Tutoring in Areas of Gray..

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Tutoring in Areas of Gray..

Post by Chloro » Thu May 26, 2022 11:35 pm

A tutoring session in the Gray Ajah apartments from Tower Accepted Chloro to Novice Cera.

View of: Chloro

Participants: Chloro, Cera, Yukiri Sedai(The sand must flow!)

Log session starting at 22:01:58 on Thursday, 26 May 2022.

A Comfortable Apartment
Large lead glass windows sit in the western wall of this moderately sized
room, flooding the room with the atmosphere from outside. A large fireplace
in the eastern wall provides ample heat to offset the cold which sometimes
seeps in from the outside. An elegantly carved desk sits centered in the
room, its top holding a number of parchments as well as a small cup holding
a number of quill pens. Two matched chairs sit before the desk ready to
accept visitors to these chambers.
[ obvious exits: S ]
Zone: White Tower Upper Floors
Door south: woodendoor
Cera Merimon, Wearied Novice is standing here.
Yukiri, Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah stands here.

Chloro says 'Good evening Cera, Yukiri Sedai tells me you have some general questions on history and politics?'

Cera curtseys before Yukiri Sedai.

Cera says 'Good evening, Accepted.'

Cera says 'Yes indeed.'

Cera says 'I would like to learn more about the history of the world as we know it.'

Chloro takes a seat on a stiff backed chair under the watchful eye of the Aes Sedai motioning for Cera to do the same. "I am more than happy to help with this subject."

Cera takes a seat and folds her hands over her lap.

Chloro clasps her hands calmly in her lap, a warm smile upon her face. "Perhaps we should narrow that down or we will be here for the next few hundred years. What specifically are you interested in? I hear you have petitioned to become Accepted?"

Cera thinks hard.

Cera says 'I am intrigued by the period just after the Breaking. Where the Tower along with its allies and the various nations had to pull together the pieces.'

Chloro nods looking about the room a the items of history collected. "Even those archives are a bit sparse due to the pace of events. However since you seek to bind yourself to the tower, lets focus on it."

Chloro says 'The White tower was built to house the order of Aes Sedai surviving after the breaking. A place to unite strength in numbers and record what knowledge remained before it was lost to the pattern.

Cera nods in agreement.

Chloro says 'As we are in the Gray wing, can you tell me what role the Gray Ajah plays in the history of the White tower?'

Cera says 'The Grays have been diplomats and legal scholars of the White Tower.'

Cera says 'Gray sisters have helped to mediate between countless nations and bringing wars and conflicts to a close in more recent centuries.'

Cera says 'Specifically to the administration of the Tower, I cannot recall if it is the Gray Ajah who manages the justice system for us today.

Cera looks apologetic.

Yukiri Sedai sands a piece of parchment.

Chloro nods in approval. "The Gray Ajah seeks to unit the continent through each countries own politics, and dispense clear ethical judgments based on the laws of individual lands."

Chloro says 'All Ajahs dispense the White Towers justice. The Gray Ajah however is often called to sit in the judges seat of towns, villages, and cities to make fair judgments in cases with a level and clear head. While the Blue may dispense the justice after, the Gray would give the verdict.

Cera nods in agreement.

Cera says 'Thank you for clarifying.'

Chloro says 'What role do you think the Gray Ajah would play inside the Tower?'

Cera strokes her chin thoughtfully.

Cera says 'I would think the Gray Ajah would serve more as an impartial moderator in Hall discussions or matters that involve several Ajahs'

Chloro says 'That I fear would be the business of the hall. However being master politicians it would not be unwise to think they might keep tabs on current power shifts within the tower, which Ajahs aligned with who and which Ajahs may be slightly abrasive to one another.

Cera says 'To what end though, Accepted?'

Cera chuckles politely.

Chloro says 'To unify them, or if needed to notify the hall of a schism within the tower before it ran to far. While the Blue Ajah seeks to keep the tower safe from external threats, the Gray Ajah does the same internally. '

Cera says 'Hmmm..'

Chloro says 'If I may.'

Cera says 'Yes, Accepted.'

Chloro says 'Saidar is simple, clean, and neither good nor evil, it simply is. It is the woman channeling it who decides the intent and outcome. The very same is said of politics. It is the politician that is either corrupt or not. You see it often enough with male channelers these days. The same can be said of those who cannot channel. Each must be policed for the good of the many. '

Cera nods in agreement.

Chloro says 'What questions do you have for me on this subject?'

Cera says 'The complexities of politics evade me'

Cera smiles happily.

Cera says 'This is an area that I have much learning to do'

Chloro chuckles giving a small nod. "No politician was created over night. In a decade or two like most who seek the shawl you will learn far more on this subject. For now, watch you fellow novices and accepted. They play the great game daily without knowing it. It can often aid you in your goals. Body language, tone, passions. All these things help one measure and weigh a person."

Cera chuckles politely.

Cera says 'I am glad to get your guidance on this, Accepted. I understand that you are seeking the Gray.'

Chloro nods gesturing to to the Gray shawl hanging on a hook near the door. "It is my goal to one day don such, but until then. I watch, listen, and pull the threads I can to aid that goal. You would be wise if not to pull threads to watch and listen. You will learn things others do not."

Cera nods in agreement.

Cera says 'Be aware but not necessarily being involved.'

Chloro say 'I believe we have time for one more question. '

Cera says 'Much like a kingfisher watching the pond.'

Cera smiles happily.

Chloro smiles approvingly. "A very good demonstration indeed."

Cera shakes her head and says 'No further questions for me, Accepted'.

Chloro say 'Then I leave you with a task. '

Chloro says 'Seek out a member of the Gray Ajah by finding them in the halls, or my leaving a letter on the desk (forum mail). You might find, you share a bit in common with them.'

Cera nods in agreement.

Cera says 'I will do so, Accepted.'

Chloro says 'Then we had both best be on our way. I must attend the Amyrlin tonight and you have much thinking to do!'

Cera curtseys before you.

Cera says 'Thank you for the class, Accepted'

Chloro stands smoothing her skirts. "Thank you for auditing this tutoring session Yukiri Sedai. Novice I think its time we leave the Grays to their work, or we will be scrubbing pots till the sun hits the practice yard."

Chloro motions the novice towards the door.

Chloro deeply curtseys to the Aes Sedai near.

Cera opens the woodendoor.

Cera leaves south. vv

Log session ending at 22:42:43 on Thursday, 26 May 2022.

Posts: 968
Joined: Tue May 30, 2017 8:24 pm

Re: Tutoring in Areas of Gray..

Post by Aloisa » Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:43 pm

3 rpqps Chloro, 2 rpqps Cera. Say receive at silver-haired Aes Sedai

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