On the Nature of Ajahs

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On the Nature of Ajahs

Post by Sarinda » Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:44 pm

Seeing a novice awake in need of further education on nuances between various Ajahs, Sarinda reaches out to Vistra and offers a private lesson on the finer points of how the Red and Green Ajahs differ and relate to each other in their primary missions. Vistra carries herself well and provides answers that sufficiently prove she is ready for further responsibilities within the White Tower.

POV: Sarinda
Main characters: Sarinda, Vistra

Processed using the RP-lizer, and edited to remove spam (e.g., hunger/thirst, tells) and to fix multi-line emotes that were not caught correctly by the RP-lizer.


Den of the Red Ajah
This room reflects the cool nature of the Red Ajah, the furnishings just as
severe as the rest of the room. A gilded chair rests near the center of the
room, accompanied by an equally elaborate dark wooden desk. Chairs have
been drawn up to the tall, arched windows, which look over the western side
of Tar Valon, the western bank of the Erinin and Dragonmount beyond,
serving as a constant reminder of the purpose of the Red Ajah.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [2]
A large desk made of fine, thick wood stands across the room from here.
A calm woman bathed in serenity seems to attract your attention.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Red Sister stares down here nose here.
Galina Casban completely ignores you.

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Sarinda gestures with her hand.

A series of locks turn, and the door smoothly swings open.

Sarinda glances at the door and calls, 'Release the One Power and enter.'

Vistra has arrived from the east.

Sarinda feels the flows of saidar coursing through her body.

Vistra curtseys before Sarinda.

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda channels Air towards the door.

Sarinda gestures and the door slams shut from an unseen force.

Vistra says 'You summoned me Sarinda Sedai?'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Yes, child. If it pleases the Light, take a seat. If you have time, I would have a short lesson with you.'

Vistra sits down.

Sarinda says 'Before we begin, tell me how your studies have been progressing of late, Vistra.'

Vistra says 'I believe that they have been going pretty well Sarinda Sedai.'

Vistra says 'Earlier today I had a discussion about the lizard from Mayene with Callesa Sedai.'

Sarinda says 'Oh? What did you two discuss about it?'

Vistra says 'It was an interesting conversation about the way the lizards cover their body with mud to keep the weather and predators at bay.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'We then went in to talk about how society can be the same.'

Sarinda smiles knowingly.

Vistra says 'Like how clothes can be nondescript and hide people in crowds.'

Vistra says 'And the importance of how Aes Sedai sometimes need to hide their appearance from people at times.'

Sarinda says 'An astute analogy, child.'

Sarinda says 'And one that I must contend with all too often, it seems, especially when attempting to hunt down men who might be channelers masquerading as woodsman or soldiers or the like.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'They can be very dangerous. Just the other day I assisted Alison Sedai in ridding the city of a male channeler named Dougan. Have you heard of him?'

Sarinda's face darkens.

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'He was very strong. He was able to channel air into a torrent like stream and threw me a street away.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'That one is dangerous. Very dangerous, and equally mad.'

Vistra says 'I am just glad that Alison Sedai was there. She made him run with his tail between his legs.'

Sarinda says 'But perhaps this is a good segue to something that I wished to discuss with you.'

Vistra listens on intently.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, I was reviewing some of our notes on you and your lessons you have taken so far with various Aes Sedai. It seems that Aelrena had given you a recommendation to meet with a sister of the Red or Green Ajah to discuss similarities and differences between those Ajahs, and you have not had a chance to do this that I am aware of.'

Vistra says 'I have not yet Sarinda Sedai.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'This is one reason I am so glad that you called me in today.'

Sarinda says 'Let us begin that discussion with a question, then. What is your current understanding of the primary mission of the Red Ajah?'

Vistra says 'To prevent the breaking of the world by removing the world of male channelers so they cannot spread the taint of Saidin.'

Sarinda says 'Hmm. Tell me more what you mean.'

Vistra says 'Well in my lesson with Pevara Sedai she mentioned that the breaking was caused by the taint being put on the male half of the source and driving the male channelers mad.'

Vistra says 'She said that it took 3 centuries to finally subdue the last of the tainted male channelers after the breaking.'

Sarinda says 'These are correct points, if it pleases the Light.'

Vistra says 'And that was the mission that the Red Ajah took to heart and continue to this day.'

Vistra says 'I think the part that concerned Aelrena Sedai was that I categorized the Red Ajah and the Green Ajah as being very similar.'

Vistra says 'My point was that the Green and the Red seem to always be on the front lines.'

Sarinda says 'When Lews Therin Telamon, the Dragon, led his Hundred Companions in an attempt to re-seal the Bore, they were successful in that effort but at a terrible price: the backlash of the Father of Storms and his touch on saidin, the male half of the True Source, left a permanent taint on it. As a result, the histories note that many of those men became tainted very rapidly, and their power threatened to sunder the world.'

Vistra nods at Sarinda.

Sarinda says 'I take a small issue with your wording, only because it might suggest a misunderstanding of the taint itself, and of the Red Ajah's purpose.'

Vistra says 'Yes that is what I learned from Pevara Sedai. Also about a weave called balefire. She said that it was very dangerous and should not be learned.'

Sarinda nods at Vistra.

Sarinda says 'Indeed.'

Sarinda draws down her thin eyebrows into a frown.

Vistra looks up at Sarinda with total concentration.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, the taint on saidin itself cannot be spread. It seems that saidar is, thankfully, clean. And although those who channel saidin are doomed to one day lose control of their mind, faculties, and body, their weave themselves do not spread the taint to others.'

Sarinda says 'And thank the Light that they do not, or sisters such as I who have hunted down so many men and taken weaves from them would be tainted, too.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'I am sorry my wording was hasty. I meant spreading the destruction that their tainted minds cause not spreading the taint itself.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Good, good. I thought you might have meant that, but wished to be certain.'

Vistra says 'Thank you. I do not want to spread any thoughts of falseness.'

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, stopping men who channel is a very important and critical part of my Ajah's mission. But it is not the full scope of our role or passion.'

Sarinda says 'You might say that it is a subset of a larger mission, and one more important.'

Vistra pulls out her notebook and pencil.

Sarinda says 'I would argue that the primary purpose of the Red Ajah is to prevent and address, aggressively if need be, the wrong and dangerous use of the One Power.'

Vistra writes down some notes.

Sarinda says 'Obviously, men who can channel saidin are unfortunately, at least in this Age, destined to gradually slip into madness, and thus remain one of our most important targets. However, can you think of any other particular situations in which the Red Ajah may have concerns about misuse of the One Power?'

Vistra says 'Someone using a weave that has been specifically deemed as too dangerous. Just like the balefire weave that Pevara Sedai mentioned. It is supposed to cause some damage to the fabric of the Wheel itself.'

Sarinda says 'Indeed. During the War of Power, also known as the War of the Shadow, at what is now considered the beginning of the end of the Age of Legends, both allies of the Light and the Dark used this weave indiscriminately. And the world showed the scars of its use, such that the Pattern itself threatened to fall apart.'

Vistra flips through her notebook and points at a part of a page, 'Yes that is exactly what Pevara Sedai said!'

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Sarinda says 'Now, thankfully even darkfriends and dreadlords decided to abandon use of this weave. But if an ally of the Light began to use it against Shadowspawn once more...'

Vistra shivers uncomfortably.

Sarinda says 'That would be an example in which the Red Ajah would speak out, and take action to safeguard the world against its use.'

Sarinda says 'Can you name any other weaves that have the potential to be dangerous to others?'

Vistra says 'Area of effect weaves like earthquake can cause undo damage.'

Sarinda nods decisively.

Vistra says 'I accidently hurt my pet chicken one day practicing it.'

Sarinda says 'Yes, an excellent example. And one that has been the subject of debate for what feels like an Age.'

Vistra says 'The second oath Sarinda Sedai?'

Sarinda says 'What is the Second Oath, child?'

Vistra says 'To not use the one power to harm another unless in defense on oneself, the life of another sister, or warder.'

Vistra says 'I am terribly sorry that was the 3rd oath.'

Sarinda says 'You are very close. That is the Third Oath, although not quite the -exact- and traditional wording that we use when swearing on the Oath Rod.'

Vistra looks abashed and embarrassed.

Sarinda quotes, 'Under the Light, I vow not to use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn, or in the last defense of my life, the life of my Warder, or that of another Sister.'

(tic_timer): Tic in 7 seconds!

Vistra nods in agreement.

Vistra flips a couple of pages and underlines a couple of sentences.

Sarinda says 'It is the Third Oath that the Red Ajah especially needs to consider when determining whether use of a weave crosses the line into dangerous use, or misuse, of the One Power.'

Vistra says 'Like the earthquake weave and my poor pet chicken.'

Sarinda says 'Now, Aes Sedai who have sworn on the Oath Rod may be able to mentally justify their use of the Earthquake weave, and yet still do so dangerously. The Oaths do not take away our human nature, or our ability to make mistakes. A woman who is convinced she is in the right, could still do something gravely or foolishly dangerous.'

Vistra nods gravely.

Sarinda says 'And given what I said about the Red Ajah and our mission, what do you think our stance might be towards a woman, even an Aes Sedai, who posed a risk -- even if unintentionally -- towards others due to how she was using the One Power?'

Vistra says 'Try to find out the cause of why she done it. Make sure that she is not longer a risk to society.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Within the White Tower, we have strong customs and stronger laws that provide checks and balances to ensure that such uses of the One Power are monitored and dealt with swiftly.'

Vistra nods at Sarinda.

Sarinda says 'The Red Ajah has spearheaded many of these, and enforced them quite rigorously.'

Vistra says 'Please excuse this turn of phrase, but kind of like the guards of the One Power?'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, we are not so bold as to claim mastery of the One Power, or assert ourselves as better than others. But we do fiercely hold the view that -someone- must ensure the safety of others, of the world itself, and that those who have the ability to channel the One Power pose the gravest threat to the well-being of our civilization. Of our very world.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'I believe that the power can also be the greatest asset to our civilization also.'

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Sarinda says 'Yes, child, this is a very optimistic and hopeful view, and I admire you holding onto that view.'

Vistra smiles happily.

Sarinda 's smile slowly slips away. 'But if it pleases the Light, as Red Ajah, I view it as my duty to the White Tower and to the very world itself to keep use of the One Power in check. Even if that means speaking out against once allies, or threatening to lose friendships with others over their actions.'

Vistra nods in agreement to Sarinda Sedai, 'That seems like a heavy burden.'

Sarinda intones, 'If it pleases the Light, all will be well. All will be well, and all manner of things will be well, if it pleases the Light.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'We have not yet spoken about the Seanchan. What do you know about them, as it relates to my Ajah?'

Vistra says 'I have only heard bits a pieces about the Seanchan. How they chain women that can channel and force them to use the power against their will.'

Sarinda nods decisively.

Sarinda's face darkens.

Vistra says 'I would imagine that the Red Ajah takes great offence to that.'

Vistra says 'I know I do.'

Sarinda 's words are calm, but uttered with a heat to them that belies a tone of anger. 'We do, yes.'

Vistra says 'There is a novice named Iryela that used to be a damane I believe. '

Sarinda shakes her head and corrects quietly, 'No, she claims not to be a damane, but a sul'dam, one of the "leash holders" among their people. She used to train damane, if she can be believed.'

Vistra says 'I am sorry. You are correct of course. She was very confrontational when she first arrived, but I have grown quite fond of her.'

Sarinda's ageless face is stoic.

Sarinda says 'Before we turn conversation to the Green Ajah, let us pause to reflect on what you have learned.'

Sarinda says 'Before this lesson, you said that the purpose of the Red Ajah was "to prevent the Breaking of the world by removing the world of male channelers so they cannot spread the taint of saidin." If it pleases the Light, would you like to revise or expand upon your statement?'

Vistra says 'I would like to revise.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'The Red Ajah's main purpose is to protect civilization from the wrong and dangerous use of the power be it either Saidar or Saidin.'

Sarinda nods decisively.

Vistra says 'That the Red Ajah is fierce protectors of the law of the Tower.'

Sarinda says 'To the degree that it relates to the primary mission you so succinctly and eloquently summarized, yes.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'I also know that Sarinda Sedai puts that cause above friendship. It seems that it is your driving passion.'

Sarinda smiles warmly.

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Now, we did not discuss one of your points, but I think it might make more sense now. Sisters of the Red Ajah are often found on the front lines of battle because many of our most dangerous enemies -- dreadlords, or channelers who have sworn to serve the Father of Storms -- are found marshalling Shadowspawn in battles against citizens of the Light.'

Vistra nods in agreement

Sarinda says 'Members of the Red Ajah receive dedicated, extensive training in weaving the One Power to safeguard against and defeat enemy channelers.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Sisters of the Green Ajah will claim that they are meant to be the counter against the Dreadlords, but I would argue that the Red sisters have uniquely prepared for such opponents.'

Sarinda says 'Before we change subjects to the Green, do you have any questions about the Red Ajah?'

Vistra says 'I do not Sarinda Sedai.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vistra writes down notes quickly.

Sarinda says 'So, if it pleases the Light, I ask the same question: What do you think the primary purpose of the Green Ajah is?'

Vistra says 'The Green Ajah is called the battle Ajah for a reason. They train to be prepared for the last battle at Tarmon Gaidon.'

Vistra looks at Sarinda Sedai questioningly.

Vistra says 'Was that not correct Sarinda Sedai?'

Sarinda says 'That is correct, yes.'

Vistra smiles happily.

Sarinda says 'I do not claim to know the nuances of the Green Ajah and its mission the way I know the Red's, but from my perspective, sisters of the Green Ajah stand fast against the Father of Storms and his armies the way the Red Ajah seeks to safeguard against those who misuse the One Power.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'Yeah in my lesson with Kiruna Sedai she talked a lot about the different types of Shadowspawn and different kind of battle weaves.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'All Aes Sedai are trained in how to wage war against the forces of Shadow, but Green sisters make it their specialty.'

Vistra says 'She also spent a great amount of time talking about the different status weaves.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'She did not give very much other information except that they must be ready for the Last Battle.'

Sarinda says 'The Red sisters fervently train on the niche specialty of dueling or defeating other channelers who use the One Power, such as dreadlords, damane, and men who can channel. Green sisters, in contrast, focus more broadly on the battle at large, and the war against the Shadow.'

Vistra nods in agreement.

Vistra says 'I think I have a better grasp on the differences now.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'Then if it pleases the Light, tell me in your own words some of the ways that Aes Sedai of the Red and Green Ajahs may be similar, and some of the ways that we may be different.'

Vistra says 'They are similar in that they are very battle focused and on keeping the world safe. The differences mainly deal with the Red being more specialized to prevent the wrong and dangerous use of the power.'

Vistra says 'Where as the Green are mainly focused on fighting Shadowspawn and are more generalized.'

Sarinda nods in agreement.

Sarinda says 'I believe these answers to be sufficient. Well spoken, Vistra.'

Sarinda stands up.

Sarinda says 'If it pleases the Light, follow me, Vistra.'

Posts: 486
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:21 pm

Re: On the Nature of Ajahs

Post by Chloro » Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:26 pm

Rplizer +1 qps : 1
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : 1
Length bonus +1-2 qps : 2
Summary: +1 qps : 1


Sarinda 7
Vistra 3

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