A discussion of Manetheren

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A discussion of Manetheren

Post by Callesa » Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:52 am

A log from january 2023. Wearied Novice Amilesa joins Callesa Sedai in her study for a discussion of the Fall of Manetheren.

Main particiapants: Amilesa, Callesa

Study of the Brown Ajah
Tall, arched windows in the northern wall open to a balcony, providing a
choice view of the Erinin as it flows south from the Borderlands. Half the
seating in the room is drawn up around the windows, showing that the
occupants appreciate the panorama. The remaining seats are drawn up in
circles of six to eight, allowing Brown Sisters to discuss the furtherance
of knowledge, or new theories in an informal atmosphere. Colorful wall
hangings depicting still lifes decorate the pale white walls.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Door south: door
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
Amilesa the Wearied Novice is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Brown Sister is here, frowning pensively.
Danelle Sedai, sitter for the Brown Ajah stands here deep in thought.

Amilesa curtseys before you.

Callesa says 'Ah, you are already here. Danelle, the door can also be shut sometimes, what if there were some... inappropriate things on my table'

Amilesa says 'In case you haven't had the chance to stop by the dining hall, Aes Sedai, I brought some stuff from the kitchen.'

Callesa frowns.

Amilesa finishes arranging the refreshments on the desk.

Amilesa says 'My apologies, Aes Sedai, I mis-interpreted your instructions.'

Callesa quickly places a stack of notes from the desk to a shelf

Callesa nods in agreement.

Amilesa says 'I thought you had meant for me to be waiting for you in the Study.'

Callesa says 'No harm done, child, just next time wait outside.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Amilesa curtseys before you.

Callesa says 'So, I hear your studies are progressing well.'

Callesa gestures at the door with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Amilesa says 'I will follow protocol better next time, Aes Sedai.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Amilesa says 'Thank you, Aes Sedai. I believe I have learned a lot.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'What have you been reading most recently?'

Callesa quietly asks Danelle Sedai for Librarian's reports.

Callesa thanks Danelle, as she hands a too thin stack of papers to her.

Amilesa says 'I have been reading some histories and biographies as part of my normal studies.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'that is a rather broad description.'

Callesa leaves through the papers and searches among the names.

Amilesa says 'But to assist my exploration of the island and my new home, maps have been a large part of my backpack.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'I see, you've borrowed three maps just this week.'

Callesa peers closely at Amilesa, trying to figure her out.

Callesa says 'I hope they'll be returned in excellent condition inspite of you carrying them around in inappropriate conditions'

Amilesa's eyes dart to her backpack.

Amilesa says 'I take good care of them, Aes Sedai. I don't take them out on the field with me, but make sure I take notes.'

Callesa says 'What else have you been reading... '

Callesa's finger goes through the rest of the list until it finds Amilesa's name again.

Amilesa says 'Coming from the Two Rivers, I've found a lot of literature on Menetheren that isn't common knowledge where I grew up.'

Amilesa says 'Specifically the decisions and events that led to its fall, and the eventual rise of the Two Rivers communities in its place.'

Callesa says 'Hmm, the biography section indeed. Collected notes on King Aemon al Caar al Thorin by Siende Sedai, and Correspondance of Eldrene Sedai.'

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Callesa says 'What has surprised you most about the events leading to the Fall of Manetheren?'

Amilesa straightens her dress and rearranges herself more comfortably in the chair.

Callesa sips from her cup. It tastes like hot, bitter tea.

Amilesa grabs a fine quill pen.

Amilesa bites down on her pen collecting her thoughts.

Callesa says 'Oh, no need to write your answer, just tell me. What has been the biggest surprise?'

Amilesa says 'I was surprised that it was avoidable, Aes Sedai.'

Callesa channels a thin strand of Air and blows the paper to a paper bin by the desk.

Amilesa tsks as she shakes her head back and forth.

Callesa says 'Yes, it most probably was, yet we can never be absolutely sure.'

Amilesa says 'It seems as if there was a coordinated effort to keep them from getting aid. Deliberate abandonment, where not only were they such an asset, but they were people.'

Callesa says 'It would have been different, had the Tower listened to Eldrene Sedai, and not just foolishly dismissed Queen Eldrene.'

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Amilesa strokes her chin with her hand.

Amilesa says 'That is a very potent distinction, Aes Sedai.'

Amilesa gets out her notebook and draws two circles, overlapping in the middle.

Callesa says'I have never fully understood myself what Tower was supposed to gain, as it had stood by the Amyrlin for some time. Tetsuan, unfortunately, had not only many faults but also some qualities. She was clearly capable on holding the reigns for a surprising amount of time.'

Callesa says 'I am wary of believing everything to be just fault of one exceptionally foolish, egoistic, and power blinded woman.'

Amilesa nods along, her necklaces rustling against the fabric of her dress' neckline.

Callesa says 'Let's imagine for a moment a different mirror of the Wheel.'

Callesa says 'Let's imagine Tower had helped.'

Callesa says 'Do you think the victory would have been sure?'

Amilesa says 'Communication channels can certainly be interrupted. I was learning about sending messages by pigeon from the stable hand the other day. Very handy! But even then there are times the messages wouldn't deliver to who I sent it to off the island.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'Indeed. But let's imagine enough messages came through. After all, we've got quite a lot of Eldrene's correspondance in the Library. '

Callesa says 'Let's imagine Tower decided to help. What do you think would have been the course of
history in such a case?'

Amilesa says 'On one hand, according to the books, the massive devastation of the Dark One's armies was due to the last desperate effort of the Queen Sedai. Which wouldn't happen if all had not been lost.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'What else?'

Amilesa says 'On the other hand, we can not discount the resourcefulness of a large contingent of Aes Sedai and their Warders, where their entry point seemed to be very localized.'

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Amilesa says 'Cut off reinforcements, isolate the bands, and relieve the stress on Menetheren.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'What else could have been done?'

Amilesa's brows furrow in throught, the quill rising to her mouth once more.

Amilesa repeats the question to direct her thoughts better and says 'If the White Tower had sent aid to Menetheren, what are the other likely outcomes of that action...'

Amilesa says 'Well, if the aid was given the Menetheren, those forces could not be elsewhere. I just don't know what risk profile that would have led to at the time.'

Callesa says 'You are forgetting that the White Tower is not just the army, not just the One Power, no matter how central and crucial it is to us, not just the Warders and their skills.'

Callesa nods at Amilesa

Callesa says 'You are right that resources are always limited but the needs are not, especially in eras like the Trolloc Wars.'

Callesa says 'So yes, there cold have been some unfortunate side effects to certain decisions.'

Callesa says 'But there is more that could have been done.'

Amilesa says 'An evacuation, perhaps?'

Callesa says 'At this phase of the Trolloc Wars, the Nations had been splitting apart, not cooperating defense enough, not helping with evacuation enough, and so on.'

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Amilesa says 'But from the stories, the people would not have accepted that option, I wouldn't think.'

Callesa says 'We could have lost much less even if the defeat was inevitable. We could have kept the threads between then and now.'

Amilesa frowns and shakes her head dismissing the thought.

Callesa ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Callesa says 'That is possible. But can we be sure? They were not given an option.'

Amilesa raises and lowers her head distinctly in a nod.

Callesa says 'They could have chosen to stay and fight, but send children away. Parents often reason differently, when it comes to their own lives and those of their children.'

Callesa says 'They could have chosen to evacuate what they found worthy, such as a library, or art, some people choose to do that.'

Callesa says 'We will never know. And you probably expected a Brown to stick more closely just to facts and not to speculate'

Callesa laughs quietly

Callesa says 'But history is not here just for safe keeping, we are learning from it.'

Callesa says'I hope to see your name even more often in the librarian's notes on borrowed books.'

Callesa says 'Where in the Two Rivers did you grow up?'

Amilesa says 'That is my opinion, Aes Sedai. They are data points to draw future decisions from. A
sort of mathematical model, albiet one with many variables.'

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Amilesa says 'I grew up in a farm west of AEmond's Field, over by a volcano. Though I spent much of my time in the village.'

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Callesa says 'I had grown up near Watch Hill myself.'

Callesa smiles at Amilesa.

Amilesa says 'That isn't very far at all. I've been there a couple times myself.'

Callesa says 'Women from our part of the world come to the Tower far too rarely.'

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Callesa says 'It isn't, neither it is very big or different. I doubt they still remember me there much

Callesa smiles sadly.

Callesa says 'That is a part of the burden that comes with our gift.'

Amilesa nods along with the Aes Sedai.

Amilesa rests her hands quietly on her knee, looking at the Aes Sedai.

Callesa says 'How did you find Tar Valon? It can be intimidating at first, as it is so different. But learning of our history, far too forgotten, can help.'

Callesa says 'You are supposed to put aside your past, while you wear the white dress, but everyone adjusts differently.'

Amilesa puts emphasis on the word and says before continuing 'It was VERY different from the village and farms of the Two Rivers, as you know.'

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Amilesa says 'I found my center to adjusting in exploring the White Tower, the City, and the rest of the Island. Things are less stressful when they are less of a mystery.'

Callesa sips her tea

Callesa nods at Amilesa.

Callesa says 'Oh, there will always be plenty of mystery left for you to explore.'

Callesa says 'And I hope all those activities are making it clear not just to your mind, but also your
soul, that your place is now here.'

Amilesa says 'I admit that I initially came to the Tower because Etain Sedai taught me how to touch Saidar, and I just couldn't imagine a life where that wasn't a part of me. I wanted to learn more of it, and make it useful.'

Callesa chuckles politely.

Amilesa says 'I has to learn what my place was here, first Aes Sedai...'

Callesa says 'Yes, Etain was very efficient and I am glad she brought you to us.'

Amilesa opens her mouth to continue explaining.

Amilesa says 'What I mean to say is, I had to figure what the reason for being here is. Not for me personally, but for those who serve in its Halls.'

Callesa listens carefully, sipping her tea

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'And you started from studying one of the Tower's worst failures.'

Callesa says 'What have you figured out?'

Amilesa says 'I believe a read a quote on that in the library...'

Amilesa quotes "Failure is the building block to success, learn from it"

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'Yes, we learn from failures. But we pay a high price. That's why we also need to profit
from the failures of others, to not pay twice.'

Callesa says 'So, what do you think is the reason for you to be here, novice? What is the reason for us
all to serve?'

Amilesa says 'It is as Morella and Chloro Sedai say. To be here, and I mean to truly be a part of the Tower, means embracing the etymology of the Aes Sedai namesake, to be a Servant of All.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Amilesa says 'The reason to serve is belief. Belief that the world will be a better place if we spend the effort to help others.'

Amilesa says 'Faith that the Dark One will be defeated soon if we work together and help each other.'

Callesa says 'But as Wisdom Fanwyn back in Watch Hill used to say, sometimes you help a person the most
by a well timed hit with a wooden spoon.'

Amilesa grins wistfully and says 'There are many ways to help'

Callesa says 'You may also find some similarities between Tar Valon and Two Rivers, such as those wise words of a Village Wisdom.'

Amilesa writes down a note for herself, a single word 'ruefully'

Callesa says 'I think old Fanwyn would have found even Sheriam a bit too soft at times.'

Callesa laughs quietly.

Amilesa raises her eyebrows high into her forehead, her mouth coming open slightly.

Callesa says 'I am looking forward to our next meeting. Keep reading, child.'

Callesa says 'Other duties are awaiting us both'

Amilesa says 'Thank you, Aes Sedai.'

Callesa gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Amilesa curtseys before Callesa.

Amilesa leaves south.

The carveddoor closes quietly.

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Re: A discussion of Manetheren

Post by Sarinda » Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:32 pm

Callesa: 2 QPs
Amilesa: 2 RPQPs

This was a great log in which we get to see Callesa flex her knowledge of history and press Amilesa on what she has been learning. I liked learning about some of these historical details and seeing Amilesa hold up under questioning.

Please say "receive" at a silver-haired Aes Sedai for your rewards.

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