The Power of Allies

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The Power of Allies

Post by Chloro » Thu Jul 28, 2022 12:13 am

Chloro Sedai, Penzei, and Mariah meet to learn the importance of developing allies within the tower.

View of: Chloro
Main Characters: Mariah, Penzei, Chloro

Log session starting at 23:07:19 on Wednesday, 27 July 2022.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
Mariah the Tower Accepted is standing here.
Penzei Perets, Tower Accepted, Yellow Ajah Apprentice is standing here.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.

Chloro says 'Annoura I believe we need more chairs.'

Annoura Larisen glances around the room.

Annoura Larisen says 'Yes, it does appear we are short a few for this meeting.'

Annoura Larisen steps out, then returns with an Accepted following close behind.

Annoura Larisen looks over her shoulder at the girl.

Annoura Larisen says 'Child, help us move some of these chairs around the table.'

A dutiful Accepted curtseys gracefully. 'Yes, Aes Sedai.'

A dutiful Accepted grabs a chair and quickly moves across the room.
A dutiful Accepted drops a stout oaken chair.

A dutiful Accepted makes her way towards another and shuffles it into place.
A dutiful Accepted drops a stout oaken chair.

A dutiful Accepted avoids making eye contact as she lifts another chair.
A dutiful Accepted drops a stout oaken chair.

A dutiful Accepted gets a last chair and sets it with the others around a large table.
A dutiful Accepted drops a stout oaken chair.

A dutiful Accepted dips into a final curtsy and leaves with haste.

Penzei takes the hot tea over to the table and sets it down and begins to pass it to Chloro Sedai and Accepted Mariah.

Chloro takes her seat at the table in a high back chair motioning for the girls to do the same. "A bit of tea and conversation will do anyone good."

Penzei gives you a cup.

Penzei gives a cup to Mariah.

Penzei sits down on a stout oaken chair.

Mariah takes a seat closer to the desk, gathering her dress about her smoothly.

Mariah raises the cup of tea to her mouth just to the brim, stopping short to blow softly across the surface.

Penzei smiles before sipping the hot tea herself tentatively.

Chloro looks to the two girls’ eyes bouncing between them."It has been some time since I have spoken to both of you. I would ask how your studies are progressing, but we all know the answer to that."

Mariah lowers it again and inclines her thanks to Penzei.

Penzei giggles.

Mariah says 'Thank you for your close tutorship, Aes Sedai, I think they are progressing well. As you know, still a lot of work, but at least we have a good gauge on where I am.'

Penzei says 'I don't think myself and Accepted Mariah have official met even though we have passed each other many times within the Tower'

Penzei says 'Be it such, Hello! '

Penzei giggles.

Chloro says 'Then let’s correct that shall we. Please each of you tell your tower history. Penzei you may go first.'

Mariah takes a sip of her tea, licking her lips afterwards, as she listens to her fellow Accepted.

Penzei says 'Well, I hail originally from the nation of Illian but my mother died in childbirth and my father reluctant to continue the petty squabbles between Illian and Tear, sold his holdings and we left for the nation of Andor!'

Chloro claps her mug in her hands allowing the warmth to flow into her as she lifts the cup and takes a sip.

Penzei says 'I was raised in aristocracy... of which I was never really suited... until my sixteenth birthday... when I began to show the signs of my connection with the weave...'

You sense Penzei connecting to the True Source.

Mariah gives Penzei an appraising look.

Penzei says 'My father... so blinded by his pride immediately shipped me to the Tower while bragging that his blood was that of the One Power...'

Penzei says 'And I've been here ever sense, thank the light...'

Penzei says 'Thats the short of it '

Penzei blows out the rest of her breath relaxingly.

Mariah sets the mug down on a protected surface of the desk, rubbing her hands together.

Chloro nods "Families can be cruel, however I think it safe to say you found a new family here."

Penzei says 'I could not agree more'

Mariah Shall I, Aes Sedai?

Chloro looks to Mariah and nods to her."Please do."

Mariah says 'I grew up in House Mashera, a Noble house branched many generation back from the Royal Line.'

Mariah says 'I was quite happy in my station and would have eventually entered Court and likely attained some administrative department or other.'

Penzei giggles.

Mariah leans towards Penzei seating across from her.

Penzei says 'I myself was headed in a similar direction...'

Mariah says 'I am not sure if you know this, but the Noble families of Mayene have a tradition where they send their daughters to the White Tower after their sixteenth birthday to be formally tested.'

Mariah leans back in her chair, gesturing with her hand.

Penzei says 'I was not aware!'

Mariah says 'Now, for those of us partaking in the tradition, while a little scary of the unknown, it was often conveyed and treated as a... vacation of sorts.'

Mariah says 'Sailing up in a river boat with all pomp and circumstance of your house. Staying in the grand city of Tar Valon. And of course, a formal petition for an Audience with an Aes Sedai.'

Mariah says 'It was a Blue Sister, Riva Sedai, not a Gray, who met me for my formal testing.'

Mariah says 'I was quite shocked to actually have been found to have the Spark. I figured if I had access to the One Power, I would know. Right?'

Penzei says 'The wheel weaves as the wheel weaves'

Mariah stares off into the room, chuckling a little at herself.

Mariah says 'Needless to say, with Riva Sedai running the Testing, and I was in a White Dress getting a tour around the Living Quarters before I knew what was happening.'

Chloro smiles knowingly as she watches the girls converse and takes another sip of tea.

Mariah says 'My family, while they missed me, also accepted the great honor. I am told it raised their esteem with the First by some measure.'

Penzei rolls her eyes at the mention of status.

Penzei says 'It seems like such a bore now... knowing what we know'

Mariah says 'I would say my time in the White Tower was pretty normal up until my Acceptance as Mariel Sedai's Apprentice of the Gray Ajah. It isn't much of a mystery or journey that got me there.'

Penzei nods in agreement.

Mariah says 'I would counter and say Aes Sedai is just a different sort of status, trumped a bit from what we once knew, and with many more threads tied to it.'

Mariah says 'Now I am studying with Nevirha Sedai as my Mentor, and my focus continues to be how we can improve our relations with other Nations, and get them to bolster our goals.'

Penzei says 'as noble a goal as any!'

Mariah nods with a small smile as she concludes her introduction.

Mariah returns her attention to her cup of tea with a frown.

You sense Mariah connecting to the True Source.

Penzei says 'I had a hard choice through my route of choosing an Ajah, I had multiple great teachers in all of the Ajahs! Catisune Sedai of the Brown, Kali Sedai of the Blue, Eldrenia and Jenda Sedai of the Yellow, Relena Sedai of The Green... it was hard to choose but I found my heart drawn to helping those who could not help themselves!'

Chloro looks between the two girls and sets down her teacup.

Penzei says 'And I ended up apprenticing for the Yellow Ajah, of whom has a group mentality to apprenticeship, so all of the Yellow Ajah is my mentor'

Penzei drinks hot, bitter tea from a cup.

Chloro says 'Interesting you both once shared the same path yet chose different ones for yourselves.'

Mariah drinks from a cup of tea, letting out a contented sigh of enjoyment.

Penzei says 'Subtle... Subtle indeed...'

Penzei says 'Small World it is'

Penzei giggles.

Mariah ponders aloud 'If only we could Weave flavor into our tea.

Mariah turns to Penzei and say 'Not that the tea isn't lovely. I just have a penchant for blueberry tea.'

Chloro nods weighing both the girls with her gray eyes. "Can either of you hazard a guess as to why I called you in today?"

Penzei giggles at Mariah's silly antics.

Mariah returns her attention to the Aes Sedai, biting her lip as if to figure out the lesson.

Penzei says 'Well, Chloro Sedai, I'd venture to say it has something to do with our apparent proximity to certain things... if you don't mind me being so bold to say so'

Mariah says 'I had assumed it was to evaluate us as a foil to the other. See which candle cast which shadows.'

Chloro looks to both waiting a moment before speaking. "Both good answers but not quite the one I will give."

Chloro says 'As you both venture forward on these paths, I cannot express enough how much it can help you to have allies. A colored shawl does not exclude you from the rest of the tower. Only through working together do the Ajahs continue. I have one seeking Yellow and one Seeking Gray before me. Both healers, just of different methods.'

Mariah nods, looking at Penzei, then nodding once more.

Penzei crosses her legs and then fixes her dress by fanning it out flat on her thigh and then saying," Wise words for sure... "

Chloro says 'I think you both should get to know each other better; you never know when you may need one another to assist with a project or simply to talk to. Penzei has quite the political mind, and you Mariah are a skilled healer.'

Mariah says 'Of course, Aes Sedai.'

Penzei smiles happily.

Penzei says 'Sounds like a great idea!'

Chloro says 'Now I believe the hour is late and we have novices that will need tending to in the morning. I will conclude this discussion and look forward to what projects you may complete together.'

Penzei clambers to her feet.

Penzei says 'Ofcourse Chloro Sedai!'

Chloro gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Penzei says 'Thank you for your time and wisdom'

Mariah rises from her chair in a single movement.

Penzei curtseys gracefully.

Mariah says 'Thank you again, Aes Sedai.'

Mariah curtseys before you.

Chloro says 'Light illumine you, Girls.'

Penzei says 'You as well!'

Mariah leaves east. >>

Penzei leaves east. >>

Log session ending at 23:43:37 on Wednesday, 27 July 2022.

Posts: 246
Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:18 pm

Re: The Power of Allies

Post by Catisune » Fri Jul 29, 2022 2:09 pm

Awarded all rpqps. See any silver-haired Aes Sedai to receive them.

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