Tea Breaks Within Gray Halls

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Tea Breaks Within Gray Halls

Post by Chloro » Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:44 pm

A brief meeting between Chloro Sedai and Accepted Isolet. We discuss her studies, impart a new skill, and learn the importance of a cup of tea.

Participants: Chloro, Isolet

View From Chloro

No merits awarded during the session, feel free to award as you see fit.

Log session starting at 19:37:55 on Wednesday, 6 July 2022.
Meeting Room of the Gray Ajah
Large, leaded glass windows surround the room on all sides, save the
southern where a large doorway leads out into a antechamber. The room
itself is dominated by a large wooden table around which sits at least
fifty matching chairs, something close to a record for the White Tower. In
the middle of the table are an assortment of unused parchments, quill pens
and stoppered ink jars. A small stand off to one side of the room holds a
large number of glass cups and a large pitcher of chilled water. An
inscription in fine lettering is etched upon the windows.
[ obvious exits: E ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door east: door
A chair made of red oak rests next to the table. [4]
A large round table built from black oak dominates the center of the room.
A silver-haired Aes Sedai sits here, reading.
A Gray Sister walks here, considering her options.
Annoura Larisen is here, weighing your words.

Chloro says 'Annoura Summon Isolet please.'

Annoura Larisen says 'I will send my scribe to summon her, Chloro.'

Chloro says 'Thank you Sister.'

Someone knocks on the carveddoor from the other side.

Chloro gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Isolet has arrived from the east.

Isolet curtseys gracefully.

Isolet closes the carveddoor.

Chloro says 'Good evening Accepted.'

Isolet smiles happily.

Isolet says 'Evening, Aes Sedai'

Chloro gestures at the doors with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Chloro smiles warmly at the girl "I believe the last time I saw you, we were defending the city from a raid."

Isolet smiles happily.

Isolet says 'We prevailed!'

Chloro motions to the chairs placed about taking her own high-backed chair in the process. "Please
have a seat."

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet sits down on a stout oaken chair.

Isolet says 'It is always a good day when we can strike back against the Shadow.'

Chloro says 'That it is, and with how quickly girls learn these days. A mighty blow we shall strike indeed.'

Isolet smiles happily.

Chloro says 'Tell me Isolet, how are your studies coming along?'

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet says 'I think they are coming along quite nicely, Aes Sedai'

Isolet says 'I am confident when fighting the shadow.'

Chloro says 'That is good to hear, have you chosen an Ajah to apprentice to? With talents like that I can think of a few that would readily meet with you.'

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet says 'I am apprenticed to the Green Ajah'

Isolet says 'I have many interests, however, and I'm always excited to learn something new.'

Chloro says 'That is very good to hear, I have seen a few of my Green sisters of late. Which claims you as their apprentice?'

Isolet says 'Relena Sedai'

Chloro says 'Then you should go far, Relena Sedai was also my mentor for a brief time while in white.'

Isolet smiles happily.

Isolet says 'Yes, she has been great to work with. I fear I have been slacking, however'

Chloro says 'We all have fast and slow times Accepted, though something I should impart, is that it takes a Tower to prepare a woman for what comes next. Do not skimp your exposure to the other Ajahs. Each has valuable lessons to teach.'

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet says 'That is in part why I was excited to speak with you'

Isolet says 'Building the bridges between nations is so important for the preparations we must make, for Tarmon Gaion.'

Isolet says 'Thankfully there have not been many wars, recently'

Chloro smiles warmly clasping her hands in her lap. "A well thought out notion, and one my Ajah stands behind. Though we are in a time of peace now, we stand at the ready should trouble arise. Not unlike the Ajah you study now."

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet says 'Though there will be no truce with the shadow.'

Isolet suddenly looks very intense.

Chloro says ‘No quarter shall be given to any one or thing that serves the shadow. As you can see the Gray and Green both do battle, just on different fronts.'

Isolet says 'Sometimes the same, like the raid you were talking about'

Isolet smiles happily.

Chloro says 'It is every womans duty who has earned the ring to defend the Tower and the city. I was happy to join the rest in that effort. '

Isolet nods vigorously.

Chloro looks to a gray porcelain tea set along the northern wall on a small table. "If you would be so, kind Accepted, please prepare us some tea."

Isolet winces.

Isolet says 'I hope it will taste alright, Aes Sedai'

Isolet clambers to her feet.

Isolet looks about, looking for tea leaves.

Chloro smiles letting out a small chuckle. "Have you made tea often?"

Isolet smiles happily.

Isolet is obviously distracted by the conversation, and mumbles an incoherent answer.

Isolet spots a container with dried leaves, and opens the lid, peering suspiciously at the contents inside.

Isolet says 'Er, no. Aes Sedai. I admit I do not make tea very often'

Chloro says 'A good cup of hot tea can be a boon to a cluttered, or day dreamy mind.'

Chloro says 'Let us make this together then.'

Isolet seems to be focusing very intently as she removes the lid from the gray teapot, and spoons an enormous amount of tea leaves into the pot.

Isolet says 'Er, yes Aes Sedai'

Chloro rises from her seat the gray shawl falling from her shoulders onto the chair as she walks calmly next to the Accepted. "Now what is needed to make tea?"

Isolet says 'Are you sure? I am fairly sure this will work out'

Isolet chuckles politely.

Chloro looks to the pot keeping her eyes calm but dramatically rolling her eyes on the inside. "Lets begin a new, shall we?" Picks up the pot dumping the tea leaves back into the canister.

Isolet looks disappointed, but brightens almost immediately.

Isolet pushes the sleeves of her banded Accepted's dress up hastily, ready to help.

Chloro looks to the table gathering a tea ball (size of a golf ball)."This will help you steep the tea. "Carefully she unhinges the latch as the two sides fall apart connected by a metal hinge." The tea leaves go in here."

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet says 'Yesyesyes, I seee'

Chloro hands the open tea ball to Isolet. "Fill it please."

Isolet carefully gathers tea from the container, putting the loose leaves carefully into the empty ball, filling it slowly.

Isolet continues filling the tea egg, until it looks quite full.

Isolet nods to herself, and smiles brightly.

Chloro pulls a small box from in back of the tea set before removing the lid showing it too the Accepted, faint blue powder inside. "This is my secret weapon for the mind."

Isolet studies the blue powder intently.

Isolet says 'Is it very special tea, Chloro Sedai?'

Chloro takes a pinch of the blue power between her thumb and middle finger slowly grinding it as she sprinkles it on the ball. "Not especially though it can help soothe soul in my opinion. You can close the ball now." She puts the lid back on the box before placing it back in its spot.

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet closes the tea egg, inspecting it carefully to make sure it is closed completely.

Chloro says 'Now you may add that to the pot and we shall add the water.'

Chloro points to a white pitcher.

Isolet places the tea egg carefully in the gray teapot, and grabs the pitcher of water.

Chloro nods to the Accepted allowing her to continue

Isolet pours very carefully, filling the tea pot until it has filled completely. A tiny trickle of overflowing water flows down the side of the teapot, onto the table.

Chloro smiles and chuckles warmly. "Some things take practice. Have you heated tea with Saidar before?"

Isolet says 'I am familiar with the flows necessary to roast trollocs and myrddraal'

Isolet says 'I am sure I can manage!'

Chloro holds a hand up pausing the Accepted.

Chloro says 'Those strong flows will not be needed. Embrace and weave as I do.'

Isolet looks disappointed, but brightens again almost immediately.

You sense Isolet connecting to the True Source.

Chloro embraces saidar letting a small bit into her as she weaves thread thin flows of fire in the shape of a spoon.

Isolet channels a thin flow of fire, mimicking the Aes Sedai.

Chloro says 'When you do this next part you will do it in the tea pot. I will guide you.'

Isolet nods vigorously.

Chloro slowly lowers the spoon with her flows beside the tea pot and begins to spin it clockwise slowly. "You stop when the first steam beings to rise."

Isolet directs her flows of fire into the teapot, stirring the water gently.

Isolet breathes loudly through her mouth, focusing on the task at hand.

Chloro says 'Easy dear guide saidar do not attempt to force it. Gentle, smooth, like a stream.'

Isolet sighs loudly, and relaxes visibly.

Chloro releases the one power focusing on the Accepted and her weaving.

Isolet stirs the water gently

Chloro says 'Remember you stop at the first steam'

Isolet watches the pot vigilantly.

Isolet notices a small wisp of steam, and releases her weave suddenly.

Isolet smiles happily.

Chloro says 'Very good. Now we steep the tea.'

Isolet rolls her right sleeve up once again, picking up the ball of tea, and placing it carefully in the pot.

Chloro places the lid on the pot then picks up a gray crocheted cozy and places it over the pot. "Please bring this back to the chairs and be careful as it is hot."

Isolet uses the cloth to hold the handle carefully, and brings the pot back towards the chairs.

Chloro opens a draw below the table pulling out two blue ceramic mugs not wanting to deal with the smaller cups on the table. Following the Accepted she places the mugs next to the pot and retakes her chair motioning for the Accepted to the same. "While it steeps, please tell me of your most recent lessons from any Ajah."

Isolet sits down on a stout oaken chair.

Isolet ponders life, the universe, and everything.

Isolet says 'The most recent class I attended was Accepted Ruby's class, sponsored by the Red Ajah'

Isolet says 'We spoke about how to choose targets in a fight.'

Chloro nods listening intently her gray eyes weighing and measuring the girl. "Tell me Isolet, what did you learn most from that lesson?"

Isolet says 'Surprisingly she talked about the importance of giving the enemy the impression that they have a chance at victory'

Isolet says 'I had never thought of that before'

Isolet says 'But it's true that if you allow the enemy to think you are vulnerable, they will be more likely to overcommit and leave themselves vulnerable to a counterattack'

Isolet says 'I suppose that is a big of philosophy I had not considered!'

Chloro nods chuckling at the notion. "A tactic often used by politicians as well. Letting your opponent feel they have won often makes them show their weaknesses."

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet says 'I can see that'

Chloro says 'How would you implement that in battle against a Fade? A deadly opponent already.'

Isolet thinks hard.

Isolet says 'Against a fade, I feel I would likely have to fight with everything I have'

Isolet says 'It might be different if we are fighting a fade who is alone, and it were me and some Lancers for example'

Isolet says 'Something I have done in the past, has been to land a key bash unexpectedly.'

Chloro says 'It is good you know that difference. '

Isolet says 'And then weave on them when they are momentarily stunned.'

Chloro says 'A popular technique, now what if you were facing another woman who could channel? How would you implement the method then?'

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet says 'I have won spars with others in the tower with that method'

Isolet says 'Usually they will leave if they see you are slightly faster at weaving than they are, but I have at times taken a weave or two to try to land a bash'

Isolet grins evilly.

Chloro looks to the pot, enough time passed. Carefully she leans forward pulling the cozy off and draping it over the arm of her chair. "An idea for a class then, the different situations it can be used for."

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet says 'That would be interesting to think about'

Chloro says 'Have you poured tea before?'

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet clambers to her feet.

Chloro says 'Please then pour it into the mugs but leave a quarter of an inch without tea, it will help keep in the heat.'

Isolet takes the handle of the tea pot cautiously, and slowly fills both ceramic mugs, leaving the top quarter inch of the mug unfilled, as requested.

Isolet sets the teapot aside, cautiously.

Chloro takes up her mug holding in in her hands letting the warmth of the tea seep into her fingers. "If brewed correctly it is mildly sweet and can warm the bones of any weary person."

Isolet sniffs at the tea.

Isolet smiles happily.

Chloro takes a slow sip of her the tasting the hint of summer berry from the crushed powder. "Please do try some. Mistress Laras told me of this technique."

Isolet takes a small sip, before smiling happily.

Isolet says 'This is quite nice!'

Chloro says 'I must give you some powder for Relena Sedai before you leave then. I believe Aloisa Sedai prefers her tea bitter and dark though.'

Isolet chuckles politely.

Isolet says 'Yes I would like that.'

Chloro looks at her mug then to the Accepted. "When thrown into the heat of battle as much as a Green apprentice is, you must remember to take moments like this to balance yourself. Too much of anything can give ill effects, including battle."

Isolet nods vigorously.

Isolet says 'That is true'

Chloro enjoys another sip as she looks the Accepted over. "Perhaps we shall see each other on the field soon enough. For now, though I believe I have taken enough time for your studies. Was there anything further you would like to discuss?"

Isolet shakes her head.

Isolet says 'I only meant to say a quick hello. I am glad we were able to share a cup of tea'

Chloro says 'Now you have a new skill to show to your mentor.'

Isolet chuckles politely.

Isolet says 'Yes, indeed.'

Isolet says 'It will be nice to have a cup of tea sometimes while studying.'

Chloro stands smoothly moving to her desk pulling a small woolen pouch from it before walking back and handing it to the Accepted. "A bit of blue berry powder for when times are tough and respite is needed."

Isolet tucks the pouch carefully into a pocket in her dress.

Isolet says 'Thank you, Aes Sedai'

Chloro says 'You are most welcome Accepted. For now, I will let you go and enjoy the rest of your tea.Please return the mug to the kitchens when you are finished. A walk around the grounds may do you good.'

Chloro gestures with her hand.

The door smoothly swings open.

Isolet smiles happily.

Isolet curtseys gracefully.

Chloro says 'Light Illumine you on your Journey Accepted, I expect great things to come.'

Isolet says 'Thank you, Aes Sedai'

Isolet leaves east. >>

The carveddoor closes quietly.

Chloro gestures at the doors with her hand.

The door silently swings shut and lock with a soft *click*.

Log session ending at 20:43:16 on Wednesday, 6 July 2022.

Posts: 696
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:10 pm
Location: Kalamazoo, MI

Re: Tea Breaks Within Gray Halls

Post by Sarinda » Fri Jul 08, 2022 12:37 am

Rplizer +1 qps : Y
Extra meticulous edit +1 qps : N
Length bonus +1-2 qps : N

Summary: +1 qps : Y

Total: 3 RP QPs to Chloro, 2 RP QPs to Isolet. You can say 'receive' at any silver-haired Aes Sedai to receive these. Please notify me if you are not able to receive them.

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