega says 'and I was blessed by the light to have the gift required.'

Chloro looks at the white folder in front of her and nods before looking back up to the Novice. "I see we finally arrived at our destination, how fortunate we were to have a Yellow among us. In what may come next for you, conviction and passion must be paramount."

Trajega says 'I also have debts to pay to the tower, for it has stopped my public flogging or even perhaps execution.'

Chloro says 'Sister, what question do you have for the young healer?'

Ashlynn says 'Have you the Talent for healing?'

Ashlynn says 'I see according to this that you were inducted by our very own Eldrenia Sedai. Perhaps she tested you for it.'

Trajega says 'I believe I do. I am still working on better seeing through one’s body to understand how to repair, but it was one of the first sparks I was able to make.'

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Trajega says 'Eldrenia Sedai had me in a little bit of an awkward situation. I was happy to join as it meant she stopped a mob that wanted my head. I didn't follow everything that was going on.'

Ashlynn says 'I see. It makes no difference. What happened before you joined the White Tower is not of much consequence now.'

Trajega nods at Ashlynn.

Ashlynn says 'Should you walk through the Arches, and come back to us alive... How do you think your newfound rank will aid you in further honing your potential Talent for healing?'

Trajega says 'I have little hands-on experience, and I am in hopes to learn more reading research of healers before the breaking.'

Ashlynn nods, her green eyes sparkling.

Ashlynn says 'Hands on experience. You would be able to travel to much of the world. Practice in the field. Healing entire villages of plagues and fevers.'

Ashlynn says 'All under our tutelage. '

Chloro nods, hearing the history of healing. "Kathala Sedai is a resident pandemic treasure trove, perhaps you should seek a lesson with her."

Trajega nodded in agreement.

Trajega says 'I have not yet even seen plague.'

Evee absently cleans her hands with her dress.

Chloro looks to Ashlynn the back to the novice. "However, not all healers choose the path of Yellow. I myself am adept at healing and chose another path. So, to can you should you find it better aligned with your goals."

Ashlynn says 'The best healers join the Yellow.'

Trajega eats a strange fruit.

Ashlynn looks Trajega up and down.

Chloro smiles warmly at her sister and blinks once. "Many have a different view on that."

Ashlynn stretches her arms, her dazzling wristcuffs shifting ever so slightly.

Ashlynn says 'This isn't the time and place for debate about such things, though. '

Ashlynn says 'It is true that there are talented healers in the other Ajahs.'

Chloro says 'The choice will be yours child, and yours alone should you handle what comes next. Now in regards to current knowledge. Please state the current purpose of the brown Ajah.'

Ashlynn says 'Just as there are mighty fighters outside of the Green Ajah, and so on.'

Trajega says 'On a side note, it sounds like both believe the best healers are Aes Sedai.'

Ashlynn says 'Excellent observation, Trajega.'

Trajega says 'The Brown Ajah is tasked with recovering as much knowledge from before the breaking as
it can.'

Trajega says 'They are also, I believe, the guardians of that knowledge.'

Chloro says 'Part of it yes, Alreea, expand on this please.'

Aleera nods to Chloro Sedai, "In addition to looking to knowledge to be gleaned from the past, preserving knowledge in the present, that they also look to build on those things and create a more informed future. Providing a base for those yet to come to build upon."

Chloro says 'Thank you child. Tell me Trajega, can you name the city that will issue you a warrant should you travel into it while holding a light ball?"'

Trajega says 'I have not traveled much, But I believe that is Tear.'

Chloro say 'That is correct, as a Journey Accepted are you allowed to travel further north than Fal Dara?'

Trajega says 'north the border is the Borderlands'

Trajega opens up her map.

Chloro says 'Quickly child.'

Trajega says 'It looks like it is one and the same.'

Trajega says 'Fal Dara would be the furthest it looks like An Accepted may travel.'

Trajega says 'to be fair, I am guessing that these are one in the same.'

Chloro says 'the furtherest a Journey Accepted may travel, yes. Should healing be your goal, I expect you will spend much time in the Keep of Fal Dara.'

Aleera's lips compress the slightest bit at this particular question. She absentmindedly rubs at one of her shoulders before catching herself in the act and re-folding her hands in her lap.

Evee winks at Aleera.

Chloro says 'Sister, have you any other questions for Novice?'

Ashlynn says 'I do not at this time.'

Chloro says 'Aleera you may ask a question if you wish.'

Aleera inclines her head and then focuses her attention toward Trajega, "Were you to successfully pass through the Arches, what would you do on the following day?"

Trajega says 'a bunch of staves. The box in the well needs them.'

Evee smiles knowingly.

Trajega says 'it has bugged me and at least 1 other novice. I gave up my backup so they could train.'

Chloro notes the novice thinking of others and looks to Ashlynn sharing a knowing gaze.

Aleera's lips curl in a small smile.

Ashlynn nods and smiles at Trajega's answer.

Chloro says 'Evee, your turn.'

Evee says 'Why do you think the test of the Arches and facing your fears is required before becoming Accepted?'

Trajega says 'when faced with certain threats, some run, some freeze, and some take action. Only one helps the picture.'

Evee says 'but why wouldn't we test at the first initiation into the Tower.'

Chloro says 'Elaborate novice.'

Trajega says 'fear can make your brain shut down and do nothing or run in fear. A test to make sure you will serve the tower when things get tough.'

Trajega says 'my readings suggest it is to put a purpose above your fears, to be able to serve that purpose more so than recoil to our lesser primitive reactions.'

Trajega says 'building on fire, do you run, watch it burn, or fetch a pale.'

Evee says 'that is the purpose of the test, but the question is why do we test at this particular point in your training?'

Trajega says 'if you did it when I was running from a mob, my head wouldnt be clear of my past enough to confront the fear'

Evee glances at Chloro Sedai.

Trajega says 'while a Novice is meant to be a clean slate, it is hard to think as such without some time to meditate.'

Chloro nods at Evee and looks to the Novice. "This has been illuminating in more ways than one for all parties. I will convey my findings to Sheriam Sedai. Know this child, if you are deemed ready, there will be no warning, no message beforehand. I suggest you work on honing your emotions. The hour when it comes, waits for no woman.

Trajega nods in agreement.

Trajega drinks water from a leather water flask.

Chloro says 'Trajega You are dismissed for now; I will see you again soon.'

Chloro gestures with her hand.

Trajega clambers to her feet.

The door smoothly swings open.

Trajega curtseys gracefully.

Trajega leaves east. >>

Posts: 77
Joined: Thu Oct 24, 2019 7:13 am

Re: Getting to The Heart of Trajega

Post by Evaine » Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:14 am

Chloro: 1 qp
Ashlynn: 1 qp
Aleera: 1 qp
Evee: 1 qp
Trajega: 1 qp

Please retrieve your offline RP qps.

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