A small history lesson on Ajahs

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A small history lesson on Ajahs

Post by Callesa » Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:40 am

Callesa Sedai meets novice Trajega in the Library and gives a small lesson on the Ajahs, also touching the topics of gossip and frog stews.

Main participants: Trajega, Callesa

Callesa says 'Something wrong with your knees, child?'

Trajega curtseys gracefully.

Trinket the ferret gets bored with the bauble he's been playing with.
Trinket the ferret looks around for something new and shiny to 'borrow'...

Callesa nods in agreement.

Sorting Racks
A small room lies before the head librarians office to the north, which is
closed off by a low gate. Several books are stacked on a small rack before
the counter, and a number of low, wheeled book carts clutter the room,
containing books in need of filing. An end-table in the southwest corner
contains a few worn-looking books, including one whose binding is in
tatters. An exit north leads back into the hallway. A sign is posted over a
bookshelf detailing instructions for book re-shelving.
[ obvious exits: N S ]
A volume of 'The Travels of Jain Farstrider' is here.
A bookshelf made from imported wood stands against the wall here.
Trajega the Fledgling Novice is standing here.
Scampering around, Trinket the ferret looks for mischief to get into.
A frail woman tends the library, dusting shelves as she goes.

Trajega says 'slow to look around and see who was here, my apologies callesa sedai'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'What have you been up to?'

Trinket the ferret leaves north.

Trajega says 'Doing my best to keep the library books where they belong.'

Callesa nod in agreement.

Callesa says 'And which one have you read most recently?'

Trajega says 'a few times still trying to find other items Sheriam has requested.'

Trajega says 'I have read some of the history, but still have much to learn.'

Callesa nods slowly.

Callesa says 'Of course, you are still at the beginning'

l frail
In care of the annals and histories of Tar Valon and the lands, this old woman
seems to have worked here for an eternity. But despite her age, she works with
a vigor and determination that has seemed to grow on her because of where she

The Tower librarian is in excellent condition.

the Tower librarian is using:
<worn on finger> a great serpent ring
<worn on body> a colorful dress
<worn on arms> a fringed shawl embroidered with a white teardrop
<worn around wrist> a golden bracelet
<worn on feet> a pair of soft, light shoes

Trajega nods at you.

You say 'Avena, what has this novice read most recently?'

Trajega looks at the Tower librarian.

Callesa waits, as the librarian looks up Trajega's file and searches in it.

Callesa smiles as Avena says: Well, she has borrowed Nevena Sedai's Founding of the Tower, and Lysianis' Before the Breaking

Trajega says 'She may be annoyed. I believe I put a few books back in the wrong places :('

Callesa says 'Oh, it will all get sorted out.'

Trajega says 'it is amazing how much is still known from before the breaking.'

Callesa says 'So tell me, what have you remembered from your reading?'

Callesa says'I find that we know almost nothing, and still occassionally feel the grief for what was lost.'

Trajega says 'there are a number of Ajahs which have disapeared to time.'

Callesa nods at Trajega.

Callesa says 'True. Do you remember why?'

Trajega says 'no, I do not.'

Callesa says 'Well in some cases, it was the idea right from their founding, they were meant to be
temporary and just serve one purpose.'

Callesa says 'Others merged, as their missions were similar.'

Trajega nods at you.

Callesa says 'Others may no longer be useful in the new and fast changing world.'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Trajega says 'I can also see why some trying to write fiction into the story makes at least one ajah up. My apologies to mention the blasphemy.'

Callesa arches an eyebrow.

Callesa says 'Which Ajah are you talking about, child?'

Trajega says 'but it does speak to the importance of due dilligence in accurate records.'

Callesa says'Accurate records are a blessing we can rarely enjoy, that much is true.'

Callesa peer closely at Trajega, trying to figure her out.

Trajega says 'Although part of me does wonder how much sisters can stray for the pure colors. It would be fun to see Aquamarine shawls .'

Callesa says 'But who says the original numerous Ajah were all identifying by colours?'

Trajega drinks water from a leather water flask.

Callesa says 'I can easily imagine the Turtle Ajah. The Ajah of one particular battle. The Ajah named
after a city. Or after an idea.'

Trajega says 'I searched for colors beyond the 7 when I ran into people adding nonsense.'

Callesa says 'What nonsense?'

Trajega says 'that Sisters would take the three oaths to the oathing rod, then have broken thos vows.'

Callesa says 'Ah, now it is clear.'

Callesa says 'You are clumsily hinting at the rumours of a Black Ajah.'

Trajega says 'I didnt consider the 5 ajahs which were absorbed or ended may not have had a color.'

Trajega gasps in astonishment.

Trajega says 'yes, those rumors'

Callesa says 'Oh, there were probably many more than five ajahs, that we no longer know of, if we include the temporary ones too.'

Callesa says 'Yes, those rumours are not anyone's attempt to create fiction. They are nothing more and
nothing less, rumours.'

Trajega eats a strange fruit.

Callesa says'As you'll learn during your time with us, the Oaths are not just something you can easily break. '

Callesa ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Trajega says 'are the history of the past ajahs on the boards? I feel I may be spending too much time putting books away and not enough educating myself on the tower's history.'

Callesa says 'On which boards? They are a far away history, there are too few mentions to reconstruct the image.'

Trajega says 'The materials around the tower Handbook.'

Callesa says 'Ah, no no, the handbook and all the current boards are about the Tower of today, even though you will find some classes on the past. But the forgotten Ajahs are a matter of the times right after the foundation of the Tower.'

Callesa says 'to the rumours: there have been criminals in the history of the White Tower. The Tower judges any misuse of the One Power harshly.'

A Brown Sister has arrived from the north.

Callesa says 'Some even claimed to act in service to the Shadow, but there has never been any proof of such sad exceptions being organised.'

Trajega nods to Callesa.

A Brown Sister leaves north.

Callesa says 'But if you listen to rumours, you may also hear other things.'

Callesa says 'You may hear from some sources that the whole While Tower are darkfriends, I think you can imagine who spreads that.'

Trajega says 'Children of the blight?'

* HP:Healthy SP:Bursting MV:Fresh >

Trajega snickers softly.

Callesa says 'You may also hear that Sheriam Sedai has a whole room full of ferrets, or that Mistress Laras has a right to the throne of Andor.'

Callesa says 'You see my point?'

Trajega says 'So she does put frogs into the stew? That wasn't a rumor?'

Callesa says 'It may not be wise to trust such rumours without any proof, and even less wise to talk
about it in front of them disrespectfully.'

Callesa's corners of the mouth twitch for a moment, but she doesn't smile.

Callesa says 'Until you see or touch any proof, it is just a rumour and your stew is safe, novice.'

Trajega says 'Yes, Lady Callesa. Understood'

Callesa says 'Even though some illianer chefs have been experimenting with frog legs, so you might find
out that the stew you complain about is actually a dish fit for a king.'

Callesa's eyes sparkle with amusement.

Callesa says 'And the right way to address me is Callesa Sedai, child.'

Callesa smiles at Trajega.

Trajega squishes in her face and shows mild disturbance at frog legs.

Trajega says 'yes Callesa Sedai.'

Callesa says 'I wonder, where are you from, Trajega?'

Callesa says 'Your preocuppation with the stew hints at never having been hungry. Some girls definitely don't investigate the rumours.'

Trajega says 'The two rivers. It appears many from my village have been exploring lately.'

Callesa nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'I grew up in Watch Hill, many winters ago. '

Trajega looks worried, she really doesn't want to be "taught a lesson" through hunger.

Trajega says 'do you miss Watch Hill?'

Callesa says 'Nobody is likely to remember, but I suppose the attitude towards frogs and stews was
probably the same back in my childhood.'

Callesa ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Callesa says 'Not really, I occassionally visit. But my loved ones are no longer there.'

A Brown Sister has arrived from the north.

Callesa says 'That is a fate all of us share. We need to give up a lot for the White Tower.'

Trajega nods in agreement.

Trajega says 'until the tower is done with us.'

Callesa says 'In the end, our Ajah is our closest family. Whichever it is.'

Callesa nods at Trajega.

Callesa says 'You are still far from there, novice, you've barely started!'

Trajega jokes about the sisters of the turtle ajah.

Callesa says 'I recommend washing some more dishes, before you go to sleep tonight. You know, to check out what is being thrown in the stew.'

Trajega says 'That would be an interesting fiction.'

Trajega nods in agreement.

Callesa says 'And keep reading.'

Trajega says 'Thank you Callesa Sedai. I will do that.'

Callesa says 'Have a good day.'

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Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:10 pm
Location: Kalamazoo, MI

Re: A small history lesson on Ajahs

Post by Sarinda » Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:24 pm

Callesa: 1 QP
Trajega: 1 RPQP

I enjoyed the dialogue here, and the creative use of emotes to include the librarian. I liked that this is a good example of a common interaction that was still engaging to read.

Please say "receive" at a silver-haired Aes Sedai for your rewards.

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