Among Charred Mounds

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Among Charred Mounds

Post by Chloro » Sat Jun 04, 2022 8:53 pm

Novice Cera while awaiting the arches requested a lesson in the slice weave. I was happy to oblige and break a newer Accepted into the art of tutoring. Please enjoy!

Main Characters: Cera, Kimber

Moderator/View Point: Chloro

Log session starting at 11:03:26 on Monday, 30 May 2022.

We gathered in the warder practice yard and traveled from there drinking tea before the lesson.

------ Gypsy Traveling Music (tinker chatter)---------

Among Charred Mounds
Broken mounds of charcoal lie scattered and shattered across the lush grass
that coats the forest floor. Three charred circles in the grass are
spattered with tiny blue flowers, new life pushing through the scorched
earth. Looming elms stretch their limbs to the sky, their broad boughs
soaring overhead. Tangled briars enmesh the trunks, preventing passage.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: Northeast Shores of Tar Valon
Cera Merimon, Wearied Novice is standing here, riding a shaggy brown mare.
Kimber the Journey Accepted is standing here, riding a gray palfrey.
A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.

Chloro draws the reins up on her horse within the charred mounds. She puts a hand up for the girls to pause as she continues a good 10 yards forward before stopping and turning to face the girls. "Kimber this will be your introduction to tutoring. Cera has asked for a lesson in the slice weave. We will be sparring (emote only). Weaves of air and water are allowed. "Spreads her hands to the left and right." Seven yards apart now and prepare yourselves for battle."

Cera moves towards the trees.

Kimber backs up a few paces

Chloro says 'Dismount and allow your horses to rest.'

Kimber stops riding a gray palfrey.

Cera stops riding a shaggy brown mare.

Kimber pats a gray horse on the head

Chloro pats her horses neck, Coulin had assured her this horse was trained to not be skittish in saidar battle.

Cera ties her shaggy brown mare off to the side by a tree.

Kimber watches her horse graze on a few blades of grass

Chloro looks to the tower girls. "You may both embrace, Kimber per the notes I have provided please demonstrate the weave first before starting the sparring practice."

You sense Kimber connecting to the True Source.

Chloro takes on a face of an Aes Sedai, calm observing the girls. With grace she reaches out embracing saidar readying a complex weave of spirit to shield either girl should it be needed.

[embrace ]
You feel the flows of saidar coursing through your body.

Kimber tells you 'ok this may not work the log is to big for a quick read'

Kimber takes a deep breath

You sense Kimber connecting to the True Source.

Kimber places her hands close together

Kimber weaves a ball of spirit in each hand and then joins them in to one larger ball

Kimber throws a ball of spirit at cera

Emote watches as kimber weaves noting her ease with spirit.

Cera quickly weaves ribbons of Fire and Spirit which slashes Kimber's weaves apart.

Chloro keeps her face calm but internally arches an eyebrow at cera's weaving speed. "Now reverse, Cera weave against, and Kimber defend."

Cera weaves threads of Water and Air into spikes of ice and flings them at Kimber.

Kimber shoots both hands high in the air and a tendril of spirit slices cera's weave in to fragments

Kimber says 'nice my turn!'

Chloro dismounts from her horse allowing the weave of spirit to dissolve. "Now lets see how you fare against a stronger opponent."

Cera steps back from the clearing, leaning against a tree to watch

Chloro steps 1 yard in front of her horse regarding the girls, with quick speed a buffet of air snaps into place launching at Cera strong enough to knock her back, A head sized ball of fire forms launching at Kimber with a flame trail forming.

Kimber spreads her feet a little wider

Kimber throws up a shield of water blocking the fire from her body

Kimber holds both hands above her head forming a huge ball of water that she hurtles at Chloro

Chloro watches Kimber defend as she then focuses on Cera another buffet ready a second weave also forming. She augments her weave added earth as a strong wind launches across the field knock the ball of water off course into the chard mounds. A hand going up to motion a Pause to kimber as she waits on Cera's weave.

Cera stumbles forward, dazed by the earlier weave and struggles to form a coherent weave.

Cera shakes her head and begins weaving Fire into a ball of fire.

Cera launches the fireball at Chloro.

Chloro maintains her stance suppressing the urge to help the girl. This is one of many hard lessons she will learn.

Chloro weaves thread thin flows of fire taking hold of the fire ball. Moving her arms as an aid to the girls in a half circle she arcs the flow of the ball directly toward Kimber with a bellow following. "Both of you are to pause after this weave is delt with."

Kimber weaves and a long pillar of air and swings in to the fire ball sending it skyward with aloud crash

Kimber watches the fireball evaporate in to the sky

Chloro moves towards the girls "Please release saidar we will discuss this training session."

Cera takes a few deep breaths, visibly exhausted, as she releases saidar.

[release ]

Kimber swipes a few grains of dirt from her sleeve

Chloro reaches the girls and motions them to the half way point and to sit. "You both demonstrated a knowledge of Saidar."

Kimber walks over and sits upon the ground

Cera plops down on the soft grass in an extremely unbecoming fashion.

Chloro gracefully drops to her knees sitting back, her bottom resting on the heels of her feet. "Let us discuss your thoughts on this, Kimber in an effort to allow Cera to catch her weaving breath, I will ask you to go first."

Kimber says 'The first thing i noticed is slicing weaves is hard'

Kimber says 'and the shorter and faster the weave the harder it is'

Kimber says 'I wasnt able to slice one of yours but threw up the water shield last second'

Kimber says 'actually I had to deflect two of the weaves instead of slicing now that i ponder on it'

Chloro nods to the girls. "This is a hard lesson to learn. Some of the shadow can channel. The Red and Green sisters are masters at this form of battle, I believe you both now have a new appreciation for those Ajahs."

Kimber nods in agreement.

Kimber says 'I cant even imagine how hard it is to slice a mans weaves that I cant see'

Chloro looks to Cera. "When you are ready please give your view of the lesson."

Cera says 'What I noticed is that strength in the One Power matters. It was clearly hard to counteract those by you, Accepted Chloro. '

Cera says 'And as Accepted Kimber said, I cannot begin to imagine how would one begin to fight a male who can channel'

Cera says 'Especially if we cannot see the weaves, only its effects'

Chloro takes in Cera's words thinking over how to approach the subject. Even some full sisters did not like talking about differing strengths. "Your strength will change as you grow and learn. Each woman is born with a certain about of ability in saidar. While I may be stronger then quite a few,
there are a few Full sisters fare stronger then I. The Amyrlin, Moriane Sedai, Sarinda Sedai, are only a few of the many Stronger than I. Even I have not reached my full potential yet."

Cera says 'Strength shows in many ways'

Cera says 'Some are dexterous'

Cera chuckles politely.

Chloro says 'Fighting men who can channel would be defending as you did against me blocking their weaves. Yet not all who turn to the shadow, or Dragonsworn are men, Woman are also among their number which is why you must learn both.'

Cera says 'And indeed we all have not reached the full potential'

Kimber nods in agreement.

Kimber says 'and the Seanchan use women who can channel as well'

Cera frowns.

Chloro says 'Sadly yes the Seanchan also use women though not with their permission.'

Kimber says 'I know very little of them except that they do exist'

Chloro looks to both putting a hand on Cera's shoulder for comfort. "These lessons are hard, yet there are lessons far harder still you will be forced to learn before reaching Tower Accepted. As I stated in class. Each of us will be broken and remade stronger many times during this process."

Kimber writes in a small book need to increase knowledge of the seanchan

Kimber nods in agreement.

Kimber looks at a scar that doesn't exist on her right arm

Chloro looks at the sun and how far it has made it past its zenith." Sadly our time for this lesson has expired. I will allow you both to make your way to the tower to contemplate what has been taught today. See Mistress Laras for food and drink when you return. You must keep your strength up after such vigorous channeling. Kimber come and see me once you have refreshed. We must talk a bit."

Kimber nods in agreement.

Cera nods in agreement.

Kimber says 'Thank you for your time today'

Cera says 'Thank you for the lesson, Accepted'

Chloro says 'Any time Ladies.'

Cera curtseys before you.

Chloro stands brushing a blade of grass from her skirts watching the girls depart.

Kimber says 'Working and training together builds comradely and we shall need it in the days to

Cera leaves south. vv

Kimber starts riding a gray palfrey.

Log session ending at 11:49:44 on Monday, 30 May 2022.

Posts: 968
Joined: Tue May 30, 2017 8:24 pm

Re: Among Charred Mounds

Post by Aloisa » Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:48 pm

Chloro received 3 rpqps, Kimber and Cera 1 rpqps. Say receive at a silver-haired Aes Sedai

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