Slicing and Dicing

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Slicing and Dicing

Post by Chloro » Sun May 29, 2022 5:58 pm

A tutoring session from Accepted Chloro on the slice weave and defense against weaves.

Participants: Chloro, Aelrena

View of: Chloro

Log session starting at 21:23:37 on Saturday, 28 May 2022.
The Warders' Practice Yard
A large expanse of bare ground at least fifty paces across and nearly twice
as long stretches forth, its earth beaten hard. At intervals around it
under the trees stand wooden stands holding quarterstaffs and practice
swords made of strips of wood bound loosely together, and a few real swords
and axes and spears. A large gray stone building lies to the east, home to
the warder students and those warders who are not sharing quarters with
their Aes Sedai in the main Tower structure itself.

A sign hangs on the wall.
[ obvious exits: N E S W ]
Zone: White Tower Ground Floor
Door east: officedoor
An iron lantern hangs from the wall above the gate.
A weapon rack stands on the ground here, ready to store weapons.
Some elaborate figurines spew fresh water into a broad basin here.
Aelrena Solyan, the Wearied Novice. is standing here.
Coulin the Master of Arms is here teaching his students.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A grim storyteller reads from a journal.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A warder's student stands here catching his breath.
A gray haired weaponsmaster stands nearby.

Chloro looks about the practice yard, no current non tower members present."You asked for a lesson, since you seek to go through the arches, it is time you learn some of the destructive side of saidar."

Aelrena's features change to portray trepidation, before she tries to hide it behind a smile which doesn't quite touch her eyes. "A serious thing, though one that I think I might find useful in the future."

Aelrena nods at you.

Aelrena nervously tucks a hair that's fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear, watching you

Chloro for once does not smooth her skirts but straightens her back walking 6 yards away from the novice turning to face the girl. "Tell me novice what offensive weaves have you learned?"

Aelrena says 'I have learned Ice spikes, and Blind, Accepted.'

Aelrena frowns, her eyes on the Accepted across from her as she tries to gauge her reaction.

Chloro nods listening to the girl. "None of fire? and what of spirit? Have you learned to slice an offensive weave launched at you?"

Aelrena shakes her head, "No, Accepted. I have little talent for fire, and nobody has shown me how to slice an offensive weave." The Novice then shifts from one leg to the other, her hands clasped at her waist.

Chloro looks at the girl taking on Aes Sedai calm, her gray eyes weighing and measuring the novice. "For today we will stick to weaves of air and spirit. You may embrace and channel. Send a mote of air against me, I give you permission.'

Aelrena nods at you.

Chloro embraces saidar at the ready.

You feel the flows of saidar coursing through your body.

Aelrena takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes for the briefest of moments as she embraces the true source.

Aelrena quickly weaves together several threads of air into a compact ball, before tossing it at the Accepted

Chloro waits for a moment allowing the novice to watch, channeling saidar she lashes out with two flows of spirit towards the knot of the weave. With a swift slashing motion to the right with her left arm the flows of spirit slice through the knot dissipating the ball of air before it reaches
her. "Do you think you can repeat this?"

Aelrena flinches as the flows are severed and they rush back into her. "I.. believe so Accepted. Though, I will admit that was not an entirely pleasant feeling. I can't imagine what a larger weave would have felt like being sliced like that." She then plants her feet further apart and takes a deep breath before nodding. "Yes. I can Accepted."

Chloro nods her face unreadable as she allows the novice a moment. Without warning a simple flow of air snaps together sending a buffet of air towards to the novice strong enough to knock the girl back but not harm. "Your turn."

Aelrena flinches at the speed at which the woman weaves the burst of air to her before weaving together spirit toward the knot of air, her arm moving in a similar manner to how she saw Chloro move before. Her movements however, come a fraction of a second too late as the buffet of air pushes her back several feet, her face a grimace of frustration.

Aelrena's grimace transforms into a half growl as she says "One more time. I have this. I will be ready this time."

Chloro pushes down the urge to go and aid the novice, she had learned this lesson once the same way. "On your feet novice, the shadow will not allow you a break and neither will the weight of the tower. Prepare yourself."

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena's tone is determind as she replants her feet "I'm ready."

Chloro proceeds the same weave faster than the first, she was not as fast as Sheriam Sedai, but she was close. This time a second buffet at the ready should the novice succeed. "Come now prove your battle training!"

Aelrena's weave quickly slap into place this time, the flows of spirit snaking out toward the knot of air almost as soon as it's formed, quickly slicing the weave apart.

Chloro launches the second buffet as soon as the first is cut.

Aelrena's follow up to the next buffet of air is a fraction of a second slower, but more weaves of spirit snake out, slicing this one apart as well, a smile of satisfaction and a giggle escaping her as she succeeds.

Chloro nods approvingly, "So your lessons have not been wasted after all. Show me your defense." Channeling she looks to the fountain, a thin jet stream of water rising up and launching it's self at the novice.

Chloro ready's a buffet of air as the water weave continues towards the novice.

Aelrena lets out a shakey breath and another giggle, adrenaline clearly pumping as she closely watches the Accepted. Watching the weaves of water, the Novice slams together a wall of air between herself and the attack of the other woman, the wall itself shaped as a wedge to make the water slough off to either side of her.

Chloro launches the buffet as she sees the novice weaving.

Aelrena frowns.

Aelrena puts together another weave of spirit, this one much sloppier and hasty than those before it as she sends it once again toward the knot of air. The spirit slices through the weave just as it reaches Aelrena, causing her dress to flutter and hairs to fly free from her ponytail as the
remnants of the weave hit her.

Chloro looks to the novice a complex weave of spirit forming and launching at the novice to cut the novice off from saidar"

Aelrena frowns.

Aelrena sees the weave of spirit and attempts to slice it apart with her own weave of spirit, haphazardly formed. She then weaves together another wedged shaped wall of air before pushing it directly at the Accepted across from her, clearly an attempt at distracting the other channeler. Meanwhile, her attempt to sever the shield fails, and she desperately pushes back with her own weave of spirit.

Chloro slices through the novices weave of air with ease her shield snapping in place around the novice cutting them off from saidar and dousing their weave of spirit." I will not have you pulling in more than is safe for you. When I release the shield you are not to embrace. Is this understood?"

Aelrena nods at you.

Aelrena says 'Yes Accepted.'

Aelrena's expression is meek, but her eyes shine with a fiery intenseness as she murmurs "I wasn't close to pulling too much" beneath her breath.

Chloro carefully unravels the shield around the novice her face taking on a warm approving smile. "You have done well for your first time. However you where close to over using the power. Those at my rank and higher can sense these things and the last thing we would want is for you to burn the ability from you. Let us discuss what we have learned."

[release ]

Chloro walks gracefully in the afternoon sun towards the fountain sitting on the edge and motioning for the novice to join her.

Aelrena lets out a deep breath, "I understand, Accepted." She then strides across the yard, sitting beside Chloro on the edge of the fountain.

Chloro dips her hand in the cool water. "Each of us that can channel is a water wheel. Some can handle more water than others. Knowing the limit of how much is the hardest lesson you learn here."

Aelrena nods along quietly. "I've heard it said in my lessons, Accepted. I've also heard that the amount a woman can channel changes as she trains, until she reaches her potential."

Aelrena nods at you.

Chloro looks to Aelrena taking her in. "That is true as you train your ability grows. Even I have not reached my full potential yet. Though I do not think I am far from it. You did well defending yourself. That is another hard lesson to learn. Some of the shadow you will face in your life can
also channel."

Aelrena sighs quietly, the barest breath escaping her lips as she looks toward Chloro. Her tone is quiet, and an unknown emotion twinkles in her eyes as she gazes at the Accepted. "I've not had to fight with the power like that before... I've not had to fight much before at all. It was both
exhilarating, and terrifying." She then looks down to her hands clasped in her lap.

Aelrena looks at you.

Chloro places a hand on the novice's shoulder. "As you seek the ring, You will have been told the road forward only gets harder. The lessons deeper, the knowledge of saidar more vast, your ties to the outside world fade. Tell me Aelrena, what does being Accepted mean to you?"

Aelrena says 'Accepted... may I be vulnerable for a moment?" Aelrena's demeanor changes, like a dam has broken and tears fall from her eyes, streaking paths quickly down her cheeks as she gazes up at the taller woman.'

Chloro looks to the girl throwing an arm around her shoulder, locks of red spilling over hers. "Of course dear, now is the time to be emotional, to understand and learn from them."

Aelrena takes a deep breath and leans into the side of the Accepted. "The idea of hurting people scares me. The idea of having no other option but to reach out, and cause harm. It fills me with terror." Her breath hitches momentarily, and she looks up into the Accepted's eyes. "I think of it,
and all I can imagine is my little brother's face."

Chloro comforts the novice and rubbs her back. "There comes a time when no option is left, however this time you are the one making that decision, with careful thought. This is why the third oath is written so. Every woman who has earned the ring has been trained how to defend herself and fight with Saidar."

Aelrena's tone is quiet "I can't help but think that one day he could be faced with the same thing. Or any of my other siblings, really. That one day they might be on the other side of a person harming them." Aelrena shakes her head gently. "I know. The Three Oaths stand to protect people from Aes Sedai, from the one power. Except against Shadowspawn and the last defense of one's life, another Sister or her warder.

Chloro says 'choices are made in life Aelrena, if one chooses the shadow you cannot be to blame for it. Serving the tower is to defend those who cannot defend themselves against the shadow. Even if the shadow turns out to be your own family. In time you will learn to distance yourself from the life you once had.'

Aelrena shakes her head gently. "It's okay." Her breath lets out in shakes as Chloro rubs her hand down the Novice's back. "I just think about the fact that no darkfriend has turned so far toward shadow that he cannot again find the light, as they say." She then looks back down to her hands.

Aelrena says 'I believe I understand. I'm to be a bulwark. A wall between the shadow and those who live in the light." Aelrena then looks back to the Accepted, a new glint in her eyes. "Thank you for the lesson today. It showed me that I have much to learn still."'

Chloro looks to the novice. "Only the creator can be the judge of that, it is not left for us to decide. However I think this is enough of a lesson today. If you seek more knowledge on the slicing weaves or shielding weaves I encourage you to speak to the Red Ajah."

Aelrena nods at you.

Chloro says 'The learning never ends Aelrena, every Aes Sedai with gray in their hair will tell you that. '

Aelrena says 'I understand Accepted.'

Aelrena says 'I believe that I will talk to Sarinda Sedai about such, I believe it would be helpful.'

Aelrena nods at you.

Chloro stands smoothing her skirts. "Now off to the kitchens with you, I find that working with ones hands helps to process emotion. Make sure to grab a honey cake from the tray, they should be fresh at this time. You need to keep up your strength. Channeling at your level can be quite taxing."

Aelrena smiles happily.

Aelrena nods in agreement.

Aelrena says "Thank you Accepted. I'll be sure to do so." Aelrena then darts in for a quick hug from the woman before dashing off and out of the courtyard.

Aelrena leaves south.

Log session ending at 22:32:56 on Saturday, 28 May 2022.

Posts: 968
Joined: Tue May 30, 2017 8:24 pm

Re: Slicing and Dicing

Post by Aloisa » Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:44 pm

3 rpqps Chloro, 2 rpqps Aelrena. Say receive at a silver-haired Aes Sedai

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